forked from 0ad/0ad
Ykkrosh e43eb0c18b # Various hotkey fixes and cleanups.
Support ctrl for removing entities from selection.
Move big screenshot hotkey to shift+F2.
Increase mouse wheel rotation speed.
Fix HotkeyIsPressed when a more specific hotkey was matched instead.
Support multiple hotkeys with the same binding.
Use hotkeys instead of raw key events in GUI.
Delete some obsolete hotkey definitions.
Remove unused broken EntitySelection toggle method.

This was SVN commit r8546.
2010-11-07 20:42:52 +00:00

329 lines
7.8 KiB

const MAX_SELECTION_SIZE = 40; // Limits selection size and ensures that there will not be too many selection items in the GUI
function _setHighlight(ents, alpha)
if (ents.length)
Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("SetSelectionHighlight", { "entities":ents, "alpha":alpha });
function _setStatusBars(ents, enabled)
if (ents.length)
Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("SetStatusBars", { "entities":ents, "enabled":enabled });
function _setMotionOverlay(ents, enabled)
if (ents.length)
Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("SetMotionDebugOverlay", { "entities":ents, "enabled":enabled });
function _playSound(ent)
Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("PlaySound", { "name":"select", "entity":ent });
//-------------------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------
// EntityGroups class for managing grouped entities
//-------------------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------
function EntityGroups()
this.EntityGroup = function(name, templateName, ent)
this.name = name;
this.templateName = templateName;
this.ents = {ent : ent}; // the second element is stored as number
this.count = 1;
this.EntityGroup.prototype.add = function(ent)
this.ents[ent] = ent;
this.EntityGroup.prototype.remove= function(ent)
delete this.ents[ent];
this.groups = {};
this.ents = {};
EntityGroups.prototype.reset = function()
this.groups = {};
this.ents = {};
EntityGroups.prototype.add = function(ents)
for each (var ent in ents)
if (!this.ents[ent])
var entState = GetEntityState(ent);
var templateName = entState.template;
var template = GetTemplateData(templateName);
var name = template.name.specific || template.name.generic || "???";
if (this.groups[name])
this.groups[name] = new this.EntityGroup(name, templateName, ent);
this.ents[ent] = name;
EntityGroups.prototype.removeEnt = function(ent)
var name = this.ents[ent];
// Remove the entity
delete this.ents[ent];
// Remove the entire group
if (this.groups[name].count == 0)
delete this.groups[name];
EntityGroups.prototype.getCount = function(name)
return this.groups[name].count;
EntityGroups.prototype.getTemplateNames = function()
var templateNames = [];
for each (var group in this.groups)
return templateNames;
EntityGroups.prototype.getEntsByName = function(name)
var ents = [];
for each (var ent in this.groups[name].ents)
return ents;
// Gets all ents in every group except ones of the specified group
EntityGroups.prototype.getEntsByNameInverse = function(name)
var ents = [];
for each (var group in this.groups)
if (group.name != name)
for each (var ent in group.ents)
return ents;
//-------------------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------
// EntitySelection class for managing the entity selection list and the primary selection
//-------------------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------
function EntitySelection()
// Private properties:
this.selected = {}; // { id:id, id:id, ... } for each selected entity ID 'id'
// { id:id, ... } for mouseover-highlighted entity IDs in these, the key is a string and the value is an int;
// we want to use the int form wherever possible since it's more efficient to send to the simulation code)
this.highlighted = {};
this.motionDebugOverlay = false;
// Public properties:
this.dirty = false; // set whenever the selection has changed
this.groups = new EntityGroups();
// Deselect everything but entities of the chosen type if the modifier is true otherwise deselect just the chosen entity
EntitySelection.prototype.makePrimarySelection = function(primaryTemplateName, modifierKey)
var selection = this.toList();
var ent;
// Find an ent of a unit of the same type
for (var i = 0; i < selection.length; i++)
var entState = GetEntityState(selection[i]);
if (!entState)
if (entState.template == primaryTemplateName)
ent = selection[i];
var primaryEntState = GetEntityState(ent);
if (!primaryEntState)
var primaryTemplate = GetTemplateData(primaryTemplateName);
var primaryName = primaryTemplate.name.specific || primaryTemplate.name.generic || "???";
var ents = [];
if (modifierKey)
ents = this.groups.getEntsByNameInverse(primaryName);
ents = this.groups.getEntsByName(primaryName);
// Get a list of the template names
EntitySelection.prototype.getTemplateNames = function()
var templateNames = [];
var ents = this.toList();
for each (var ent in ents)
var entState = GetEntityState(ent);
if (entState)
return templateNames;
// Update the selection to take care of changes (like units that have been killed)
EntitySelection.prototype.update = function()
for each (var ent in this.selected)
var entState = GetEntityState(ent);
// Remove deleted units
if (!entState)
delete this.selected[ent];
this.dirty = true;
// Remove non-visible units (e.g. moved back into fog-of-war)
if (entState.visibility == "hidden")
// Disable any highlighting of the disappeared unit
_setHighlight([ent], 0);
_setStatusBars([ent], false);
_setMotionOverlay([ent], false);
delete this.selected[ent];
this.dirty = true;
EntitySelection.prototype.addList = function(ents)
var selectionSize = this.toList().length;
var i = 1;
var added = [];
for each (var ent in ents)
if (!this.selected[ent] && (selectionSize + i) <= MAX_SELECTION_SIZE)
this.selected[ent] = ent;
_setHighlight(added, 1);
_setStatusBars(added, true);
_setMotionOverlay(added, this.motionDebugOverlay);
if (added.length)
this.groups.add(this.toList()); // Create Selection Groups
this.dirty = true;
EntitySelection.prototype.removeList = function(ents)
var removed = [];
for each (var ent in ents)
if (this.selected[ent])
delete this.selected[ent];
_setHighlight(removed, 0);
_setStatusBars(removed, false);
_setMotionOverlay(removed, false);
this.dirty = true;
EntitySelection.prototype.reset = function()
_setHighlight(this.toList(), 0);
_setStatusBars(this.toList(), false);
_setMotionOverlay(this.toList(), false);
this.selected = {};
this.dirty = true;
EntitySelection.prototype.toList = function()
var ents = [];
for each (var ent in this.selected)
return ents;
EntitySelection.prototype.setHighlightList = function(ents)
var highlighted = {};
for each (var ent in ents)
highlighted[ent] = ent;
var removed = [];
var added = [];
// Remove highlighting for the old units that are no longer highlighted
// (excluding ones that are actively selected too)
for each (var ent in this.highlighted)
if (!highlighted[ent] && !this.selected[ent])
// Add new highlighting for units that aren't already highlighted
for each (var ent in ents)
if (!this.highlighted[ent] && !this.selected[ent])
_setHighlight(removed, 0);
_setStatusBars(removed, false);
_setHighlight(added, 0.5);
_setStatusBars(added, true);
// Store the new highlight list
this.highlighted = highlighted;
EntitySelection.prototype.SetMotionDebugOverlay = function(enabled)
this.motionDebugOverlay = enabled;
_setMotionOverlay(this.toList(), enabled);
var g_Selection = new EntitySelection();