forked from 0ad/0ad

510 lines
15 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 2021 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "VisualReplay.h"
#include "graphics/GameView.h"
#include "lib/timer.h"
#include "lib/utf8.h"
#include "lib/allocators/shared_ptr.h"
#include "lib/file/file_system.h"
#include "lib/external_libraries/libsdl.h"
#include "network/NetClient.h"
#include "network/NetServer.h"
#include "ps/CLogger.h"
#include "ps/Filesystem.h"
#include "ps/Game.h"
#include "ps/GameSetup/CmdLineArgs.h"
#include "ps/GameSetup/Paths.h"
#include "ps/Mod.h"
#include "ps/Pyrogenesis.h"
#include "ps/Replay.h"
#include "ps/Util.h"
#include "scriptinterface/JSON.h"
#include <fstream>
* Filter too short replays (value in seconds).
const u8 minimumReplayDuration = 3;
OsPath VisualReplay::GetDirectoryPath()
return Paths(g_CmdLineArgs).UserData() / "replays" / engine_version;
OsPath VisualReplay::GetCacheFilePath()
return GetDirectoryPath() / L"replayCache.json";
OsPath VisualReplay::GetTempCacheFilePath()
return GetDirectoryPath() / L"replayCache_temp.json";
bool VisualReplay::StartVisualReplay(const OsPath& directory)
const OsPath replayFile = VisualReplay::GetDirectoryPath() / directory / L"commands.txt";
if (!FileExists(replayFile))
return false;
g_Game = new CGame(false);
return g_Game->StartVisualReplay(replayFile);
bool VisualReplay::ReadCacheFile(const ScriptInterface& scriptInterface, JS::MutableHandleObject cachedReplaysObject)
if (!FileExists(GetCacheFilePath()))
return false;
std::ifstream cacheStream(OsString(GetCacheFilePath()).c_str());
CStr cacheStr((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(cacheStream)), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>());
ScriptRequest rq(scriptInterface);
JS::RootedValue cachedReplays(rq.cx);
if (Script::ParseJSON(rq, cacheStr, &cachedReplays))
bool isArray;
if (JS::IsArrayObject(rq.cx, cachedReplaysObject, &isArray) && isArray)
return true;
LOGWARNING("The replay cache file is corrupted, it will be deleted");
return false;
void VisualReplay::StoreCacheFile(const ScriptInterface& scriptInterface, JS::HandleObject replays)
ScriptRequest rq(scriptInterface);
JS::RootedValue replaysRooted(rq.cx, JS::ObjectValue(*replays));
std::ofstream cacheStream(OsString(GetTempCacheFilePath()).c_str(), std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::trunc);
cacheStream << Script::StringifyJSON(rq, &replaysRooted);
if (RenameFile(GetTempCacheFilePath(), GetCacheFilePath()))
LOGERROR("Could not store the replay cache");
JS::HandleObject VisualReplay::ReloadReplayCache(const ScriptInterface& scriptInterface, bool compareFiles)
ScriptRequest rq(scriptInterface);
// Maps the filename onto the index, mtime and size
using replayCacheMap = std::map<OsPath, std::tuple<u32, u64, off_t>>;
replayCacheMap fileList;
JS::RootedObject cachedReplaysObject(rq.cx);
if (ReadCacheFile(scriptInterface, &cachedReplaysObject))
// Create list of files included in the cache
u32 cacheLength = 0;
JS::GetArrayLength(rq.cx, cachedReplaysObject, &cacheLength);
for (u32 j = 0; j < cacheLength; ++j)
JS::RootedValue replay(rq.cx);
JS_GetElement(rq.cx, cachedReplaysObject, j, &replay);
JS::RootedValue file(rq.cx);
OsPath fileName;
double fileSize;
double fileMtime;
Script::GetProperty(rq, replay, "directory", fileName);
Script::GetProperty(rq, replay, "fileSize", fileSize);
Script::GetProperty(rq, replay, "fileMTime", fileMtime);
fileList[fileName] = std::make_tuple(j, fileMtime, fileSize);
JS::RootedObject replays(rq.cx, JS::NewArrayObject(rq.cx, 0));
DirectoryNames directories;
if (GetDirectoryEntries(GetDirectoryPath(), nullptr, &directories) != INFO::OK)
return replays;
bool newReplays = false;
std::vector<u32> copyFromOldCache;
// Specifies where the next replay should be kept
u32 i = 0;
for (const OsPath& directory : directories)
// This cannot use IsQuitRequested(), because the current loop and that function both run in the main thread.
// So SDL events are not processed unless called explicitly here.
if (SDL_QuitRequested())
// Don't return, because we want to save our progress
const OsPath replayFile = GetDirectoryPath() / directory / L"commands.txt";
bool isNew = true;
replayCacheMap::iterator it = fileList.find(directory);
if (it != fileList.end())
if (compareFiles)
if (!FileExists(replayFile))
CFileInfo fileInfo;
GetFileInfo(replayFile, &fileInfo);
if ((u64)fileInfo.MTime() == std::get<1>(it->second) && (off_t)fileInfo.Size() == std::get<2>(it->second))
isNew = false;
isNew = false;
if (isNew)
JS::RootedValue replayData(rq.cx, LoadReplayData(scriptInterface, directory));
if (replayData.isNull())
if (!FileExists(replayFile))
CFileInfo fileInfo;
GetFileInfo(replayFile, &fileInfo);
"directory", directory.string(),
"fileMTime", static_cast<double>(fileInfo.MTime()),
"fileSize", static_cast<double>(fileInfo.Size()));
JS_SetElement(rq.cx, replays, i++, replayData);
newReplays = true;
"Loading %lu cached replays, removed %lu outdated entries, loaded %i new entries\n",
(unsigned long)fileList.size(), (unsigned long)(fileList.size() - copyFromOldCache.size()), i);
if (!newReplays && fileList.empty())
return replays;
// No replay was changed, so just return the cache
if (!newReplays && fileList.size() == copyFromOldCache.size())
return cachedReplaysObject;
// Copy the replays from the old cache that are not deleted
if (!copyFromOldCache.empty())
for (u32 j : copyFromOldCache)
JS::RootedValue replay(rq.cx);
JS_GetElement(rq.cx, cachedReplaysObject, j, &replay);
JS_SetElement(rq.cx, replays, i++, replay);
StoreCacheFile(scriptInterface, replays);
return replays;
JS::Value VisualReplay::GetReplays(const ScriptInterface& scriptInterface, bool compareFiles)
ScriptRequest rq(scriptInterface);
JS::RootedObject replays(rq.cx, ReloadReplayCache(scriptInterface, compareFiles));
// Only take entries with data
JS::RootedValue replaysWithoutNullEntries(rq.cx);
Script::CreateArray(rq, &replaysWithoutNullEntries);
u32 replaysLength = 0;
JS::GetArrayLength(rq.cx, replays, &replaysLength);
for (u32 j = 0, i = 0; j < replaysLength; ++j)
JS::RootedValue replay(rq.cx);
JS_GetElement(rq.cx, replays, j, &replay);
if (Script::HasProperty(rq, replay, "attribs"))
Script::SetPropertyInt(rq, replaysWithoutNullEntries, i++, replay);
return replaysWithoutNullEntries;
* Move the cursor backwards until a newline was read or the beginning of the file was found.
* Either way the cursor points to the beginning of a newline.
* @return The current cursor position or -1 on error.
inline off_t goBackToLineBeginning(std::istream* replayStream, const OsPath& fileName, off_t fileSize)
int currentPos;
char character;
for (int characters = 0; characters < 10000; ++characters)
currentPos = (int) replayStream->tellg();
// Stop when reached the beginning of the file
if (currentPos == 0)
return currentPos;
if (!replayStream->good())
LOGERROR("Unknown error when returning to the last line (%i of %lu) of %s", currentPos, fileSize, fileName.string8().c_str());
return -1;
// Stop when reached newline
if (character == '\n')
return currentPos;
// Otherwise go back one character.
// Notice: -1 will set the cursor back to the most recently read character.
replayStream->seekg(-2, std::ios_base::cur);
LOGERROR("Infinite loop when going back to a line beginning in %s", fileName.string8().c_str());
return -1;
* Compute game duration in seconds. Assume constant turn length.
* Find the last line that starts with "turn" by reading the file backwards.
* @return seconds or -1 on error
inline int getReplayDuration(std::istream* replayStream, const OsPath& fileName, off_t fileSize)
CStr type;
// Move one character before the file-end
replayStream->seekg(-2, std::ios_base::end);
// Infinite loop protection, should never occur.
// There should be about 5 lines to read until a turn is found.
for (int linesRead = 1; linesRead < 1000; ++linesRead)
off_t currentPosition = goBackToLineBeginning(replayStream, fileName, fileSize);
// Read error or reached file beginning. No turns exist.
if (currentPosition < 1)
return -1;
if (!replayStream->good())
LOGERROR("Read error when determining replay duration at %i of %llu in %s", currentPosition - 2, fileSize, fileName.string8().c_str());
return -1;
// Found last turn, compute duration.
if (currentPosition + 4 < fileSize && (*replayStream >> type).good() && type == "turn")
u32 turn = 0, turnLength = 0;
*replayStream >> turn >> turnLength;
return (turn+1) * turnLength / 1000; // add +1 as turn numbers starts with 0
// Otherwise move cursor back to the character before the last newline
replayStream->seekg(currentPosition - 2, std::ios_base::beg);
LOGERROR("Infinite loop when determining replay duration for %s", fileName.string8().c_str());
return -1;
JS::Value VisualReplay::LoadReplayData(const ScriptInterface& scriptInterface, const OsPath& directory)
// The directory argument must not be constant, otherwise concatenating will fail
const OsPath replayFile = GetDirectoryPath() / directory / L"commands.txt";
if (!FileExists(replayFile))
return JS::NullValue();
// Get file size and modification date
CFileInfo fileInfo;
GetFileInfo(replayFile, &fileInfo);
const off_t fileSize = fileInfo.Size();
if (fileSize == 0)
return JS::NullValue();
std::ifstream* replayStream = new std::ifstream(OsString(replayFile).c_str());
CStr type;
if (!(*replayStream >> type).good())
LOGERROR("Couldn't open %s.", replayFile.string8().c_str());
return JS::NullValue();
if (type != "start")
LOGWARNING("The replay %s doesn't begin with 'start'!", replayFile.string8().c_str());
return JS::NullValue();
// Parse header / first line
CStr header;
std::getline(*replayStream, header);
ScriptRequest rq(scriptInterface);
JS::RootedValue attribs(rq.cx);
if (!Script::ParseJSON(rq, header, &attribs))
LOGERROR("Couldn't parse replay header of %s", replayFile.string8().c_str());
return JS::NullValue();
// Ensure "turn" after header
if (!(*replayStream >> type).good() || type != "turn")
return JS::NullValue(); // there are no turns at all
// Don't process files of rejoined clients
u32 turn = 1;
*replayStream >> turn;
if (turn != 0)
return JS::NullValue();
int duration = getReplayDuration(replayStream, replayFile, fileSize);
// Ensure minimum duration
if (duration < minimumReplayDuration)
return JS::NullValue();
// Return the actual data
JS::RootedValue replayData(rq.cx);
"directory", directory.string(),
"fileSize", static_cast<double>(fileSize),
"fileMTime", static_cast<double>(fileInfo.MTime()),
"duration", duration);
Script::SetProperty(rq, replayData, "attribs", attribs);
return replayData;
bool VisualReplay::DeleteReplay(const OsPath& replayDirectory)
if (replayDirectory.empty())
return false;
const OsPath directory = GetDirectoryPath() / replayDirectory;
return DirectoryExists(directory) && DeleteDirectory(directory) == INFO::OK;
JS::Value VisualReplay::GetReplayAttributes(const ScriptInterface& scriptInterface, const OsPath& directoryName)
// Create empty JS object
ScriptRequest rq(scriptInterface);
JS::RootedValue attribs(rq.cx);
Script::CreateObject(rq, &attribs);
// Return empty object if file doesn't exist
const OsPath replayFile = GetDirectoryPath() / directoryName / L"commands.txt";
if (!FileExists(replayFile))
return attribs;
// Open file
std::istream* replayStream = new std::ifstream(OsString(replayFile).c_str());
CStr type, line;
ENSURE((*replayStream >> type).good() && type == "start");
// Read and return first line
std::getline(*replayStream, line);
Script::ParseJSON(rq, line, &attribs);
return attribs;
void VisualReplay::AddReplayToCache(const ScriptInterface& scriptInterface, const CStrW& directoryName)
ScriptRequest rq(scriptInterface);
JS::RootedValue replayData(rq.cx, LoadReplayData(scriptInterface, OsPath(directoryName)));
if (replayData.isNull())
JS::RootedObject cachedReplaysObject(rq.cx);
if (!ReadCacheFile(scriptInterface, &cachedReplaysObject))
cachedReplaysObject = JS::NewArrayObject(rq.cx, 0);
u32 cacheLength = 0;
JS::GetArrayLength(rq.cx, cachedReplaysObject, &cacheLength);
JS_SetElement(rq.cx, cachedReplaysObject, cacheLength, replayData);
StoreCacheFile(scriptInterface, cachedReplaysObject);
bool VisualReplay::HasReplayMetadata(const OsPath& directoryName)
const OsPath filePath(GetDirectoryPath() / directoryName / L"metadata.json");
if (!FileExists(filePath))
return false;
CFileInfo fileInfo;
GetFileInfo(filePath, &fileInfo);
return fileInfo.Size() > 0;
JS::Value VisualReplay::GetReplayMetadata(const ScriptInterface& scriptInterface, const OsPath& directoryName)
if (!HasReplayMetadata(directoryName))
return JS::NullValue();
ScriptRequest rq(scriptInterface);
JS::RootedValue metadata(rq.cx);
std::ifstream* stream = new std::ifstream(OsString(GetDirectoryPath() / directoryName / L"metadata.json").c_str());
CStr line;
std::getline(*stream, line);
Script::ParseJSON(rq, line, &metadata);
return metadata;