forked from 0ad/0ad
janwas c4e3037e60 adts: add LL_OPT_* defines that enable optimizations (some only make sense if there are tons of files, and need to be able to disable them for thesis). realized this would be perfect application of policy template classes, which will replace this.
fix crashdumps: was failing to write out to file (underlying cause:
current directory no longer being set)
app_hooks: add get_log_dir; used by debug and wdbg_sym

minor improvements/documentation in archive+compression+file_cache+zip

main: remove dead ScEd code

This was SVN commit r3498.
2006-02-11 22:49:09 +00:00

669 lines
19 KiB

// platform-independent debug code
// Copyright (c) 2005 Jan Wassenberg
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// Contact info:
// Jan.Wassenberg@stud.uni-karlsruhe.de
// http://www.stud.uni-karlsruhe.de/~urkt/
#include "precompiled.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "lib.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "debug_stl.h"
#include "posix.h"
// some functions here are called from within mmgr; disable its hooks
// so that our allocations don't cause infinite recursion.
#include "nommgr.h"
#include "self_test.h"
#include "app_hooks.h"
// needed when writing crashlog
static const size_t LOG_CHARS = 16384;
wchar_t debug_log[LOG_CHARS];
wchar_t* debug_log_pos = debug_log;
// write to memory buffer (fast)
void debug_wprintf_mem(const wchar_t* fmt, ...)
const ssize_t chars_left = (ssize_t)LOG_CHARS - (debug_log_pos-debug_log);
debug_assert(chars_left >= 0);
// potentially not enough room for the new string; throw away the
// older half of the log. we still protect against overflow below.
if(chars_left < 512)
const size_t copy_size = sizeof(wchar_t) * LOG_CHARS/2;
wchar_t* const middle = &debug_log[LOG_CHARS/2];
memcpy2(debug_log, middle, copy_size);
memset(middle, 0, copy_size);
debug_log_pos -= LOG_CHARS/2; // don't assign middle (may leave gap)
// write into buffer (in-place)
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
int len = vswprintf(debug_log_pos, chars_left-2, fmt, args);
if(len < 0)
debug_warn("vswprintf failed");
debug_log_pos += len+2;
wcscpy(debug_log_pos-2, L"\r\n"); // safe
// need to shoehorn printf-style variable params into
// the OutputDebugString call.
// - don't want to split into multiple calls - would add newlines to output.
// - fixing Win32 _vsnprintf to return # characters that would be written,
// as required by C99, looks difficult and unnecessary. if any other code
// needs that, implement GNU vasprintf.
// - fixed size buffers aren't nice, but much simpler than vasprintf-style
// allocate+expand_until_it_fits. these calls are for quick debug output,
// not loads of data, anyway.
// max # characters (including \0) output by debug_(w)printf in one call.
static const int MAX_CHARS = 512;
// rationale: static data instead of std::set to allow setting at any time.
// we store FNV hash of tag strings for fast comparison; collisions are
// extremely unlikely and can only result in displaying more/less text.
static const uint MAX_TAGS = 20;
static u32 tags[MAX_TAGS];
static uint num_tags;
void debug_filter_add(const char* tag)
const u32 hash = fnv_hash(tag);
// make sure it isn't already in the list
for(uint i = 0; i < MAX_TAGS; i++)
if(tags[i] == hash)
// too many already?
if(num_tags == MAX_TAGS)
debug_warn("increase MAX_TAGS");
tags[num_tags++] = hash;
void debug_filter_remove(const char* tag)
const u32 hash = fnv_hash(tag);
for(uint i = 0; i < MAX_TAGS; i++)
// found it
if(tags[i] == hash)
// replace with last element (avoid holes)
tags[i] = tags[MAX_TAGS-1];
// can only happen once, so we're done.
void debug_filter_clear()
for(uint i = 0; i < MAX_TAGS; i++)
tags[i] = 0;
static bool filter_allows(const char* text)
uint i;
for(i = 0; ; i++)
// no | found => no tag => should always be displayed
if(text[i] == ' ' || text[i] == '\0')
return true;
if(text[i] == '|' && i != 0)
const u32 hash = fnv_hash(text, i);
// check if entry allowing this tag is found
for(i = 0; i < MAX_TAGS; i++)
if(tags[i] == hash)
return true;
return false;
void debug_printf(const char* fmt, ...)
char buf[MAX_CHARS]; buf[ARRAY_SIZE(buf)-1] = '\0';
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
vsnprintf(buf, MAX_CHARS-1, fmt, ap);
void debug_wprintf(const wchar_t* fmt, ...)
wchar_t wcs_buf[MAX_CHARS]; wcs_buf[ARRAY_SIZE(wcs_buf)-1] = '\0';
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
vswprintf(wcs_buf, MAX_CHARS-1, fmt, ap);
// convert wchar_t to UTF-8.
// rationale: according to fwide(3) and assorted manpage, FILEs are in
// single character or in wide character mode. When a FILE is in
// single character mode, wide character writes will fail, and no
// conversion is done automatically. Thus the manual conversion.
// it's done here (instead of in OS-specific debug_putws) because
// filter_allow requires the conversion also.
// jw: MSDN wcstombs dox say 2 bytes per wchar is enough.
// not sure about this; to be on the safe side, we check for overflow.
const size_t MAX_BYTES = MAX_CHARS*2;
char mbs_buf[MAX_BYTES]; mbs_buf[MAX_BYTES-1] = '\0';
size_t bytes_written = wcstombs(mbs_buf, wcs_buf, MAX_BYTES);
// .. error
if(bytes_written == (size_t)-1)
debug_warn("invalid wcs character encountered");
// .. exact fit, make sure it's 0-terminated
if(bytes_written == MAX_BYTES)
mbs_buf[MAX_BYTES-1] = '\0';
// .. paranoia: overflow is impossible
debug_assert(bytes_written <= MAX_BYTES);
LibError debug_write_crashlog(const wchar_t* text)
// note: we go through some gyrations here (strcpy+strcat) to avoid
// dependency on file code (vfs_path_append).
char N_path[PATH_MAX];
strcpy_s(N_path, ARRAY_SIZE(N_path), ah_get_log_dir());
strcat_s(N_path, ARRAY_SIZE(N_path), "crashlog.txt");
FILE* f = fopen(N_path, "w");
DISPLAY_ERROR(L"debug_write_crashlog: unable to open file");
fputwc(0xfeff, f); // BOM
fwprintf(f, L"%ls\n", text);
fwprintf(f, L"\n\n====================================\n\n");
// allow user to bundle whatever information they want
fwprintf(f, L"Last known activity:\n\n %ls\n", debug_log);
return ERR_OK;
// storage for and construction of strings describing a symbol
// tightly pack strings within one large buffer. we never need to free them,
// since the program structure / addresses can never change.
static const size_t STRING_BUF_SIZE = 64*KiB;
static char* string_buf;
static char* string_buf_pos;
static const char* symbol_string_build(void* symbol, const char* name, const char* file, int line)
// maximum bytes allowed per string (arbitrary).
// needed to prevent possible overflows.
const size_t STRING_MAX = 1000;
string_buf = (char*)malloc(STRING_BUF_SIZE);
debug_warn("failed to allocate string_buf");
return 0;
string_buf_pos = string_buf;
// make sure there's enough space for a new string
char* string = string_buf_pos;
if(string + STRING_MAX >= string_buf + STRING_BUF_SIZE)
debug_warn("increase STRING_BUF_SIZE");
return 0;
// user didn't know name/file/line. attempt to resolve from debug info.
char name_buf[DBG_SYMBOL_LEN];
char file_buf[DBG_FILE_LEN];
if(!name || !file || !line)
int line_buf;
(void)debug_resolve_symbol(symbol, name_buf, file_buf, &line_buf);
// only override the original parameters if value is meaningful;
// otherwise, stick with what we got, even if 0.
// (obviates test of return value; correctly handles partial failure).
name = name_buf;
file = file_buf;
line = line_buf;
// file and line are available: write them
int len;
if(file && line)
// strip path from filename (long and irrelevant)
const char* filename_only = file;
const char* slash = strrchr(file, DIR_SEP);
filename_only = slash+1;
len = snprintf(string, STRING_MAX-1, "%s:%05d ", filename_only, line);
// only address is known
len = snprintf(string, STRING_MAX-1, "%p ", symbol);
// append symbol name
snprintf(string+len, STRING_MAX-1-len, "%s", name);
return string;
// cache, mapping symbol address to its description string.
// note: we don't want to allocate a new string for every symbol -
// that would waste lots of memory. instead, when a new address is first
// encountered, allocate a string describing it, and store for later use.
// hash table entry; valid iff symbol != 0. the string pointer must remain
// valid until the cache is shut down.
struct Symbol
void* symbol;
const char* string;
static const uint MAX_SYMBOLS = 2048;
static Symbol* symbols;
static uint total_symbols;
static uint hash_jumps;
// strip off lower 2 bits, since it's unlikely that 2 symbols are
// within 4 bytes of one another.
static uint hash(void* symbol)
const uintptr_t address = (uintptr_t)symbol;
return (uint)( (address >> 2) % MAX_SYMBOLS );
// algorithm: hash lookup with linear probing.
static const char* symbol_string_from_cache(void* symbol)
// hash table not initialized yet, nothing to find
return 0;
uint idx = hash(symbol);
Symbol* c = &symbols[idx];
// not in table
return 0;
// found
if(c->symbol == symbol)
return c->string;
idx = (idx+1) % MAX_SYMBOLS;
// associate <string> (must remain valid) with <symbol>, for
// later calls to symbol_string_from_cache.
static void symbol_string_add_to_cache(const char* string, void* symbol)
// note: must be zeroed to set each Symbol to "invalid"
symbols = (Symbol*)calloc(MAX_SYMBOLS, sizeof(Symbol));
debug_warn("failed to allocate symbols");
// hash table is completely full (guard against infinite loop below).
// if this happens, the string won't be cached - nothing serious.
if(total_symbols >= MAX_SYMBOLS)
debug_warn("increase MAX_SYMBOLS");
// find Symbol slot in hash table
Symbol* c;
uint idx = hash(symbol);
c = &symbols[idx];
// found an empty slot
idx = (idx+1) % MAX_SYMBOLS;
// commit Symbol information
c->symbol = symbol;
c->string = string;
string_buf_pos += strlen(string)+1;
const char* debug_get_symbol_string(void* symbol, const char* name, const char* file, int line)
// return it if already in cache
const char* string = symbol_string_from_cache(symbol);
return string;
// try to build a new string
string = symbol_string_build(symbol, name, file, line);
return 0;
symbol_string_add_to_cache(string, symbol);
return string;
// output
// translates and displays the given strings in a dialog.
// this is typically only used when debug_display_error has failed or
// is unavailable because that function is much more capable.
// implemented via sys_display_msgw; see documentation there.
void debug_display_msgw(const wchar_t* caption, const wchar_t* msg)
sys_display_msgw(ah_translate(caption), ah_translate(msg));
// display the error dialog. shows <description> along with a stack trace.
// context and skip are as with debug_dump_stack.
// flags: see DisplayErrorFlags. file and line indicate where the error
// occurred and are typically passed as __FILE__, __LINE__.
ErrorReaction debug_display_error(const wchar_t* description,
int flags, uint skip, void* context, const char* file, int line)
if(!file || file[0] == '\0')
file = "unknown";
if(line <= 0)
line = 0;
// translate
description = ah_translate(description);
// display in output window; double-click will navigate to error location.
const char* slash = strrchr(file, DIR_SEP);
const char* filename = slash? slash+1 : file;
debug_wprintf(L"%hs(%d): %ls\n", filename, line, description);
// allocate memory for the stack trace. this needs to be quite large,
// so preallocating is undesirable. it must work even if the heap is
// corrupted (since that's an error we might want to display), so
// we cannot rely on the heap alloc alone. what we do is try malloc,
// fall back to alloca if it failed, and give up after that.
wchar_t* text = 0;
size_t max_chars = 256*KiB;
// .. try allocating from heap
void* heap_mem = malloc(max_chars*sizeof(wchar_t));
text = (wchar_t*)heap_mem;
// .. heap alloc failed; try allocating from stack
max_chars = 128*KiB; // (stack limit is usually 1 MiB)
text = (wchar_t*)alloca(max_chars*sizeof(wchar_t));
// alloc succeeded; proceed
static const wchar_t fmt[] = L"%ls\r\n\r\nCall stack:\r\n\r\n";
int len = swprintf(text, max_chars, fmt, description);
// paranoia - only dump stack if this string output succeeded.
if(len >= 0)
skip++; // skip this frame
debug_dump_stack(text+len, max_chars-len, skip, context);
text = L"(insufficient memory to display error message)";
ErrorReaction er = sys_display_error(text, flags);
// note: debug_break-ing here to make sure the app doesn't continue
// running is no longer necessary. debug_display_error now determines our
// window handle and is modal.
// handle "break" request unless the caller wants to (doing so here
// instead of within the dlgproc yields a correct call stack)
if(er == ER_BREAK && !(flags & DE_MANUAL_BREAK))
free(heap_mem); // no-op if not allocated from heap
// after debug_break to ease debugging, but before exit to avoid leak.
// exit requested. do so here to disburden callers.
if(er == ER_EXIT)
// disable memory-leak reporting to avoid a flood of warnings
// (lots of stuff will leak since we exit abnormally).
return er;
// notify the user that an assertion failed; displays a stack trace with
// local variables.
ErrorReaction debug_assert_failed(const char* expr,
const char* file, int line, const char* func)
// for edge cases in some functions, warnings (=asserts) are raised in
// addition to returning an error code. self-tests deliberately trigger
// these cases and check for the latter but shouldn't cause the former.
// we therefore squelch them here.
// (note: don't do so in lib.h's CHECK_ERR or debug_assert to reduce
// compile-time dependency on self_test.h)
// __FILE__ evaluates to the full path (albeit without drive letter)
// which is rather long. we only display the base name for clarity.
const char* slash = strrchr(file, DIR_SEP);
const char* base_name = slash? slash+1 : file;
uint skip = 1; void* context = 0;
wchar_t buf[400];
swprintf(buf, ARRAY_SIZE(buf), L"Assertion failed at %hs:%d (%hs): \"%hs\"", base_name, line, func, expr);
return debug_display_error(buf, DE_ALLOW_SUPPRESS|DE_MANUAL_BREAK, skip,context, base_name,line);
ErrorReaction debug_warn_err(LibError err,
const char* file, int line, const char* func)
// for edge cases in some functions, warnings (=asserts) are raised in
// addition to returning an error code. self-tests deliberately trigger
// these cases and check for the latter but shouldn't cause the former.
// we therefore squelch them here.
// (note: don't do so in lib.h's CHECK_ERR or debug_assert to reduce
// compile-time dependency on self_test.h)
// __FILE__ evaluates to the full path (albeit without drive letter)
// which is rather long. we only display the base name for clarity.
const char* slash = strrchr(file, DIR_SEP);
const char* base_name = slash? slash+1 : file;
uint skip = 1; void* context = 0;
wchar_t buf[400];
char err_buf[200]; error_description_r(err, err_buf, ARRAY_SIZE(err_buf));
swprintf(buf, ARRAY_SIZE(buf), L"Function call failed at %hs:%d (%hs): return value was %d (%hs)", base_name, line, func, err, err_buf);
return debug_display_error(buf, DE_ALLOW_SUPPRESS|DE_MANUAL_BREAK, skip,context, base_name,line);
// thread naming
// when debugging multithreading problems, logging the currently running
// thread is helpful; a user-specified name is easier to remember than just
// the thread handle. to that end, we provide a robust TLS mechanism that is
// much safer than the previous method of hijacking TIB.pvArbitrary.
// note: on Win9x thread "IDs" are pointers to the TIB xor-ed with an
// obfuscation value calculated at boot-time.
// __declspec(thread) et al. are now available on VC and newer GCC but we
// implement TLS manually (via pthread_setspecific) to ensure compatibility.
static pthread_key_t tls_key;
static pthread_once_t tls_once = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
// provided for completeness and to avoid displaying bogus resource leaks.
static void tls_shutdown()
tls_key = 0;
// (called via pthread_once from debug_set_thread_name)
static void tls_init()
WARN_ERR(pthread_key_create(&tls_key, 0)); // no dtor
// note: do not use atexit; this may be called before _cinit.
// set the current thread's name; it will be returned by subsequent calls to
// debug_get_thread_name.
// the string pointed to by <name> MUST remain valid throughout the
// entire program; best to pass a string literal. allocating a copy
// would be quite a bit more work due to cleanup issues.
// if supported on this platform, the debugger is notified of the new name;
// it will be displayed there instead of just the handle.
void debug_set_thread_name(const char* name)
WARN_ERR(pthread_once(&tls_once, tls_init));
WARN_ERR(pthread_setspecific(tls_key, name));
#if OS_WIN
// return the pointer assigned by debug_set_thread_name or 0 if
// that hasn't been done yet for this thread.
const char* debug_get_thread_name()
return (const char*)pthread_getspecific(tls_key);
void debug_shutdown()