forked from 0ad/0ad
2014-11-17 23:29:49 +00:00

630 lines
16 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 2014 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "UserReport.h"
#include "lib/timer.h"
#include "lib/utf8.h"
#include "lib/external_libraries/curl.h"
#include "lib/external_libraries/libsdl.h"
#include "lib/external_libraries/zlib.h"
#include "lib/file/archive/stream.h"
#include "lib/sysdep/sysdep.h"
#include "ps/ConfigDB.h"
#include "ps/Filesystem.h"
#include "ps/Profiler2.h"
#include "ps/ThreadUtil.h"
* The basic idea is that the game submits reports to us, which we send over
* HTTP to a server for storage and analysis.
* We can't use libcurl's asynchronous 'multi' API, because DNS resolution can
* be synchronous and slow (which would make the game pause).
* So we use the 'easy' API in a background thread.
* The main thread submits reports, toggles whether uploading is enabled,
* and polls for the current status (typically to display in the GUI);
* the worker thread does all of the uploading.
* It'd be nice to extend this in the future to handle things like crash reports.
* The game should store the crashlogs (suitably anonymised) in a directory, and
* we should detect those files and upload them when we're restarted and online.
* Version number stored in config file when the user agrees to the reporting.
* Reporting will be disabled if the config value is missing or is less than
* this value. If we start reporting a lot more data, we should increase this
* value and get the user to re-confirm.
static const int REPORTER_VERSION = 1;
* Time interval (seconds) at which the worker thread will check its reconnection
* timers. (This should be relatively high so the thread doesn't waste much time
* continually waking up.)
static const double TIMER_CHECK_INTERVAL = 10.0;
* Seconds we should wait before reconnecting to the server after a failure.
static const double RECONNECT_INVERVAL = 60.0;
CUserReporter g_UserReporter;
struct CUserReport
time_t m_Time;
std::string m_Type;
int m_Version;
std::string m_Data;
class CUserReporterWorker
CUserReporterWorker(const std::string& userID, const std::string& url) :
m_URL(url), m_UserID(userID), m_Enabled(false), m_Shutdown(false), m_Status("disabled"),
m_PauseUntilTime(timer_Time()), m_LastUpdateTime(timer_Time())
// Set up libcurl:
m_Curl = curl_easy_init();
curl_easy_setopt(m_Curl, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1L);
// Capture error messages
curl_easy_setopt(m_Curl, CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER, m_ErrorBuffer);
// Disable signal handlers (required for multithreaded applications)
curl_easy_setopt(m_Curl, CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL, 1L);
// To minimise security risks, don't support redirects
curl_easy_setopt(m_Curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 0L);
// Set IO callbacks
curl_easy_setopt(m_Curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, ReceiveCallback);
curl_easy_setopt(m_Curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, this);
curl_easy_setopt(m_Curl, CURLOPT_READFUNCTION, SendCallback);
curl_easy_setopt(m_Curl, CURLOPT_READDATA, this);
// Set URL to POST to
curl_easy_setopt(m_Curl, CURLOPT_URL, url.c_str());
curl_easy_setopt(m_Curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1L);
// Set up HTTP headers
m_Headers = NULL;
// Set the UA string
std::string ua = "User-Agent: 0ad ";
ua += curl_version();
ua += " (http://play0ad.com/)";
m_Headers = curl_slist_append(m_Headers, ua.c_str());
// Override the default application/x-www-form-urlencoded type since we're not using that type
m_Headers = curl_slist_append(m_Headers, "Content-Type: application/octet-stream");
// Disable the Accept header because it's a waste of a dozen bytes
m_Headers = curl_slist_append(m_Headers, "Accept: ");
curl_easy_setopt(m_Curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, m_Headers);
// Set up the worker thread:
// Use SDL semaphores since OS X doesn't implement sem_init
m_WorkerSem = SDL_CreateSemaphore(0);
int ret = pthread_create(&m_WorkerThread, NULL, &RunThread, this);
ENSURE(ret == 0);
// Clean up resources
* Called by main thread, when the online reporting is enabled/disabled.
void SetEnabled(bool enabled)
CScopeLock lock(m_WorkerMutex);
if (enabled != m_Enabled)
m_Enabled = enabled;
// Wake up the worker thread
* Called by main thread to request shutdown.
* Returns true if we've shut down successfully.
* Returns false if shutdown is taking too long (we might be blocked on a
* sync network operation) - you mustn't destroy this object, just leak it
* and terminate.
bool Shutdown()
CScopeLock lock(m_WorkerMutex);
m_Shutdown = true;
// Wake up the worker thread
// Wait for it to shut down cleanly
// TODO: should have a timeout in case of network hangs
pthread_join(m_WorkerThread, NULL);
return true;
* Called by main thread to determine the current status of the uploader.
std::string GetStatus()
CScopeLock lock(m_WorkerMutex);
return m_Status;
* Called by main thread to add a new report to the queue.
void Submit(const shared_ptr<CUserReport>& report)
CScopeLock lock(m_WorkerMutex);
// Wake up the worker thread
* Called by the main thread every frame, so we can check
* retransmission timers.
void Update()
double now = timer_Time();
if (now > m_LastUpdateTime + TIMER_CHECK_INTERVAL)
// Wake up the worker thread
m_LastUpdateTime = now;
static void* RunThread(void* data)
return NULL;
void Run()
// Set libcurl's proxy configuration
// (This has to be done in the thread because it's potentially very slow)
std::wstring proxy;
PROFILE2("get proxy config");
if (sys_get_proxy_config(wstring_from_utf8(m_URL), proxy) == INFO::OK)
curl_easy_setopt(m_Curl, CURLOPT_PROXY, utf8_from_wstring(proxy).c_str());
* We use a semaphore to let the thread be woken up when it has
* work to do. Various actions from the main thread can wake it:
* * SetEnabled()
* * Shutdown()
* * Submit()
* * Retransmission timeouts, once every several seconds
* If multiple actions have triggered wakeups, we might respond to
* all of those actions after the first wakeup, which is okay (we'll do
* nothing during the subsequent wakeups). We should never hang due to
* processing fewer actions than wakeups.
* Retransmission timeouts are triggered via the main thread - we can't simply
* use SDL_SemWaitTimeout because on Linux it's implemented as an inefficient
* busy-wait loop, and we can't use a manual busy-wait with a long delay time
* because we'd lose responsiveness. So the main thread pings the worker
* occasionally so it can check its timer.
g_Profiler2.RecordRegionEnter("semaphore wait");
// Wait until the main thread wakes us up
while (SDL_SemWait(m_WorkerSem) == 0)
g_Profiler2.RecordRegionLeave("semaphore wait");
// Handle shutdown requests as soon as possible
if (GetShutdown())
// If we're not enabled, ignore this wakeup
if (!GetEnabled())
// If we're still pausing due to a failed connection,
// go back to sleep again
if (timer_Time() < m_PauseUntilTime)
// We're enabled, so process as many reports as possible
while (ProcessReport())
// Handle shutdowns while we were sending the report
if (GetShutdown())
g_Profiler2.RecordRegionLeave("semaphore wait");
bool GetEnabled()
CScopeLock lock(m_WorkerMutex);
return m_Enabled;
bool GetShutdown()
CScopeLock lock(m_WorkerMutex);
return m_Shutdown;
void SetStatus(const std::string& status)
CScopeLock lock(m_WorkerMutex);
m_Status = status;
debug_printf(L">>> CUserReporterWorker status: %hs\n", status.c_str());
bool ProcessReport()
PROFILE2("process report");
shared_ptr<CUserReport> report;
CScopeLock lock(m_WorkerMutex);
if (m_ReportQueue.empty())
return false;
report = m_ReportQueue.front();
m_RequestDataOffset = 0;
curl_easy_setopt(m_Curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE_LARGE, (curl_off_t)m_RequestData.size());
TIMER(L"CUserReporterWorker request");
CURLcode err = curl_easy_perform(m_Curl);
printf(">>>\n%s\n<<<\n", m_ResponseData.c_str());
if (err == CURLE_OK)
long code = -1;
curl_easy_getinfo(m_Curl, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &code);
SetStatus("completed:" + CStr::FromInt(code));
// Check for success code
if (code == 200)
return true;
// If the server returns the 410 Gone status, interpret that as meaning
// it no longer supports uploads (at least from this version of the game),
// so shut down and stop talking to it (to avoid wasting bandwidth)
if (code == 410)
CScopeLock lock(m_WorkerMutex);
m_Shutdown = true;
return false;
SetStatus("failed:" + CStr::FromInt(err) + ":" + m_ErrorBuffer);
// We got an unhandled return code or a connection failure;
// push this report back onto the queue and try again after
// a long interval
CScopeLock lock(m_WorkerMutex);
m_PauseUntilTime = timer_Time() + RECONNECT_INVERVAL;
return false;
void ConstructRequestData(const CUserReport& report)
// Construct the POST request data in the application/x-www-form-urlencoded format
std::string r;
r += "user_id=";
AppendEscaped(r, m_UserID);
r += "&time=" + CStr::FromInt64(report.m_Time);
r += "&type=";
AppendEscaped(r, report.m_Type);
r += "&version=" + CStr::FromInt(report.m_Version);
r += "&data=";
AppendEscaped(r, report.m_Data);
// Compress the content with zlib to save bandwidth.
// (Note that we send a request with unlabelled compressed data instead
// of using Content-Encoding, because Content-Encoding is a mess and causes
// problems with servers and breaks Content-Length and this is much easier.)
std::string compressed;
uLongf destLen = compressed.size();
int ok = compress((Bytef*)compressed.c_str(), &destLen, (const Bytef*)r.c_str(), r.size());
ENSURE(ok == Z_OK);
void AppendEscaped(std::string& buffer, const std::string& str)
char* escaped = curl_easy_escape(m_Curl, str.c_str(), str.size());
buffer += escaped;
static size_t ReceiveCallback(void* buffer, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void* userp)
CUserReporterWorker* self = static_cast<CUserReporterWorker*>(userp);
if (self->GetShutdown())
return 0; // signals an error
self->m_ResponseData += std::string((char*)buffer, (char*)buffer+size*nmemb);
return size*nmemb;
static size_t SendCallback(char* bufptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void* userp)
CUserReporterWorker* self = static_cast<CUserReporterWorker*>(userp);
if (self->GetShutdown())
return CURL_READFUNC_ABORT; // signals an error
// We can return as much data as available, up to the buffer size
size_t amount = std::min(self->m_RequestData.size() - self->m_RequestDataOffset, size*nmemb);
// ...But restrict to sending a small amount at once, so that we remain
// responsive to shutdown requests even if the network is pretty slow
amount = std::min((size_t)1024, amount);
if(amount != 0) // (avoids invalid operator[] call where index=size)
memcpy(bufptr, &self->m_RequestData[self->m_RequestDataOffset], amount);
self->m_RequestDataOffset += amount;
self->SetStatus("sending:" + CStr::FromDouble((double)self->m_RequestDataOffset / self->m_RequestData.size()));
return amount;
// Thread-related members:
pthread_t m_WorkerThread;
CMutex m_WorkerMutex;
SDL_sem* m_WorkerSem;
// Shared by main thread and worker thread:
// These variables are all protected by m_WorkerMutex
std::deque<shared_ptr<CUserReport> > m_ReportQueue;
bool m_Enabled;
bool m_Shutdown;
std::string m_Status;
// Initialised in constructor by main thread; otherwise used only by worker thread:
std::string m_URL;
std::string m_UserID;
CURL* m_Curl;
curl_slist* m_Headers;
double m_PauseUntilTime;
// Only used by worker thread:
std::string m_ResponseData;
std::string m_RequestData;
size_t m_RequestDataOffset;
char m_ErrorBuffer[CURL_ERROR_SIZE];
// Only used by main thread:
double m_LastUpdateTime;
CUserReporter::CUserReporter() :
ENSURE(!m_Worker); // Deinitialize should have been called before shutdown
std::string CUserReporter::LoadUserID()
std::string userID;
// Read the user ID from user.cfg (if there is one)
CFG_GET_VAL("userreport.id", userID);
// If we don't have a validly-formatted user ID, generate a new one
if (userID.length() != 16)
u8 bytes[8] = {0};
sys_generate_random_bytes(bytes, ARRAY_SIZE(bytes));
// ignore failures - there's not much we can do about it
userID = "";
for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(bytes); ++i)
char hex[3];
sprintf_s(hex, ARRAY_SIZE(hex), "%02x", (unsigned int)bytes[i]);
userID += hex;
g_ConfigDB.SetValueString(CFG_USER, "userreport.id", userID);
return userID;
bool CUserReporter::IsReportingEnabled()
int version = -1;
CFG_GET_VAL("userreport.enabledversion", version);
return (version >= REPORTER_VERSION);
void CUserReporter::SetReportingEnabled(bool enabled)
CStr val = CStr::FromInt(enabled ? REPORTER_VERSION : 0);
g_ConfigDB.SetValueString(CFG_USER, "userreport.enabledversion", val);
if (m_Worker)
std::string CUserReporter::GetStatus()
if (!m_Worker)
return "disabled";
return m_Worker->GetStatus();
void CUserReporter::Initialize()
ENSURE(!m_Worker); // must only be called once
std::string userID = LoadUserID();
std::string url;
CFG_GET_VAL("userreport.url", url);
// Initialise everything except Win32 sockets (because our networking
// system already inits those)
curl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_ALL & ~CURL_GLOBAL_WIN32);
m_Worker = new CUserReporterWorker(userID, url);
void CUserReporter::Deinitialize()
if (!m_Worker)
if (m_Worker->Shutdown())
// Worker was shut down cleanly
// Worker failed to shut down in a reasonable time
// Leak the resources (since that's better than hanging or crashing)
m_Worker = NULL;
void CUserReporter::Update()
if (m_Worker)
void CUserReporter::SubmitReport(const char* type, int version, const std::string& data)
// If not initialised, discard the report
if (!m_Worker)
shared_ptr<CUserReport> report(new CUserReport);
report->m_Time = time(NULL);
report->m_Type = type;
report->m_Version = version;
report->m_Data = data;