forked from 0ad/0ad

debug: fix crashlog output (now platform-independent newlines; BOM written correctly)

wdbg: major improvements to exception handler. now catches and displays
C++ exceptions (no small feat). also fixed a few bugs in stack trace;
minor improvements elsewhere.

This was SVN commit r2346.
This commit is contained in:
janwas 2005-05-24 07:11:17 +00:00
parent 982e051c54
commit 7179bd893e
2 changed files with 234 additions and 122 deletions

View File

@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ static void cat_atow(FILE* out, const char* in_filename)
FILE* in = fopen(in_filename, "rb");
fwprintf(in, L"%s", L"(unavailable)");
fwprintf(in, L"(unavailable)");
@ -96,30 +96,29 @@ static void cat_atow(FILE* out, const char* in_filename)
int debug_write_crashlog(const wchar_t* description, const wchar_t* locus, const wchar_t* stack_trace)
const wchar_t divider[] = L"\n\n====================================\n\n";
#define WRITE_DIVIDER() fwrite(divider, sizeof(wchar_t),ARRAY_SIZE(divider), f)
#define WRITE_DIVIDER fwprintf(f, divider);
FILE* f = fopen("crashlog.txt", "w");
return -1;
const u16 BOM = 0xFEFF;
fwrite(&BOM, 2,1, f);
fputwc(0xfeff, f); // BOM
fwprintf(f, L"Unhandled exception: %s.\n", description);
fwprintf(f, L"Location: %s\n", locus);
fwprintf(f, L"Stack trace: %s\n", stack_trace);
// for user convenience, bundle all logs into this file:
fwprintf(f, L"System info:\n\n");
cat_atow(f, "../logs/system_info.txt");
fwprintf(f, L"Main log:\n\n");
cat_atow(f, "../logs/mainlog.html");
fwprintf(f, L"Last known activity:\n\n %s\n", debug_log);

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
#include "posix.h"
#ifdef I18N
#include "PS/i18n.h"
#include "ps/i18n.h"
#include "wdbg.h"
@ -81,13 +81,6 @@ static WORD machine;
static int wdbg_init()
// we don't want wrap the contents of main() in a __try block
// (platform-specific), and regular C++ exceptions don't catch
// everything. therefore, install an unhandled exception filter here.
// it won't be called if the program is being debugged, so to test it,
// wrap the call to main() in win.cpp!WinMain in a __try block.
hProcess = GetCurrentProcess();
hInstance = GetModuleHandle(0);
@ -98,6 +91,10 @@ static int wdbg_init()
IMAGE_NT_HEADERS* header = ImageNtHeader((void*)mod_base);
machine = header->FileHeader.Machine;
// rationale: see definition. note: unhandled_exception_filter uses
// wdbg globals and dbghelp, so those must be initialized first.
return 0;
@ -135,6 +132,25 @@ void debug_check_heap()
// return filename of the module which contains address <addr>,
// or L"" on failure. path holds the string and must be >= MAX_PATH chars.
static wchar_t* get_module_filename(void* addr, wchar_t* path)
path[0] = '\0'; // in case either API call below fails
wchar_t* module_filename = path;
if(VirtualQuery(addr, &mbi, sizeof(mbi)))
HMODULE hModule = (HMODULE)mbi.AllocationBase;
if(GetModuleFileNameW(hModule, path, MAX_PATH))
module_filename = wcsrchr(path, '\\')+1;
// note: GetModuleFileName returns full path => a '\\' exists
return module_filename;
@ -681,7 +697,7 @@ static bool is_string_ptr(u64 addr, size_t stride = 1)
return (score > 0);
debug_printf("^ raised by is_string_ptr; ignore\n");
return false;
@ -1151,19 +1167,10 @@ static int dump_data_sym(DWORD data_idx, const u8* p, uint level)
out(L"%s = ", sym->Name);
int ret;
ret = dump_type_sym(sym->TypeIndex, p, level);
// couldn't produce any reasonable output; value = "?"
if(ret < 0)
ret = -1;
out(L"(internal error)");
int ret = dump_type_sym(sym->TypeIndex, p, level);
// couldn't produce any reasonable output; value = "?"
if(ret < 0)
return ret;
@ -1249,9 +1256,17 @@ static int dump_frame_cb(STACKFRAME64* frame, void* ctx)
return 1; // keep calling
void* func = (void*)frame->AddrPC.Offset;
// don't trace back into kernel32: we need a defined stop point,
// or walk_stack will end up returning -1; stopping here also
// reduces the risk of confusing the stack dump code below.
wchar_t path[MAX_PATH];
wchar_t* module_filename = get_module_filename(func, path);
if(!wcscmp(module_filename, L"kernel32.dll"))
return 0; // done
void* func = (void*)frame->AddrPC.Offset;
char func_name[1000]; char file[100]; int line;
if(debug_resolve_symbol(func, func_name, file, &line) == 0)
out(L"%hs (%hs:%lu)", func_name, file, line);
@ -1292,9 +1307,7 @@ static const wchar_t* dump_stack(uint skip, CONTEXT* thread_context = NULL)
// skip dump_stack and walk_stack
int err = walk_stack(dump_frame_cb, &params, thread_context);
if(err != 0)
out(L"(error while building stack trace: %d)", err);
return buf;
@ -1517,10 +1530,13 @@ int debug_assert_failed(const char* file, int line, const char* expr)
// return localized version of <text>, if i18n functionality is available.
// this is used to translate the "unhandled exception" dialog strings.
// WARNING: leaks memory returned by wcsdup, but that's ok since the
// program will terminate soon after. fixing this is hard and senseless.
static const wchar_t* translate(const wchar_t* text)
#ifdef I18N
#ifdef HAVE_I18N
// make sure i18n system is (already|still) initialized.
@ -1528,7 +1544,10 @@ static const wchar_t* translate(const wchar_t* text)
// involves script code and the JS context might be corrupted.
text = translate_raw(text);
const wchar_t* text2 = wcsdup(I18n::translate(text).c_str());
// only overwrite if wcsdup succeeded, i.e. not out of memory.
text = text2;
@ -1540,16 +1559,16 @@ static const wchar_t* translate(const wchar_t* text)
// convenience wrapper on top of translate
// convenience wrapper using translate.
static void translate_and_display_msg(const wchar_t* caption, const wchar_t* text)
wdisplay_msg(translate(caption), translate(text));
// modified from http://www.codeproject.com/debug/XCrashReportPt3.asp
// write out a "minidump" containing register and stack state; this enables
// examining the crash in a debugger. called by unhandled_exception_filter.
// heavily modified from http://www.codeproject.com/debug/XCrashReportPt3.asp
static void write_minidump(EXCEPTION_POINTERS* exception_pointers)
HANDLE hFile = CreateFile("crashlog.dmp", GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, 0, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, 0);
@ -1577,44 +1596,122 @@ fail:
// analyze exceptions; determine their type and locus
// storage for strings built by get_SEH_exception_description and get_cpp_exception_description.
static wchar_t description[128];
If the process is not being debugged, the function displays an Application Error message box,
depending on the current error mode. The default behavior is to display the dialog box,
but this can be disabled by specifying SEM_NOGPFAULTERRORBOX in a call to the SetErrorMode function.
static const wchar_t* exception_locus(const EXCEPTION_RECORD* er)
// VC++ exception handling internals.
// see http://www.codeproject.com/cpp/exceptionhandler.asp
struct XTypeInfo
static wchar_t locus[100];
swprintf(locus, 18, L"0x%p", er->ExceptionAddress);
if(VirtualQuery(er->ExceptionAddress, &mbi, sizeof(mbi)))
const std::type_info* ti;
// ..
struct XTypeInfoArray
DWORD count;
const XTypeInfo* types[1];
struct XInfo
DWORD _[3];
const XTypeInfoArray* array;
// if <er> is not a C++ exception, return 0. otherwise, return a description
// of the exception type and cause (in English). uses static storage.
static const wchar_t* get_cpp_exception_description(const EXCEPTION_RECORD* er)
const ULONG_PTR* const ei = er->ExceptionInformation;
// bail if not a C++ exception (magic numbers defined in VC exsup.inc)
if(er->ExceptionCode != 0xe06d7363 ||
er->NumberParameters != 3 ||
ei[0] != 0x19930520)
return 0;
// VC's C++ exception implementation stores the following:
// ei[0] - magic number
// ei[1] -> object that was thrown
// ei[2] -> XInfo
// note: we can't share a __try below - the failure of
// one attempt must not abort the others.
// get std::type_info
char type_buf[100] = {'\0'};
const char* type_name = type_buf;
const XInfo* xi = (XInfo*)ei[2];
const XTypeInfoArray* xta = xi->array;
const XTypeInfo* xti = xta->types[0];
const std::type_info* ti = xti->ti;
// strip "class " from start of string (clutter)
strcpy_s(type_buf, ARRAY_SIZE(type_buf), ti->name());
if(!strncmp(type_buf, "class ", 6))
type_name += 6;
wchar_t path[MAX_PATH];
HMODULE hMod = (HMODULE)mbi.AllocationBase;
if(GetModuleFileNameW(hMod, path, ARRAY_SIZE(path)))
wchar_t* filename = wcsrchr(path, '\\')+1;
// GetModuleFileName returns full path => a '\\' exists
swprintf(locus, ARRAY_SIZE(locus)-18, L" (%s)", filename);
return locus;
// std::exception.what()
char what[100] = {'\0'};
std::exception* e = (std::exception*)ei[1];
strcpy_s(what, ARRAY_SIZE(what), e->what());
// we got meaningful data; format and return it.
if(type_name[0] != '\0' || what[0] != '\0')
swprintf(description, ARRAY_SIZE(description), L"%hs(\"%hs\")", type_name, what);
return description;
// not a C++ exception; we can't say anything about it.
return 0;
static const wchar_t* SEH_code_to_string(DWORD code)
// return a description of the exception type (in English).
// uses static storage.
static const wchar_t* get_SEH_exception_description(const EXCEPTION_RECORD* er)
const DWORD code = er->ExceptionCode;
const ULONG_PTR* ei = er->ExceptionInformation;
// special case for access violations: display type and address.
const wchar_t* op = (ei[0])? L"writing" : L"reading";
const wchar_t* fmt = L"Access violation %s 0x%08X";
swprintf(description, ARRAY_SIZE(description), translate(fmt), translate(op), ei[1]);
return description;
// rationale: we don't use FormatMessage because it is unclear whether
// NTDLL's symbol table will always include English-language strings
// (we don't want crashlogs in foreign gobbledygook).
// it also adds unwanted formatting (e.g. {EXCEPTION} and trailing .).
case EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION: return L"Access violation";
// case EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION: return L"Access violation";
case EXCEPTION_DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENT: return L"Datatype misalignment";
case EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT: return L"Breakpoint";
case EXCEPTION_SINGLE_STEP: return L"Single step";
@ -1636,86 +1733,76 @@ static const wchar_t* SEH_code_to_string(DWORD code)
case EXCEPTION_INVALID_DISPOSITION: return L"Invalid disposition";
case EXCEPTION_GUARD_PAGE: return L"Guard page";
case EXCEPTION_INVALID_HANDLE: return L"Invalid handle";
default: return 0;
// anything else => unknown; display its exception code.
// we don't punt to get_exception_description because anything
// we get called for will actually be a SEH exception.
swprintf(description, ARRAY_SIZE(description), L"Unknown exception(0x%08X)", code);
return description;
static const wchar_t* exception_description(const EXCEPTION_RECORD* er)
// return a description of the exception <er> (in English).
// it is only valid until the next call, since static storage is used.
static const wchar_t* get_exception_description(const EXCEPTION_RECORD* er)
const ULONG_PTR* const ei = er->ExceptionInformation;
const wchar_t* description;
// note: more specific than SEH, so try it first.
const wchar_t* d = get_cpp_exception_description(er);
return d;
// special case for SEH access violations: display type and address.
const wchar_t* op = (ei[0] != 0)? L"writing" : L"reading";
static wchar_t buf[50];
swprintf(buf, ARRAY_SIZE(buf), L"Access violation %s 0x%08X", op, ei[1]);
return buf;
// SEH exception.
description = SEH_code_to_string(er->ExceptionCode);
return description;
// C++ exceptions put a pointer to the exception object
// into ExceptionInformation[1] -- so see if it looks like
// a PSERROR*, and use the relevant message if it is.
if (er->NumberParameters == 3)
PSERROR* err = (PSERROR*) ep->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionInformation[1];
if (err->magic == 0x45725221)
int code = err->code;
error = GetErrorString(code);
// Presumably it wasn't a PSERROR and resulted in
// accessing invalid memory locations.
return L"unknown exception";
return get_SEH_exception_description(er);
// return an indication of where the exception <er> occurred (lang. neutral).
// it is only valid until the next call, since static storage is used.
static const wchar_t* get_exception_locus(const EXCEPTION_RECORD* er)
wchar_t path[MAX_PATH];
wchar_t* module_filename = get_module_filename(er->ExceptionAddress, path);
static wchar_t locus[100];
swprintf(locus, ARRAY_SIZE(locus), L"%p(%s)", er->ExceptionAddress, module_filename);
return locus;
// called when an SEH exception was not caught by the app;
// provides detailed debugging information and exits.
// this overrides the normal OS "program error" dialog; see rationale below.
static LONG WINAPI unhandled_exception_filter(EXCEPTION_POINTERS* ep)
const EXCEPTION_RECORD* const er = ep->ExceptionRecord;
// If something crashes after we've already crashed (i.e. when shutting
// down everything), don't bother logging it, because the first crash
// is the most important one to fix.
// note: we risk infinite recursion if someone raises an SEH exception
// from within this function. therefore, abort immediately if we've
// already been called; the first error is the most important, anyway.
static bool already_crashed = false;
if (already_crashed)
already_crashed = true;
const wchar_t* description = exception_description(er);
const wchar_t* locus = exception_locus (er);
// build and display error message
const wchar_t fmt[] = L"We are sorry, the program has encountered an error and cannot continue.\r\n"
L"Please report this to http://bugs.wildfiregames.com/ and attach the crashlog.txt and crashlog.dmp files from your 'data' folder.\r\n"
L"Details: %s at %s.";
const wchar_t* locus = get_exception_locus (er);
const wchar_t* description = get_exception_description(er);
static const wchar_t fmt[] =
L"Much to our regret we must report the program has encountered an error and cannot continue.\r\n"
L"Please let us know at http://bugs.wildfiregames.com/ and attach the crashlog.txt and crashlog.dmp files.\r\n"
L"Details: %s at %s.";
wchar_t text[1000];
swprintf(text, ARRAY_SIZE(text), translate(fmt), description, locus);
wdisplay_msg(translate(L"Problem"), text);
// write out crash log and dump.
pos = buf;
const wchar_t* stack_trace = dump_stack(+0, ep->ContextRecord);
debug_write_crashlog(description, locus, stack_trace);
// disable memory-leak reporting to avoid a flood of warnings
// (lots of stuff will leak since we exit abnormally).
@ -1723,13 +1810,39 @@ static LONG WINAPI unhandled_exception_filter(EXCEPTION_POINTERS* ep)
_CrtSetDbgFlag(flags & ~_CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF);
// MSDN: "This usually results in process termination".
// terminate the program.
// note: MSDN only says "This usually results in process termination".
// called from wdbg_init
// called from wdbg_init.
// rationale: we want to replace the OS "program error" dialog box because
// it is not all too helpful in debugging. to that end, there are
// 4 ways to make sure unhandled exceptions are caught:
// - via WaitForDebugEvent; the app is run from a separate debugger process.
// this complicates analysis, since the exception is in another
// address space. also, we are basically implementing a full-featured
// debugger - overkill.
// - wrapping all threads in __try (necessary since the handler chain
// is in TLS) is very difficult to guarantee; it would also pollute main().
// - vectored exception handlers work across threads, but
// are only available on WinXP (unacceptable).
// - setting the per-process unhandled exception filter works well.
// note: this also catches regular C++ exceptions!
static void set_exception_handler()
void* prev_filter = SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(unhandled_exception_filter);
assert2("conflict with SetUnhandledExceptionFilter. must implement chaining to previous handler");
// tests
assert2(0); // not exception (works when run from debugger)
__asm xor edx,edx __asm div edx // named SEH
RaiseException(0x87654321, 0, 0, 0); // unknown SEH
throw std::bad_exception("what() is ok"); // C++