forked from 0ad/0ad
janwas c0ed950657 had to remove uint and ulong from lib/types.h due to conflict with other library.
this snowballed into a massive search+destroy of the hodgepodge of
mostly equivalent types we had in use (int, uint, unsigned, unsigned
int, i32, u32, ulong, uintN).

it is more efficient to use 64-bit types in 64-bit mode, so the
preferred default is size_t (for anything remotely resembling a size or
index). tile coordinates are ssize_t to allow more efficient conversion
to/from floating point. flags are int because we almost never need more
than 15 distinct bits, bit test/set is not slower and int is fastest to
type. finally, some data that is pretty much directly passed to OpenGL
is now typed accordingly.

after several hours, the code now requires fewer casts and less

other changes:
- unit and player IDs now have an "invalid id" constant in the
respective class to avoid casting and -1
- fix some endian/64-bit bugs in the map (un)packing. added a
convenience function to write/read a size_t.
- ia32: change CPUID interface to allow passing in ecx (required for
cache topology detection, which I need at work). remove some unneeded
functions from asm, replace with intrinsics where possible.

This was SVN commit r5942.
2008-05-11 18:48:32 +00:00

268 lines
8.3 KiB

* =========================================================================
* File : ModelRenderer.h
* Project : Pyrogenesis
* Description : Home to the ModelRenderer class, an abstract base class
* : that manages a per-frame list of submitted models,
* : as well as simple helper classes.
* =========================================================================
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include "graphics/MeshManager.h"
#include "graphics/RenderableObject.h"
#include "graphics/SColor.h"
#include "renderer/VertexArray.h"
class RenderModifier;
typedef shared_ptr<RenderModifier> RenderModifierPtr;
class LitRenderModifier;
typedef shared_ptr<LitRenderModifier> LitRenderModifierPtr;
class ModelVertexRenderer;
typedef shared_ptr<ModelVertexRenderer> ModelVertexRendererPtr;
class CModel;
* Class CModelRData: Render data that is maintained per CModel.
* ModelRenderer implementations may derive from this class to store
* per-CModel data.
* The main purpose of this class over CRenderData is to track which
* ModelRenderer the render data belongs to (via the key that is passed
* to the constructor). When a model changes the renderer it uses
* (e.g. via run-time modification of the renderpath configuration),
* the old ModelRenderer's render data is supposed to be replaced by
* the new data.
class CModelRData : public CRenderData
CModelRData(const void* key, CModel* model) : m_Key(key), m_Model(model) { }
* GetKey: Retrieve the key that can be used to identify the
* ModelRenderer that created this data.
* @return The opaque key that was passed to the constructor.
const void* GetKey() const { return m_Key; }
* GetModel: Retrieve the model that this render data object
* belongs to.
* @return The model pointer that was passed to the constructor.
CModel* GetModel() const { return m_Model; }
/// The key for model renderer identification
const void* m_Key;
/// The model this object was created for
CModel* m_Model;
* Class ModelRenderer: Abstract base class for all model renders.
* A ModelRenderer manages a per-frame list of models.
* It is supposed to be derived in order to create new ways in which
* the per-frame list of models can be managed (for batching, for
* transparent rendering, etc.) or potentially for rarely used special
* effects.
* A typical ModelRenderer will delegate vertex transformation/setup
* to a ModelVertexRenderer.
* It will delegate fragment stage setup to a RenderModifier.
* For most purposes, you should use a BatchModelRenderer with
* specialized ModelVertexRenderer and RenderModifier implementations.
* It is suggested that a derived class implement the provided generic
* Render function, however in some cases it may be necessary to supply
* a Render function with a different prototype.
* ModelRenderer also contains a number of static helper functions
* for building vertex arrays.
class ModelRenderer
ModelRenderer() { }
virtual ~ModelRenderer() { }
* Submit: Submit a model for rendering this frame.
* preconditions : The model must not have been submitted to any
* ModelRenderer in this frame. Submit may only be called
* after EndFrame and before PrepareModels.
* @param model The model that will be added to the list of models
* submitted this frame.
virtual void Submit(CModel* model) = 0;
* PrepareModels: Calculate renderer data for all previously
* submitted models.
* Must be called before any rendering calls and after all models
* for this frame have been submitted.
virtual void PrepareModels() = 0;
* EndFrame: Remove all models from the list of submitted
* models.
virtual void EndFrame() = 0;
* HaveSubmissions: Return whether any models have been submitted this frame.
* @return true if models have been submitted, false otherwise.
virtual bool HaveSubmissions() = 0;
* Render: Render submitted models, using the given RenderModifier to setup
* the fragment stage.
* @note It is suggested that derived model renderers implement and use
* this Render functions. However, a highly specialized model renderer
* may need to "disable" this function and provide its own Render function
* with a different prototype.
* preconditions : PrepareModels must be called after all models have been
* submitted and before calling Render.
* @param modifier The RenderModifier that specifies the fragment stage.
* @param flags If flags is 0, all submitted models are rendered.
* If flags is non-zero, only models that contain flags in their
* CModel::GetFlags() are rendered.
virtual void Render(RenderModifierPtr modifier, int flags) = 0;
* CopyPositionAndNormals: Copy unanimated object-space vertices and
* normals into the given vertex array.
* @param mdef The underlying CModelDef that contains mesh data.
* @param Position Points to the array that will receive
* position vectors. The array behind the iterator
* must be large enough to hold model->GetModelDef()->GetNumVertices()
* vertices.
* @param Normal Points to the array that will receive normal vectors.
* The array behind the iterator must be as large as the Position array.
static void CopyPositionAndNormals(
CModelDefPtr mdef,
VertexArrayIterator<CVector3D> Position,
VertexArrayIterator<CVector3D> Normal);
* BuildPositionAndNormals: Build animated vertices and normals,
* transformed into world space.
* @param model The model that is to be transformed.
* @param Position Points to the array that will receive
* transformed position vectors. The array behind the iterator
* must be large enough to hold model->GetModelDef()->GetNumVertices()
* vertices.
* @param Normal Points to the array that will receive transformed
* normal vectors. The array behind the iterator must be as large as
* the Position array.
static void BuildPositionAndNormals(
CModel* model,
VertexArrayIterator<CVector3D> Position,
VertexArrayIterator<CVector3D> Normal);
* BuildColor4ub: Build lighting colors for the given model,
* based on previously calculated world space normals.
* @param model The model that is to be lit.
* @param Normal Array of the model's normal vectors, animated and
* transformed into world space.
* @param Color Points to the array that will receive the lit vertex color.
* The array behind the iterator must large enough to hold
* model->GetModelDef()->GetNumVertices() vertices.
* @param onlyDiffuse if true, color will only contain the diffuse term (instead
* of both ambient and diffuse)
static void BuildColor4ub(
CModel* model,
VertexArrayIterator<CVector3D> Normal,
VertexArrayIterator<SColor4ub> Color,
bool onlyDiffuse);
* BuildUV: Copy UV coordinates into the given vertex array.
* @param mdef The model def.
* @param UV Points to the array that will receive UV coordinates.
* The array behind the iterator must large enough to hold
* mdef->GetNumVertices() vertices.
static void BuildUV(
CModelDefPtr mdef,
VertexArrayIterator<float[2]> UV);
* BuildIndices: Create the indices array for the given CModelDef.
* @param mdef The model definition object.
* @param Indices The index array, must be able to hold
* mdef->GetNumFaces()*3 elements.
static void BuildIndices(
CModelDefPtr mdef,
u16* Indices);
struct BatchModelRendererInternals;
* Class BatchModelRenderer: Model renderer that sorts submitted models
* by CModelDef and texture for batching, and uses a ModelVertexRenderer
* (e.g. FixedFunctionModelRenderer) to manage model vertices.
* @note Deriving from this class is highly discouraged. Specialize
* using ModelVertexRendererPtr and RenderModifier instead.
class BatchModelRenderer : public ModelRenderer
friend struct BatchModelRendererInternals;
BatchModelRenderer(ModelVertexRendererPtr vertexrender);
virtual ~BatchModelRenderer();
// Batching implementations
virtual void Submit(CModel* model);
virtual void PrepareModels();
virtual void EndFrame();
virtual bool HaveSubmissions();
virtual void Render(RenderModifierPtr modifier, int flags);
BatchModelRendererInternals* m;