forked from 0ad/0ad

Temporary i18n data conversion script

This was SVN commit r1146.
This commit is contained in:
Ykkrosh 2004-09-17 19:00:42 +00:00
parent b1a5f53284
commit 058ecb0cc0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
use strict;
use warnings;
use Spreadsheet::ParseExcel;
use Encode;
opendir my $root, '.' or die "Error opening current directory: $!";
for my $d (grep { /^[a-z]+$/ and -d $_ } readdir $root) {
opendir my $dir, $d or die "Error opening directory '$d': $!";
for (grep /\.xls$/, readdir $dir) {
print "* Converting $d/$1.xls\n";
print "* Completed\n\n";
sub convert {
my $filename_in = "$_[0].xls";
my $filename_base = $_[0];
$_[0] =~ /([^\/]+)$/;
my $table_name = $1;
my $workbook = Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Workbook->Parse($filename_in);
die unless $workbook;
my $worksheet = $workbook->{Worksheet}[0];
my @data;
my %encodings = (
# Excel name => Encode name
ucs2 => 'ucs2-be',
ascii => 'ascii',
for my $r ($worksheet->{MinRow} .. $worksheet->{MaxRow}) {
push @data, [];
for my $c ($worksheet->{MinCol} .. $worksheet->{MaxCol}) {
my $cell = $worksheet->{Cells}[$r][$c];
if ($cell) {
my $code = defined $cell->{Code} ? $cell->{Code} : 'ascii';
if (not exists $encodings{$code}) {
die "Unrecognised encoding '$code'";
push @{$data[-1]}, decode($encodings{$code}, $cell->{Val});
} else {
push @{$data[-1]}, '';
if (@data < 3) {
die "Too few rows of data";
# Remove the top line
shift @data;
if (1 != grep length, @{$data[0]}) {
die "Second row must contain a single cell, either 'phrases' or the name of the word-table (e.g. 'nouns')";
my $title = (shift @data)->[0];
# Remove blank lines
while (@data and not grep length, @{$data[0]}) {
shift @data;
if ($title eq 'phrases') {
convert_phrases($filename_base, \@data);
} else {
convert_words($filename_base, $title, \@data);
sub convert_words {
my $filename_out = "$_[0].wrd";
my $title = $_[1];
my @data = @{$_[2]};
my @keys = map lc, @{ shift @data };
# Remove the English name from the list of keys
shift @keys;
struct {
u8 TitleLength;
u16* Title;
u8 PropCount;
struct {
u8 KeyLength;
u16* Key;
}* PropNames;
u16 ValueCount;
struct {
u8 WordLength;
u16* Word;
struct {
u8 PropLength;
u16* Property;
} Properties[ProprCount];
} Words[ValueCount];
open my $o, '>', $filename_out or die "Error opening $filename_out: $!";
binmode $o;
print $o pack 'C/a*', encode('utf16-le', $title);
print $o pack 'C', scalar @keys;
print $o pack 'C/a*', encode('utf16-le', $_) for @keys;
print $o pack 'S', scalar @data;
for (@data) {
print $o pack 'C/a*', encode('utf16-le', $_) for @$_[0..@keys]; # 1 more than @keys, because the first 'property' is the English name
close $o;
sub convert_phrases {
my $filename_out = "$_[0].lng";
my @data = @{$_[1]};
# Allow simple error reporting
our $errors = 0;
sub error($) { print STDERR "$_[0]\n"; ++$errors; }
# Split the input file on "--" lines, and store an array ref
# for each section containing the lines
my @phrase_lines;
my $line_no = 3;
for (@data) {
push @phrase_lines, [ [ $line_no, $_->[0] ], [ $line_no, $_->[1] ] ];
# Build phrase_data, being a list of [ raw key, parsed key, parsed translation ]
my @phrase_data;
for (@phrase_lines) {
next unless @$_;
my $key = shift @$_;
if (not @$_) {
error "Error in line $key->[0]: no translation specified for key '$key->[1]'";
my $translation = join "\n", map $_->[1], @$_;
push @phrase_data, [ $key->[1], parse_translation($key->[1], $translation) ];
if ($errors) {
die "ABORTING: $::errors errors found\n";
#use Data::Dumper; print Dumper \@phrase_data; exit;
Disk format:
file {
u16 phrase_count
phrase* phrases;
phrase {
u16 key_length;
u16* key_string; // not null-terminated
u8 variable_count; // just for validating its use
u8 section_count;
translation_section* sections;
translation_section {
u8 type;
// Type 0: (string)
u16 length;
u16* text; // not null-terminated
// OR Type 1: (variable)
u8 id; // referring to the position in the key phrase
// OR Type 2: (function)
u8 namelength;
u8* name;
u8 paramcount;
func_param* params;
func_param {
u8 type;
// Type 0: (string)
u8 length;
u16* text;
// OR Type 1: (variable)
u8 id; // referring to the position in the key phrase
// OR Type 2: (int)
u32 value;
// (doubles/etc will just be stringified)
# Output the language file to disk
open my $o, '>', $filename_out or die "Error opening $filename_out: $!";
binmode $o;
print $o pack 'S', scalar @phrase_data;
for (@phrase_data) {
# $_ eq [ key, var count, [ sections... ] ]
my $key = encode('utf16-le', $_->[0]);
print $o pack 'S/a*C', $key, $_->[1];
print $o pack 'C', scalar @{ $_->[2] };
for (@{ $_->[2] }) {
# $_ eq [ type, data... ]
if ($_->[0] eq 'str') {
print $o pack 'CS/a*', 0, encode('utf16-le', $_->[1]);
} elsif ($_->[0] eq 'var') {
print $o pack 'CC', 1, $_->[1];
} elsif ($_->[0] eq 'code') {
my ($name, @params) = @{$_->[1]};
print $o pack 'CC/a*C', 2, $name, scalar @params;
for (@params) {
if ($_->[0] eq 'str') {
print $o pack 'CC/a*', 0, encode('utf16-le', $_->[1]);
} elsif ($_->[0] eq 'var') {
print $o pack 'CC', 1, $_->[1];
} elsif ($_->[0] eq 'int') {
print $o pack 'Cl', 2, $_->[1];
} else {
die "Invalid func param type $_->[0]";
} else {
die "Invalid sec type $_->[0]";
sub parse_basic {
# Parse "\$[a-zA-Z0-9_]+" (allowing "$$" to represent "$")
my @parts;
for (split /(\$(?:\$|[a-zA-Z0-9_]+))/, $_[0]) {
if (/\$([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/) {
push @parts, [ var => $1 ];
} else {
$_ = '$' if $_ eq '$$';
if (@parts and $parts[-1][0] eq 'str') {
$parts[-1][1] .= $_;
} else {
push @parts, [ str => $_ ];
return \@parts;
sub parse_complex {
# Parse "\$[a-zA-Z0-9_]+" (allowing "$$" to represent "$")
# as well as [...] code lumps
my @chars = split //, $_[0];
my @parts = [ str => '' ];
while (@chars) {
$_ = shift @chars;
if ($_ eq '$') {
if (@chars==0 or $chars[0] eq '$') {
$parts[-1][1] .= '$';
} else {
my $varname = '';
while (@chars and $chars[0] =~ /[a-zA-Z0-9_]/) {
$varname .= shift @chars;
push @parts, [ var => $varname ];
push @parts, [ str => '' ];
} elsif ($_ eq '[') {
my $codetext;
while (@chars and $chars[0] ne ']') {
$codetext .= shift @chars;
shift @chars;
push @parts, [ code => parse_code($codetext) ];
push @parts, [ str => '' ];
} else {
$parts[-1][1] .= $_;
@parts = grep $_->[1] ne '', @parts;
return \@parts;
sub parse_code {
my @rawparts = split /,\s*/, $_[0];
my $name = shift @rawparts;
my @parts;
for (@rawparts) {
if (/^\d+$/) {
push @parts, [ 'int' => $_ ];
} elsif (/^\$(.*)/) {
push @parts, [ 'var' => $1 ];
} else {
push @parts, [ 'str' => $_ ];
return [ $name, @parts ];
sub parse_translation {
my ($key, $str) = @_;
# Parse key to extract the variable sections
$key = parse_basic($key);
# Fill variables with ( var0 => 0, var1 => 1, var2 => 2 )
my %variables;
for (@$key) {
$variables{$_->[1]} = scalar keys %variables if $_->[0] eq 'var';
my %unused_variables = %variables;
# Parse the translated string for
$str = parse_complex($str);
# Replace variable strings with the appropriate numbers
for (@$str) {
if ($_->[0] eq 'var') {
if (not exists $variables{$_->[1]}) {
die "Unrecognised variable '$_->[1]'\n";
delete $unused_variables{$_->[1]};
$_->[1] = $variables{$_->[1]};
} elsif ($_->[0] eq 'code') {
for (@{$_->[1]}[1 .. $#{$_->[1]}]) {
if ($_->[0] eq 'var') {
if (not exists $variables{$_->[1]}) {
die "Unrecognised variable '$_->[1]'\n";
delete $unused_variables{$_->[1]};
$_->[1] = $variables{$_->[1]};
for (keys %unused_variables) {
warn "Warning: variable '$_' unreferenced in translated string\n";
return (scalar keys %variables, $str);