forked from 0ad/0ad
bb 157c6af18e Make the space in 0 A.D. non-breaking throughout the codebase.
Avoid cases of filenames
Update years in terms and other legal(ish) documents
Don't update years in license headers, since change is not meaningful

Will add linter rule in seperate commit

Happy recompiling everyone!

Original Patch By: Nescio
Comment By: Gallaecio
Differential Revision: D2620
This was SVN commit r27786.
2023-07-27 20:54:46 +00:00

341 lines
9.3 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 2022 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "CLogger.h"
#include "graphics/Canvas2D.h"
#include "graphics/FontMetrics.h"
#include "graphics/TextRenderer.h"
#include "lib/os_path.h"
#include "lib/timer.h"
#include "lib/utf8.h"
#include "ps/CConsole.h"
#include "ps/CStr.h"
#include "ps/CStrInternStatic.h"
#include "ps/Profile.h"
#include "ps/Pyrogenesis.h"
#include <ctime>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/replace.hpp>
CStrW g_UniqueLogPostfix;
static const double RENDER_TIMEOUT = 10.0; // seconds before messages are deleted
static const double RENDER_TIMEOUT_RATE = 10.0; // number of timed-out messages deleted per second
static const size_t RENDER_LIMIT = 20; // maximum messages on screen at once
// Set up a default logger that throws everything away, because that's
// better than crashing. (This is particularly useful for unit tests which
// don't care about any log output.)
struct BlackHoleStreamBuf : public std::streambuf
} blackHoleStreamBuf;
std::ostream blackHoleStream(&blackHoleStreamBuf);
CLogger nullLogger(&blackHoleStream, &blackHoleStream, false, true);
CLogger* g_Logger = &nullLogger;
const char* html_header0 =
"<!DOCTYPE html>\n"
"<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n"
"<title>Pyrogenesis Log</title>\n"
"body { background: #eee; color: black; font-family: sans-serif; } "
"p { background: white; margin: 3px 0 3px 0; } "
".error { color: red; } "
".warning { color: blue; }"
"<h2>0 A.D. (";
const char* html_header1 = "</h2>\n";
OsPath mainlogPath(psLogDir() / (L"mainlog" + g_UniqueLogPostfix + L".html"));
m_MainLog = new std::ofstream(OsString(mainlogPath).c_str(), std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::trunc);
debug_printf("FILES| Main log written to '%s'\n", mainlogPath.string8().c_str());
OsPath interestinglogPath(psLogDir() / (L"interestinglog" + g_UniqueLogPostfix + L".html"));
m_InterestingLog = new std::ofstream(OsString(interestinglogPath).c_str(), std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::trunc);
debug_printf("FILES| Interesting log written to '%s'\n", interestinglogPath.string8().c_str());
m_OwnsStreams = true;
m_UseDebugPrintf = true;
CLogger::CLogger(std::ostream* mainLog, std::ostream* interestingLog, bool takeOwnership, bool useDebugPrintf)
m_MainLog = mainLog;
m_InterestingLog = interestingLog;
m_OwnsStreams = takeOwnership;
m_UseDebugPrintf = useDebugPrintf;
void CLogger::Init()
m_RenderLastEraseTime = -1.0;
// this is called too early to allow us to call timer_Time(),
// so we'll fill in the initial value later
m_NumberOfMessages = 0;
m_NumberOfErrors = 0;
m_NumberOfWarnings = 0;
*m_MainLog << html_header0 << engine_version << ") Main log" << html_header1;
*m_InterestingLog << html_header0 << engine_version << ") Main log (warnings and errors only)" << html_header1;
char buffer[128];
sprintf_s(buffer, ARRAY_SIZE(buffer), " with %d message(s), %d error(s) and %d warning(s).", m_NumberOfMessages,m_NumberOfErrors,m_NumberOfWarnings);
time_t t = time(NULL);
struct tm* now = localtime(&t);
char currentDate[17];
sprintf_s(currentDate, ARRAY_SIZE(currentDate), "%04d-%02d-%02d", 1900+now->tm_year, 1+now->tm_mon, now->tm_mday);
char currentTime[10];
sprintf_s(currentTime, ARRAY_SIZE(currentTime), "%02d:%02d:%02d", now->tm_hour, now->tm_min, now->tm_sec);
//Write closing text
*m_MainLog << "<p>Engine exited successfully on " << currentDate;
*m_MainLog << " at " << currentTime << buffer << "</p>\n";
*m_InterestingLog << "<p>Engine exited successfully on " << currentDate;
*m_InterestingLog << " at " << currentTime << buffer << "</p>\n";
if (m_OwnsStreams)
static std::string ToHTML(const char* message)
std::string cmessage = message;
boost::algorithm::replace_all(cmessage, "&", "&amp;");
boost::algorithm::replace_all(cmessage, "<", "&lt;");
return cmessage;
void CLogger::WriteMessage(const char* message, bool doRender = false)
std::string cmessage = ToHTML(message);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_Mutex);
// if (m_UseDebugPrintf)
// debug_printf("MESSAGE: %s\n", message);
*m_MainLog << "<p>" << cmessage << "</p>\n";
if (doRender)
if (g_Console) g_Console->InsertMessage(std::string("INFO: ") + message);
PushRenderMessage(Normal, message);
void CLogger::WriteError(const char* message)
std::string cmessage = ToHTML(message);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_Mutex);
if (m_UseDebugPrintf)
debug_printf("ERROR: %.16000s\n", message);
if (g_Console) g_Console->InsertMessage(std::string("ERROR: ") + message);
*m_InterestingLog << "<p class=\"error\">ERROR: " << cmessage << "</p>\n";
*m_MainLog << "<p class=\"error\">ERROR: " << cmessage << "</p>\n";
PushRenderMessage(Error, message);
void CLogger::WriteWarning(const char* message)
std::string cmessage = ToHTML(message);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_Mutex);
if (m_UseDebugPrintf)
debug_printf("WARNING: %s\n", message);
if (g_Console) g_Console->InsertMessage(std::string("WARNING: ") + message);
*m_InterestingLog << "<p class=\"warning\">WARNING: " << cmessage << "</p>\n";
*m_MainLog << "<p class=\"warning\">WARNING: " << cmessage << "</p>\n";
PushRenderMessage(Warning, message);
void CLogger::Render(CCanvas2D& canvas)
CStrIntern font_name("mono-stroke-10");
CFontMetrics font(font_name);
int lineSpacing = font.GetLineSpacing();
CTextRenderer textRenderer;
textRenderer.SetCurrentColor(CColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
// Offset by an extra 35px vertically to avoid the top bar.
textRenderer.Translate(4.0f, 35.0f + lineSpacing);
// (Lock must come after loading the CFont, since that might log error messages
// and attempt to lock the mutex recursively which is forbidden)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_Mutex);
for (const RenderedMessage& msg : m_RenderMessages)
const char* type;
if (msg.method == Normal)
type = "info";
textRenderer.SetCurrentColor(CColor(0.0f, 0.8f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
else if (msg.method == Warning)
type = "warning";
textRenderer.SetCurrentColor(CColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
type = "error";
textRenderer.SetCurrentColor(CColor(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
const CVector2D savedTranslate = textRenderer.GetTranslate();
textRenderer.PrintfAdvance(L"[%8.3f] %hs: ", msg.time, type);
// Display the actual message in white so it's more readable
textRenderer.SetCurrentColor(CColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
textRenderer.Put(0.0f, 0.0f, msg.message.c_str());
textRenderer.Translate(0.0f, (float)lineSpacing);
void CLogger::PushRenderMessage(ELogMethod method, const char* message)
double now = timer_Time();
// Add each message line separately
const char* pos = message;
const char* eol;
while ((eol = strchr(pos, '\n')) != NULL)
if (eol != pos)
RenderedMessage r = { method, now, std::string(pos, eol) };
pos = eol + 1;
// Add the last line, if we didn't end on a \n
if (*pos != '\0')
RenderedMessage r = { method, now, std::string(pos) };
void CLogger::CleanupRenderQueue()
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_Mutex);
if (m_RenderMessages.empty())
double now = timer_Time();
// Initialise the timer on the first call (since we can't do it in the ctor)
if (m_RenderLastEraseTime == -1.0)
m_RenderLastEraseTime = now;
// Delete old messages, approximately at the given rate limit (and at most one per frame)
if (now - m_RenderLastEraseTime > 1.0/RENDER_TIMEOUT_RATE)
if (m_RenderMessages[0].time + RENDER_TIMEOUT < now)
m_RenderLastEraseTime = now;
// If there's still too many then delete the oldest
if (m_RenderMessages.size() > RENDER_LIMIT)
m_RenderMessages.erase(m_RenderMessages.begin(), m_RenderMessages.end() - RENDER_LIMIT);
m_OldLogger = g_Logger;
g_Logger = new CLogger(&m_Stream, &blackHoleStream, false, false);
delete g_Logger;
g_Logger = m_OldLogger;
std::string TestLogger::GetOutput()
return m_Stream.str();
m_OldLogger = g_Logger;
g_Logger = new CLogger(&std::cout, &blackHoleStream, false, false);
delete g_Logger;
g_Logger = m_OldLogger;