forked from 0ad/0ad
Yves e818b08344 Better support for SpiderMonkey rooted types in the ScriptInterface.
* Adds additional overloads/specializations which are required when
passing JS::Handle<T>/JS::MutableHandle<T> types to different functions.
* Replaces GetPropertyJS with a GetProperty specialization.
* Allows us to avoid the implementation of ToJSVal specializations for
JS::Value and JS::HandleValue. Such conversions should only happen if
there's no way around it and if you are aware of it.
* Adds test to make sure that all potentially required specializations
with custom implementations are instantiated. This should help prevent
introducing bugs in temporarily unused code.

Refs #2415

This was SVN commit r15567.
2014-07-26 20:31:29 +00:00

632 lines
21 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 2012 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include "ScriptTypes.h"
#include "ScriptVal.h"
#include "ps/Errors.h"
ERROR_TYPE(Scripting, SetupFailed);
ERROR_SUBGROUP(Scripting, LoadFile);
ERROR_TYPE(Scripting_LoadFile, OpenFailed);
ERROR_TYPE(Scripting_LoadFile, EvalErrors);
ERROR_TYPE(Scripting, ConversionFailed);
ERROR_TYPE(Scripting, CallFunctionFailed);
ERROR_TYPE(Scripting, RegisterFunctionFailed);
ERROR_TYPE(Scripting, DefineConstantFailed);
ERROR_TYPE(Scripting, CreateObjectFailed);
ERROR_TYPE(Scripting, TypeDoesNotExist);
ERROR_SUBGROUP(Scripting, DefineType);
ERROR_TYPE(Scripting_DefineType, AlreadyExists);
ERROR_TYPE(Scripting_DefineType, CreationFailed);
#include "lib/file/vfs/vfs_path.h"
#include "ps/Profile.h"
#include "ps/utf16string.h"
#include <boost/random/linear_congruential.hpp>
class AutoGCRooter;
// Set the maximum number of function arguments that can be handled
// (This should be as small as possible (for compiler efficiency),
// but as large as necessary for all wrapped functions)
// TODO: what's a good default?
#define DEFAULT_RUNTIME_SIZE 16 * 1024 * 1024
struct ScriptInterface_impl;
class ScriptRuntime;
extern shared_ptr<ScriptRuntime> g_ScriptRuntime;
class CDebuggingServer;
* Abstraction around a SpiderMonkey JSContext.
* Thread-safety:
* - May be used in non-main threads.
* - Each ScriptInterface must be created, used, and destroyed, all in a single thread
* (it must never be shared between threads).
class ScriptInterface
* Returns a runtime, which can used to initialise any number of
* ScriptInterfaces contexts. Values created in one context may be used
* in any other context from the same runtime (but not any other runtime).
* Each runtime should only ever be used on a single thread.
* @param runtimeSize Maximum size in bytes of the new runtime
static shared_ptr<ScriptRuntime> CreateRuntime(int runtimeSize = DEFAULT_RUNTIME_SIZE);
* Constructor.
* @param nativeScopeName Name of global object that functions (via RegisterFunction) will
* be placed into, as a scoping mechanism; typically "Engine"
* @param debugName Name of this interface for CScriptStats purposes.
* @param runtime ScriptRuntime to use when initializing this interface.
ScriptInterface(const char* nativeScopeName, const char* debugName, const shared_ptr<ScriptRuntime>& runtime);
* Shut down the JS system to clean up memory. Must only be called when there
* are no ScriptInterfaces alive.
static void ShutDown();
struct CxPrivate
ScriptInterface* pScriptInterface; // the ScriptInterface object the current context belongs to
void* pCBData; // meant to be used as the "this" object for callback functions
} m_CxPrivate;
void SetCallbackData(void* pCBData);
static CxPrivate* GetScriptInterfaceAndCBData(JSContext* cx);
JSContext* GetContext() const;
JSRuntime* GetJSRuntime() const;
shared_ptr<ScriptRuntime> GetRuntime() const;
* Load global scripts that most script contexts need,
* located in the /globalscripts directory. VFS must be initialized.
bool LoadGlobalScripts();
CScriptValRooted GetCachedValue(CACHED_VAL valueIdentifier);
* Replace the default JS random number geenrator with a seeded, network-sync'd one.
bool ReplaceNondeterministicRNG(boost::rand48& rng);
* Call a constructor function, equivalent to JS "new ctor(arg)".
* @return The new object; or JSVAL_VOID on failure, and logs an error message
jsval CallConstructor(jsval ctor, uint argc, jsval argv);
* Create an object as with CallConstructor except don't actually execute the
* constructor function.
* @return The new object; or JSVAL_VOID on failure, and logs an error message
jsval NewObjectFromConstructor(jsval ctor);
* Call the named property on the given object, with void return type and 0 arguments
bool CallFunctionVoid(jsval val, const char* name);
* Call the named property on the given object, with void return type and 1 argument
template<typename T0>
bool CallFunctionVoid(jsval val, const char* name, const T0& a0);
* Call the named property on the given object, with void return type and 2 arguments
template<typename T0, typename T1>
bool CallFunctionVoid(jsval val, const char* name, const T0& a0, const T1& a1);
* Call the named property on the given object, with void return type and 3 arguments
template<typename T0, typename T1, typename T2>
bool CallFunctionVoid(jsval val, const char* name, const T0& a0, const T1& a1, const T2& a2);
JSObject* CreateCustomObject(const std::string & typeName);
void DefineCustomObjectType(JSClass *clasp, JSNative constructor, uint minArgs, JSPropertySpec *ps, JSFunctionSpec *fs, JSPropertySpec *static_ps, JSFunctionSpec *static_fs);
jsval GetGlobalObject();
JSClass* GetGlobalClass();
* Set the named property on the global object.
* If @p replace is true, an existing property will be overwritten; otherwise attempts
* to set an already-defined value will fail.
template<typename T>
bool SetGlobal(const char* name, const T& value, bool replace = false);
* Set the named property on the given object.
* Optionally makes it {ReadOnly, DontDelete, DontEnum}.
template<typename T>
bool SetProperty(jsval obj, const char* name, const T& value, bool constant = false, bool enumerate = true);
* Set the named property on the given object.
* Optionally makes it {ReadOnly, DontDelete, DontEnum}.
template<typename T>
bool SetProperty(jsval obj, const wchar_t* name, const T& value, bool constant = false, bool enumerate = true);
* Set the integer-named property on the given object.
* Optionally makes it {ReadOnly, DontDelete, DontEnum}.
template<typename T>
bool SetPropertyInt(jsval obj, int name, const T& value, bool constant = false, bool enumerate = true);
* Get the named property on the given object.
template<typename T>
bool GetProperty(jsval obj, const char* name, T& out);
* Get the named property of the given object.
* This overload takes JS::Rooted<T>* and converts it to JS::MutableHandle<T> in the function body because implicit
* conversion is not supported for templates.
* It's used in the case where a JS::Rooted<T> gets created inside the same function and then passed to GetProperty as
* |out| using the & operator.
template<typename T>
bool GetProperty(jsval obj, const char* name, JS::Rooted<T>* out);
* Get the named property of the given object.
* This overload gets used in the case when you don't need conversion from a JS::Rooted<T>* and pass JS::MutableHandle<T>
* to GetProperty as |out| parameter directly (usually when you get it as a function parameter).
template<typename T>
bool GetProperty(jsval obj, const char* name, JS::MutableHandle<T> out);
* Get the integer-named property on the given object.
template<typename T>
bool GetPropertyInt(jsval obj, int name, T& out);
* Get the integer-named property on the given object.
* This version is for taking JS::MutableHandle<T> out parameters. Check the comment for GetProperty for
* background information
template<typename T>
bool GetPropertyInt(jsval obj, int name, JS::Rooted<T>* out);
* Get the named property of the given object.
* This overload gets used in the case when you don't need conversion from a JS::Rooted<T>* and pass JS::MutableHandle<T>
* to GetPropertyInt as |out| parameter directly (usually when you get it as a function parameter).
template<typename T>
bool GetPropertyInt(jsval obj, int name, JS::MutableHandle<T> out);
* Check the named property has been defined on the given object.
bool HasProperty(jsval obj, const char* name);
bool EnumeratePropertyNamesWithPrefix(JS::HandleValue objVal, const char* prefix, std::vector<std::string>& out);
bool SetPrototype(JS::HandleValue obj, JS::HandleValue proto);
bool FreezeObject(jsval obj, bool deep);
bool Eval(const char* code);
template<typename CHAR> bool Eval(const CHAR* code, JS::MutableHandleValue out);
template<typename T, typename CHAR> bool Eval(const CHAR* code, T& out);
std::wstring ToString(jsval obj, bool pretty = false);
* Parse a UTF-8-encoded JSON string. Returns the undefined value on error.
CScriptValRooted ParseJSON(const std::string& string_utf8);
* Read a JSON file. Returns the undefined value on error.
CScriptValRooted ReadJSONFile(const VfsPath& path);
* Stringify to a JSON string, UTF-8 encoded. Returns an empty string on error.
std::string StringifyJSON(jsval obj, bool indent = true);
* Report the given error message through the JS error reporting mechanism,
* and throw a JS exception. (Callers can check IsPendingException, and must
* return JS_FALSE in that case to propagate the exception.)
void ReportError(const char* msg);
* Load and execute the given script in a new function scope.
* @param filename Name for debugging purposes (not used to load the file)
* @param code JS code to execute
* @return true on successful compilation and execution; false otherwise
bool LoadScript(const VfsPath& filename, const std::string& code);
* Load and execute the given script in the global scope.
* @param filename Name for debugging purposes (not used to load the file)
* @param code JS code to execute
* @return true on successful compilation and execution; false otherwise
bool LoadGlobalScript(const VfsPath& filename, const std::wstring& code);
* Load and execute the given script in the global scope.
* @return true on successful compilation and execution; false otherwise
bool LoadGlobalScriptFile(const VfsPath& path);
* Construct a new value (usable in this ScriptInterface's context) by cloning
* a value from a different context.
* Complex values (functions, XML, etc) won't be cloned correctly, but basic
* types and cyclic references should be fine.
jsval CloneValueFromOtherContext(ScriptInterface& otherContext, jsval val);
* Convert a jsval to a C++ type. (This might trigger GC.)
template<typename T> static bool FromJSVal(JSContext* cx, const JS::HandleValue val, T& ret);
* Convert a C++ type to a jsval. (This might trigger GC. The return
* value must be rooted if you don't want it to be collected.)
* NOTE: We are passing the JS::Value by reference instead of returning it by value.
* The reason is a memory corruption problem that appears to be caused by a bug in Visual Studio.
* Details here: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17289&p=285921
template<typename T> static void ToJSVal(JSContext* cx, JS::MutableHandleValue ret, T const& val);
AutoGCRooter* ReplaceAutoGCRooter(AutoGCRooter* rooter);
* Dump some memory heap debugging information to stderr.
void DumpHeap();
* MaybeGC tries to determine whether garbage collection in cx's runtime would free up enough memory to be worth the amount of time it would take.
* This calls JS_MaybeGC directly, which does not do incremental GC. Usually you should prefer MaybeIncrementalRuntimeGC.
void MaybeGC();
* MaybeIncrementalRuntimeGC tries to determine whether a runtime-wide garbage collection would free up enough memory to
* be worth the amount of time it would take. It does this with our own logic and NOT some predefined JSAPI logic because
* such functionality currently isn't available out of the box.
* It does incremental GC which means it will collect one slice each time it's called until the garbage collection is done.
* This can and should be called quite regularly. It shouldn't cost much performance because it tries to run a GC only if
* necessary.
void MaybeIncrementalRuntimeGC();
* Triggers a full non-incremental garbage collection immediately. That should only be required in special cases and normally
* you should try to use MaybeIncrementalRuntimeGC instead.
void ForceGC();
* MathRandom (this function) calls the random number generator assigned to this ScriptInterface instance and
* returns the generated number.
* Math_random (with underscore, not this function) is a global function, but different random number generators can be
* stored per ScriptInterface. It calls MathRandom of the current ScriptInterface instance.
bool MathRandom(double& nbr);
* Structured clones are a way to serialize 'simple' JS values into a buffer
* that can safely be passed between contexts and runtimes and threads.
* A StructuredClone can be stored and read multiple times if desired.
* We wrap them in shared_ptr so memory management is automatic and
* thread-safe.
class StructuredClone
u64* m_Data;
size_t m_Size;
shared_ptr<StructuredClone> WriteStructuredClone(jsval v);
jsval ReadStructuredClone(const shared_ptr<StructuredClone>& ptr);
* Converts |a| if needed and assigns it to |handle|.
* This is meant for use in other templates where we want to use the same code for JS::RootedValue&/JS::HandleValue and
* other types. Note that functions are meant to take JS::HandleValue instead of JS::RootedValue&, but this implicit
* conversion does not work for templates (exact type matches required for type deduction).
* A similar functionality could also be implemented as a ToJSVal specialization. The current approach was preferred
* because "conversions" from JS::HandleValue to JS::MutableHandleValue are unusual and should not happen "by accident".
template <typename T>
void AssignOrToJSVal(JS::MutableHandleValue handle, const T& a);
bool CallFunction_(JS::HandleValue val, const char* name, uint argc, jsval* argv, JS::MutableHandleValue ret);
bool Eval_(const char* code, JS::MutableHandleValue ret);
bool Eval_(const wchar_t* code, JS::MutableHandleValue ret);
bool SetGlobal_(const char* name, jsval value, bool replace);
bool SetProperty_(jsval obj, const char* name, jsval value, bool readonly, bool enumerate);
bool SetProperty_(jsval obj, const wchar_t* name, jsval value, bool readonly, bool enumerate);
bool SetPropertyInt_(jsval obj, int name, jsval value, bool readonly, bool enumerate);
bool GetProperty_(jsval obj, const char* name, JS::MutableHandleValue out);
bool GetPropertyInt_(jsval obj, int name, JS::MutableHandleValue value);
static bool IsExceptionPending(JSContext* cx);
static JSClass* GetClass(JSObject* obj);
static void* GetPrivate(JSObject* obj);
class CustomType
JSObject* m_Prototype;
JSClass* m_Class;
JSNative m_Constructor;
void Register(const char* name, JSNative fptr, size_t nargs);
std::auto_ptr<ScriptInterface_impl> m;
boost::rand48* m_rng;
std::map<std::string, CustomType> m_CustomObjectTypes;
// The nasty macro/template bits are split into a separate file so you don't have to look at them
#include "NativeWrapperDecls.h"
// This declares:
// template <R, T0..., TR (*fptr) (void* cbdata, T0...)>
// void RegisterFunction(const char* functionName);
// template <R, T0..., TR (*fptr) (void* cbdata, T0...)>
// static JSNative call;
// template <R, T0..., JSClass*, TC, TR (TC:*fptr) (T0...)>
// static JSNative callMethod;
// template <dummy, T0...>
// static size_t nargs();
// Implement those declared functions
#include "NativeWrapperDefns.h"
template<typename T>
inline void ScriptInterface::AssignOrToJSVal(JS::MutableHandleValue handle, const T& a)
ToJSVal(GetContext(), handle, a);
inline void ScriptInterface::AssignOrToJSVal<JS::RootedValue>(JS::MutableHandleValue handle, const JS::RootedValue& a)
template <>
inline void ScriptInterface::AssignOrToJSVal<JS::HandleValue>(JS::MutableHandleValue handle, const JS::HandleValue& a)
template <>
inline void ScriptInterface::AssignOrToJSVal<JS::Value>(JS::MutableHandleValue handle, const JS::Value& a)
template<typename T0>
bool ScriptInterface::CallFunctionVoid(jsval val, const char* name, const T0& a0)
JSContext* cx = GetContext();
JSAutoRequest rq(cx);
JS::RootedValue jsRet(cx);
JS::RootedValue val1(cx, val);
JS::AutoValueVector argv(cx);
AssignOrToJSVal(argv.handleAt(0), a0);
return CallFunction_(val1, name, 1, argv.begin(), &jsRet);
template<typename T0, typename T1>
bool ScriptInterface::CallFunctionVoid(jsval val, const char* name, const T0& a0, const T1& a1)
JSContext* cx = GetContext();
JSAutoRequest rq(cx);
JS::RootedValue jsRet(cx);
JS::RootedValue val1(cx, val);
JS::AutoValueVector argv(cx);
AssignOrToJSVal(argv.handleAt(0), a0);
AssignOrToJSVal(argv.handleAt(1), a1);
return CallFunction_(val1, name, 2, argv.begin(), &jsRet);
template<typename T0, typename T1, typename T2>
bool ScriptInterface::CallFunctionVoid(jsval val, const char* name, const T0& a0, const T1& a1, const T2& a2)
JSContext* cx = GetContext();
JSAutoRequest rq(cx);
JS::RootedValue jsRet(cx);
JS::RootedValue val1(cx, val);
JS::AutoValueVector argv(cx);
AssignOrToJSVal(argv.handleAt(0), a0);
AssignOrToJSVal(argv.handleAt(1), a1);
AssignOrToJSVal(argv.handleAt(2), a2);
return CallFunction_(val1, name, 3, argv.begin(), &jsRet);
template<typename T>
bool ScriptInterface::SetGlobal(const char* name, const T& value, bool replace)
JSAutoRequest rq(GetContext());
JS::RootedValue val(GetContext());
ToJSVal(GetContext(), &val, value);
return SetGlobal_(name, val, replace);
template<typename T>
bool ScriptInterface::SetProperty(jsval obj, const char* name, const T& value, bool readonly, bool enumerate)
JSAutoRequest rq(GetContext());
JS::RootedValue val(GetContext());
AssignOrToJSVal(&val, value);
return SetProperty_(obj, name, val, readonly, enumerate);
template<typename T>
bool ScriptInterface::SetProperty(jsval obj, const wchar_t* name, const T& value, bool readonly, bool enumerate)
JSAutoRequest rq(GetContext());
JS::RootedValue val(GetContext());
AssignOrToJSVal(&val, value);
return SetProperty_(obj, name, val, readonly, enumerate);
template<typename T>
bool ScriptInterface::SetPropertyInt(jsval obj, int name, const T& value, bool readonly, bool enumerate)
JSAutoRequest rq(GetContext());
JS::RootedValue val(GetContext());
AssignOrToJSVal(&val, value);
return SetPropertyInt_(obj, name, val, readonly, enumerate);
template<typename T>
bool ScriptInterface::GetProperty(jsval obj, const char* name, T& out)
JSContext* cx = GetContext();
JSAutoRequest rq(cx);
JS::RootedValue val(cx);
if (! GetProperty_(obj, name, &val))
return false;
return FromJSVal(cx, val, out);
template<typename T>
bool ScriptInterface::GetProperty(jsval obj, const char* name, JS::Rooted<T>* out)
JS::MutableHandle<T> handleOut(out);
if (! GetProperty_(obj, name, handleOut))
return false;
return true;
template<typename T>
bool ScriptInterface::GetProperty(jsval obj, const char* name, JS::MutableHandle<T> out)
if (! GetProperty_(obj, name, out))
return false;
return true;
template<typename T>
bool ScriptInterface::GetPropertyInt(jsval obj, int name, T& out)
JSAutoRequest rq(GetContext());
JS::RootedValue val(GetContext());
if (! GetPropertyInt_(obj, name, &val))
return false;
return FromJSVal(GetContext(), val, out);
template<typename T>
bool ScriptInterface::GetPropertyInt(jsval obj, int name, JS::Rooted<T>* out)
JS::MutableHandle<T> handleOut(out);
if (! GetPropertyInt_(obj, name, handleOut))
return false;
return true;
template<typename T>
bool ScriptInterface::GetPropertyInt(jsval obj, int name, JS::MutableHandle<T> out)
if (! GetPropertyInt_(obj, name, out))
return false;
return true;
template<typename CHAR>
bool ScriptInterface::Eval(const CHAR* code, JS::MutableHandleValue ret)
if (! Eval_(code, ret))
return false;
return true;
template<typename T, typename CHAR>
bool ScriptInterface::Eval(const CHAR* code, T& ret)
JSAutoRequest rq(GetContext());
JS::RootedValue rval(GetContext());
if (! Eval_(code, &rval))
return false;
return FromJSVal(GetContext(), rval, ret);