forked from 0ad/0ad
Ykkrosh 49efe728fd Added binaries and some example data for COLLADA conversion.
Added FCollada 3.02 library files (but Collada*.dll is not built by
default since it doesn't work in VS2003 (because the FCollada*.dll files
use the VC80 CRT)).
Changed Premake to use optimize-speed instead of optimize, since the
latter does /Ox (in MSVC) which is kind of unofficially deprecated.

This was SVN commit r4935.
2007-03-01 22:34:38 +00:00

219 lines
6.6 KiB

-- this file provides package_add_extern_libs, which takes care of the
-- dirty details of adding the libraries' include and lib paths.
-- TYPICAL TASK: add new library. Instructions:
-- 1) add a new extern_lib_defs entry
-- 2) add library name to package_add_extern_libs call site
-- (for the package that wants to use it)
-- directory in which all library subdirectories reside.
libraries_dir = "../../../libraries/"
-- library definitions
-- in a perfect world, libraries would have a common installation template,
-- i.e. location of include directory, naming convention for .lib, etc.
-- this table provides a means of working around each library's differences.
-- the default assumptions are:
-- * extern_lib (name of library [string]) is subdirectory of libraries_dir;
-- * this directory contains include and lib subdirectories which hold the
-- appendant files
-- * debug import library and DLL are distinguished with a "d" suffix
-- * the library should be marked for delay-loading.
-- the following options can override these:
-- * win_names: table of import library / DLL names (no extension) when
-- running on Windows.
-- * unix_names: as above; shared object names when running on non-Windows.
-- both of the above are 'required'; if not specified, no linking against the
-- library happens on platforms whose *_names are missings.
-- (rationale: this allows for libraries that do not
-- link against anything, e.g. Boost).
-- * dbg_suffix: changes the debug suffix from the above default.
-- can be "" to indicate the library doesn't have a debug build;
-- in that case, the same library (without suffix) is used in
-- all build configurations.
-- * no_delayload: indicate the library is not to be delay-loaded.
-- this is necessary for some libraries that do not support it,
-- e.g. Xerces (which is so stupid as to export variables).
-- * add_func: a function that overrides everything else. responsible for
-- setting include and library paths, adding .links (linker input), and
-- arranging for delay-loading. this is necessary e.g. for wxWidgets,
-- which is unfortunately totally incompatible with our
-- library installation rules.
extern_lib_defs = {
boost = {
unix_names = { "boost_signals" }
cxxtest = {
misc = {
dbghelp = {
win_names = { "dbghelp" },
dbg_suffix = "",
devil = {
unix_names = { "IL", "ILU" },
directx = {
win_names = { "ddraw", "dsound" },
dbg_suffix = "",
fcollada = {
win_names = { "FCollada" },
unix_names = { "FCollada" },
dbg_suffix = "D",
no_delayload = 1,
ffmpeg = {
win_names = { "avcodec-51", "avformat-51", "avutil-49", "swscale-0" },
unix_names = { "avcodec", "avformat", "avutil" },
dbg_suffix = "",
libjpg = {
win_names = { "jpeg-6b" },
unix_names = { "jpeg" },
libpng = {
win_names = { "libpng13" },
unix_names = { "png" },
openal = {
win_names = { "openal32" },
unix_names = { "openal" },
dbg_suffix = "",
opengl = {
win_names = { "opengl32", "glu32", "gdi32" },
unix_names = { "GL", "GLU", "X11" },
dbg_suffix = "",
spidermonkey = {
win_names = { "js32" },
unix_names = { "js" },
vorbis = {
win_names = { "vorbisfile" },
unix_names = { "vorbisfile" },
dbg_suffix = "_d",
wxwidgets = {
add_func = function()
if OS == "windows" then
tinsert(package.includepaths, libraries_dir.."wxwidgets/include/msvc")
tinsert(package.includepaths, libraries_dir.."wxwidgets/include")
tinsert(package.libpaths, libraries_dir.."wxwidgets/lib/vc_lib")
tinsert(package.config["Debug" ].links, "wxmsw26ud_gl")
tinsert(package.config["Testing"].links, "wxmsw26ud_gl")
tinsert(package.config["Release"].links, "wxmsw26u_gl")
tinsert(package.buildoptions, "`wx-config --cxxflags`")
tinsert(package.linkoptions, "`wx-config --libs std,gl,ogl,media`")
xerces = {
win_names = { "xerces-c_2" },
unix_names = { "xerces-c" },
no_delayload = 1,
zlib = {
win_names = { "zlib1" },
unix_names = { "z" },
sdl = {
unix_names = { "SDL" },
local function add_delayload(name, suffix, def)
if def["no_delayload"] then
-- currently only supported by VC; nothing to do on other platforms.
if OS ~= "windows" then
-- no extra debug version; use same library in all configs
if suffix == "" then
tinsert(package.linkoptions, "/DELAYLOAD:"..name..".dll")
-- extra debug version available; use in debug/testing config
local dbg_cmd = "/DELAYLOAD:" .. name .. suffix .. ".dll"
local cmd = "/DELAYLOAD:" .. name .. ".dll"
tinsert(package.config["Debug" ].linkoptions, dbg_cmd)
-- 'Testing' config uses 'Debug' DLLs
tinsert(package.config["Testing"].linkoptions, dbg_cmd)
tinsert(package.config["Release"].linkoptions, cmd)
local function add_extern_lib(extern_lib, def)
-- Add '<libraries root>/<libraryname>/lib' and '/include' to the includepaths and libpaths
tinsert(package.includepaths, libraries_dir .. extern_lib .. "/include")
tinsert(package.libpaths, libraries_dir .. extern_lib .. "/lib")
-- careful: make sure to only use *_names when on the correct platform.
local names = {}
if OS == "windows" then
if def.win_names then
names = def.win_names
if def.unix_names then
names = def.unix_names
local suffix = "d"
-- library is overriding default suffix (typically "" to indicate there is none)
if def["dbg_suffix"] then
suffix = def["dbg_suffix"]
-- non-Windows doesn't have the distinction of debug vs. release libraries
-- (to be more specific, they do, but the two are binary compatible;
-- usually only one type - debug or release - is installed at a time).
if OS ~= "windows" then
suffix = ""
for i,name in names do
tinsert(package.config["Debug" ].links, name .. suffix)
-- 'Testing' config uses 'Debug' DLLs
tinsert(package.config["Testing"].links, name .. suffix)
tinsert(package.config["Release"].links, name)
add_delayload(name, suffix, def)
-- add a set of external libraries to the package; takes care of
-- include / lib path and linking against the import library.
-- extern_libs: table of library names [string]
function package_add_extern_libs(extern_libs)
for i,extern_lib in extern_libs do
local def = extern_lib_defs[extern_lib]
assert(def, "external library not defined")
if def["add_func"] then
add_extern_lib(extern_lib, def)