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2020-11-26 22:29:36 +00:00

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/* Copyright (C) 2020 Wildfire Games.
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
* the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#ifndef INCLUDED_L10N
#define INCLUDED_L10N
#include "lib/code_annotation.h"
#include "lib/external_libraries/icu.h"
#include "lib/external_libraries/tinygettext.h"
#include "lib/file/vfs/vfs_path.h"
#include "ps/Singleton.h"
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#define g_L10n L10n::GetSingleton()
* %Singleton for internationalization and localization.
* @sa http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Internationalization_and_Localization
class L10n : public Singleton<L10n>
* Creates an instance of L10n.
* L10n is a singleton. Use Instance() instead of creating you own instances
* of L10n.
* Handles the descruction of L10n.
* Never destroy the L10n singleton manually. It must run as long as the
* game runs, and it is destroyed automatically when you quit the game.
* Types of dates.
* @sa LocalizeDateTime()
enum DateTimeType {
DateTime, ///< Both date and time.
Date, ///< Only date.
Time ///< Only time.
* Returns the current locale.
* @sa GetCurrentLocaleString()
* @sa GetSupportedLocaleBaseNames()
* @sa GetAllLocales()
* @sa ReevaluateCurrentLocaleAndReload()
icu::Locale GetCurrentLocale() const;
* Returns the code of the current locale.
* A locale code is a string such as "de" or "pt_BR".
* @sa GetCurrentLocale()
* @sa GetSupportedLocaleBaseNames()
* @sa GetAllLocales()
* @sa ReevaluateCurrentLocaleAndReload()
std::string GetCurrentLocaleString() const;
* Returns a vector of locale codes supported by ICU.
* A locale code is a string such as "de" or "pt_BR".
* @return Vector of supported locale codes.
* @sa GetSupportedLocaleBaseNames()
* @sa GetCurrentLocale()
* @sa http://www.icu-project.org/apiref/icu4c/classicu_1_1Locale.html#a073d70df8c9c8d119c0d42d70de24137
std::vector<std::string> GetAllLocales() const;
* Saves the specified locale in the game configuration file.
* The next time that the game starts, the game uses the locale in the
* configuration file if there are translation files available for it.
* SaveLocale() checks the validity of the specified locale with
* ValidateLocale(). If the specified locale is not valid, SaveLocale()
* returns @c false and does not save the locale to the configuration file.
* @param localeCode Locale to save to the configuration file.
* @return Whether the specified locale is valid (@c true) or not
* (@c false).
bool SaveLocale(const std::string& localeCode) const;
///@overload SaveLocale
bool SaveLocale(const icu::Locale& locale) const;
* Returns an array of supported locale codes sorted alphabetically.
* A locale code is a string such as "de" or "pt_BR".
* If yours is a development copy (the ‘config/dev.cfg’ file is found in the
* virtual filesystem), the output array may include the special “long”
* locale code.
* @return Array of supported locale codes.
* @sa GetSupportedLocaleDisplayNames()
* @sa GetAllLocales()
* @sa GetCurrentLocale()
* @sa http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Implementation_of_Internationalization_and_Localization#LongStringsLocale
std::vector<std::string> GetSupportedLocaleBaseNames() const;
* Returns an array of supported locale names sorted alphabetically by
* locale code.
* A locale code is a string such as "de" or "pt_BR".
* If yours is a development copy (the ‘config/dev.cfg’ file is found in the
* virtual filesystem), the output array may include the special “Long
* Strings” locale name.
* @return Array of supported locale codes.
* @sa GetSupportedLocaleBaseNames()
* @sa http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Implementation_of_Internationalization_and_Localization#LongStringsLocale
std::vector<std::wstring> GetSupportedLocaleDisplayNames() const;
* Returns the ISO-639 language code of the specified locale code.
* For example, if you specify the ‘en_US’ locate, it returns ‘en’.
* @param locale Locale code.
* @return Language code.
* @sa http://www.icu-project.org/apiref/icu4c/classicu_1_1Locale.html#af36d821adced72a870d921ebadd0ca93
std::string GetLocaleLanguage(const std::string& locale) const;
* Returns the programmatic code of the entire locale without keywords.
* @param locale Locale code.
* @return Locale code without keywords.
* @sa http://www.icu-project.org/apiref/icu4c/classicu_1_1Locale.html#a4c1acbbdf95dc15599db5f322fa4c4d0
std::string GetLocaleBaseName(const std::string& locale) const;
* Returns the ISO-3166 country code of the specified locale code.
* For example, if you specify the ‘en_US’ locate, it returns ‘US’.
* @param locale Locale code.
* @return Country code.
* @sa http://www.icu-project.org/apiref/icu4c/classicu_1_1Locale.html#ae3f1fc415c00d4f0ab33288ceadccbf9
std::string GetLocaleCountry(const std::string& locale) const;
* Returns the ISO-15924 abbreviation script code of the specified locale code.
* @param locale Locale code.
* @return Script code.
* @sa http://www.icu-project.org/apiref/icu4c/classicu_1_1Locale.html#a5e0145a339d30794178a1412dcc55abe
std::string GetLocaleScript(const std::string& locale) const;
* Returns @c true if the current locale is the special “Long Strings”
* locale. It returns @c false otherwise.
* @return Whether the current locale is the special “Long Strings”
* (@c true) or not (@c false).
bool UseLongStrings() const;
* Returns an array of paths to files in the virtual filesystem that provide
* translations for the specified locale code.
* @param locale Locale code.
* @return Array of paths to files in the virtual filesystem that provide
* translations for @p locale.
std::vector<std::wstring> GetDictionariesForLocale(const std::string& locale) const;
std::wstring GetFallbackToAvailableDictLocale(const icu::Locale& locale) const;
std::wstring GetFallbackToAvailableDictLocale(const std::string& locale) const;
* Returns the code of the recommended locale for the current user that the
* game supports.
* “That the game supports” means both that a translation file is available
* for that locale and that the locale code is either supported by ICU or
* the special “long” locale code.
* The mechanism to select a recommended locale follows this logic:
* 1. First see if the game supports the specified locale,\n
* @p configLocale.
* 2. Otherwise, check the system locale and see if the game supports\n
* that locale.
* 3. Else, return the default locale, ‘en_US’.
* @param configLocaleString Locale to check for support first. Pass an
* empty string to check the system locale directly.
* @return Code of a locale that the game supports.
* @sa http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Implementation_of_Internationalization_and_Localization#LongStringsLocale
std::string GetDictionaryLocale(const std::string& configLocaleString) const;
* Saves an instance of the recommended locale for the current user that the
* game supports in the specified variable.
* “That the game supports” means both that a translation file is available
* for that locale and that the locale code is either supported by ICU or
* the special “long” locale code.
* The mechanism to select a recommended locale follows this logic:
* 1. First see if the game supports the specified locale,\n
* @p configLocale.
* 2. Otherwise, check the system locale and see if the game supports\n
* that locale.
* 3. Else, return the default locale, ‘en_US’.
* @param configLocaleString Locale to check for support first. Pass an
* empty string to check the system locale directly.
* @param outLocale The recommended locale.
* @sa http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Implementation_of_Internationalization_and_Localization#LongStringsLocale
void GetDictionaryLocale(const std::string& configLocaleString, icu::Locale& outLocale) const;
* Determines the best, supported locale for the current user, makes it the
* current game locale and reloads the translations dictionary with
* translations for that locale.
* To determine the best locale, ReevaluateCurrentLocaleAndReload():
* 1. Checks the user game configuration.
* 2. If the locale is not defined there, it checks the system locale.
* 3. If none of those locales are supported by the game, the default\n
* locale, ‘en_US’, is used.
* @sa GetCurrentLocale()
void ReevaluateCurrentLocaleAndReload();
* Returns @c true if the locale is supported by both ICU and the game. It
* returns @c false otherwise.
* It returns @c true if both of these conditions are true:
* 1. ICU has resources for that locale (which also ensures it’s a valid\n
* locale string).
* 2. Either a dictionary for language_country or for language is\n
* available.
* @param locale Locale to check.
* @return Whether @p locale is supported by both ICU and the game (@c true)
* or not (@c false).
bool ValidateLocale(const icu::Locale& locale) const;
///@overload ValidateLocale
bool ValidateLocale(const std::string& localeCode) const;
* Returns the translation of the specified string to the
* @link L10n::GetCurrentLocale() current locale@endlink.
* @param sourceString String to translate to the current locale.
* @return Translation of @p sourceString to the current locale, or
* @p sourceString if there is no translation available.
std::string Translate(const std::string& sourceString) const;
* Returns the translation of the specified string to the
* @link L10n::GetCurrentLocale() current locale@endlink in the specified
* context.
* @param context Context where the string is used. See
* http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/html_node/Contexts.html
* @param sourceString String to translate to the current locale.
* @return Translation of @p sourceString to the current locale in the
* specified @p context, or @p sourceString if there is no
* translation available.
std::string TranslateWithContext(const std::string& context, const std::string& sourceString) const;
* Returns the translation of the specified string to the
* @link L10n::GetCurrentLocale() current locale@endlink based on the
* specified number.
* @param singularSourceString String to translate to the current locale,
* in English’ singular form.
* @param pluralSourceString String to translate to the current locale, in
* English’ plural form.
* @param number Number that determines the required form of the translation
* (or the English string if no translation is available).
* @return Translation of the source string to the current locale for the
* specified @p number, or either @p singularSourceString (if
* @p number is 1) or @p pluralSourceString (if @p number is not 1)
* if there is no translation available.
std::string TranslatePlural(const std::string& singularSourceString, const std::string& pluralSourceString, int number) const;
* Returns the translation of the specified string to the
* @link L10n::GetCurrentLocale() current locale@endlink in the specified
* context, based on the specified number.
* @param context Context where the string is used. See
* http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/html_node/Contexts.html
* @param singularSourceString String to translate to the current locale,
* in English’ singular form.
* @param pluralSourceString String to translate to the current locale, in
* English’ plural form.
* @param number Number that determines the required form of the translation
* (or the English string if no translation is available). *
* @return Translation of the source string to the current locale in the
* specified @p context and for the specified @p number, or either
* @p singularSourceString (if @p number is 1) or
* @p pluralSourceString (if @p number is not 1) if there is no
* translation available.
std::string TranslatePluralWithContext(const std::string& context, const std::string& singularSourceString, const std::string& pluralSourceString, int number) const;
* Translates a text line by line to the
* @link L10n::GetCurrentLocale() current locale@endlink.
* TranslateLines() is helpful when you need to translate a plain text file
* after you load it.
* @param sourceString Text to translate to the current locale.
* @return Line by line translation of @p sourceString to the current
* locale. Some of the lines in the returned text may be in English
* because there was not translation available for them.
std::string TranslateLines(const std::string& sourceString) const;
* Parses the date in the input string using the specified date format, and
* returns the parsed date as a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds (not
* seconds).
* @param dateTimeString String containing the date to parse.
* @param dateTimeFormat Date format string to parse the input date, defined
* using ICU date formatting symbols.
* @param locale Locale to use when parsing the input date.
* @return Specified date as a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds (not seconds).
* @sa GetCurrentLocale()
* @sa http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_time
* @sa https://sites.google.com/site/icuprojectuserguide/formatparse/datetime?pli=1#TOC-Date-Field-Symbol-Table
UDate ParseDateTime(const std::string& dateTimeString, const std::string& dateTimeFormat, const icu::Locale& locale) const;
* Returns the specified date using the specified date format.
* @param dateTime Date specified as a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds
* (not seconds).
* @param type Whether the formatted date must show both the date and the
* time, only the date or only the time.
* @param style ICU style for the formatted date.
* @return String containing the specified date with the specified date
* format.
* @sa http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_time
* @sa http://icu-project.org/apiref/icu4c521/classicu_1_1DateFormat.html
std::string LocalizeDateTime(const UDate dateTime, const DateTimeType& type, const icu::DateFormat::EStyle& style) const;
* Returns the specified date using the specified date format.
* @param milliseconds Date specified as a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds
* (not seconds).
* @param formatString Date format string defined using ICU date formatting
* symbols. Usually, you internationalize the format string and
* get it translated before you pass it to
* FormatMillisecondsIntoDateString().
* @param useLocalTimezone Boolean useful for durations
* @return String containing the specified date with the specified date
* format.
* @sa http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_time
* @sa https://sites.google.com/site/icuprojectuserguide/formatparse/datetime?pli=1#TOC-Date-Field-Symbol-Table
std::string FormatMillisecondsIntoDateString(const UDate milliseconds, const std::string& formatString, bool useLocalTimezone) const;
* Returns the specified floating-point number as a string, with the number
* formatted as a decimal number using the
* @link L10n::GetCurrentLocale() current locale@endlink.
* @param number Number to format.
* @return Decimal number formatted using the current locale.
std::string FormatDecimalNumberIntoString(double number) const;
* Returns the localized version of the specified path if there is one for
* the @link L10n::GetCurrentLocale() current locale@endlink.
* If there is no localized version of the specified path, it returns the
* specified path.
* For example, if the code of the current locale is ‘de_DE’, LocalizePath()
* splits the input path into folder path and file name, and checks whether
* the ‘<folder>/l10n/de/<file>’ file exists. If it does, it returns that
* path. Otherwise, it returns the input path, verbatim.
* This function is used for file localization (for example, image
* localization).
* @param sourcePath %Path to localize.
* @return Localized path if it exists, @c sourcePath otherwise.
* @sa http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Localization#LocalizingImages
VfsPath LocalizePath(const VfsPath& sourcePath) const;
* Loads @p path into the dictionary if it is a translation file of the
* @link L10n::GetCurrentLocale() current locale@endlink.
Status ReloadChangedFile(const VfsPath& path);
* Dictionary that contains the translations for the
* @link L10n::GetCurrentLocale() current locale@endlink and the matching
* English strings, including contexts and plural forms.
* @sa LoadDictionaryForCurrentLocale()
std::unique_ptr<tinygettext::Dictionary> m_Dictionary;
* Locale that the game is currently using.
* To get the current locale, use its getter: GetCurrentLocale(). You can
* also use GetCurrentLocaleString() to get the locale code of the current
* locale.
* To change the value of this variable:
* 1. Save a new locale to the game configuration file with SaveLocale().
* 2. Reload the translation dictionary with\n
* ReevaluateCurrentLocaleAndReload().
icu::Locale currentLocale;
* Vector with the locales that the game supports.
* The list of available locales is calculated when the game starts. Call
* LoadListOfAvailableLocales() to refresh the list.
* @sa GetSupportedLocaleBaseNames()
* @sa GetSupportedLocaleDisplayNames()
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<icu::Locale>> availableLocales;
* Whether the game is using the default game locale (@c true), ‘en_US’, or
* not (@c false).
* This variable is used in the L10n implementation for performance reasons.
* Many localization steps can be skipped when this variable is @c true.
bool currentLocaleIsOriginalGameLocale;
* Whether the game is using the special game locale with the longest
* strings of each translation (@c true) or not (@c false).
* @sa http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Implementation_of_Internationalization_and_Localization#LongStringsLocale
bool useLongStrings;
* Loads the translation files for the
* @link L10n::GetCurrentLocale() current locale@endlink.
* This method loads every file in the ‘l10n’ folder of the game virtual
* filesystem that is prefixed with the code of the current locale followed
* by a dot.
* For example, if the code of the current locale code is ‘de’,
* LoadDictionaryForCurrentLocale() loads the ‘l10n/de.engine.po’ and
* ‘l10n/de.public.po’ translation files.
* @sa dictionary
* @sa ReadPoIntoDictionary()
void LoadDictionaryForCurrentLocale();
* Determines the list of locales that the game supports.
* LoadListOfAvailableLocales() checks the locale codes of the translation
* files in the ‘l10n’ folder of the virtual filesystem. If it finds a
* translation file prefixed with a locale code followed by a dot, it
* determines that the game supports that locale.
* @sa availableLocales
void LoadListOfAvailableLocales();
* Loads the specified content of a PO file into the specified dictionary.
* Used by LoadDictionaryForCurrentLocale() to add entries to the game
* translations @link dictionary.
* @param poContent Content of a PO file as a string.
* @param dictionary Dictionary where the entries from the PO file should be
* stored.
void ReadPoIntoDictionary(const std::string& poContent, tinygettext::Dictionary* dictionary) const;
* Creates an ICU date formatted with the specified settings.
* @param type Whether formatted dates must show both the date and the time,
* only the date or only the time.
* @param style ICU style to format dates by default.
* @param locale Locale that the date formatter should use to parse strings.
* It has no relevance for date formatting, only matters for date
* parsing.
* @return ICU date formatter.
icu::DateFormat* CreateDateTimeInstance(const DateTimeType& type, const icu::DateFormat::EStyle& style, const icu::Locale& locale) const;
#endif // INCLUDED_L10N