forked from 0ad/0ad

Handle pathfinding to inaccessible points better.

Make the path debug display more useful.

This was SVN commit r7301.
This commit is contained in:
Ykkrosh 2010-02-02 21:22:22 +00:00
parent cc0c3988d1
commit 9829138e56

View File

@ -135,6 +135,7 @@ public:
// Debugging - output from last pathfind operation:
Grid<PathfindTile>* m_DebugGrid;
u32 m_DebugSteps;
Path* m_DebugPath;
PathfinderOverlay* m_DebugOverlay;
@ -383,6 +384,8 @@ struct PathfindTile
u8 status; // (TODO: this only needs 2 bits)
u16 pi, pj; // predecessor on best path (TODO: this only needs 2 bits)
u32 cost; // g (cost to this tile)
u32 step; // step at which this tile was last processed (TODO: this should only be present for debugging)
void PathfinderOverlay::EndRender()
@ -408,7 +411,7 @@ void PathfinderOverlay::ProcessTile(ssize_t i, ssize_t j)
PathfindTile& n = m_Pathfinder.m_DebugGrid->get(i, j);
float c = clamp((n.cost/256.f) / 32.f, 0.f, 1.f);
float c = clamp(n.step / (float)m_Pathfinder.m_DebugSteps, 0.f, 1.f);
if (n.status == PathfindTile::STATUS_OPEN)
RenderTile(CColor(1, 1, c, 0.6f), false);
@ -514,49 +517,90 @@ public:
std::vector<QueueItem> m_Heap;
static void ProcessNeighbour(u16 pi, u16 pj, u16 i, u16 j, u32 pg, PriorityQueue& open, PriorityQueue& closed, Grid<PathfindTile>* tempGrid, Grid<u8>* terrainGrid, u16 i1, u16 j1)
if (terrainGrid->get(i, j))
// Calculate the cost of moving from predecessor to here
// Calculate heuristic cost from tile i,j to destination
// (This ought to be an underestimate for correctness)
static u32 CalculateHeuristic(u16 i, u16 j, u16 iTarget, u16 jTarget)
return hypot(i-iTarget, j-jTarget)*g_CostPerTile;
// XXX: shouldn't use floats here
// Also, the heuristic should match the costs better
return (abs((int)i - (int)iTarget) + abs((int)j - (int)jTarget)) * g_CostPerTile;
// Calculate movement cost from predecessor tile pi,pj to tile i,j
static u32 CalculateCostDelta(u16 pi, u16 pj, u16 i, u16 j, Grid<PathfindTile>* tempGrid)
u32 dg = g_CostPerTile;
// Calculate heuristic cost to target
// (This ought to be an underestimate for correctness)
u32 h = (abs((int)i - (int)i1) + abs((int)j - (int)j1)) * g_CostPerTile;
// XXX: Probably a terrible hack:
// For simplicity, we only consider horizontally/vertically adjacent neighbours, but
// units can move along arbitrary lines. That results in ugly square paths, so we want
// to prefer diagonal paths.
// Instead of solving this nicely, I'll just special-case 45-degree and 30-degree lines
// by checking the three predecessor tiles (which'll be in the closed set and therefore
// likely to be reasonably stable) and reducing the cost, and use a Euclidean heuristic.
// At least this makes paths look a bit nicer for now...
if (1)
PathfindTile& p = tempGrid->get(pi, pj);
if (p.pi != i && p.pj != j)
dg = dg*(sqrt(2.0)/2.0); // XXX: shouldn't use floats here
// XXX: Terrible hack:
// For simplicity, we only consider horizontally/vertically adjacent neighbours, but
// units can move along arbitrary lines. That results in ugly square paths, so we want
// to prefer diagonal paths.
// Instead of solving this nicely, I'll just special-case 45-degree and 30-degree lines
// by checking the three predecessor tiles (which'll be in the closed set and therefore
// likely to be reasonably stable) and reduce the cost, and use a Euclidean heuristic.
// At least this makes paths look a bit nicer for now...
PathfindTile& pp = tempGrid->get(p.pi, p.pj);
int di = abs(i - pp.pi);
int dj = abs(j - pp.pj);
if ((di == 1 && dj == 2) || (di == 2 && dj == 1))
dg = dg*(sqrt(5.0)-sqrt(2.0)); // XXX: shouldn't use floats here
PathfindTile& p = tempGrid->get(pi, pj);
if (p.pi != i && p.pj != j)
dg = dg*(sqrt(2.0)/2.0);
PathfindTile& pp = tempGrid->get(p.pi, p.pj);
int di = abs(i - pp.pi);
int dj = abs(j - pp.pj);
if ((di == 1 && dj == 2) || (di == 2 && dj == 1))
dg = dg*(sqrt(5.0)-sqrt(2.0));
return dg;
h = hypot(i-i1, j-j1)*g_CostPerTile;
// XXX: shouldn't use floats here
// Also, the heuristic should match the costs better
struct PathfinderState
u32 steps; // number of algorithm iterations
u16 iTarget, jTarget; // goal tile
PriorityQueue open;
PriorityQueue closed;
Grid<PathfindTile>* tiles;
Grid<u8>* terrain;
u32 hBest; // heuristic of closest discovered tile to goal
u16 iBest, jBest; // closest tile
// Do the A* processing for a neighbour tile i,j.
static void ProcessNeighbour(u16 pi, u16 pj, u16 i, u16 j, u32 pg, PathfinderState& state)
// Reject impassable tiles
if (state.terrain->get(i, j))
u32 h = CalculateHeuristic(i, j, state.iTarget, state.jTarget);
u32 dg = CalculateCostDelta(pi, pj, i, j, state.tiles);
u32 g = pg + dg; // cost to this tile = cost to predecessor + delta from predecessor
// Remember the best tile we've seen so far, in case we never actually reach the target
if (h < state.hBest)
state.hBest = h;
state.iBest = i;
state.jBest = j;
u32 g = pg + dg;
PathfindTile& n = tempGrid->get(i, j);
PathfindTile& n = state.tiles->get(i, j);
// If we've already added this tile to the open list:
if (n.status == PathfindTile::STATUS_OPEN)
@ -567,8 +611,9 @@ static void ProcessNeighbour(u16 pi, u16 pj, u16 i, u16 j, u32 pg, PriorityQueue
n.cost = g;
n.pi = pi;
n.pj = pj;
open.find(i, j)->rank = g + h;
open.fixheap(); // XXX: this is slow
n.step = state.steps;
state.open.find(i, j)->rank = g + h;
state.open.fixheap(); // XXX: this is slow
@ -579,7 +624,7 @@ static void ProcessNeighbour(u16 pi, u16 pj, u16 i, u16 j, u32 pg, PriorityQueue
// If this is a better path (possible when we use inadmissible heuristics), reopen it
if (g < n.cost)
closed.remove(i, j);
state.closed.remove(i, j);
// (don't return yet)
@ -593,8 +638,9 @@ static void ProcessNeighbour(u16 pi, u16 pj, u16 i, u16 j, u32 pg, PriorityQueue
n.cost = g;
n.pi = pi;
n.pj = pj;
n.step = state.steps;
QueueItem t = { i, j, g + h };
void CCmpPathfinder::ComputePath(entity_pos_t x0, entity_pos_t z0, entity_pos_t x1, entity_pos_t z1, Path& path)
@ -603,65 +649,72 @@ void CCmpPathfinder::ComputePath(entity_pos_t x0, entity_pos_t z0, entity_pos_t
Grid<PathfindTile>* tempGrid = new Grid<PathfindTile>(m_MapSize, m_MapSize);
PathfinderState state;
u16 i0, j0, i1, j1;
u16 i0, j0;
NearestTile(x0, z0, i0, j0);
NearestTile(x1, z1, i1, j1);
NearestTile(x1, z1, state.iTarget, state.jTarget);
PriorityQueue open;
PriorityQueue closed;
state.steps = 0;
state.tiles = new Grid<PathfindTile>(m_MapSize, m_MapSize);
state.terrain = m_Grid;
state.iBest = i0;
state.jBest = j0;
state.hBest = CalculateHeuristic(i0, j0, state.iTarget, state.jTarget);
QueueItem start = { i0, j0, 0 };
tempGrid->get(i0, j0).status = PathfindTile::STATUS_OPEN;
tempGrid->get(i0, j0).pi = i0;
tempGrid->get(i0, j0).pj = j0;
tempGrid->get(i0, j0).cost = 0;
state.tiles->get(i0, j0).status = PathfindTile::STATUS_OPEN;
state.tiles->get(i0, j0).pi = i0;
state.tiles->get(i0, j0).pj = j0;
state.tiles->get(i0, j0).cost = 0;
u16 ip = i0, jp = j0; // the last tile on the path to the destination
size_t steps = 0;
while (1)
// Hack to avoid spending ages computing giant paths
// (TODO: ought to return a path that's at least heading in the right direction)
if (steps > 10000)
// Hack to avoid spending ages computing giant paths, particularly when
// the destination is unreachable
if (state.steps > 5000)
// If we ran out of tiles to examine, give up
if (open.empty())
if (state.open.empty())
// Move best tile from open to closed
QueueItem curr = open.top();
tempGrid->get(curr.i, curr.j).status = PathfindTile::STATUS_CLOSED;
ip = curr.i;
jp = curr.j;
QueueItem curr = state.open.top();
state.tiles->get(curr.i, curr.j).status = PathfindTile::STATUS_CLOSED;
// If we've reached the destination, stop
if (curr.i == i1 && curr.j == j1)
if (curr.i == state.iTarget && curr.j == state.jTarget)
state.iBest = curr.i;
state.jBest = curr.j;
state.hBest = 0;
u32 g = tempGrid->get(curr.i, curr.j).cost;
u32 g = state.tiles->get(curr.i, curr.j).cost;
if (curr.i > 0)
ProcessNeighbour(curr.i, curr.j, curr.i-1, curr.j, g, open, closed, tempGrid, m_Grid, i1, j1);
ProcessNeighbour(curr.i, curr.j, curr.i-1, curr.j, g, state);
if (curr.i < m_MapSize-1)
ProcessNeighbour(curr.i, curr.j, curr.i+1, curr.j, g, open, closed, tempGrid, m_Grid, i1, j1);
ProcessNeighbour(curr.i, curr.j, curr.i+1, curr.j, g, state);
if (curr.j > 0)
ProcessNeighbour(curr.i, curr.j, curr.i, curr.j-1, g, open, closed, tempGrid, m_Grid, i1, j1);
ProcessNeighbour(curr.i, curr.j, curr.i, curr.j-1, g, state);
if (curr.j < m_MapSize-1)
ProcessNeighbour(curr.i, curr.j, curr.i, curr.j+1, g, open, closed, tempGrid, m_Grid, i1, j1);
ProcessNeighbour(curr.i, curr.j, curr.i, curr.j+1, g, state);
// Reconstruct the path (in reverse)
u16 ip = state.iBest, jp = state.jBest;
while (ip != i0 || jp != j0)
PathfindTile& n = tempGrid->get(ip, jp);
PathfindTile& n = state.tiles->get(ip, jp);
entity_pos_t x, z;
TileCenter(ip, jp, x, z);
Waypoint w = { x, z, n.cost };
@ -674,5 +727,6 @@ void CCmpPathfinder::ComputePath(entity_pos_t x0, entity_pos_t z0, entity_pos_t
// Save this grid for debug display
delete m_DebugGrid;
m_DebugGrid = tempGrid;
m_DebugGrid = state.tiles;
m_DebugSteps = state.steps;