forked from 0ad/0ad
elexis d3e56f0f57 Unfriend the 20 IGUIObject classes from CGUI.
Improves separation of concerns and makes the code less error prone,
since the IGUIObject classes can't break CGUI private members without
CGUIs help anymore.

This is achieved by making CGUI GetFocusedObject, UpdateObjects public,
by introducing public CGUI GetBaseObject, GetMousePos, GetMouseButtons,
HasStyle, GetStyle getters,
and by removing the pointless IGUIObject GetMousePos proxy.

Delete GetGUI() checks that are either always or never true following
Use const references instead of copies for some mouse positions.

Differential Revision: https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2166
This was SVN commit r22641.
2019-08-10 12:51:27 +00:00

487 lines
14 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 2019 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* The base class of an object.
* All objects are derived from this class.
* It's an abstract data type, so it can't be used per se.
* Also contains a Dummy object which is used for completely blank objects.
#include "GUIbase.h"
#include "GUItext.h"
#include "gui/scripting/JSInterface_IGUIObject.h"
#include "lib/input.h" // just for IN_PASS
#include "ps/XML/Xeromyces.h"
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
struct SGUIStyle;
class CGUI;
class JSObject;
class IGUISetting;
ERROR_TYPE(GUI, UnableToParse);
* GUI object such as a button or an input-box.
* Abstract data type !
class IGUIObject
friend class CGUI;
friend class IGUIScrollBar;
friend class GUITooltip;
// Allow getProperty to access things like GetParent()
friend bool JSI_IGUIObject::getProperty(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject obj, JS::HandleId id, JS::MutableHandleValue vp);
friend bool JSI_IGUIObject::setProperty(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject obj, JS::HandleId id, JS::MutableHandleValue vp, JS::ObjectOpResult& result);
friend bool JSI_IGUIObject::getComputedSize(JSContext* cx, uint argc, JS::Value* vp);
virtual ~IGUIObject();
* Checks if mouse is hovering this object.
* The mouse position is cached in CGUI.
* This function checks if the mouse is hovering the
* rectangle that the base setting "size" makes.
* Although it is virtual, so one could derive
* an object from CButton, which changes only this
* to checking the circle that "size" makes.
* @return true if mouse is hovering
virtual bool MouseOver();
* Test if mouse position is over an icon
virtual bool MouseOverIcon();
/** @name Leaf Functions */
/// Get object name, name is unique
const CStr& GetName() const { return m_Name; }
/// Get object name
void SetName(const CStr& Name) { m_Name = Name; }
// Get Presentable name.
// Will change all internally set names to something like "<unnamed object>"
CStr GetPresentableName() const;
* Adds object and its children to the map, it's name being the
* first part, and the second being itself.
* @param ObjectMap Adds this to the map_pObjects.
* @throws PSERROR_GUI_ObjectNeedsName Name is missing
* @throws PSERROR_GUI_NameAmbiguity Name is already taken
void AddToPointersMap(map_pObjects& ObjectMap);
* Notice nothing will be returned or thrown if the child hasn't
* been inputted into the GUI yet. This is because that's were
* all is checked. Now we're just linking two objects, but
* it's when we're inputting them into the GUI we'll check
* validity! Notice also when adding it to the GUI this function
* will inevitably have been called by CGUI::AddObject which
* will catch the throw and return the error code.
* i.e. The user will never put in the situation wherein a throw
* must be caught, the GUI's internal error handling will be
* completely transparent to the interfacially sequential model.
* @param pChild Child to add
* @throws PSERROR_GUI from CGUI::UpdateObjects().
void AddChild(IGUIObject* pChild);
/** @name Iterate
* Used to iterate over all children of this object.
vector_pObjects::iterator begin() { return m_Children.begin(); }
vector_pObjects::iterator end() { return m_Children.end(); }
/** @name Settings Management */
* Returns whether there is a setting with the given name registered.
* @param Setting setting name
* @return True if settings exist.
bool SettingExists(const CStr& Setting) const;
* All sizes are relative to resolution, and the calculation
* is not wanted in real time, therefore it is cached, update
* the cached size with this function.
virtual void UpdateCachedSize();
* Reset internal state of this object.
virtual void ResetStates();
* Set a setting by string, regardless of what type it is.
* example a CRect(10,10,20,20) would be "10 10 20 20"
* @param Setting Setting by name
* @param Value Value to set to
* @param SkipMessage Does not send a GUIM_SETTINGS_UPDATED if true
* @return PSRETURN (PSRETURN_OK if successful)
PSRETURN SetSetting(const CStr& Setting, const CStrW& Value, const bool& SkipMessage = false);
* Set the script handler for a particular object-specific action
* @param Action Name of action
* @param Code Javascript code to execute when the action occurs
* @param pGUI GUI instance to associate the script with
void RegisterScriptHandler(const CStr& Action, const CStr& Code, CGUI* pGUI);
* Creates the JS Object representing this page upon first use.
* Can be overridden by derived classes to extend it.
virtual void CreateJSObject();
* Retrieves the JSObject representing this GUI object.
JSObject* GetJSObject();
/** @name Called by CGUI and friends
* Methods that the CGUI will call using
* its friendship, these should not
* be called by user.
* These functions' security are a lot
* what constitutes the GUI's
* Add a setting to m_Settings
* @param Type Setting type
* @param Name Setting reference name
template<typename T> void AddSetting(const CStr& Name);
* Calls Destroy on all children, and deallocates all memory.
* MEGA TODO Should it destroy it's children?
virtual void Destroy();
* This function is called with different messages
* for instance when the mouse enters the object.
* @param Message GUI Message
virtual void HandleMessage(SGUIMessage& UNUSED(Message)) {}
* Draws the object.
* @throws PSERROR if any. But this will mostlikely be
* very rare since if an object is drawn unsuccessfully
* it'll probably only output in the Error log, and not
* disrupt the whole GUI drawing.
virtual void Draw() = 0;
* Some objects need to handle the SDL_Event_ manually.
* For instance the input box.
* Only the object with focus will have this function called.
* Returns either IN_PASS or IN_HANDLED. If IN_HANDLED, then
* the key won't be passed on and processed by other handlers.
* This is used for keys that the GUI uses.
virtual InReaction ManuallyHandleEvent(const SDL_Event_* UNUSED(ev)) { return IN_PASS; }
* Loads a style.
* @param GUIinstance Reference to the GUI
* @param StyleName Style by name
void LoadStyle(CGUI& pGUI, const CStr& StyleName);
* Loads a style.
* @param Style The style object.
void LoadStyle(const SGUIStyle& Style);
* Returns not the Z value, but the actual buffered Z value, i.e. if it's
* defined relative, then it will check its parent's Z value and add
* the relativity.
* @return Actual Z value on the screen.
virtual float GetBufferedZ() const;
* Set parent of this object
void SetParent(IGUIObject* pParent) { m_pParent = pParent; }
CGUI* GetGUI() { return m_pGUI; }
const CGUI* GetGUI() const { return m_pGUI; }
* Take focus!
void SetFocus();
* Workaround to avoid a dynamic_cast which can be 80 times slower than this.
virtual void* GetTextOwner() { return nullptr; }
* Check if object is focused.
bool IsFocused() const;
* <b>NOTE!</b> This will not just return m_pParent, when that is
* need use it! There is one exception to it, when the parent is
* the top-node (the object that isn't a real object), this
* will return NULL, so that the top-node's children are
* seemingly parentless.
* @return Pointer to parent
IGUIObject* GetParent() const;
* Handle additional children to the \<object\>-tag. In IGUIObject, this function does
* nothing. In CList and CDropDown, it handles the \<item\>, used to build the data.
* Returning false means the object doesn't recognize the child. Should be reported.
* Notice 'false' is default, because an object not using this function, should not
* have any additional children (and this function should never be called).
virtual bool HandleAdditionalChildren(const XMBElement& UNUSED(child), CXeromyces* UNUSED(pFile))
return false;
* Cached size, real size m_Size is actually dependent on resolution
* and can have different *real* outcomes, this is the real outcome
* cached to avoid slow calculations in real time.
CRect m_CachedActualSize;
* Send event to this GUI object (HandleMessage and ScriptEvent)
* @param type Type of GUI message to be handled
* @param EventName String representation of event name
* @return IN_HANDLED if event was handled, or IN_PASS if skipped
InReaction SendEvent(EGUIMessageType type, const CStr& EventName);
* Execute the script for a particular action.
* Does nothing if no script has been registered for that action.
* The mouse coordinates will be passed as the first argument.
* @param Action Name of action
void ScriptEvent(const CStr& Action);
* Execute the script for a particular action.
* Does nothing if no script has been registered for that action.
* @param Action Name of action
* @param paramData JS::HandleValueArray arguments to pass to the event.
void ScriptEvent(const CStr& Action, JS::HandleValueArray paramData);
void SetScriptHandler(const CStr& Action, JS::HandleObject Function);
* Inputes the object that is currently hovered, this function
* updates this object accordingly (i.e. if it's the object
* being inputted one thing happens, and not, another).
* @param pMouseOver Object that is currently hovered,
* can OF COURSE be NULL too!
void UpdateMouseOver(IGUIObject* const& pMouseOver);
/** @name Internal functions */
* Inputs a reference pointer, checks if the new inputted object
* if hovered, if so, then check if this's Z value is greater
* than the inputted object... If so then the object is closer
* and we'll replace the pointer with this.
* Also Notice input can be NULL, which means the Z value demand
* is out. NOTICE you can't input NULL as const so you'll have
* to set an object to NULL.
* @param pObject Object pointer, can be either the old one, or
* the new one.
void ChooseMouseOverAndClosest(IGUIObject*& pObject);
// Is the object a Root object, in philosophy, this means it
// has got no parent, and technically, it's got the m_BaseObject
// as parent.
bool IsRootObject() const;
static void Trace(JSTracer* trc, void* data)
void TraceMember(JSTracer* trc);
// Variables
// Name of object
CStr m_Name;
// Constructed on the heap, will be destroyed along with the the object
// TODO Gee: really the above?
vector_pObjects m_Children;
// Pointer to parent
IGUIObject *m_pParent;
//This represents the last click time for each mouse button
double m_LastClickTime[6];
* This is an array of true or false, each element is associated with
* a string representing a setting. Number of elements is equal to
* number of settings.
* A true means the setting has been manually set in the file when
* read. This is important to know because I don't want to force
* the user to include its \<styles\>-XML-files first, so somehow
* the GUI needs to know which settings were set, and which is meant
* to.
// More variables
// Is mouse hovering the object? used with the function MouseOver()
bool m_MouseHovering;
* Settings pool, all an object's settings are located here
* If a derived object has got more settings that the base
* settings, it's because they have a new version of the
* function SetupSettings().
* @see SetupSettings()
std::map<CStr, IGUISetting*> m_Settings;
// An object can't function stand alone
CGUI* const m_pGUI;
// Internal storage for registered script handlers.
std::map<CStr, JS::Heap<JSObject*> > m_ScriptHandlers;
// Cached JSObject representing this GUI object
JS::PersistentRootedObject m_JSObject;
* Dummy object used primarily for the root object
* or objects of type 'empty'
class CGUIDummyObject : public IGUIObject
CGUIDummyObject(CGUI* pGUI) : IGUIObject(pGUI) {}
virtual void Draw() {}
// Empty can never be hovered. It is only a category.
virtual bool MouseOver() { return false; }