forked from 0ad/0ad

Some refactoring, removed commented unused code, added a verification so the units price won´t be shown when it is in the selection tab.

This was SVN commit r6313.
This commit is contained in:
freenity 2008-08-03 14:36:51 +00:00
parent a464ee0bcd
commit 5650780df6

View File

@ -308,10 +308,7 @@ function updateTab (tab, type, cellSheet, attribute, attribute2, arrayCells)
{ // If it's a list where each element is a value, (entity list)
for ( var i in attribute )
listArray[listArray.length] = i;
// Store any current quantity in the queue for this object.
// if (attribute[i].quantity)
// listArray[listArray.length].quantity = attribute[i].quantity;
listArray[listArray.length] = i;
@ -325,10 +322,7 @@ function updateTab (tab, type, cellSheet, attribute, attribute2, arrayCells)
//console.write (attribute[i].sheet);
listArray[listArray.length].sheet = new Object(attribute[i].sheet);
//console.write (listArray[listArray.length].sheet);
// Store any current quantity in the queue for this object.
// if (attribute[i].quantity)
// listArray[listArray.length].quantity = attribute[i].quantity;
@ -460,46 +454,15 @@ function updateTab (tab, type, cellSheet, attribute, attribute2, arrayCells)
// Set tooltip.
var template = getEntityTemplate(itemName);
if (!template) break;
listObject.tooltip = "[font=trebuchet14b]" + template.traits.id.specific + " (" +
template.traits.id.generic + ")[/font]";
//Show required resources list
if (template.traits.creation) {
var first = true;
if (template.traits.creation.resource.food > 0)
listObject.tooltip += (first ? "\n" : ", ");
first = false;
listObject.tooltip += "[font=tahoma10b]Food:[/font] " +
if (template.traits.creation.resource.wood > 0)
listObject.tooltip += (first ? "\n" : ", ");
first = false;
listObject.tooltip += "[font=tahoma10b]Wood:[/font] " +
if (template.traits.creation.resource.metal > 0)
listObject.tooltip += (first ? "\n" : ", ");
first = false;
listObject.tooltip += "[font=tahoma10b]Metal:[/font] " +
if (template.traits.creation.resource.stone > 0)
listObject.tooltip += (first ? "\n" : ", ");
first = false;
listObject.tooltip += "[font=tahoma10b]Stone:[/font] " +
if (template.traits.id.tooltip)
//If there are several units selected, don´t show this tooltip when moving the cursor over the selection tab.
if (tab != "selection")
listObject.tooltip += "\n[font=tahoma10]" +
template.traits.id.tooltip + "[/font]";
listObject.tooltip = getProductionTooltip(template);
else if (tab == "selection")
listObject.tooltip = template.traits.id.specific;
// Set portrait.
@ -544,60 +507,16 @@ function updateTab (tab, type, cellSheet, attribute, attribute2, arrayCells)
// Create quantity container in entity's create list if necessary.
// if (!attribute[listArray[createLoop]].quantity)
// attribute[listArray[createLoop]].quantity = new Object(0);
// Set caption to counter.
// if (attribute[listArray[createLoop]].quantity > 1)
// listObject.caption = attribute[listArray[createLoop]].quantity-1;
// Store pointer to quantity in coordinate.
// Crd[getCrd (listObject.name, true)].quantity = new Object(attribute[listArray[createLoop]].quantity);
// Reveal portrait.
guiUnHide (listObject.name);
// // Set function that occurs when the button is pressed (left-clicked).
// // (Somehow, we also need to do one for right-clicking -- decrement counter and remove item from queue.)
// listObject.onPress = function (event)
// {
// switch (tab)
// {
// case "StructCiv":
// case "StructMil":
// // Create building placement cursor.
// startPlacing (Crd[getCrd (this.name, true)].entity);
// break;
// default:
// // Attempt to add the entry to the queue.
// if (attemptAddToBuildQueue (selection[0], Crd[getCrd (this.name, true)].entity, Crd[getCrd (this.name, true)].tab, Crd[getCrd (this.name, true)].list))
// if (attemptAddToBuildQueue (selection[0], itemName, tab, list))
// {
//// // Create quantity container in entity's create list if necessary.
// // if (!attribute[Crd[getCrd (this.name, true)].list].quantity)
// // attribute[Crd[getCrd (this.name, true)].list].quantity = new Object(0);
// // Increment counter.
// attribute[Crd[getCrd (this.name, true)].list].quantity++;
// // Set caption to counter.
// if (attribute[Crd[getCrd (this.name, true)].list].quantity > 1)
// this.caption = attribute[Crd[getCrd (this.name, true)].list].quantity-1;
// console.write (this.caption);
// }
// break;
// }
// }
// Conceal this button.
guiHide ("snStatusPaneCommand" + tabCounter + "_" + parseInt(createLoop+1));
// Ensure it doesn't have a stored entity to display in list.
// Crd[getCrd ("snStatusPaneCommand" + tabCounter + "_" + parseInt(createLoop+1), true)].entity = "";
// Ensure it doesn't have a stored quantity of queued items.
// Crd[getCrd ("snStatusPaneCommand" + tabCounter + "_" + parseInt(createLoop+1), true)].quantity = 0;
@ -614,6 +533,8 @@ function updateTab (tab, type, cellSheet, attribute, attribute2, arrayCells)
return false;
// ====================================================================
function tryConstruction( name )
@ -659,19 +580,9 @@ function refreshCommandButtons()
updateTab ("barter", "production", "Tab", "selection[0].actions.barter.list");
// Update pick lists (formation, stance, trade). (Tab button holds current selection, click a button to select a new option and close the tab.)
//updateTab ("formation", "pick", "", "selection[0].traits.formation.list", "selection[0].traits.formation.curr");
updateTab ("stance", "pick", "", "selection[0].traits.ai.stance.list", "selection[0].traits.ai.stance.curr");
//updateTab ("trade", "pick", "", "selection[0].actions.trade.list", "selection[0].actions.trade.curr");
//updateTab ("gate", "pick", "", "selection[0].actions.gate.list", "selection[0].actions.gate.curr");
//updateTab ("weapon", "pick", "", "selection[0].actions.attack", "selection[0].actions.attack.curr");
// Update Allegiance. (Tab button, persistent buttons (though unit will be lost as soon as option selected), click them to do things.)
tempArray = new Array ("kill", "food");
tempArray.sheet = new Object();
tempArray.sheet = new Array ("Command", "Resource");
updateTab ("allegiance", "pick", "Tab", "", "", true);
// Update research. (Tab button, persistent buttons, click them to do things.)
updateTab ("research", "production", "", "selection[0].actions.create.list.research", "");
@ -743,448 +654,45 @@ function refreshCommandButtons()
// ====================================================================
// ====================================================================
function updateList (listTab, listGroup)
function getProductionTooltip(template)
// If any items in the list (construction, train, research, etc, need to be updated, update that list.)
if ( shouldUpdateStat (listGroup) )
var tooltip = "[font=trebuchet14b]" + template.traits.id.specific + " (" + template.traits.id.generic + ")[/font]";
//Show required resources list
if (template.traits.creation)
// Get tab.
tabObject = getGUIObjectByName ("snStatusPaneCommand" + listCounter + "_1");
groupObject = getGUIObjectByName ("snStatusPaneCommand" + "Group" + listCounter);
// Enable tab.
guiUnHide (tabObject.name);
// Set tab portrait.
setPortrait ("snStatusPaneCommand" + listCounter + "_1", "IconSheet", "TabButton", cellGroup["Tab"][listTab].id);
tooltip = cellGroup["Tab"][listTab].name;
tooltip += " Tab";
tabObject.tooltip = tooltip;
// Set tab function.
tabObject.onPress = function (event)
var first = true;
if (template.traits.creation.resource.food > 0)
// Click the tab button to toggle visibility of its list.
guiToggle ( "snStatusPaneCommandGroup" + this.name.substring (this.name.lastIndexOf ("d")+1, this.name.lastIndexOf ("_")) );
tooltip += (first ? "\n" : ", ");
first = false;
tooltip += "[font=tahoma10b]Food:[/font] " + template.traits.creation.resource.food
// If the list hasn't been hidden (tab is open),
if ( groupObject.hidden == false )
if (template.traits.creation.resource.wood > 0)
// Extract entity list into an array.
listArray = [];
for ( i in listGroup )
listArray[listArray.length] = i;
// Store any current quantity in the queue for this object.
// if (listGroup[i].quantity)
// listArray[listArray.length].quantity = listGroup[i].quantity;
// Populate the buttons in this tab's list.
for (createLoop = 1; createLoop < snStatusPaneCommand.list.max; createLoop++)
if (createLoop < listArray.length)
// Get name of current button.
listObject = getGUIObjectByName ("snStatusPaneCommand" + listCounter + "_" + (createLoop+1));
// Get name of entity to display in list.
updateListEntityName = selection[0].traits.id.civ_code + "_" + listArray[createLoop];
// Store name of entity to display in list in this button's coordinate.
// Crd[getCrd (listObject.name, true)].entity = new Object(updateListEntityName);
// Set tooltip.
listObject.tooltip = getEntityTemplate(updateListEntityName).traits.id.civ + " " + getEntityTemplate(updateListEntityName).traits.id.generic;
// Create quantity container in entity's create list if necessary.
// if (!listGroup[listArray[createLoop]].quantity)
// listGroup[listArray[createLoop]].quantity = new Object(0);
// Set caption to counter.
// if (listGroup[listArray[createLoop]].quantity > 1)
// listObject.caption = listGroup[listArray[createLoop]].quantity-1;
// Store pointer to quantity in coordinate.
// Crd[getCrd (listObject.name, true)].quantity = new Object(listGroup[listArray[createLoop]].quantity);
// Set portrait.
switch (listTab)
case "research":
// Skip research list for the moment, since we don't have any portraits for techs.
setPortrait (listObject.name,
// Reveal portrait.
guiUnHide (listObject.name);
// Set function that occurs when the button is pressed (left-clicked).
// (Somehow, we also need to do one for right-clicking -- decrement counter and remove item from queue.)
listObject.onPress = function (event)
switch (listTab)
case "StructCiv":
case "StructMil":
// Create building placement cursor.
startPlacing (Crd[getCrd (this.name, true)].entity);
// Attempt to add the entry to the queue.
if (attemptAddToBuildQueue (selection[0], Crd[getCrd (this.name, true)].entity, Crd[getCrd (this.name, true)].tab, Crd[getCrd (this.name, true)].list))
// if (attemptAddToBuildQueue (selection[0], updateListEntityName, tab, list))
// // Create quantity container in entity's create list if necessary.
// if (!listGroup[Crd[getCrd (this.name, true)].list].quantity)
// listGroup[Crd[getCrd (this.name, true)].list].quantity = new Object(0);
// Increment counter.
listGroup[Crd[getCrd (this.name, true)].list].quantity++;
// Set caption to counter.
if (listGroup[Crd[getCrd (this.name, true)].list].quantity > 1)
this.caption = listGroup[Crd[getCrd (this.name, true)].list].quantity-1;
console.write (this.caption);
// Conceal this button.
guiHide ("snStatusPaneCommand" + listCounter + "_" + parseInt(createLoop+1));
// Ensure it doesn't have a stored entity to display in list.
// Crd[getCrd ("snStatusPaneCommand" + listCounter + "_" + parseInt(createLoop+1), true)].entity = "";
// Ensure it doesn't have a stored quantity of queued items.
// Crd[getCrd ("snStatusPaneCommand" + listCounter + "_" + parseInt(createLoop+1), true)].quantity = 0;
tooltip += (first ? "\n" : ", ");
first = false;
tooltip += "[font=tahoma10b]Wood:[/font] " + template.traits.creation.resource.wood;
if (template.traits.creation.resource.metal > 0)
tooltip += (first ? "\n" : ", ");
first = false;
tooltip += "[font=tahoma10b]Metal:[/font] " + template.traits.creation.resource.metal
if (template.traits.creation.resource.stone > 0)
tooltip += (first ? "\n" : ", ");
first = false;
tooltip += "[font=tahoma10b]Stone:[/font] " + template.traits.creation.resource.stone
// ====================================================================
function refreshCommandButtons()
// Set start of tabs.
listCounter = 1;
if ( selection[0].actions && shouldUpdateStat( "actions" ) )
if (template.traits.id.tooltip)
// Update production lists (Construction, Train, Barter). (Tab button, persistent buttons, click them to do things.)
if ( shouldUpdateStat( "actions.create" ) && shouldUpdateStat( "actions.create.list" ) )
// Everything in this block is tied to properties in
// actions.create.list, the above check should limit the
// number of times this update is needlessly made.
// Get train/research/build lists by seeking through entity's creation list.
listRoot = selection[0].actions.create.list;
for (listTab in listRoot)
// Note: This check indicates the production lists are updated twice on some occasions. I don't know why (error from shouldUpdate()?).
console.write (listTab + " " + listRoot[listTab]);
if (listTab != "research") // Do research later.
updateList (listTab, listRoot[listTab]);
// Update selection lists (formation, stance, trade). (Tab button holds current selection, click a button to select a new option and close the tab.)
// Update research production list (which should always go last after all the other lists).
if ( shouldUpdateStat( "actions.create" ) && shouldUpdateStat( "actions.create.list" )
&& shouldUpdateStat( "actions.create.list.research" ) && selection[0].actions.create.list.research )
updateList ("research", selection[0].actions.create.list.research);
// Update commands. (Click "tab" button to do something; no list).
// This whole section needs to be rewritten (now list of XML attributes instead of semicolon-delimited string).
unitArray = UpdateList(action_tab_train, listCounter); if (unitArray != 0) listCounter++;
structcivArray = UpdateList(action_tab_buildciv, listCounter); if (structcivArray != 0) listCounter++;
structmilArray = UpdateList(action_tab_buildmil, listCounter); if (structmilArray != 0) listCounter++;
techArray = UpdateList(action_tab_research, listCounter); if (techArray != 0) listCounter++;
formationArray = UpdateList(action_tab_formation, listCounter); if (formationArray != 0) listCounter++;
stanceArray = UpdateList(action_tab_stance, listCounter); if (stanceArray != 0) listCounter++;
if ( shouldUpdateStat( "actions" ) )
// Update commands.
commandCounter = snStatusPaneCommand.tab.max;
commandCounter = UpdateCommand(cellGroup["Command"]["attack"].id, commandCounter);
commandCounter = UpdateCommand(cellGroup["Command"]["patrol"].id, commandCounter);
commandCounter = UpdateCommand(cellGroup["Command"]["repair"].id, commandCounter);
commandCounter = UpdateCommand(cellGroup["Gather"]["food"].id, commandCounter);
commandCounter = UpdateCommand(cellGroup["Gather"]["wood"].id, commandCounter);
commandCounter = UpdateCommand(cellGroup["Gather"]["stone"].id, commandCounter);
commandCounter = UpdateCommand(cellGroup["Gather"]["ore"].id, commandCounter);
tooltip += "\n[font=tahoma10]" + template.traits.id.tooltip + "[/font]";
if (listCounter > 0 && commandCounter > 0)
// Clear remaining buttons between them.
for (commandClearLoop = listCounter; commandClearLoop <= commandCounter; commandClearLoop++)
guiHide ("snStatusPaneCommand" + commandClearLoop + "_1");
// If this slot could possibly contain a list, hide that too.
guiHide ("snStatusPaneCommand" + "Group" + commandClearLoop);
// Update production queue.
GUIObject = getGUIObjectByName("snStatusPaneCommandProgress");
// If the entity has a production item underway,
if ( selection[0].actions.create && selection[0].actions.create.progress
&& selection[0].actions.create.progress.valueOf()
&& selection[0].actions.create.progress.valueOf().current
&& selection[0].actions.create.queue.valueOf()
&& selection[0].actions.create.queue.valueOf()[0].traits.creation.time )
// Set the value of the production progress bar.
GUIObject.caption = ((Math.round(Math.round(selection[0].actions.create.progress.valueOf().current)) * 100 ) / Math.round(selection[0].actions.create.queue.valueOf()[0].traits.creation.time));
// Set position of progress bar.
GUIObject.size = getGUIObjectByName("snStatusPaneCommand" + selection[0].actions.create.queue.valueOf()[0].tab + "_" + selection[0].actions.create.queue.valueOf()[0].list).size;
// Set progress bar tooltip.
// GUIObject.tooltip = "Training " + selection[0].actions.create.queue.valueOf()[0].traits.id.generic + " ... " + (Math.round(selection[0].actions.create.queue.valueOf()[0].traits.creation.time-Math.round(selection[0].actions.create.progress.valueOf().current)) + " seconds remaining.";
// Reveal progressbar.
GUIObject.hidden = false;
// Seek through queue.
for( queueEntry = 0; queueEntry < selection[0].actions.create.queue.valueOf().length; queueEntry++)
// Update list buttons so that they match the number of entries of that type in the queue.
getGUIObjectByName("snStatusPaneCommand" + selection[0].actions.create.queue.valueOf()[queueEntry].tab + "_" + selection[0].actions.create.queue.valueOf()[queueEntry].list).caption++;
// Hide the progress bar.
GUIObject.hidden = true;
GUIObject.tooltip = "";
// ====================================================================
function UpdateCommand(listIcon, listCounter)
// Similar to UpdateList, but without the list.
// Updates a particular command button with a particular action.
if ( selection[0].actions && (
(listIcon == action_attack && selection[0].actions.attack)
|| (listIcon == action_patrol && selection[0].actions.patrol)
|| (listIcon == action_repair && selection[0].actions.repair)
|| (listIcon == action_gather_food && selection[0].actions.gather
&& selection[0].actions.gather.resource && selection[0].actions.gather.resource.food)
|| (listIcon == action_gather_wood && selection[0].actions.gather
&& selection[0].actions.gather.resource && selection[0].actions.gather.resource.wood)
|| (listIcon == action_gather_stone && selection[0].actions.gather
&& selection[0].actions.gather.resource && selection[0].actions.gather.resource.stone)
|| (listIcon == action_gather_ore && selection[0].actions.gather
&& selection[0].actions.gather.resource && selection[0].actions.gather.resource.ore)
// Set appearance of tab.
setPortrait("snStatusPaneCommand" + listCounter + "_1", "IconSheetCommand", "Button", listIcon);
guiUnHide("snStatusPaneCommand" + listCounter + "_1");
// Hide its list.
guiHide("snStatusPaneCommand" + "Group" + listCounter);
// Store content info in tab button for future reference.
snStatusPaneCommand[listCounter][1].type = "command";
snStatusPaneCommand[listCounter][1].last = 0;
snStatusPaneCommand[listCounter][1].name = listIcon;
return (listCounter-1);
return (listCounter);
// ====================================================================
function pressCommandButton(commandButton)
// Determine current object, tab, and list from command button name.
tab = commandButton.name.substring (commandButton.name.lastIndexOf ("d")+1, commandButton.name.lastIndexOf ("_"));
list = commandButton.name.substring (commandButton.name.lastIndexOf ("_")+1, commandButton.name.length);
console.write ("Button pressed. " + commandButton + " " + tab + " " + list);
console.write (snStatusPaneCommand[tab][list].type);
switch (list)
case 1:
commandButton.caption = "";
if (snStatusPaneCommand[tab][list].type == "list")
// Click the tab button to toggle visibility of its list (if it's of a list type).
guiToggle ("snStatusPaneCommand" + "Group" + tab);
console.write ("Toggled " + "snStatusPaneCommand" + "Group" + tab);
console.write ("Some weird action.");
// Perform appropriate actions for different command buttons.
switch (snStatusPaneCommand[tab][list].name)
case action_patrol:
setCursor ("action-patrol");
function (x, y) {
issueCommand (selection, NMT_PATROL, x, y);
case action_attack:
setCursor ("action-attack");
function (target) {
issueCommand (selection, NMT_ATTACK_MELEE, target);
// Left-clicked list button.
console.write("Clicked [" + tab + "," + list + "]: list of type " + snStatusPaneCommand[tab][list].type + "; " + snStatusPaneCommand[tab][list].name + " " + snStatusPaneCommand[tab][list].object);
switch (snStatusPaneCommand[tab][list].name)
case action_tab_buildciv:
case action_tab_buildmil:
// Create building placement cursor.
startPlacing(selection[0].traits.id.civ_code + "_" + snStatusPaneCommand[tab][list].object);
// Attempt to add the entry to the queue.
attemptAddToBuildQueue( selection[0], selection[0].traits.id.civ_code + "_" + snStatusPaneCommand[tab][list].object, tab, list);
// ====================================================================
function UpdateListold(listIcon, listCounter)
// Populates a given column of command icons with appropriate build portraits for the selected object.
// Returns an array of this selection.
// Build unit list.
if ( selection[0].traits.id.civ_code
&& selection[0].actions
&& selection[0].actions.create
&& selection[0].actions.create.list )
list = null;
switch (listIcon)
case action_tab_train:
if ( selection[0].actions.create.list.unit && shouldUpdateStat( "actions.create.list.unit" ) )
list = selection[0].actions.create.list.unit;
case action_tab_buildciv:
if ( selection[0].actions.create.list.structciv && shouldUpdateStat( "actions.create.list.structciv" ) )
list = selection[0].actions.create.list.structciv;
case action_tab_buildmil:
if ( selection[0].actions.create.list.structmil && shouldUpdateStat( "actions.create.list.structmil" ) )
list = selection[0].actions.create.list.structmil;
case action_tab_research:
if ( selection[0].actions.create.list.tech && shouldUpdateStat( "actions.create.list.tech" ) )
list = selection[0].actions.create.list.tech;
return 0;
if ( list )
// Enable tab portrait.
guiUnHide("snStatusPaneCommand" + "Group" + listCounter);
guiUnHide("snStatusPaneCommand" + listCounter + "_1");
setPortrait("snStatusPaneCommand" + listCounter + "_1", "sheet_action", "", listIcon);
// Reset list length.
snStatusPaneCommand[listCounter][1].last = 0;
// Store content info in tab button for future reference.
snStatusPaneCommand[listCounter][1].type = "list";
// Extract entity list into an array.
listArray = [];
for( i in list )
listArray[listArray.length] = i.toString();
// Populate appropriate command buttons.
for (createLoop = 1; createLoop < snStatusPaneCommand.list.max; createLoop++)
if (createLoop < listArray.length)
// Get name of entity to display in list.
UpdateListEntityName = selection[0].traits.id.civ_code + "_" + listArray[createLoop];
getGUIObjectByName ("snStatusPaneCommand" + listCounter + "_" + (createLoop+1)).caption = "";
guiUnHide("snStatusPaneCommand" + listCounter + "_" + (createLoop+1));
setPortrait("snStatusPaneCommand" + listCounter + "_" + (createLoop+1),
// Store content info in tab button for future reference.
snStatusPaneCommand[listCounter][createLoop+1].name = listIcon;
snStatusPaneCommand[listCounter][createLoop+1].object = listArray[createLoop];
snStatusPaneCommand[listCounter][createLoop+1].type = "list";
guiHide("snStatusPaneCommand" + listCounter + "_" + parseInt(createLoop+1));
return listArray;
return 0;
return tooltip;