forked from 0ad/0ad
Ykkrosh 609f1643d5 Fix -Wconversion warnings in simulation code.
Cast to smaller integer types explicitly.
Generally avoid platform-dependent types (size_t) in simulation code.
Use float versions of math.h functions, not double.

This was SVN commit r10017.
2011-08-16 11:18:32 +00:00

497 lines
14 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 2010 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* @file
* Tile-based algorithm for CCmpPathfinder.
* This is a fairly naive algorithm and could probably be improved substantially
* (hopefully without needing to change the interface much).
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "CCmpPathfinder_Common.h"
#include "ps/Profile.h"
#include "renderer/TerrainOverlay.h"
#include "simulation2/helpers/PriorityQueue.h"
typedef PriorityQueueList<std::pair<u16, u16>, u32> PriorityQueue;
// Heuristic cost to move between adjacent tiles.
// This should be similar to DEFAULT_MOVE_COST.
const u32 g_CostPerTile = 256;
* Tile data for A* computation.
* (We store an array of one of these per terrain tile, so it ought to be optimised for size)
struct PathfindTile
enum {
bool IsUnexplored() { return status == STATUS_UNEXPLORED; }
bool IsOpen() { return status == STATUS_OPEN; }
bool IsClosed() { return status == STATUS_CLOSED; }
void SetStatusOpen() { status = STATUS_OPEN; }
void SetStatusClosed() { status = STATUS_CLOSED; }
// Get pi,pj coords of predecessor to this tile on best path, given i,j coords of this tile
u16 GetPredI(u16 i) { return (u16)(i + dpi); }
u16 GetPredJ(u16 j) { return (u16)(j + dpj); }
// Set the pi,pj coords of predecessor, given i,j coords of this tile
void SetPred(u16 pi_, u16 pj_, u16 i, u16 j)
dpi = (i8)((int)pi_ - (int)i);
dpj = (i8)((int)pj_ - (int)j);
// predecessor must be adjacent
ENSURE(pi_-i == -1 || pi_-i == 0 || pi_-i == 1);
ENSURE(pj_-j == -1 || pj_-j == 0 || pj_-j == 1);
u8 status; // this only needs 2 bits
i8 dpi, dpj; // these only really need 2 bits in total
u32 cost; // g (cost to this tile)
u32 h; // h (heuristic cost to goal) (TODO: is it really better for performance to store this instead of recomputing?)
u32 GetStep() { return step; }
void SetStep(u32 s) { step = s; }
u32 step; // step at which this tile was last processed (for debug rendering)
u32 GetStep() { return 0; }
void SetStep(u32) { }
* Terrain overlay for pathfinder debugging.
* Renders a representation of the most recent pathfinding operation.
class PathfinderOverlay : public TerrainOverlay
CCmpPathfinder& m_Pathfinder;
PathfinderOverlay(CCmpPathfinder& pathfinder) : m_Pathfinder(pathfinder)
virtual void StartRender()
virtual void ProcessTile(ssize_t i, ssize_t j)
if (m_Pathfinder.m_Grid && !IS_PASSABLE(m_Pathfinder.m_Grid->get((int)i, (int)j), m_Pathfinder.m_DebugPassClass))
RenderTile(CColor(1, 0, 0, 0.6f), false);
if (m_Pathfinder.m_DebugGrid)
PathfindTile& n = m_Pathfinder.m_DebugGrid->get((int)i, (int)j);
float c = clamp((float)n.GetStep() / (float)m_Pathfinder.m_DebugSteps, 0.f, 1.f);
if (n.IsOpen())
RenderTile(CColor(1, 1, c, 0.6f), false);
else if (n.IsClosed())
RenderTile(CColor(0, 1, c, 0.6f), false);
virtual void EndRender()
if (m_Pathfinder.m_DebugPath)
std::vector<ICmpPathfinder::Waypoint>& wp = m_Pathfinder.m_DebugPath->m_Waypoints;
for (size_t n = 0; n < wp.size(); ++n)
u16 i, j;
m_Pathfinder.NearestTile(wp[n].x, wp[n].z, i, j);
RenderTileOutline(CColor(1, 1, 1, 1), 2, false, i, j);
void CCmpPathfinder::SetDebugOverlay(bool enabled)
if (enabled && !m_DebugOverlay)
m_DebugOverlay = new PathfinderOverlay(*this);
else if (!enabled && m_DebugOverlay)
delete m_DebugOverlay;
m_DebugOverlay = NULL;
void CCmpPathfinder::SetDebugPath(entity_pos_t x0, entity_pos_t z0, const Goal& goal, pass_class_t passClass, cost_class_t costClass)
if (!m_DebugOverlay)
delete m_DebugGrid;
m_DebugGrid = NULL;
delete m_DebugPath;
m_DebugPath = new Path();
ComputePath(x0, z0, goal, passClass, costClass, *m_DebugPath);
m_DebugPassClass = passClass;
void CCmpPathfinder::ResetDebugPath()
delete m_DebugGrid;
m_DebugGrid = NULL;
delete m_DebugPath;
m_DebugPath = NULL;
struct PathfinderState
u32 steps; // number of algorithm iterations
u16 iGoal, jGoal; // goal tile
u16 rGoal; // radius of goal (around tile center)
ICmpPathfinder::pass_class_t passClass;
std::vector<u32> moveCosts;
PriorityQueue open;
// (there's no explicit closed list; it's encoded in PathfindTile)
PathfindTileGrid* tiles;
Grid<TerrainTile>* terrain;
bool ignoreImpassable; // allows us to escape if stuck in patches of impassability
u32 hBest; // heuristic of closest discovered tile to goal
u16 iBest, jBest; // closest tile
// Performance debug counters
size_t numProcessed;
size_t numImproveOpen;
size_t numImproveClosed;
size_t numAddToOpen;
size_t sumOpenSize;
static bool AtGoal(u16 i, u16 j, const ICmpPathfinder::Goal& goal)
// Allow tiles slightly more than sqrt(2) from the actual goal,
// i.e. adjacent diagonally to the target tile
fixed tolerance = entity_pos_t::FromInt(CELL_SIZE*3/2);
entity_pos_t x, z;
CCmpPathfinder::TileCenter(i, j, x, z);
fixed dist = CCmpPathfinder::DistanceToGoal(CFixedVector2D(x, z), goal);
return (dist < tolerance);
// Calculate heuristic cost from tile i,j to destination
// (This ought to be an underestimate for correctness)
static u32 CalculateHeuristic(u16 i, u16 j, u16 iGoal, u16 jGoal, u16 rGoal)
CFixedVector2D pos (fixed::FromInt(i), fixed::FromInt(j));
CFixedVector2D goal (fixed::FromInt(iGoal), fixed::FromInt(jGoal));
fixed dist = (pos - goal).Length();
// TODO: the heuristic could match the costs better - it's not really Euclidean movement
fixed rdist = dist - fixed::FromInt(rGoal);
rdist = rdist.Absolute();
// To avoid overflows on large distances we have to convert to int before multiplying
// by the full tile cost, which means we lose some accuracy over short distances,
// so do a partial multiplication here.
// (This will overflow if sqrt(2)*tilesPerSide*premul >= 32768, so
// premul=32 means max tilesPerSide=724)
const int premul = 32;
cassert(g_CostPerTile % premul == 0);
return (rdist * premul).ToInt_RoundToZero() * (g_CostPerTile / premul);
return (abs((int)i - (int)iGoal) + abs((int)j - (int)jGoal)) * g_CostPerTile;
// Calculate movement cost from predecessor tile pi,pj to tile i,j
static u32 CalculateCostDelta(u16 pi, u16 pj, u16 i, u16 j, PathfindTileGrid* tempGrid, u32 tileCost)
u32 dg = tileCost;
// XXX: Probably a terrible hack:
// For simplicity, we only consider horizontally/vertically adjacent neighbours, but
// units can move along arbitrary lines. That results in ugly square paths, so we want
// to prefer diagonal paths.
// Instead of solving this nicely, I'll just special-case 45-degree and 30-degree lines
// by checking the three predecessor tiles (which'll be in the closed set and therefore
// likely to be reasonably stable) and reducing the cost, and use a Euclidean heuristic.
// At least this makes paths look a bit nicer for now...
PathfindTile& p = tempGrid->get(pi, pj);
u16 ppi = p.GetPredI(pi);
u16 ppj = p.GetPredJ(pj);
if (ppi != i && ppj != j)
dg = (dg << 16) / 92682; // dg*sqrt(2)/2
PathfindTile& pp = tempGrid->get(ppi, ppj);
int di = abs(i - pp.GetPredI(ppi));
int dj = abs(j - pp.GetPredJ(ppj));
if ((di == 1 && dj == 2) || (di == 2 && dj == 1))
dg = (dg << 16) / 79742; // dg*(sqrt(5)-sqrt(2))
return dg;
// Do the A* processing for a neighbour tile i,j.
static void ProcessNeighbour(u16 pi, u16 pj, u16 i, u16 j, u32 pg, PathfinderState& state)
// Reject impassable tiles
TerrainTile tileTag = state.terrain->get(i, j);
if (!IS_PASSABLE(tileTag, state.passClass) && !state.ignoreImpassable)
u32 dg = CalculateCostDelta(pi, pj, i, j, state.tiles, state.moveCosts.at(GET_COST_CLASS(tileTag)));
u32 g = pg + dg; // cost to this tile = cost to predecessor + delta from predecessor
PathfindTile& n = state.tiles->get(i, j);
// If this is a new tile, compute the heuristic distance
if (n.IsUnexplored())
n.h = CalculateHeuristic(i, j, state.iGoal, state.jGoal, state.rGoal);
// Remember the best tile we've seen so far, in case we never actually reach the target
if (n.h < state.hBest)
state.hBest = n.h;
state.iBest = i;
state.jBest = j;
// If we've already seen this tile, and the new path to this tile does not have a
// better cost, then stop now
if (g >= n.cost)
// Otherwise, we have a better path.
// If we've already added this tile to the open list:
if (n.IsOpen())
// This is a better path, so replace the old one with the new cost/parent
n.cost = g;
n.SetPred(pi, pj, i, j);
state.open.promote(std::make_pair(i, j), g + n.h);
// If we've already found the 'best' path to this tile:
if (n.IsClosed())
// This is a better path (possible when we use inadmissible heuristics), so reopen it
// (fall through)
// Add it to the open list:
n.cost = g;
n.SetPred(pi, pj, i, j);
PriorityQueue::Item t = { std::make_pair(i, j), g + n.h };
void CCmpPathfinder::ComputePath(entity_pos_t x0, entity_pos_t z0, const Goal& goal, pass_class_t passClass, cost_class_t costClass, Path& path)
PathfinderState state = { 0 };
// Convert the start/end coordinates to tile indexes
u16 i0, j0;
NearestTile(x0, z0, i0, j0);
NearestTile(goal.x, goal.z, state.iGoal, state.jGoal);
// If we're already at the goal tile, then move directly to the exact goal coordinates
if (AtGoal(i0, j0, goal))
Waypoint w = { goal.x, goal.z };
// If the target is a circle, we want to aim for the edge of it (so e.g. if we're inside
// a large circle then the heuristics will aim us directly outwards);
// otherwise just aim at the center point. (We'll never try moving outwards to a square shape.)
if (goal.type == Goal::CIRCLE)
state.rGoal = (u16)(goal.hw / (int)CELL_SIZE).ToInt_RoundToZero();
state.rGoal = 0;
state.passClass = passClass;
state.moveCosts = m_MoveCosts.at(costClass);
state.steps = 0;
state.tiles = new PathfindTileGrid(m_MapSize, m_MapSize);
state.terrain = m_Grid;
state.iBest = i0;
state.jBest = j0;
state.hBest = CalculateHeuristic(i0, j0, state.iGoal, state.jGoal, state.rGoal);
PriorityQueue::Item start = { std::make_pair(i0, j0), 0 };
state.tiles->get(i0, j0).SetStatusOpen();
state.tiles->get(i0, j0).SetPred(i0, j0, i0, j0);
state.tiles->get(i0, j0).cost = 0;
// To prevent units getting very stuck, if they start on an impassable tile
// surrounded entirely by impassable tiles, we ignore the impassability
state.ignoreImpassable = !IS_PASSABLE(state.terrain->get(i0, j0), state.passClass);
while (1)
// Hack to avoid spending ages computing giant paths, particularly when
// the destination is unreachable
if (state.steps > 40000)
// If we ran out of tiles to examine, give up
if (state.open.empty())
state.sumOpenSize += state.open.size();
// Move best tile from open to closed
PriorityQueue::Item curr = state.open.pop();
u16 i = curr.id.first;
u16 j = curr.id.second;
state.tiles->get(i, j).SetStatusClosed();
// If we've reached the destination, stop
if (AtGoal(i, j, goal))
state.iBest = i;
state.jBest = j;
state.hBest = 0;
// As soon as we find an escape route from the impassable terrain,
// take it and forbid any further use of impassable tiles
if (state.ignoreImpassable)
if (i > 0 && IS_PASSABLE(state.terrain->get(i-1, j), state.passClass))
state.ignoreImpassable = false;
else if (i < m_MapSize-1 && IS_PASSABLE(state.terrain->get(i+1, j), state.passClass))
state.ignoreImpassable = false;
else if (j > 0 && IS_PASSABLE(state.terrain->get(i, j-1), state.passClass))
state.ignoreImpassable = false;
else if (j < m_MapSize-1 && IS_PASSABLE(state.terrain->get(i, j+1), state.passClass))
state.ignoreImpassable = false;
u32 g = state.tiles->get(i, j).cost;
if (i > 0)
ProcessNeighbour(i, j, (u16)(i-1), j, g, state);
if (i < m_MapSize-1)
ProcessNeighbour(i, j, (u16)(i+1), j, g, state);
if (j > 0)
ProcessNeighbour(i, j, i, (u16)(j-1), g, state);
if (j < m_MapSize-1)
ProcessNeighbour(i, j, i, (u16)(j+1), g, state);
// Reconstruct the path (in reverse)
u16 ip = state.iBest, jp = state.jBest;
while (ip != i0 || jp != j0)
PathfindTile& n = state.tiles->get(ip, jp);
entity_pos_t x, z;
TileCenter(ip, jp, x, z);
Waypoint w = { x, z };
// Follow the predecessor link
ip = n.GetPredI(ip);
jp = n.GetPredJ(jp);
// Save this grid for debug display
delete m_DebugGrid;
m_DebugGrid = state.tiles;
m_DebugSteps = state.steps;
printf("PATHFINDER: steps=%d avgo=%d proc=%d impc=%d impo=%d addo=%d\n", state.steps, state.sumOpenSize/state.steps, state.numProcessed, state.numImproveClosed, state.numImproveOpen, state.numAddToOpen);