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* =========================================================================
* File : debug.cpp
* Project : 0 A.D.
* Description : platform-independent debug support code.
* @author Jan.Wassenberg@stud.uni-karlsruhe.de
* =========================================================================
* Copyright (c) 2005 Jan Wassenberg
* Redistribution and/or modification are also permitted under the
* terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation (version 2 or later, at your option).
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "lib/posix/posix_pthread.h"
#include "lib.h"
#include "app_hooks.h"
#include "path_util.h"
#include "debug_stl.h"
#include "lib/sysdep/cpu.h" // CAS
#include "lib/res/file/file.h" // FILE_ACCESS
// some functions here are called from within mmgr; disable its hooks
// so that our allocations don't cause infinite recursion.
# include "lib/nommgr.h"
error_setDescription(ERR::SYM_NO_STACK_FRAMES_FOUND, "No stack frames found");\
error_setDescription(ERR::SYM_UNRETRIEVABLE_STATIC, "Value unretrievable (stored in external module)");\
error_setDescription(ERR::SYM_UNRETRIEVABLE_REG, "Value unretrievable (stored in register)");\
error_setDescription(ERR::SYM_TYPE_INFO_UNAVAILABLE, "Error getting type_info");\
error_setDescription(ERR::SYM_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Exception raised while processing a symbol");\
error_setDescription(ERR::SYM_UNSUPPORTED, "Symbol type not (fully) supported");\
error_setDescription(ERR::SYM_CHILD_NOT_FOUND, "Symbol does not have the given child");\
error_setDescription(ERR::SYM_NESTING_LIMIT, "Symbol nesting too deep or infinite recursion");\
error_setDescription(ERR::SYM_SINGLE_SYMBOL_LIMIT, "Symbol has produced too much output");\
error_setDescription(INFO::SYM_SUPPRESS_OUTPUT, "Symbol was suppressed");\
// needed when writing crashlog
static const size_t LOG_CHARS = 16384;
wchar_t debug_log[LOG_CHARS];
wchar_t* debug_log_pos = debug_log;
// write to memory buffer (fast)
void debug_wprintf_mem(const wchar_t* fmt, ...)
const ssize_t chars_left = (ssize_t)LOG_CHARS - (debug_log_pos-debug_log);
debug_assert(chars_left >= 0);
// potentially not enough room for the new string; throw away the
// older half of the log. we still protect against overflow below.
if(chars_left < 512)
const size_t copy_size = sizeof(wchar_t) * LOG_CHARS/2;
wchar_t* const middle = &debug_log[LOG_CHARS/2];
memcpy2(debug_log, middle, copy_size);
memset(middle, 0, copy_size);
debug_log_pos -= LOG_CHARS/2; // don't assign middle (may leave gap)
// write into buffer (in-place)
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
int len = vswprintf(debug_log_pos, chars_left-2, fmt, args);
if(len < 0)
debug_warn("vswprintf failed");
debug_log_pos += len+2;
wcscpy(debug_log_pos-2, L"\r\n"); // safe
// need to shoehorn printf-style variable params into
// the OutputDebugString call.
// - don't want to split into multiple calls - would add newlines to output.
// - fixing Win32 _vsnprintf to return # characters that would be written,
// as required by C99, looks difficult and unnecessary. if any other code
// needs that, implement GNU vasprintf.
// - fixed size buffers aren't nice, but much simpler than vasprintf-style
// allocate+expand_until_it_fits. these calls are for quick debug output,
// not loads of data, anyway.
// max # characters (including \0) output by debug_(w)printf in one call.
static const int MAX_CHARS = 512;
// rationale: static data instead of std::set to allow setting at any time.
// we store FNV hash of tag strings for fast comparison; collisions are
// extremely unlikely and can only result in displaying more/less text.
static const uint MAX_TAGS = 20;
static u32 tags[MAX_TAGS];
static uint num_tags;
void debug_filter_add(const char* tag)
const u32 hash = fnv_hash(tag);
// make sure it isn't already in the list
for(uint i = 0; i < MAX_TAGS; i++)
if(tags[i] == hash)
// too many already?
if(num_tags == MAX_TAGS)
debug_warn("increase MAX_TAGS");
tags[num_tags++] = hash;
void debug_filter_remove(const char* tag)
const u32 hash = fnv_hash(tag);
for(uint i = 0; i < MAX_TAGS; i++)
// found it
if(tags[i] == hash)
// replace with last element (avoid holes)
tags[i] = tags[MAX_TAGS-1];
// can only happen once, so we're done.
void debug_filter_clear()
for(uint i = 0; i < MAX_TAGS; i++)
tags[i] = 0;
bool debug_filter_allows(const char* text)
uint i;
for(i = 0; ; i++)
// no | found => no tag => should always be displayed
if(text[i] == ' ' || text[i] == '\0')
return true;
if(text[i] == '|' && i != 0)
const u32 hash = fnv_hash(text, i);
// check if entry allowing this tag is found
for(i = 0; i < MAX_TAGS; i++)
if(tags[i] == hash)
return true;
return false;
void debug_printf(const char* fmt, ...)
char buf[MAX_CHARS]; buf[ARRAY_SIZE(buf)-1] = '\0';
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
vsnprintf(buf, MAX_CHARS-1, fmt, ap);
void debug_wprintf(const wchar_t* fmt, ...)
wchar_t wcs_buf[MAX_CHARS]; wcs_buf[ARRAY_SIZE(wcs_buf)-1] = '\0';
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
vswprintf(wcs_buf, MAX_CHARS-1, fmt, ap);
// convert wchar_t to UTF-8.
// rationale: according to fwide(3) and assorted manpage, FILEs are in
// single character or in wide character mode. When a FILE is in
// single character mode, wide character writes will fail, and no
// conversion is done automatically. Thus the manual conversion.
// it's done here (instead of in OS-specific debug_putws) because
// filter_allow requires the conversion also.
// jw: MSDN wcstombs dox say 2 bytes per wchar is enough.
// not sure about this; to be on the safe side, we check for overflow.
const size_t MAX_BYTES = MAX_CHARS*2;
char mbs_buf[MAX_BYTES]; mbs_buf[MAX_BYTES-1] = '\0';
size_t bytes_written = wcstombs(mbs_buf, wcs_buf, MAX_BYTES);
// .. error
if(bytes_written == (size_t)-1)
debug_warn("invalid wcs character encountered");
// .. exact fit, make sure it's 0-terminated
if(bytes_written == MAX_BYTES)
mbs_buf[MAX_BYTES-1] = '\0';
// .. paranoia: overflow is impossible
debug_assert(bytes_written <= MAX_BYTES);
LibError debug_write_crashlog(const wchar_t* text)
// avoid potential infinite loop if an error occurs here.
static uintptr_t in_progress;
if(!CAS(&in_progress, 0, 1))
// note: we go through some gyrations here (strcpy+strcat) to avoid
// dependency on file code (path_append).
char N_path[PATH_MAX];
strcpy_s(N_path, ARRAY_SIZE(N_path), ah_get_log_dir());
strcat_s(N_path, ARRAY_SIZE(N_path), "crashlog.txt");
FILE* f = fopen(N_path, "w");
in_progress = 0;
fputwc(0xfeff, f); // BOM
fwprintf(f, L"%ls\n", text);
fwprintf(f, L"\n\n====================================\n\n");
// allow user to bundle whatever information they want
fwprintf(f, L"Last known activity:\n\n %ls\n", debug_log);
in_progress = 0;
return INFO::OK;
// storage for and construction of strings describing a symbol
// tightly pack strings within one large buffer. we never need to free them,
// since the program structure / addresses can never change.
static const size_t STRING_BUF_SIZE = 64*KiB;
static char* string_buf;
static char* string_buf_pos;
static const char* symbol_string_build(void* symbol, const char* name, const char* file, int line)
// maximum bytes allowed per string (arbitrary).
// needed to prevent possible overflows.
const size_t STRING_MAX = 1000;
string_buf = (char*)malloc(STRING_BUF_SIZE);
return 0;
string_buf_pos = string_buf;
// make sure there's enough space for a new string
char* string = string_buf_pos;
if(string + STRING_MAX >= string_buf + STRING_BUF_SIZE)
return 0;
// user didn't know name/file/line. attempt to resolve from debug info.
char name_buf[DBG_SYMBOL_LEN];
char file_buf[DBG_FILE_LEN];
if(!name || !file || !line)
int line_buf;
(void)debug_resolve_symbol(symbol, name_buf, file_buf, &line_buf);
// only override the original parameters if value is meaningful;
// otherwise, stick with what we got, even if 0.
// (obviates test of return value; correctly handles partial failure).
name = name_buf;
file = file_buf;
line = line_buf;
// file and line are available: write them
int len;
if(file && line)
// strip path from filename (long and irrelevant)
const char* fn_only = path_name_only(file);
len = snprintf(string, STRING_MAX-1, "%s:%05d ", fn_only, line);
// only address is known
len = snprintf(string, STRING_MAX-1, "%p ", symbol);
// append symbol name
snprintf(string+len, STRING_MAX-1-len, "%s", name);
return string;
// cache, mapping symbol address to its description string.
// note: we don't want to allocate a new string for every symbol -
// that would waste lots of memory. instead, when a new address is first
// encountered, allocate a string describing it, and store for later use.
// hash table entry; valid iff symbol != 0. the string pointer must remain
// valid until the cache is shut down.
struct Symbol
void* symbol;
const char* string;
static const uint MAX_SYMBOLS = 2048;
static Symbol* symbols;
static uint total_symbols;
static uint hash_jumps;
// strip off lower 2 bits, since it's unlikely that 2 symbols are
// within 4 bytes of one another.
static uint hash(void* symbol)
const uintptr_t address = (uintptr_t)symbol;
return (uint)( (address >> 2) % MAX_SYMBOLS );
// algorithm: hash lookup with linear probing.
static const char* symbol_string_from_cache(void* symbol)
// hash table not initialized yet, nothing to find
return 0;
uint idx = hash(symbol);
Symbol* c = &symbols[idx];
// not in table
return 0;
// found
if(c->symbol == symbol)
return c->string;
idx = (idx+1) % MAX_SYMBOLS;
// associate <string> (must remain valid) with <symbol>, for
// later calls to symbol_string_from_cache.
static void symbol_string_add_to_cache(const char* string, void* symbol)
// note: must be zeroed to set each Symbol to "invalid"
symbols = (Symbol*)calloc(MAX_SYMBOLS, sizeof(Symbol));
debug_warn("failed to allocate symbols");
// hash table is completely full (guard against infinite loop below).
// if this happens, the string won't be cached - nothing serious.
if(total_symbols >= MAX_SYMBOLS)
// find Symbol slot in hash table
Symbol* c;
uint idx = hash(symbol);
c = &symbols[idx];
// found an empty slot
idx = (idx+1) % MAX_SYMBOLS;
// commit Symbol information
c->symbol = symbol;
c->string = string;
string_buf_pos += strlen(string)+1;
const char* debug_get_symbol_string(void* symbol, const char* name, const char* file, int line)
// return it if already in cache
const char* string = symbol_string_from_cache(symbol);
return string;
// try to build a new string
string = symbol_string_build(symbol, name, file, line);
return 0;
symbol_string_add_to_cache(string, symbol);
return string;
// output
// translates and displays the given strings in a dialog.
// this is typically only used when debug_display_error has failed or
// is unavailable because that function is much more capable.
// implemented via sys_display_msgw; see documentation there.
void debug_display_msgw(const wchar_t* caption, const wchar_t* msg)
sys_display_msgw(ah_translate(caption), ah_translate(msg));
// when an error has come up and user clicks Exit, we don't want any further
// errors (e.g. caused by atexit handlers) to come up, possibly causing an
// infinite loop. it sucks to hide errors, but we assume that whoever clicked
// exit really doesn't want to see any more errors.
static bool exit_requested;
// this logic is applicable to any type of error. special cases such as
// suppressing certain expected WARN_ERRs are done there.
static bool should_suppress_error(u8* suppress)
return false;
if(*suppress == DEBUG_SUPPRESS)
return true;
return true;
return false;
static wchar_t* alloc_mem(void* alloca_buf, size_t alloca_buf_size,
void*& heap_mem, size_t& max_chars)
void* chosen_buf;
size_t chosen_size;
// rationale:
// - this needs to be quite large, so preallocating is undesirable.
// - prefer malloc to alloca because it allows returning larger
// buffers (stack space may be quite limited).
// - do not rely on malloc because we might be called upon to report
// heap corruption errors. therefore, the caller should allocate some
// scratch memory via alloca, which is used as an (optional) backup.
// - note: we can't alloca here because it'd be lost after
// function return, but must be passed on to debug_display_error.
// try allocating from heap.
chosen_size = 500*KiB; // 'enough'
chosen_buf = heap_mem = malloc(chosen_size);
// .. failed; use alloca_buf.
// caller didn't set it up => we have no memory to return; abort.
return 0;
chosen_buf = alloca_buf;
chosen_size = alloca_buf_size;
max_chars = chosen_size / sizeof(wchar_t);
return (wchar_t*)chosen_buf;
void debug_error_message_free(ErrorMessageMem* emm)
// note: no-op if wasn't allocated from heap.
// split out of debug_display_error because it's used by the self-test.
const wchar_t* debug_error_message_build(
const wchar_t* description,
const char* fn_only, int line, const char* func,
uint skip, void* context,
ErrorMessageMem* emm)
size_t max_chars;
wchar_t* buf = alloc_mem(emm->alloca_buf, emm->alloca_buf_size, emm->heap_mem, max_chars);
return L"(insufficient memory to generate error message)";
char description_buf[100] = {'?'};
LibError errno_equiv = LibError_from_errno(false);
if(errno_equiv != ERR::FAIL) // meaningful translation
error_description_r(errno_equiv, description_buf, ARRAY_SIZE(description_buf));
char os_error[100];
if(sys_error_description_r(0, os_error, ARRAY_SIZE(os_error)) != INFO::OK)
strcpy_s(os_error, ARRAY_SIZE(os_error), "?");
static const wchar_t fmt[] =
L"Location: %hs:%d (%hs)\r\n"
L"errno = %d (%hs)\r\n"
L"OS error = %hs\r\n"
L"Call stack:\r\n"
int len = swprintf(buf,max_chars,fmt,
fn_only, line, func,
errno, description_buf,
if(len < 0)
return L"(error while formatting error message)";
// add stack trace to end of message
wchar_t* pos = buf+len; const size_t chars_left = max_chars-len;
skip += 2; // skip debug_error_message_build and debug_display_error
LibError ret = debug_dump_stack(pos, chars_left, skip, context);
if(ret == ERR::REENTERED)
wcscpy_s(pos, chars_left,
L"(cannot start a nested stack trace; what probably happened is that "
L"an debug_assert/debug_warn/CHECK_ERR fired during the current trace.)"
else if(ret != INFO::OK)
swprintf(pos, chars_left,
L"(error while dumping stack: %hs)",
error_description_r(ret, description_buf, ARRAY_SIZE(description_buf))
return buf;
static ErrorReaction call_display_error(const wchar_t* text, uint flags)
// first try app hook implementation
ErrorReaction er = ah_display_error(text, flags);
// .. it's only a stub: default to normal implementation
er = sys_display_error(text, flags);
return er;
static ErrorReaction carry_out_ErrorReaction(ErrorReaction er, uint flags, u8* suppress)
const bool manual_break = (flags & DE_MANUAL_BREAK) != 0;
case ER_BREAK:
// handle "break" request unless the caller wants to (doing so here
// instead of within the dlgproc yields a correct call stack)
*suppress = DEBUG_SUPPRESS;
case ER_EXIT:
exit_requested = true; // see declaration
// disable memory-leak reporting to avoid a flood of warnings
// (lots of stuff will leak since we exit abnormally).
return er;
ErrorReaction debug_display_error(const wchar_t* description,
uint flags, uint skip, void* context,
const char* file, int line, const char* func,
u8* suppress)
// "suppressing" this error means doing nothing and returning ER_CONTINUE.
// fix up params
// .. translate
description = ah_translate(description);
// .. caller supports a suppress flag; set the corresponding flag so that
// the error display implementation enables the Suppress option.
// .. deal with incomplete file/line info
if(!file || file[0] == '\0')
file = "unknown";
if(line <= 0)
line = 0;
if(!func || func[0] == '\0')
func = "?";
// .. _FILE__ evaluates to the full path (albeit without drive letter)
// which is rather long. we only display the base name for clarity.
const char* fn_only = path_name_only(file);
// display in output window; double-click will navigate to error location.
debug_wprintf(L"%hs(%d): %ls\n", fn_only, line, description);
ErrorMessageMem emm;
emm.alloca_buf_size = 50000;
emm.alloca_buf = alloca(emm.alloca_buf_size);
const wchar_t* text = debug_error_message_build(description,
fn_only, line, func, skip, context, &emm);
ErrorReaction er = call_display_error(text, flags);
// note: debug_break-ing here to make sure the app doesn't continue
// running is no longer necessary. debug_display_error now determines our
// window handle and is modal.
// must happen before carry_out_ErrorReaction because that may exit.
return carry_out_ErrorReaction(er, flags, suppress);
// strobe indicating expected_err is valid and the next error should be
// compared against that / skipped if equal to it.
// set/reset via CAS for thread-safety (hence uintptr_t).
static uintptr_t expected_err_valid;
static LibError expected_err;
void debug_skip_next_err(LibError err)
if(CAS(&expected_err_valid, 0, 1))
expected_err = err;
debug_warn("internal error: concurrent attempt to skip assert/error");
static bool should_skip_this_error(LibError err)
// (compare before resetting strobe - expected_err may change afterwards)
bool was_expected_err = (expected_err == err);
// (use CAS to ensure only one error is skipped)
if(CAS(&expected_err_valid, 1, 0))
debug_warn("anticipated error was not raised");
return was_expected_err;
return false;
// to share code between assert and error skip mechanism, we treat the former as
// an error. choose the code such that no one would want to warn of it.
static const LibError assert_err = INFO::OK;
void debug_skip_next_assert()
static bool should_skip_this_assert()
return should_skip_this_error(assert_err);
ErrorReaction debug_assert_failed(const char* expr, u8* suppress,
const char* file, int line, const char* func)
uint skip = 1; void* context = 0;
wchar_t buf[400];
swprintf(buf, ARRAY_SIZE(buf), L"Assertion failed: \"%hs\"", expr);
return debug_display_error(buf, DE_MANUAL_BREAK, skip,context, file,line,func, suppress);
ErrorReaction debug_warn_err(LibError err, u8* suppress,
const char* file, int line, const char* func)
uint skip = 1; void* context = 0;
wchar_t buf[400];
char err_buf[200]; error_description_r(err, err_buf, ARRAY_SIZE(err_buf));
swprintf(buf, ARRAY_SIZE(buf), L"Function call failed: return value was %d (%hs)", err, err_buf);
return debug_display_error(buf, DE_MANUAL_BREAK, skip,context, file,line,func, suppress);
// thread naming
// when debugging multithreading problems, logging the currently running
// thread is helpful; a user-specified name is easier to remember than just
// the thread handle. to that end, we provide a robust TLS mechanism that is
// much safer than the previous method of hijacking TIB.pvArbitrary.
// note: on Win9x thread "IDs" are pointers to the TIB xor-ed with an
// obfuscation value calculated at boot-time.
// __declspec(thread) et al. are now available on VC and newer GCC but we
// implement TLS manually (via pthread_setspecific) to ensure compatibility.
static pthread_key_t tls_key;
static pthread_once_t tls_once = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
// provided for completeness and to avoid displaying bogus resource leaks.
static void tls_shutdown()
tls_key = 0;
// (called via pthread_once from debug_set_thread_name)
static void tls_init()
WARN_ERR(pthread_key_create(&tls_key, 0)); // no dtor
// note: do not use atexit; this may be called before _cinit.
// set the current thread's name; it will be returned by subsequent calls to
// debug_get_thread_name.
// the string pointed to by <name> MUST remain valid throughout the
// entire program; best to pass a string literal. allocating a copy
// would be quite a bit more work due to cleanup issues.
// if supported on this platform, the debugger is notified of the new name;
// it will be displayed there instead of just the handle.
void debug_set_thread_name(const char* name)
WARN_ERR(pthread_once(&tls_once, tls_init));
WARN_ERR(pthread_setspecific(tls_key, name));
#if OS_WIN
// return the pointer assigned by debug_set_thread_name or 0 if
// that hasn't been done yet for this thread.
const char* debug_get_thread_name()
return (const char*)pthread_getspecific(tls_key);
void debug_shutdown()