forked from 0ad/0ad
2004-11-23 18:21:43 +00:00

78 lines
1.6 KiB
Executable File

use strict;
use warnings;
package StringExtract::Utils;
use XML::Simple();
use Regexp::Common qw(comment);
sub read_xml {
my ($filename) = $_;
my $xml = new XML::Simple(
ForceArray => 1,
KeepRoot => 1,
KeyAttr => [],
ForceContent => 1,
my $filedata = do { open my $f, '<', $filename or die $!; local $/; <$f> };
my ($dir) = ($filename =~ /(.*)[\\\/]/);
$filedata =~ s {SYSTEM "(?!/)} {SYSTEM "$dir/};
$filedata =~ s {SYSTEM "/} {SYSTEM "../../../binaries/data/mods/official/};
my $data = $xml->XMLin($filedata);
my $root = (keys %$data)[0];
return [ $root, @{$data->{$root}} ];
sub recursive_process {
if (ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH') {
# Force keys to lowercase
my %temp;
@temp{map lc, keys %{$_[0]}} = values %{$_[0]};
%{$_[0]} = %temp;
# Trim whitespace in content
$_[0]{content} =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/s if exists $_[0]{content};
# Recurse through sub-elements
recursive_process($_) for values %{$_[0]};
} elsif (ref($_[0]) eq 'ARRAY') {
# Recurse through sub-elements
recursive_process($_) for @{$_[0]};
sub read_text {
my ($filename) = $_;
open my $file, '<', $filename or die "Error opening $filename: $!";
my $data = do { local $/; <$file> };
return ({ filename => $filename }, $data);
sub strip_comments {
my ($data, $lang) = @_;
#$data =~ s/($RE{comment}{$lang})/ "\n" x count_newlines($1) /eg;
# TODO: Make it work. (The above code fails on lines like 'translate(L"Go to http://oops, this shouldn't be a comment)"')
sub count_newlines {
return $_[0] =~ tr/\n//;