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#ifndef _GameView_H
#define _GameView_H
// needed by minimap
extern float g_MaxZoomHeight; //note: Max terrain height is this minus YMinOffset
extern float g_YMinOffset;
#include "Camera.h"
#include "CinemaTrack.h"
#include "ModelDef.h"
#include "maths/Vector3D.h"
#include "LightEnv.h"
#include "scripting/ScriptableObject.h"
#include "lib/input.h"
class CGame;
class CGameAttributes;
class CWorld;
class CTerrain;
class CUnitManager;
class CProjectileManager;
class CModel;
class CEntity;
class CGameView: public CJSObject<CGameView>
static const float defaultFOV, defaultNear, defaultFar;
CGame *m_pGame;
CWorld *m_pWorld;
* m_ViewCamera: this camera controls the eye position when rendering
CCamera m_ViewCamera;
* m_CullCamera: this camera controls the frustum that is used for culling
* and shadow calculations
* Note that all code that works with camera movements should only change
* m_ViewCamera. The render functions automatically sync the cull camera to
* the view camera depending on the value of m_LockCullCamera.
CCamera m_CullCamera;
* m_LockCullCamera: When @c true, the cull camera is locked in place.
* When @c false, the cull camera follows the view camera.
* Exposed to JS as gameView.lockCullCamera
bool m_LockCullCamera;
* m_cachedLightEnv: Cache global lighting environment. This is used to check whether the
* environment has changed during the last frame, so that vertex data can be updated etc.
CLightEnv m_cachedLightEnv;
CCinemaManager m_TrackManager;
CCinemaTrack m_TestTrack;
// Settings
float m_ViewScrollSpeed;
float m_ViewRotateSensitivity;
float m_ViewRotateSensitivityKeyboard;
float m_ViewRotateAboutTargetSensitivity;
float m_ViewRotateAboutTargetSensitivityKeyboard;
float m_ViewDragSensitivity;
float m_ViewZoomSensitivityWheel;
float m_ViewZoomSensitivity;
float m_ViewZoomSmoothness; // 0.0 = instantaneous zooming, 1.0 = so slow it never moves
float m_ViewSnapSmoothness; // Just the same.
// Camera Controls State
CVector3D m_CameraDelta;
CVector3D m_CameraPivot;
CEntity* m_UnitView;
CModel* m_UnitViewProp;
CEntity* m_UnitAttach;
//float m_CameraZoom;
std::vector<CVector3D> m_CameraTargets;
// Accumulate zooming changes across frames for smoothness
float m_ZoomDelta;
// Check whether lighting environment has changed and update vertex data if necessary
void CheckLightEnv();
// RenderTerrain: iterate through all terrain patches and submit all patches
// in viewing frustum to the renderer, for terrain, water and LOS painting
void RenderTerrain(CTerrain *pTerrain);
// RenderModels: iterate through model list and submit all models in viewing
// frustum to the Renderer
void RenderModels(CUnitManager *pUnitMan, CProjectileManager *pProjectileManager);
// SubmitModelRecursive: recurse down given model, submitting it and all its
// descendents to the renderer
void SubmitModelRecursive(CModel *pModel);
// InitResources(): Load all graphics resources (textures, actor objects and
// alpha maps) required by the game
//void InitResources();
// UnloadResources(): Unload all graphics resources loaded by InitResources
void UnloadResources();
// JS Interface
bool JSI_StartCustomSelection(JSContext *cx, uintN argc, jsval *argv);
bool JSI_EndCustomSelection(JSContext *cx, uintN argc, jsval *argv);
static void ScriptingInit();
CGameView(CGame *pGame);
void RegisterInit(CGameAttributes *pAttribs);
int Initialize(CGameAttributes *pGameAttributes);
// Update: Update all the view information (i.e. rotate camera, scroll,
// whatever). This will *not* change any World information - only the
// *presentation*
void Update(float DeltaTime);
// Render: Render the World
void Render();
InReaction HandleEvent(const SDL_Event* ev);
//Keep the camera in between boundaries/smooth camera scrolling/translating
//Should call this whenever moving (translating) the camera
void CameraLock(CVector3D Trans, bool smooth=true);
void CameraLock(float x, float y, float z, bool smooth=true);
// RenderNoCull: render absolutely everything to a blank frame to force
// renderer to load required assets
void RenderNoCull();
// Camera Control Functions (used by input handler)
void ResetCamera();
void ResetCameraOrientation();
void RotateAboutTarget();
void PushCameraTarget( const CVector3D& target );
void SetCameraTarget( const CVector3D& target );
void PopCameraTarget();
//First person camera attachment (through the eyes of the unit)
void ToUnitView(CEntity* target, CModel* prop);
//Keep view the same but follow the unit
void AttachToUnit(CEntity* target) { m_UnitAttach = target; }
bool IsAttached () { if( m_UnitAttach ) { return true; } return false; }
bool IsUnitView () { if( m_UnitView ) { return true; } return false; }
inline CCamera *GetCamera()
{ return &m_ViewCamera; }
extern InReaction game_view_handler(const SDL_Event* ev);