forked from 0ad/0ad
bb 157c6af18e Make the space in 0 A.D. non-breaking throughout the codebase.
Avoid cases of filenames
Update years in terms and other legal(ish) documents
Don't update years in license headers, since change is not meaningful

Will add linter rule in seperate commit

Happy recompiling everyone!

Original Patch By: Nescio
Comment By: Gallaecio
Differential Revision: D2620
This was SVN commit r27786.
2023-07-27 20:54:46 +00:00

1018 lines
30 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 2022 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "precompiled.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <queue>
#include "ObjectBase.h"
#include "ObjectManager.h"
#include "ps/XML/Xeromyces.h"
#include "ps/Filesystem.h"
#include "ps/CLogger.h"
#include "lib/timer.h"
#include "maths/MathUtil.h"
#include <boost/random/uniform_int_distribution.hpp>
* The maximal quality for an actor.
static constexpr int MAX_QUALITY = 255;
* How many quality levels a given actor can have.
static constexpr int MAX_LEVELS_PER_ACTOR_DEF = 5;
int GetQuality(const CStr& value)
if (value == "low")
return 100;
else if (value == "medium")
return 150;
else if (value == "high")
return 200;
return value.ToInt();
} // anonymous namespace
CObjectBase::CObjectBase(CObjectManager& objectManager, CActorDef& actorDef, u8 qualityLevel)
: m_ObjectManager(objectManager), m_ActorDef(actorDef)
m_QualityLevel = qualityLevel;
m_Properties.m_CastShadows = false;
m_Properties.m_FloatOnWater = false;
// Remove leading art/actors/ & include quality level.
m_Identifier = m_ActorDef.m_Pathname.string8().substr(11) + CStr::FromInt(m_QualityLevel);
std::unique_ptr<CObjectBase> CObjectBase::CopyWithQuality(u8 newQualityLevel) const
std::unique_ptr<CObjectBase> ret = std::make_unique<CObjectBase>(m_ObjectManager, m_ActorDef, newQualityLevel);
// No need to actually change any quality-related stuff here, we assume that this is a copy for props.
ret->m_VariantGroups = m_VariantGroups;
ret->m_Material = m_Material;
ret->m_Properties = m_Properties;
return ret;
bool CObjectBase::Load(const CXeromyces& XeroFile, const XMBElement& root)
// Define all the elements used in the XML file
#define EL(x) int el_##x = XeroFile.GetElementID(#x)
#define AT(x) int at_##x = XeroFile.GetAttributeID(#x)
#undef AT
#undef EL
// Set up the group vector to avoid reallocation and copying later.
int groups = 0;
XERO_ITER_EL(root, child)
if (child.GetNodeName() == el_group)
// (This XML-reading code is rather worryingly verbose...)
auto shouldSkip = [&](XMBElement& node) {
XERO_ITER_ATTR(node, attr)
if (attr.Name == at_minquality && GetQuality(attr.Value) > m_QualityLevel)
return true;
else if (attr.Name == at_maxquality && GetQuality(attr.Value) <= m_QualityLevel)
return true;
return false;
XERO_ITER_EL(root, child)
int child_name = child.GetNodeName();
if (shouldSkip(child))
if (child_name == el_group)
std::vector<Variant>& currentGroup = m_VariantGroups.emplace_back();
XERO_ITER_EL(child, variant)
if (shouldSkip(variant))
if (!LoadVariant(XeroFile, variant, currentGroup.emplace_back()))
return false;
if (currentGroup.size() == 0)
LOGERROR("Actor group has zero variants ('%s')", m_Identifier);
return false;
else if (child_name == el_castshadow)
m_Properties.m_CastShadows = true;
else if (child_name == el_float)
m_Properties.m_FloatOnWater = true;
else if (child_name == el_material)
m_Material = VfsPath("art/materials") / child.GetText().FromUTF8();
if (m_Material.empty())
m_Material = VfsPath("art/materials/default.xml");
return true;
bool CObjectBase::LoadVariant(const CXeromyces& XeroFile, const XMBElement& variant, Variant& currentVariant)
#define EL(x) int el_##x = XeroFile.GetElementID(#x)
#define AT(x) int at_##x = XeroFile.GetAttributeID(#x)
#undef AT
#undef EL
if (variant.GetNodeName() != el_variant)
LOGERROR("Invalid variant format (unrecognised root element '%s')", XeroFile.GetElementString(variant.GetNodeName()));
return false;
// Load variants first, so that they can be overriden if necessary.
XERO_ITER_ATTR(variant, attr)
if (attr.Name == at_file)
// Open up an external file to load.
// Don't crash hard when failures happen, but log them and continue
CXeromyces XeroVariant;
if (XeroVariant.Load(g_VFS, "art/variants/" + attr.Value) == PSRETURN_OK)
XMBElement variantRoot = XeroVariant.GetRoot();
if (!LoadVariant(XeroVariant, variantRoot, currentVariant))
return false;
LOGERROR("Could not open path %s", attr.Value);
return false;
// Continue loading extra definitions in this variant to allow nested files
XERO_ITER_ATTR(variant, attr)
if (attr.Name == at_name)
currentVariant.m_VariantName = attr.Value.LowerCase();
else if (attr.Name == at_frequency)
currentVariant.m_Frequency = attr.Value.ToInt();
XERO_ITER_EL(variant, option)
int option_name = option.GetNodeName();
if (option_name == el_mesh)
currentVariant.m_ModelFilename = VfsPath("art/meshes") / option.GetText().FromUTF8();
else if (option_name == el_textures)
XERO_ITER_EL(option, textures_element)
if (textures_element.GetNodeName() != el_texture)
LOGERROR("<textures> can only contain <texture> elements.");
return false;
Samp samp;
XERO_ITER_ATTR(textures_element, se)
if (se.Name == at_file)
samp.m_SamplerFile = VfsPath("art/textures/skins") / se.Value.FromUTF8();
else if (se.Name == at_name)
samp.m_SamplerName = CStrIntern(se.Value);
else if (option_name == el_decal)
XMBAttributeList attrs = option.GetAttributes();
Decal decal;
decal.m_SizeX = attrs.GetNamedItem(at_width).ToFloat();
decal.m_SizeZ = attrs.GetNamedItem(at_depth).ToFloat();
decal.m_Angle = DEGTORAD(attrs.GetNamedItem(at_angle).ToFloat());
decal.m_OffsetX = attrs.GetNamedItem(at_offsetx).ToFloat();
decal.m_OffsetZ = attrs.GetNamedItem(at_offsetz).ToFloat();
currentVariant.m_Decal = decal;
else if (option_name == el_particles)
XMBAttributeList attrs = option.GetAttributes();
VfsPath file = VfsPath("art/particles") / attrs.GetNamedItem(at_file).FromUTF8();
currentVariant.m_Particles = file;
// For particle hotloading, it's easiest to reload the entire actor,
// so remember the relevant particle file as a dependency for this actor
else if (option_name == el_color)
currentVariant.m_Color = option.GetText();
else if (option_name == el_animations)
XERO_ITER_EL(option, anim_element)
if (anim_element.GetNodeName() != el_animation)
LOGERROR("<animations> can only contain <animations> elements.");
return false;
Anim anim;
XERO_ITER_ATTR(anim_element, ae)
if (ae.Name == at_name)
anim.m_AnimName = ae.Value;
else if (ae.Name == at_id)
anim.m_ID = ae.Value;
else if (ae.Name == at_frequency)
anim.m_Frequency = ae.Value.ToInt();
else if (ae.Name == at_file)
anim.m_FileName = VfsPath("art/animation") / ae.Value.FromUTF8();
else if (ae.Name == at_speed)
anim.m_Speed = ae.Value.ToInt() > 0 ? ae.Value.ToInt() / 100.f : 1.f;
else if (ae.Name == at_event)
anim.m_ActionPos = Clamp(ae.Value.ToFloat(), 0.f, 1.f);
else if (ae.Name == at_load)
anim.m_ActionPos2 = Clamp(ae.Value.ToFloat(), 0.f, 1.f);
else if (ae.Name == at_sound)
anim.m_SoundPos = Clamp(ae.Value.ToFloat(), 0.f, 1.f);
else if (option_name == el_props)
XERO_ITER_EL(option, prop_element)
ENSURE(prop_element.GetNodeName() == el_prop);
Prop prop;
XERO_ITER_ATTR(prop_element, pe)
if (pe.Name == at_attachpoint)
prop.m_PropPointName = pe.Value;
else if (pe.Name == at_actor)
prop.m_ModelName = pe.Value.FromUTF8();
else if (pe.Name == at_minheight)
prop.m_minHeight = pe.Value.ToFloat();
else if (pe.Name == at_maxheight)
prop.m_maxHeight = pe.Value.ToFloat();
else if (pe.Name == at_selectable)
prop.m_selectable = pe.Value != "false";
return true;
std::vector<u8> CObjectBase::CalculateVariationKey(const std::vector<const std::set<CStr>*>& selections) const
// (TODO: see CObjectManager::FindObjectVariation for an opportunity to
// call this function a bit less frequently)
// Calculate a complete list of choices, one per group, based on the
// supposedly-complete selections (i.e. not making random choices at this
// stage).
// In each group, if one of the variants has a name matching a string in the
// first 'selections', set use that one.
// Otherwise, try with the next (lower priority) selections set, and repeat.
// Otherwise, choose the first variant (arbitrarily).
std::vector<u8> choices;
std::multimap<CStr, CStrW> chosenProps;
for (std::vector<std::vector<CObjectBase::Variant> >::const_iterator grp = m_VariantGroups.begin();
grp != m_VariantGroups.end();
// Ignore groups with nothing inside. (A warning will have been
// emitted by the loading code.)
if (grp->size() == 0)
int match = -1; // -1 => none found yet
// If there's only a single variant, choose that one
if (grp->size() == 1)
match = 0;
// Determine the first variant that matches the provided strings,
// starting with the highest priority selections set:
for (const std::set<CStr>* selset : selections)
ENSURE(grp->size() < 256); // else they won't fit in 'choices'
for (size_t i = 0; i < grp->size(); ++i)
if (selset->count((*grp)[i].m_VariantName))
match = (u8)i;
// Stop after finding the first match
if (match != -1)
// If no match, just choose the first
if (match == -1)
match = 0;
// Remember which props were chosen, so we can call CalculateVariationKey on them
// at the end.
// Erase all existing props which are overridden by this variant:
const Variant& var((*grp)[match]);
for (const Prop& prop : var.m_Props)
// and then insert the new ones:
for (const Prop& prop : var.m_Props)
if (!prop.m_ModelName.empty())
chosenProps.insert(make_pair(prop.m_PropPointName, prop.m_ModelName));
// Load each prop, and add their CalculateVariationKey to our key:
for (std::multimap<CStr, CStrW>::iterator it = chosenProps.begin(); it != chosenProps.end(); ++it)
if (auto [success, prop] = m_ObjectManager.FindActorDef(it->second); success)
std::vector<u8> propChoices = prop.GetBase(m_QualityLevel)->CalculateVariationKey(selections);
choices.insert(choices.end(), propChoices.begin(), propChoices.end());
return choices;
const CObjectBase::Variation CObjectBase::BuildVariation(const std::vector<u8>& variationKey) const
Variation variation;
// variationKey should correspond with m_Variants, giving the id of the
// chosen variant from each group. (Except variationKey has some bits stuck
// on the end for props, but we don't care about those in here.)
std::vector<std::vector<CObjectBase::Variant> >::const_iterator grp = m_VariantGroups.begin();
std::vector<u8>::const_iterator match = variationKey.begin();
for ( ;
grp != m_VariantGroups.end() && match != variationKey.end();
++grp, ++match)
// Ignore groups with nothing inside. (A warning will have been
// emitted by the loading code.)
if (grp->size() == 0)
size_t id = *match;
if (id >= grp->size())
// This should be impossible
debug_warn(L"BuildVariation: invalid variant id");
// Get the matched variant
const CObjectBase::Variant& var ((*grp)[id]);
// Apply its data:
if (! var.m_ModelFilename.empty())
variation.model = var.m_ModelFilename;
if (var.m_Decal.m_SizeX && var.m_Decal.m_SizeZ)
variation.decal = var.m_Decal;
if (! var.m_Particles.empty())
variation.particles = var.m_Particles;
if (! var.m_Color.empty())
variation.color = var.m_Color;
// If one variant defines one prop attached to e.g. "root", and this
// variant defines two different props with the same attachpoint, the one
// original should be erased, and replaced by the two new ones.
// So, erase all existing props which are overridden by this variant:
for (std::vector<CObjectBase::Prop>::const_iterator it = var.m_Props.begin(); it != var.m_Props.end(); ++it)
// and then insert the new ones:
for (std::vector<CObjectBase::Prop>::const_iterator it = var.m_Props.begin(); it != var.m_Props.end(); ++it)
if (! it->m_ModelName.empty()) // if the name is empty then the overridden prop is just deleted
variation.props.insert(make_pair(it->m_PropPointName, *it));
// Same idea applies for animations.
// So, erase all existing animations which are overridden by this variant:
for (std::vector<CObjectBase::Anim>::const_iterator it = var.m_Anims.begin(); it != var.m_Anims.end(); ++it)
// and then insert the new ones:
for (std::vector<CObjectBase::Anim>::const_iterator it = var.m_Anims.begin(); it != var.m_Anims.end(); ++it)
variation.anims.insert(make_pair(it->m_AnimName, *it));
// Same for samplers, though perhaps not strictly necessary:
for (std::vector<CObjectBase::Samp>::const_iterator it = var.m_Samplers.begin(); it != var.m_Samplers.end(); ++it)
for (std::vector<CObjectBase::Samp>::const_iterator it = var.m_Samplers.begin(); it != var.m_Samplers.end(); ++it)
variation.samplers.insert(make_pair(it->m_SamplerName.string(), *it));
return variation;
std::set<CStr> CObjectBase::CalculateRandomRemainingSelections(uint32_t seed, const std::vector<std::set<CStr>>& initialSelections) const
rng_t rng;
std::set<CStr> remainingSelections = CalculateRandomRemainingSelections(rng, initialSelections);
for (const std::set<CStr>& sel : initialSelections)
remainingSelections.insert(sel.begin(), sel.end());
return remainingSelections; // now actually a complete set of selections
std::set<CStr> CObjectBase::CalculateRandomRemainingSelections(rng_t& rng, const std::vector<std::set<CStr>>& initialSelections) const
std::set<CStr> remainingSelections;
std::multimap<CStr, CStrW> chosenProps;
// Calculate a complete list of selections, so there is at least one
// (and in most cases only one) per group.
// In each group, if one of the variants has a name matching a string in
// 'selections', use that one.
// If more than one matches, choose randomly from those matching ones.
// If none match, choose randomly from all variants.
// When choosing randomly, make use of each variant's frequency. If all
// variants have frequency 0, treat them as if they were 1.
CObjectManager::VariantDiversity diversity = m_ObjectManager.GetVariantDiversity();
for (std::vector<std::vector<Variant> >::const_iterator grp = m_VariantGroups.begin();
grp != m_VariantGroups.end();
// Ignore groups with nothing inside. (A warning will have been
// emitted by the loading code.)
if (grp->size() == 0)
int match = -1; // -1 => none found yet
// If there's only a single variant, choose that one
if (grp->size() == 1)
match = 0;
// See if a variant (or several, but we only care about the first)
// is already matched by the selections we've made, keeping their
// priority order into account
for (size_t s = 0; s < initialSelections.size(); ++s)
for (size_t i = 0; i < grp->size(); ++i)
if (initialSelections[s].count((*grp)[i].m_VariantName))
match = (int)i;
if (match >= 0)
// If there was one, we don't need to do anything now because there's
// already something to choose. Otherwise, choose randomly from the others.
if (match == -1)
// Sum the frequencies
int totalFreq = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < grp->size(); ++i)
totalFreq += (*grp)[i].m_Frequency;
// Someone might be silly and set all variants to have freq==0, in
// which case we just pretend they're all 1
bool allZero = (totalFreq == 0);
if (allZero)
totalFreq = (int)grp->size();
// Choose a random number in the interval [0..totalFreq) to choose one of the variants.
// If the diversity is "none", force 0 to return the first valid variant.
int randNum = diversity == CObjectManager::VariantDiversity::NONE ? 0 : boost::random::uniform_int_distribution<int>(0, totalFreq-1)(rng);
for (size_t i = 0; i < grp->size(); ++i)
randNum -= (allZero ? 1 : (*grp)[i].m_Frequency);
if (randNum < 0)
// (If this change to 'remainingSelections' interferes with earlier choices, then
// we'll get some non-fatal inconsistencies that just break the randomness. But that
// shouldn't happen, much.)
// (As an example, suppose you have a group with variants "a" and "b", and another
// with variants "a" and "c"; now if random selection choses "b" for the first
// and "a" for the second, then the selection of "a" from the second group will
// cause "a" to be used in the first instead of the "b").
match = (int)i;
// In limited diversity, somewhat-randomly continue. This cuts variants to about a third,
// though not quite because we must pick a variant so the actual probability is more complex.
// (It's also dependent on actor files not containing too many 0-frequency variants)
if (diversity == CObjectManager::VariantDiversity::LIMITED && (i % 3 != 0))
// Reset to 0 or we'll just pick every subsequent variant.
randNum = 0;
ENSURE(match != -1);
// This should always succeed; otherwise it
// wouldn't have chosen any of the variants.
// Remember which props were chosen, so we can call CalculateRandomVariation on them
// at the end.
const Variant& var ((*grp)[match]);
// Erase all existing props which are overridden by this variant:
for (const Prop& prop : var.m_Props)
// and then insert the new ones:
for (const Prop& prop : var.m_Props)
if (!prop.m_ModelName.empty())
chosenProps.insert(make_pair(prop.m_PropPointName, prop.m_ModelName));
// Load each prop, and add their required selections to ours:
for (std::multimap<CStr, CStrW>::iterator it = chosenProps.begin(); it != chosenProps.end(); ++it)
if (auto [success, prop] = m_ObjectManager.FindActorDef(it->second); success)
std::vector<std::set<CStr> > propInitialSelections = initialSelections;
if (!remainingSelections.empty())
std::set<CStr> propRemainingSelections = prop.GetBase(m_QualityLevel)->CalculateRandomRemainingSelections(rng, propInitialSelections);
remainingSelections.insert(propRemainingSelections.begin(), propRemainingSelections.end());
// Add the prop's used files to our own (recursively) so we can hotload
// when any prop is changed
m_ActorDef.m_UsedFiles.insert(prop.m_UsedFiles.begin(), prop.m_UsedFiles.end());
return remainingSelections;
std::vector<std::vector<CStr> > CObjectBase::GetVariantGroups() const
std::vector<std::vector<CStr> > groups;
// Queue of objects (main actor plus props (recursively)) to be processed
std::queue<const CObjectBase*> objectsQueue;
// Set of objects already processed, so we don't do them more than once
std::set<const CObjectBase*> objectsProcessed;
while (!objectsQueue.empty())
const CObjectBase* obj = objectsQueue.front();
// Ignore repeated objects (likely to be props)
if (objectsProcessed.find(obj) != objectsProcessed.end())
// Iterate through the list of groups
for (size_t i = 0; i < obj->m_VariantGroups.size(); ++i)
// Copy the group's variant names into a new vector
std::vector<CStr> group;
for (size_t j = 0; j < obj->m_VariantGroups[i].size(); ++j)
// If this group is identical to one elsewhere, don't bother listing
// it twice.
// Linear search is theoretically not very efficient, but hopefully
// we don't have enough props for that to matter...
bool dupe = false;
for (size_t j = 0; j < groups.size(); ++j)
if (groups[j] == group)
dupe = true;
if (dupe)
// Add non-trivial groups (i.e. not just one entry) to the returned list
if (obj->m_VariantGroups[i].size() > 1)
// Add all props onto the queue to be considered
for (size_t j = 0; j < obj->m_VariantGroups[i].size(); ++j)
const std::vector<Prop>& props = obj->m_VariantGroups[i][j].m_Props;
for (size_t k = 0; k < props.size(); ++k)
if (!props[k].m_ModelName.empty())
if (auto [success, prop] = m_ObjectManager.FindActorDef(props[k].m_ModelName.c_str()); success)
return groups;
void CObjectBase::GetQualitySplits(std::vector<u8>& splits) const
std::vector<u8>::iterator it = std::find_if(splits.begin(), splits.end(), [this](u8 qualityLevel) { return qualityLevel >= m_QualityLevel; });
if (it == splits.end() || *it != m_QualityLevel)
splits.emplace(it, m_QualityLevel);
for (const std::vector<Variant>& group : m_VariantGroups)
for (const Variant& variant : group)
for (const Prop& prop : variant.m_Props)
// TODO: we probably should clean those up after XML load.
if (prop.m_ModelName.empty())
auto [success, propActor] = m_ObjectManager.FindActorDef(prop.m_ModelName.c_str());
if (!success)
std::vector<u8> newSplits = propActor.QualityLevels();
if (newSplits.size() <= 1)
// This is not entirely optimal since we might loop though redundant quality levels, but that shouldn't matter.
// Custom implementation because this is inplace, std::set_union needs a 3rd vector.
std::vector<u8>::iterator v1 = splits.begin();
std::vector<u8>::iterator v2 = newSplits.begin();
while (v2 != newSplits.end())
if (v1 == splits.end() || *v1 > *v2)
v1 = ++splits.insert(v1, *v2);
else if (*v1 == *v2)
const CStr& CObjectBase::GetIdentifier() const
return m_Identifier;
bool CObjectBase::UsesFile(const VfsPath& pathname) const
return m_ActorDef.UsesFile(pathname);
CActorDef::CActorDef(CObjectManager& objectManager) : m_ObjectManager(objectManager)
std::set<CStr> CActorDef::PickSelectionsAtRandom(uint32_t seed) const
// Use the selections from the highest quality actor - this lets artists maintain compatibility (or not)
// when going to lower quality levels.
std::vector<std::set<CStr>> noSelections;
return GetBase(255)->CalculateRandomRemainingSelections(seed, noSelections);
std::vector<u8> CActorDef::QualityLevels() const
std::vector<u8> splits;
for (const std::shared_ptr<CObjectBase>& base : m_ObjectBases)
return splits;
const std::shared_ptr<CObjectBase>& CActorDef::GetBase(u8 QualityLevel) const
for (const std::shared_ptr<CObjectBase>& base : m_ObjectBases)
if (base->m_QualityLevel >= QualityLevel)
return base;
// This code path ought to be impossible to take,
// because by construction we must have at least one valid CObjectBase of quality MAX_QUALITY
// (which necessarily fits the u8 comparison above).
// However compilers will warn that we return a reference to a local temporary if I return nullptr,
// so just return something sane instead.
return m_ObjectBases.back();
bool CActorDef::Load(const VfsPath& pathname)
CXeromyces XeroFile;
if (XeroFile.Load(g_VFS, pathname, "actor") != PSRETURN_OK)
return false;
// Define all the elements used in the XML file
#define EL(x) int el_##x = XeroFile.GetElementID(#x)
#define AT(x) int at_##x = XeroFile.GetAttributeID(#x)
#undef AT
#undef EL
XMBElement root = XeroFile.GetRoot();
if (root.GetNodeName() != el_actor && root.GetNodeName() != el_qualitylevels)
LOGERROR("Invalid actor format (actor '%s', unrecognised root element '%s')",
pathname.string8().c_str(), XeroFile.GetElementString(root.GetNodeName()));
return false;
m_Pathname = pathname;
if (root.GetNodeName() == el_actor)
std::unique_ptr<CObjectBase> base = std::make_unique<CObjectBase>(m_ObjectManager, *this, MAX_QUALITY);
if (!base->Load(XeroFile, root))
LOGERROR("Invalid actor (actor '%s')", pathname.string8());
return false;
XERO_ITER_ATTR(root, attr)
if (attr.Name == at_version && attr.Value.ToInt() != 1)
LOGERROR("Invalid actor format (actor '%s', version %i is not supported)",
pathname.string8().c_str(), attr.Value.ToInt());
return false;
u8 quality = 0;
XMBElement inlineActor;
XERO_ITER_EL(root, child)
if (child.GetNodeName() == el_inline)
inlineActor = child;
XERO_ITER_EL(root, actor)
if (actor.GetNodeName() != el_actor)
bool found_quality = false;
bool use_inline = false;
CStr file;
XERO_ITER_ATTR(actor, attr)
if (attr.Name == at_quality)
int v = GetQuality(attr.Value);
if (v > MAX_QUALITY)
LOGERROR("Quality levels can only go up to %i (file %s)", MAX_QUALITY, pathname.string8());
return false;
if (v <= quality)
LOGERROR("Elements must be in increasing quality order (file %s)", pathname.string8());
return false;
quality = v;
found_quality = true;
else if (attr.Name == at_file)
if (attr.Value.empty())
LOGWARNING("Empty actor file specified (file %s)", pathname.string8());
file = attr.Value;
else if (attr.Name == at_inline)
use_inline = true;
if (!found_quality)
quality = MAX_QUALITY;
std::unique_ptr<CObjectBase> base = std::make_unique<CObjectBase>(m_ObjectManager, *this, quality);
if (use_inline)
if (inlineActor.GetNodeName() == -1)
LOGERROR("Actor quality level refers to inline definition, but no inline definition found (file %s)", pathname.string8());
return false;
if (!base->Load(XeroFile, inlineActor))
LOGERROR("Invalid inline actor (actor '%s')", pathname.string8());
return false;
else if (file.empty())
if (!base->Load(XeroFile, actor))
LOGERROR("Invalid actor (actor '%s')", pathname.string8());
return false;
if (actor.GetChildNodes().size() > 0)
LOGWARNING("Actor definition refers to file but has children elements, they will be ignored (file %s)", pathname.string8());
// Open up an external file to load.
// Don't crash hard when failures happen, but log them and continue
CXeromyces XeroActor;
if (XeroActor.Load(g_VFS, VfsPath("art/actors/") / file, "actor") == PSRETURN_OK)
const XMBElement& root = XeroActor.GetRoot();
if (root.GetNodeName() == XeroActor.GetElementID("qualitylevels"))
LOGERROR("Included actors cannot define quality levels (opening %s from file %s)", file, pathname.string8());
return false;
if (!base->Load(XeroActor, root))
LOGERROR("Invalid actor (actor '%s' loaded from '%s')", file, pathname.string8());
return false;
LOGERROR("Could not open actor file at path %s (file %s)", file, pathname.string8());
return false;
if (quality != MAX_QUALITY)
LOGERROR("The highest quality level must be %i, but the highest level found was %i (file %s)", MAX_QUALITY, quality, pathname.string8().c_str());
return false;
// For each quality level, check if we need to further split (because of props).
std::vector<u8> splits = QualityLevels();
for (const std::shared_ptr<CObjectBase>& base : m_ObjectBases)
ENSURE(splits.size() >= 1);
if (splits.size() > MAX_LEVELS_PER_ACTOR_DEF)
LOGERROR("Too many quality levels (%i) for actor %s (max %i)", splits.size(), pathname.string8().c_str(), MAX_LEVELS_PER_ACTOR_DEF);
return false;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CObjectBase>>::iterator it = m_ObjectBases.begin();
std::vector<u8>::const_iterator qualityLevels = splits.begin();
while (it != m_ObjectBases.end())
if ((*it)->m_QualityLevel > *qualityLevels)
it = ++m_ObjectBases.emplace(it, (*it)->CopyWithQuality(*qualityLevels));
else if ((*it)->m_QualityLevel == *qualityLevels)
return true;
bool CActorDef::UsesFile(const VfsPath& pathname) const
return m_UsedFiles.find(pathname) != m_UsedFiles.end();
void CActorDef::LoadErrorPlaceholder(const VfsPath& pathname)
m_Pathname = pathname;
m_ObjectBases.emplace_back(std::make_shared<CObjectBase>(m_ObjectManager, *this, MAX_QUALITY));