forked from 0ad/0ad
janwas a34b759720 . split up lib.h/.cpp, include the remnants from PCH, remove (pretty much universal) include of it.
. timer, config: fix definition of ALLOW_RDTSC
. add movsx_be64 (for whirlpool), revise implementation, move to
byte_order, add test
. MAX -> std::max, remove those macros
. add timestamp to system_info as requested by philip

This was SVN commit r5050.
2007-05-09 21:01:11 +00:00

638 lines
13 KiB

* =========================================================================
* File : adts.h
* Project : 0 A.D.
* Description : useful Abstract Data Types not provided by STL.
* =========================================================================
// license: GPL; see lib/license.txt
#include "lib/fnv_hash.h"
// dynamic (grow-able) hash table
template<typename Key, typename T> class DHT_Traits
static const size_t initial_entries = 16;
size_t hash(Key key) const;
bool equal(Key k1, Key k2) const;
Key get_key(T t) const;
template<> class DHT_Traits<const char*, const char*>
static const size_t initial_entries = 512;
size_t hash(const char* key) const
return (size_t)fnv_lc_hash(key);
bool equal(const char* k1, const char* k2) const
return !strcmp(k1, k2);
const char* get_key(const char* t) const
return t;
// intended for pointer types
template<typename Key, typename T, typename Traits=DHT_Traits<Key,T> >
class DynHashTbl
T* tbl;
u16 num_entries;
u16 max_entries; // when initialized, = 2**n for faster modulo
Traits tr;
T& get_slot(Key key) const
size_t hash = tr.hash(key);
debug_assert(max_entries != 0); // otherwise, mask will be incorrect
const uint mask = max_entries-1;
T& t = tbl[hash & mask];
// empty slot encountered => not found
return t;
// keys are actually equal => found it
if(tr.equal(key, tr.get_key(t)))
return t;
// keep going (linear probing)
void expand_tbl()
// alloc a new table (but don't assign it to <tbl> unless successful)
T* old_tbl = tbl;
tbl = (T*)calloc(max_entries*2, sizeof(T));
tbl = old_tbl;
throw std::bad_alloc();
max_entries += max_entries;
// must be set before get_slot
// newly initialized, nothing to copy - done
// re-hash from old table into the new one
for(size_t i = 0; i < max_entries/2u; i++)
T t = old_tbl[i];
get_slot(tr.get_key(t)) = t;
tbl = 0;
void clear()
// must remain usable after calling clear, so shrink the table to
// its initial size but don't deallocate it completely
num_entries = 0;
// rationale: must not set to 0 because expand_tbl only doubles the size.
// don't keep the previous size when clearing because it may have become
// huge and there is no provision for shrinking.
max_entries = tr.initial_entries/2; // will be doubled in expand_tbl
void insert(const Key key, const T t)
// more than 75% full - increase table size.
// do so before determining slot; this will invalidate previous pnodes.
if(num_entries*4 >= max_entries*3)
T& slot = get_slot(key);
debug_assert(slot == 0); // not already present
slot = t;
T find(Key key) const
return get_slot(key);
size_t size() const
return num_entries;
class iterator
typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
typedef T value_type;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
typedef const T* pointer;
typedef const T& reference;
iterator(T* pos_, T* end_) : pos(pos_), end(end_)
T& operator*() const
return *pos;
iterator& operator++() // pre
while(pos != end && *pos == 0);
return (*this);
bool operator==(const iterator& rhs) const
return pos == rhs.pos;
bool operator<(const iterator& rhs) const
return (pos < rhs.pos);
// derived
const T* operator->() const
return &**this;
bool operator!=(const iterator& rhs) const
return !(*this == rhs);
iterator operator++(int) // post
iterator tmp = *this; ++*this; return tmp;
T* pos;
T* end;
// only used when incrementing (avoid going beyond end of table)
iterator begin() const
T* pos = tbl;
while(pos != tbl+max_entries && *pos == 0)
return iterator(pos, tbl+max_entries);
iterator end() const
return iterator(tbl+max_entries, 0);
// FIFO bit queue
struct BitBuf
ulong buf;
ulong cur; // bit to be appended (toggled by add())
ulong len; // |buf| [bits]
void reset()
buf = 0;
cur = 0;
len = 0;
// toggle current bit if desired, and add to buffer (new bit is LSB)
void add(ulong toggle)
cur ^= toggle;
buf <<= 1;
buf |= cur;
// extract LS n bits
uint extract(ulong n)
ulong i = buf & ((1ul << n) - 1);
buf >>= n;
return i;
// ring buffer - static array, accessible modulo n
template<class T, size_t n> class RingBuf
size_t size_; // # of entries in buffer
size_t head; // index of oldest item
size_t tail; // index of newest item
T data[n];
RingBuf() : data() { clear(); }
void clear() { size_ = 0; head = 0; tail = n-1; }
size_t size() { return size_; }
bool empty() { return size_ == 0; }
const T& operator[](int ofs) const
size_t idx = (size_t)(head + ofs);
return data[idx % n];
T& operator[](int ofs)
size_t idx = (size_t)(head + ofs);
return data[idx % n];
T& front()
return data[head];
const T& front() const
return data[head];
T& back()
return data[tail];
const T& back() const
return data[tail];
void push_back(const T& item)
if(size_ < n)
// do not complain - overwriting old values is legit
// (e.g. sliding window).
head = (head + 1) % n;
tail = (tail + 1) % n;
data[tail] = item;
void pop_front()
if(size_ != 0)
head = (head + 1) % n;
class iterator
typedef std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
typedef T value_type;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
typedef T* pointer;
typedef T& reference;
iterator() : data(0), pos(0)
iterator(T* data_, size_t pos_) : data(data_), pos(pos_)
T& operator[](int idx) const
{ return data[(pos+idx) % n]; }
T& operator*() const
{ return data[pos % n]; }
T* operator->() const
{ return &**this; }
iterator& operator++() // pre
{ ++pos; return (*this); }
iterator operator++(int) // post
{ iterator tmp = *this; ++*this; return tmp; }
bool operator==(const iterator& rhs) const
{ return data == rhs.data && pos == rhs.pos; }
bool operator!=(const iterator& rhs) const
{ return !(*this == rhs); }
bool operator<(const iterator& rhs) const
{ return (pos < rhs.pos); }
iterator& operator+=(difference_type ofs)
{ pos += ofs; return *this; }
iterator& operator-=(difference_type ofs)
{ return (*this += -ofs); }
iterator operator+(difference_type ofs) const
{ iterator tmp = *this; return (tmp += ofs); }
iterator operator-(difference_type ofs) const
{ iterator tmp = *this; return (tmp -= ofs); }
difference_type operator-(const iterator right) const
{ return (difference_type)(pos - right.pos); }
T* data;
size_t pos;
// not mod-N so that begin != end when buffer is full.
class const_iterator
typedef std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
typedef T value_type;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
typedef const T* pointer;
typedef const T& reference;
const_iterator() : data(0), pos(0)
const_iterator(const T* data_, size_t pos_) : data(data_), pos(pos_)
const T& operator[](int idx) const
{ return data[(pos+idx) % n]; }
const T& operator*() const
{ return data[pos % n]; }
const T* operator->() const
{ return &**this; }
const_iterator& operator++() // pre
{ ++pos; return (*this); }
const_iterator operator++(int) // post
{ const_iterator tmp = *this; ++*this; return tmp; }
bool operator==(const const_iterator& rhs) const
{ return data == rhs.data && pos == rhs.pos; }
bool operator!=(const const_iterator& rhs) const
{ return !(*this == rhs); }
bool operator<(const const_iterator& rhs) const
{ return (pos < rhs.pos); }
iterator& operator+=(difference_type ofs)
{ pos += ofs; return *this; }
iterator& operator-=(difference_type ofs)
{ return (*this += -ofs); }
iterator operator+(difference_type ofs) const
{ iterator tmp = *this; return (tmp += ofs); }
iterator operator-(difference_type ofs) const
{ iterator tmp = *this; return (tmp -= ofs); }
difference_type operator-(const iterator right) const
{ return (difference_type)(pos - right.pos); }
const T* data;
size_t pos;
// not mod-N so that begin != end when buffer is full.
iterator begin()
return iterator(data, (size_ < n)? 0 : head);
const_iterator begin() const
return const_iterator(data, (size_ < n)? 0 : head);
iterator end()
return iterator(data, (size_ < n)? size_ : head+n);
const_iterator end() const
return const_iterator(data, (size_ < n)? size_ : head+n);
// Matei's slightly friendlier hashtable for value-type keys
template<typename K, typename T, typename HashCompare >
class MateiHashTbl
static const size_t initial_entries = 16;
struct Entry {
bool valid;
K key;
T value;
Entry() : valid(false) {}
Entry(const K& k, T v) { key=k; value=v; }
Entry& operator=(const Entry& other) {
valid = other.valid;
key = other.key;
value = other.value;
return *this;
Entry* tbl;
u16 num_entries;
u16 max_entries; // when initialized, = 2**n for faster modulo
HashCompare hashFunc;
Entry& get_slot(K key) const
size_t hash = hashFunc(key);
//debug_assert(max_entries != 0); // otherwise, mask will be incorrect
const uint mask = max_entries-1;
int stride = 1; // for quadratic probing
Entry& e = tbl[hash & mask];
// empty slot encountered => not found
return e;
// keys are actually equal => found it
if(e.key == key)
return e;
// keep going (quadratic probing)
hash += stride;
void expand_tbl()
// alloc a new table (but don't assign it to <tbl> unless successful)
Entry* old_tbl = tbl;
tbl = new Entry[max_entries*2];
tbl = old_tbl;
throw std::bad_alloc();
max_entries += max_entries;
// must be set before get_slot
// newly initialized, nothing to copy - done
// re-hash from old table into the new one
for(size_t i = 0; i < max_entries/2u; i++)
Entry& e = old_tbl[i];
get_slot(e.key) = e;
delete[] old_tbl;
void delete_contents()
delete[] tbl;
tbl = 0;
tbl = 0;
num_entries = 0;
max_entries = initial_entries/2; // will be doubled in expand_tbl
void clear()
num_entries = 0;
// rationale: must not set to 0 because expand_tbl only doubles the size.
// don't keep the previous size because it may have become huge and
// there is no provision for shrinking.
max_entries = initial_entries/2; // will be doubled in expand_tbl
bool contains(const K& key) const
return get_slot(key).valid;
T& operator[](const K& key)
Entry* slot = &get_slot(key);
return slot->value;
// no element exists for this key - insert it into the table
// (this is slightly different from STL::hash_map in that we insert a new element
// on a get for a nonexistent key, but hopefully that's not a problem)
// if more than 75% full, increase table size and find slot again
if(num_entries*4 >= max_entries*2)
slot = &get_slot(key); // find slot again since we expanded
slot->valid = true;
slot->key = key;
return slot->value;
size_t size() const
return num_entries;
// Not an STL iterator, more like a Java one
// Usage: for(HashTable::Iterator it(table); it.valid(); it.advance()) { do stuff to it.key() and it.value() }
class Iterator
Entry* pos;
Entry* end;
Iterator(const MateiHashTbl& ht)
pos = ht.tbl;
end = ht.tbl + ht.max_entries;
while(pos < end && !pos->valid)
bool valid() const
return pos < end;
void advance()
do {
while(pos < end && !pos->valid);
const K& key()
return pos->key;
T& value()
return pos->value;
#endif // #ifndef INCLUDED_ADTS