forked from 0ad/0ad
Ykkrosh 6bc33fe8bd Update renderer design to be more flexible and data-driven based on material and shader definitions.
Support conditional expressions in shader effect XML files.
Consolidate fixed-function model rendering into the shader system.
Remove lots of now-obsolete renderer code.
Move shader defines from std::map to new class with interned data, for
Move texture from model into material.
Alleviate singletonitis.
Remove obsolete lodbias setting.
Remove unused terrain shadow transparency.

This was SVN commit r11423.
2012-04-03 18:44:46 +00:00

454 lines
13 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 2012 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* higher level interface on top of OpenGL to render basic objects:
* terrain, models, sprites, particles etc.
#include "graphics/Camera.h"
#include "graphics/SColor.h"
#include "graphics/ShaderProgram.h"
#include "lib/res/handle.h"
#include "ps/Singleton.h"
#include "scripting/ScriptableObject.h"
#include "renderer/Scene.h"
// necessary declarations
class CPatch;
class CMaterial;
class CModel;
class CLightEnv;
class CShaderDefines;
class RenderPathVertexShader;
class WaterManager;
class SkyManager;
class CTextureManager;
class CShaderManager;
class CParticleManager;
class CMaterialManager;
// rendering modes
// transparency modes
// access to sole renderer object
#define g_Renderer CRenderer::GetSingleton()
struct SScreenRect
GLint x1, y1, x2, y2;
// CRenderer: base renderer class - primary interface to the rendering engine
struct CRendererInternals;
class CRenderer :
public Singleton<CRenderer>,
public CJSObject<CRenderer>,
private SceneCollector
// various enumerations and renderer related constants
enum { NumAlphaMaps=14 };
enum Option {
enum RenderPath {
// If no rendering path is configured explicitly, the renderer
// will choose the path when Open() is called.
// Classic fixed function.
// Use new ARB/GLSL system
// stats class - per frame counts of number of draw calls, poly counts etc
struct Stats {
// set all stats to zero
void Reset() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); }
// number of draw calls per frame - total DrawElements + Begin/End immediate mode loops
size_t m_DrawCalls;
// number of terrain triangles drawn
size_t m_TerrainTris;
// number of water triangles drawn
size_t m_WaterTris;
// number of (non-transparent) model triangles drawn
size_t m_ModelTris;
// number of overlay triangles drawn
size_t m_OverlayTris;
// number of splat passes for alphamapping
size_t m_BlendSplats;
// number of particles
size_t m_Particles;
// renderer options
struct Options {
bool m_NoVBO;
bool m_Shadows;
bool m_FancyWater;
RenderPath m_RenderPath;
bool m_ShadowAlphaFix;
bool m_ARBProgramShadow;
bool m_ShadowPCF;
bool m_PreferGLSL;
} m_Options;
struct Caps {
bool m_VBO;
bool m_ARBProgram;
bool m_ARBProgramShadow;
bool m_VertexShader;
bool m_FragmentShader;
bool m_Shadows;
// constructor, destructor
// open up the renderer: performs any necessary initialisation
bool Open(int width,int height);
// resize renderer view
void Resize(int width,int height);
// set/get boolean renderer option
void SetOptionBool(enum Option opt,bool value);
bool GetOptionBool(enum Option opt) const;
void SetRenderPath(RenderPath rp);
RenderPath GetRenderPath() const { return m_Options.m_RenderPath; }
static CStr GetRenderPathName(RenderPath rp);
static RenderPath GetRenderPathByName(const CStr& name);
// return view width
int GetWidth() const { return m_Width; }
// return view height
int GetHeight() const { return m_Height; }
// return view aspect ratio
float GetAspect() const { return float(m_Width)/float(m_Height); }
// signal frame start
void BeginFrame();
// signal frame end
void EndFrame();
// set color used to clear screen in BeginFrame()
void SetClearColor(SColor4ub color);
// trigger a reload of shaders (when parameters they depend on have changed)
void MakeShadersDirty();
* Set up the camera used for rendering the next scene; this includes
* setting OpenGL state like viewport, projection and modelview matrices.
* @param viewCamera this camera determines the eye position for rendering
* @param cullCamera this camera determines the frustum for culling in the renderer and
* for shadow calculations
void SetSceneCamera(const CCamera& viewCamera, const CCamera& cullCamera);
// set the viewport
void SetViewport(const SViewPort &);
* Render the given scene immediately.
* @param scene a Scene object describing what should be rendered.
void RenderScene(Scene& scene);
* Return the scene that is currently being rendered.
* Only valid when the renderer is in a RenderScene call.
Scene& GetScene();
* Render text overlays on top of the scene.
* Assumes the caller has set up the GL environment for orthographic rendering
* with texturing and blending.
void RenderTextOverlays();
// set the current lighting environment; (note: the passed pointer is just copied to a variable within the renderer,
// so the lightenv passed must be scoped such that it is not destructed until after the renderer is no longer rendering)
void SetLightEnv(CLightEnv* lightenv) {
// set the mode to render subsequent terrain patches
void SetTerrainRenderMode(ERenderMode mode) { m_TerrainRenderMode=mode; }
// get the mode to render subsequent terrain patches
ERenderMode GetTerrainRenderMode() const { return m_TerrainRenderMode; }
// set the mode to render subsequent models
void SetModelRenderMode(ERenderMode mode) { m_ModelRenderMode=mode; }
// get the mode to render subsequent models
ERenderMode GetModelRenderMode() const { return m_ModelRenderMode; }
// debugging
void SetDisplayTerrainPriorities(bool enabled) { m_DisplayTerrainPriorities = enabled; }
// bind a GL texture object to active unit
void BindTexture(int unit, unsigned int tex);
// load the default set of alphamaps.
// return a negative error code if anything along the way fails.
// called via delay-load mechanism.
int LoadAlphaMaps();
void UnloadAlphaMaps();
// return stats accumulated for current frame
Stats& GetStats() { return m_Stats; }
// return the current light environment
const CLightEnv &GetLightEnv() { return *m_LightEnv; }
// return the current view camera
const CCamera& GetViewCamera() const { return m_ViewCamera; }
// replace the current view camera
void SetViewCamera(const CCamera& camera) { m_ViewCamera = camera; }
// return the current cull camera
const CCamera& GetCullCamera() const { return m_CullCamera; }
* GetWaterManager: Return the renderer's water manager.
* @return the WaterManager object used by the renderer
WaterManager* GetWaterManager() { return m_WaterManager; }
* GetSkyManager: Return the renderer's sky manager.
* @return the SkyManager object used by the renderer
SkyManager* GetSkyManager() { return m_SkyManager; }
CTextureManager& GetTextureManager();
CShaderManager& GetShaderManager();
CParticleManager& GetParticleManager();
CMaterialManager& GetMaterialManager();
* GetCapabilities: Return which OpenGL capabilities are available and enabled.
* @return capabilities structure
const Caps& GetCapabilities() const { return m_Caps; }
static void ScriptingInit();
friend struct CRendererInternals;
friend class CVertexBuffer;
friend class CPatchRData;
friend class CDecalRData;
friend class FixedFunctionModelRenderer;
friend class ModelRenderer;
friend class PolygonSortModelRenderer;
friend class SortModelRenderer;
friend class RenderPathVertexShader;
friend class HWLightingModelRenderer;
friend class ShaderModelVertexRenderer;
friend class InstancingModelRenderer;
friend class ShaderInstancingModelRenderer;
friend class TerrainRenderer;
// scripting
// TODO: Perhaps we could have a version of AddLocalProperty for function-driven
// properties? Then we could hide these function in the private implementation class.
jsval JSI_GetRenderPath(JSContext*);
void JSI_SetRenderPath(JSContext* ctx, jsval newval);
jsval JSI_GetDepthTextureBits(JSContext*);
void JSI_SetDepthTextureBits(JSContext* ctx, jsval newval);
jsval JSI_GetShadows(JSContext*);
void JSI_SetShadows(JSContext* ctx, jsval newval);
jsval JSI_GetShadowAlphaFix(JSContext*);
void JSI_SetShadowAlphaFix(JSContext* ctx, jsval newval);
jsval JSI_GetShadowPCF(JSContext*);
void JSI_SetShadowPCF(JSContext* ctx, jsval newval);
jsval JSI_GetPreferGLSL(JSContext*);
void JSI_SetPreferGLSL(JSContext* ctx, jsval newval);
jsval JSI_GetSky(JSContext*);
void JSI_SetSky(JSContext* ctx, jsval newval);
//BEGIN: Implementation of SceneCollector
void Submit(CPatch* patch);
void Submit(SOverlayLine* overlay);
void Submit(SOverlayTexturedLine* overlay);
void Submit(SOverlaySprite* overlay);
void Submit(CModelDecal* decal);
void Submit(CParticleEmitter* emitter);
void SubmitNonRecursive(CModel* model);
//END: Implementation of SceneCollector
// render any batched objects
void RenderSubmissions();
// patch rendering stuff
void RenderPatches(const CShaderDefines& context, const CFrustum* frustum = 0);
// model rendering stuff
void RenderModels(const CShaderDefines& context, const CFrustum* frustum = 0);
void RenderTransparentModels(const CShaderDefines& context, ETransparentMode transparentMode, const CFrustum* frustum = 0);
void RenderSilhouettes(const CShaderDefines& context);
void RenderParticles();
// shadow rendering stuff
void RenderShadowMap(const CShaderDefines& context);
// render water reflection and refraction textures
SScreenRect RenderReflections(const CShaderDefines& context, const CBoundingBoxAligned& scissor);
SScreenRect RenderRefractions(const CShaderDefines& context, const CBoundingBoxAligned& scissor);
// debugging
void DisplayFrustum();
// enable oblique frustum clipping with the given clip plane
void SetObliqueFrustumClipping(const CVector4D& clipPlane);
void ReloadShaders();
// hotloading
static Status ReloadChangedFileCB(void* param, const VfsPath& path);
/// Private data that is not needed by inline functions
CRendererInternals* m;
// view width
int m_Width;
// view height
int m_Height;
// current terrain rendering mode
ERenderMode m_TerrainRenderMode;
// current model rendering mode
ERenderMode m_ModelRenderMode;
* m_ViewCamera: determines the eye position for rendering
* @see CGameView::m_ViewCamera
CCamera m_ViewCamera;
* m_CullCamera: determines the frustum for culling and shadowmap calculations
* @see CGameView::m_ViewCamera
CCamera m_CullCamera;
// only valid inside a call to RenderScene
Scene* m_CurrentScene;
// color used to clear screen in BeginFrame
float m_ClearColor[4];
// current lighting setup
CLightEnv* m_LightEnv;
// ogl_tex handle of composite alpha map (all the alpha maps packed into one texture)
Handle m_hCompositeAlphaMap;
// coordinates of each (untransformed) alpha map within the packed texture
struct {
float u0,u1,v0,v1;
} m_AlphaMapCoords[NumAlphaMaps];
// card capabilities
Caps m_Caps;
// build card cap bits
void EnumCaps();
// per-frame renderer stats
Stats m_Stats;
* m_WaterManager: the WaterManager object used for water textures and settings
* (e.g. water color, water height)
WaterManager* m_WaterManager;
* m_SkyManager: the SkyManager object used for sky textures and settings
SkyManager* m_SkyManager;
* m_DisplayFrustum: Render the cull frustum and other data that may be interesting
* to evaluate culling and shadow map calculations
* Can be controlled from JS via renderer.displayFrustum
bool m_DisplayFrustum;
* Enable rendering of terrain tile priority text overlay, for debugging.
bool m_DisplayTerrainPriorities;
* m_ShadowZBias: Z bias used when rendering shadows into a depth texture.
* This can be used to control shadowing artifacts.
* Can be accessed via JS as renderer.shadowZBias
* ShadowMap uses this for matrix calculation.
float m_ShadowZBias;
* m_ShadowMapSize: Size of shadow map, or 0 for default. Typically slow but useful
* for high-quality rendering. Changes don't take effect until the shadow map
* is regenerated.
* Can be accessed via JS as renderer.shadowMapSize
int m_ShadowMapSize;
* m_SkipSubmit: Disable the actual submission of rendering commands to OpenGL.
* All state setup is still performed as usual.
* Can be accessed via JS as renderer.skipSubmit
bool m_SkipSubmit;