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2012-03-28 23:09:05 +00:00

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/* Copyright (C) 2012 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "ICmpRallyPointRenderer.h"
#include "simulation2/MessageTypes.h"
#include "simulation2/components/ICmpFootprint.h"
#include "simulation2/components/ICmpObstructionManager.h"
#include "simulation2/components/ICmpOwnership.h"
#include "simulation2/components/ICmpPathfinder.h"
#include "simulation2/components/ICmpPlayer.h"
#include "simulation2/components/ICmpPlayerManager.h"
#include "simulation2/components/ICmpPosition.h"
#include "simulation2/components/ICmpRangeManager.h"
#include "simulation2/components/ICmpTerrain.h"
#include "simulation2/components/ICmpVisual.h"
#include "simulation2/components/ICmpWaterManager.h"
#include "simulation2/helpers/Render.h"
#include "simulation2/helpers/Geometry.h"
#include "simulation2/system/Component.h"
#include "ps/CLogger.h"
#include "graphics/Overlay.h"
#include "graphics/TextureManager.h"
#include "renderer/Renderer.h"
struct SVisibilitySegment
bool m_Visible;
size_t m_StartIndex;
size_t m_EndIndex; // inclusive
SVisibilitySegment(bool visible, size_t startIndex, size_t endIndex)
: m_Visible(visible), m_StartIndex(startIndex), m_EndIndex(endIndex)
bool operator==(const SVisibilitySegment& other) const
return (m_Visible == other.m_Visible && m_StartIndex == other.m_StartIndex && m_EndIndex == other.m_EndIndex);
bool operator!=(const SVisibilitySegment& other) const
return !(*this == other);
bool IsSinglePoint()
return (m_StartIndex == m_EndIndex);
class CCmpRallyPointRenderer : public ICmpRallyPointRenderer
// import some types for less verbosity
typedef ICmpPathfinder::Path Path;
typedef ICmpPathfinder::Goal Goal;
typedef ICmpPathfinder::Waypoint Waypoint;
typedef ICmpRangeManager::CLosQuerier CLosQuerier;
typedef SOverlayTexturedLine::LineCapType LineCapType;
static void ClassInit(CComponentManager& componentManager)
// TODO: should probably also listen to movement messages (unlikely to happen in-game, but might occur inside atlas)
/// Display position of the rally point. Note that this is merely the display position; it is not necessarily the same as the
/// actual position used in the simulation at any given time. In particular, we need this separate copy to support
/// instantaneously rendering the rally point marker/line when the user sets one in-game (instead of waiting until the
/// network-synchronization code sets it on the RallyPoint component, which might take up to half a second).
CFixedVector2D m_RallyPoint;
/// Full path to the rally point as returned by the pathfinder, with some post-processing applied to reduce zig/zagging.
std::vector<CVector2D> m_Path;
/// Visibility segments of the rally point path; splits the path into SoD/non-SoD segments.
std::deque<SVisibilitySegment> m_VisibilitySegments;
bool m_Displayed; ///< Should we render the rally point and its path line? (set from JS when e.g. the unit is selected/deselected)
bool m_SmoothPath; ///< Smooth the path before rendering?
entity_id_t m_MarkerEntityId; ///< Entity ID of the rally point marker. Allocated when first displayed.
player_id_t m_LastOwner; ///< Last seen owner of this entity (used to keep track of ownership changes).
std::wstring m_MarkerTemplate; ///< Template name of the rally point marker.
/// Marker connector line settings (loaded from XML)
float m_LineThickness;
CColor m_LineColor;
CColor m_LineDashColor;
LineCapType m_LineStartCapType;
LineCapType m_LineEndCapType;
std::wstring m_LineTexturePath;
std::wstring m_LineTextureMaskPath;
std::string m_LinePassabilityClass; ///< Pathfinder passability class to use for computing the (long-range) marker line path.
std::string m_LineCostClass; ///< Pathfinder cost class to use for computing the (long-range) marker line path.
CTexturePtr m_Texture;
CTexturePtr m_TextureMask;
/// Textured overlay lines to be used for rendering the marker line. There can be multiple because we may need to render
/// dashes for segments that are inside the SoD.
std::vector<SOverlayTexturedLine> m_TexturedOverlayLines;
/// Draw little overlay circles to indicate where the exact path points are?
bool m_EnableDebugNodeOverlay;
std::vector<SOverlayLine> m_DebugNodeOverlays;
static std::string GetSchema()
"<a:help>Displays a rally point marker where created units will gather when spawned</a:help>"
"<LineColour r='20' g='128' b='240'></LineColour>"
"<LineDashColour r='158' g='11' b='15'></LineDashColour>"
"<element name='MarkerTemplate' a:help='Template name for the rally point marker entity (typically a waypoint flag actor)'>"
"<element name='LineTexture' a:help='Texture file to use for the rally point line'>"
"<text />"
"<element name='LineTextureMask' a:help='Texture mask to indicate where overlay colors are to be applied (see LineColour and LineDashColour)'>"
"<text />"
"<element name='LineThickness' a:help='Thickness of the marker line connecting the entity to the rally point marker'>"
"<data type='decimal'/>"
"<element name='LineColour'>"
"<attribute name='r'>"
"<data type='integer'><param name='minInclusive'>0</param><param name='maxInclusive'>255</param></data>"
"<attribute name='g'>"
"<data type='integer'><param name='minInclusive'>0</param><param name='maxInclusive'>255</param></data>"
"<attribute name='b'>"
"<data type='integer'><param name='minInclusive'>0</param><param name='maxInclusive'>255</param></data>"
"<element name='LineDashColour'>"
"<attribute name='r'>"
"<data type='integer'><param name='minInclusive'>0</param><param name='maxInclusive'>255</param></data>"
"<attribute name='g'>"
"<data type='integer'><param name='minInclusive'>0</param><param name='maxInclusive'>255</param></data>"
"<attribute name='b'>"
"<data type='integer'><param name='minInclusive'>0</param><param name='maxInclusive'>255</param></data>"
"<element name='LineStartCap'>"
"<value a:help='Abrupt line ending; line endings are not closed'>flat</value>"
"<value a:help='Semi-circular line end cap'>round</value>"
"<value a:help='Sharp, pointy line end cap'>sharp</value>"
"<value a:help='Square line end cap'>square</value>"
"<element name='LineEndCap'>"
"<value a:help='Abrupt line ending; line endings are not closed'>flat</value>"
"<value a:help='Semi-circular line end cap'>round</value>"
"<value a:help='Sharp, pointy line end cap'>sharp</value>"
"<value a:help='Square line end cap'>square</value>"
"<element name='LinePassabilityClass' a:help='The pathfinder passability class to use for computing the rally point marker line path'>"
"<text />"
"<element name='LineCostClass' a:help='The pathfinder cost class to use for computing the rally point marker line path'>"
"<text />"
virtual void Init(const CParamNode& paramNode);
virtual void Deinit()
virtual void Serialize(ISerializer& UNUSED(serialize))
// do NOT serialize anything; this is a rendering-only component, it does not and should not affect simulation state
virtual void Deserialize(const CParamNode& paramNode, IDeserializer& UNUSED(deserialize))
virtual void HandleMessage(const CMessage& msg, bool UNUSED(global))
switch (msg.GetType())
case MT_RenderSubmit:
if (m_Displayed && IsSet())
const CMessageRenderSubmit& msgData = static_cast<const CMessageRenderSubmit&> (msg);
case MT_OwnershipChanged:
UpdateMarker(); // update marker variation to new player's civilization
case MT_TurnStart:
UpdateOverlayLines(); // check for changes to the SoD and update the overlay lines accordingly
case MT_Destroy:
if (m_MarkerEntityId != INVALID_ENTITY)
m_MarkerEntityId = INVALID_ENTITY;
virtual void SetPosition(CFixedVector2D pos)
if (m_RallyPoint != pos)
m_RallyPoint = pos;
UpdateMarker(); // reposition the marker
virtual void SetDisplayed(bool displayed)
if (m_Displayed != displayed)
m_Displayed = displayed;
// move the marker out of oblivion and back into the real world, or vice-versa
// Check for changes to the SoD and update the overlay lines accordingly. We need to do this here because this method
// only takes effect when the display flag is active; we need to pick up changes to the SoD that might have occurred
// while this rally point was not being displayed.
* Returns true iff a display rally point is set; i.e., if we have a point to render our marker/line at.
bool IsSet()
return !m_RallyPoint.IsZero();
* Repositions the rally point marker; moves it outside of the world (ie. hides it), or positions it at the currently set rally
* point. Also updates the actor's variation according to the entity's current owning player's civilization.
* Should be called whenever either the position of the rally point changes (including whether it is set or not), or the display
* flag changes, or the ownership of the entity changes.
void UpdateMarker();
* Recomputes the full path from this entity to the rally point, and does all the necessary post-processing to make it prettier.
* Should be called whenever the rally point position changes.
void RecomputeRallyPointPath();
* Checks for changes to the SoD to the previously saved state, and reconstructs the visibility segments and overlay lines to
* match if necessary. Does nothing if the rally point line is not currently set to be displayed, or if the rally point is
* not set.
void UpdateOverlayLines();
* Sets up the overlay lines for rendering according to the current full path and visibility segments. Does all the necessary
* splitting of the line into solid and dashed pieces (for the SoD). Should be called whenever the SoD has changed. If no full
* path is currently set, this method does nothing.
void ConstructOverlayLines();
* Removes points from @p coords that are obstructed by the originating building's footprint, and links up the last point
* nicely to the edge of the building's footprint. Only needed if the pathfinder can possibly return obstructed tile waypoints,
* i.e. when pathfinding is started from an obstructed tile.
void FixFootprintWaypoints(std::vector<CVector2D>& coords, CmpPtr<ICmpPosition> cmpPosition, CmpPtr<ICmpFootprint> cmpFootprint);
* Removes points from @p coords that are inside the shroud of darkness, i.e. where the player shouldn't be able to get any
* information about the positions of various buildings and whatnot from the rally point path.
void FixInvisibleWaypoints(std::vector<CVector2D>& coords);
* Returns a list of indices of waypoints in the current path (m_FullPath) where the LOS visibility changes, ordered from
* building to rally point. Used to construct the overlay line segments and track changes to the shroud of darkness.
void GetVisibilitySegments(std::deque<SVisibilitySegment>& out);
* Simplifies the path by removing waypoints that lie between two points that are visible from one another. This is primarily
* intended to reduce some unnecessary curviness of the path; the pathfinder returns a mathematically (near-)optimal path, which
* will happily curve and bend to reduce costs. Visually, it doesn't make sense for a rally point path to curve and bend when it
* could just as well have gone in a straight line; that's why we have this, to make it look more natural.
* @p coords array of path coordinates to simplify
* @p maxSegmentLinks if non-zero, indicates the maximum amount of consecutive node-to-node links that can be joined into a
* single link. If this value is set to e.g. 1, then no reductions will be performed. A value of 3 means that
* at most 3 consecutive node links will be joined into a single link.
* @p floating whether to consider nodes who are under the water level as floating on top of the water
void ReduceSegmentsByVisibility(std::vector<CVector2D>& coords, unsigned maxSegmentLinks = 0, bool floating = true);
* Helper function to GetVisibilitySegments, factored out for testing. Merges single-point segments with its neighbouring
* segments. You should not have to call this method directly.
static void MergeVisibilitySegments(std::deque<SVisibilitySegment>& segments);
void RenderSubmit(SceneCollector& collector);
void CCmpRallyPointRenderer::Init(const CParamNode& paramNode)
m_Displayed = false;
m_SmoothPath = true;
m_MarkerEntityId = INVALID_ENTITY;
m_EnableDebugNodeOverlay = false;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// load some XML configuration data (schema guarantees that all these nodes are valid)
m_MarkerTemplate = paramNode.GetChild("MarkerTemplate").ToString();
const CParamNode& lineColor = paramNode.GetChild("LineColour");
m_LineColor = CColor(
const CParamNode& lineDashColor = paramNode.GetChild("LineDashColour");
m_LineDashColor = CColor(
m_LineThickness = paramNode.GetChild("LineThickness").ToFixed().ToFloat();
m_LineTexturePath = paramNode.GetChild("LineTexture").ToString();
m_LineTextureMaskPath = paramNode.GetChild("LineTextureMask").ToString();
m_LineStartCapType = SOverlayTexturedLine::StrToLineCapType(paramNode.GetChild("LineStartCap").ToString());
m_LineEndCapType = SOverlayTexturedLine::StrToLineCapType(paramNode.GetChild("LineEndCap").ToString());
m_LineCostClass = paramNode.GetChild("LineCostClass").ToUTF8();
m_LinePassabilityClass = paramNode.GetChild("LinePassabilityClass").ToUTF8();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// load some textures
if (CRenderer::IsInitialised())
CTextureProperties texturePropsBase(m_LineTexturePath);
m_Texture = g_Renderer.GetTextureManager().CreateTexture(texturePropsBase);
CTextureProperties texturePropsMask(m_LineTextureMaskPath);
m_TextureMask = g_Renderer.GetTextureManager().CreateTexture(texturePropsMask);
void CCmpRallyPointRenderer::UpdateMarker()
if (m_MarkerEntityId == INVALID_ENTITY)
// no marker exists yet, create one first
CComponentManager& componentMgr = GetSimContext().GetComponentManager();
// allocate a new entity for the marker
if (!m_MarkerTemplate.empty())
m_MarkerEntityId = componentMgr.AllocateNewLocalEntity();
if (m_MarkerEntityId != INVALID_ENTITY)
m_MarkerEntityId = componentMgr.AddEntity(m_MarkerTemplate, m_MarkerEntityId);
// the marker entity should be valid at this point, otherwise something went wrong trying to allocate it
if (m_MarkerEntityId == INVALID_ENTITY)
LOGERROR(L"Failed to create rally point marker entity");
CmpPtr<ICmpPosition> markerCmpPosition(GetSimContext(), m_MarkerEntityId);
if (markerCmpPosition)
if (m_Displayed && IsSet())
markerCmpPosition->JumpTo(m_RallyPoint.X, m_RallyPoint.Y);
markerCmpPosition->MoveOutOfWorld(); // hide it
// set rally point flag selection based on player civilization
CmpPtr<ICmpOwnership> cmpOwnership(GetSimContext(), GetEntityId());
if (cmpOwnership)
player_id_t ownerId = cmpOwnership->GetOwner();
if (ownerId != INVALID_PLAYER && ownerId != m_LastOwner)
m_LastOwner = ownerId;
CmpPtr<ICmpPlayerManager> cmpPlayerManager(GetSimContext(), SYSTEM_ENTITY);
// cmpPlayerManager should not be null as long as this method is called on-demand instead of at Init() time
// (we can't rely on component initialization order in Init())
if (cmpPlayerManager)
CmpPtr<ICmpPlayer> cmpPlayer(GetSimContext(), cmpPlayerManager->GetPlayerByID(ownerId));
if (cmpPlayer)
CmpPtr<ICmpVisual> cmpVisualActor(GetSimContext(), m_MarkerEntityId);
if (cmpVisualActor)
void CCmpRallyPointRenderer::RecomputeRallyPointPath()
if (!IsSet())
return; // no use computing a path if the rally point isn't set
CmpPtr<ICmpPosition> cmpPosition(GetSimContext(), GetEntityId());
if (!cmpPosition || !cmpPosition->IsInWorld())
return; // no point going on if this entity doesn't have a position or is outside of the world
CmpPtr<ICmpFootprint> cmpFootprint(GetSimContext(), GetEntityId());
CmpPtr<ICmpPathfinder> cmpPathFinder(GetSimContext(), SYSTEM_ENTITY);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
entity_pos_t pathStartX = cmpPosition->GetPosition2D().X;
entity_pos_t pathStartY = cmpPosition->GetPosition2D().Y;
// Find a long path to the goal point -- this uses the tile-based pathfinder, which will return a
// list of waypoints (i.e. a Path) from the building to the goal, where each waypoint is centered
// at a tile. We'll have to do some post-processing on the path to get it smooth.
Path path;
std::vector<Waypoint>& waypoints = path.m_Waypoints;
Goal goal = { Goal::POINT, m_RallyPoint.X, m_RallyPoint.Y };
if (path.m_Waypoints.size() < 2)
return; // not likely to happen, but can't hurt to check
// From here on, we choose to represent the waypoints as CVector2D floats to avoid to have to convert back and forth
// between fixed-point Waypoint/CFixedVector2D and various other float-based formats used by interpolation and whatnot.
// Since we'll only be further using these points for rendering purposes, using floats should be fine.
// Make sure to add the actual goal point as the last point (the long pathfinder only finds paths to the tile closest to the
// goal, so we need to complete the last bit from the closest tile to the rally point itself)
// NOTE: the points are returned in reverse order (from the goal to the start point), so we actually need to insert it at the
// front of the coordinate list. Hence, we'll do this first before appending the rest of the fixed waypoints as CVector2Ds.
Waypoint& lastWaypoint = waypoints.back();
if (lastWaypoint.x != goal.x || lastWaypoint.z != goal.z)
m_Path.push_back(CVector2D(goal.x.ToFloat(), goal.z.ToFloat()));
// add the rest of the waypoints
for (size_t i = 0; i < waypoints.size(); ++i)
m_Path.push_back(CVector2D(waypoints[i].x.ToFloat(), waypoints[i].z.ToFloat()));
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// post-processing
// Linearize the path;
// Pass through the waypoints, averaging each waypoint with its next one except the last one. Because the path
// goes from the marker to this entity and we want to keep the point at the marker's exact position, loop backwards through the
// waypoints so that the marker waypoint is maintained.
// TODO: see if we can do this at the same time as the waypoint -> coord conversion above
for(size_t i = m_Path.size() - 1; i > 0; --i)
m_Path[i] = (m_Path[i] + m_Path[i-1]) / 2.0f;
// if there's a footprint, remove any points returned by the pathfinder that may be on obstructed footprint tiles
if (cmpFootprint)
FixFootprintWaypoints(m_Path, cmpPosition, cmpFootprint);
// Eliminate some consecutive waypoints that are visible from eachother. Reduce across a maximum distance of approx. 6 tiles
// (prevents segments that are too long to properly stick to the terrain)
ReduceSegmentsByVisibility(m_Path, 6);
//// <DEBUG> ///////////////////////////////////////////////
if (m_EnableDebugNodeOverlay)
if (m_EnableDebugNodeOverlay && m_SmoothPath)
// Create separate control point overlays so we can differentiate when using smoothing (offset them a little higher from the
// terrain so we can still see them after the interpolated points are added)
for (size_t j = 0; j < m_Path.size(); ++j)
SOverlayLine overlayLine;
overlayLine.m_Color = CColor(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
overlayLine.m_Thickness = 2;
SimRender::ConstructSquareOnGround(GetSimContext(), m_Path[j].X, m_Path[j].Y, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.0f, overlayLine, true);
//// </DEBUG> //////////////////////////////////////////////
if (m_SmoothPath)
// The number of points to interpolate goes hand in hand with the maximum amount of node links allowed to be joined together
// by the visibility reduction. The more node links that can be joined together, the more interpolated points you need to
// generate to be able to deal with local terrain height changes.
SimRender::InterpolatePointsRNS(m_Path, false, 0, 8); // no offset, keep line at its exact path
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// find which point is the last visible point before going into the SoD, so we have a point to compare to on the next turn
// build overlay lines for the new path
void CCmpRallyPointRenderer::ConstructOverlayLines()
// We need to create a new SOverlayTexturedLine every time we want to change the coordinates after having passed it to the
// renderer, because it does some fancy vertex buffering thing and caches them internally instead of recomputing them on every
// pass (which is only sensible).
if (m_Path.size() < 2)
CmpPtr<ICmpTerrain> cmpTerrain(GetSimContext(), SYSTEM_ENTITY);
LineCapType dashesLineCapType = SOverlayTexturedLine::LINECAP_ROUND; // line caps to use for the dashed segments (and any other segment's edges that border it)
for (std::deque<SVisibilitySegment>::const_iterator it = m_VisibilitySegments.begin(); it != m_VisibilitySegments.end(); ++it)
const SVisibilitySegment& segment = (*it);
if (segment.m_Visible)
// does this segment border on the building or rally point flag on either side?
bool bordersBuilding = (segment.m_EndIndex == m_Path.size() - 1);
bool bordersFlag = (segment.m_StartIndex == 0);
// construct solid textured overlay line along a subset of the full path points from startPointIdx to endPointIdx
SOverlayTexturedLine overlayLine;
overlayLine.m_Thickness = m_LineThickness;
overlayLine.m_Terrain = cmpTerrain->GetCTerrain();
overlayLine.m_TextureBase = m_Texture;
overlayLine.m_TextureMask = m_TextureMask;
overlayLine.m_Color = m_LineColor;
overlayLine.m_Closed = false;
// we should take care to only use m_LineXCap for the actual end points at the building and the rally point; any intermediate
// end points (i.e., that border a dashed segment) should have the dashed cap
// the path line is actually in reverse order as well, so let's swap out the start and end caps
overlayLine.m_StartCapType = (bordersFlag ? m_LineEndCapType : dashesLineCapType);
overlayLine.m_EndCapType = (bordersBuilding ? m_LineStartCapType : dashesLineCapType);
overlayLine.m_AlwaysVisible = true;
// push overlay line coordinates
ENSURE(segment.m_EndIndex > segment.m_StartIndex);
for (size_t j = segment.m_StartIndex; j <= segment.m_EndIndex; ++j) // end index is inclusive here
// construct dashed line from startPointIdx to endPointIdx, add textured overlay lines for it to the render list
std::vector<CVector2D> straightLine;
// We always want to have the dashed line end at either point with a full dash (i.e. not a cleared space), so that the dashed
// area is visually obvious. That implies that we want at least So, let's do some calculations to see what size we should make
// the dashes and clears.
float maxDashSize = 3.f;
float maxClearSize = 3.f;
float dashSize = maxDashSize;
float clearSize = maxClearSize;
float pairDashRatio = (dashSize / (dashSize + clearSize)); // ratio of the dash's length to a (dash + clear) pair's length
float distance = (m_Path[segment.m_StartIndex] - m_Path[segment.m_EndIndex]).Length(); // straight-line distance between the points
// see how many pairs (dash + clear) can fit into the distance unmodified. Then check the remaining distance; if it's not exactly
// a dash size's worth (and it likely won't be), then adjust the dash/clear sizes slightly so that it is.
int numFitUnmodified = floor(distance/(dashSize + clearSize));
float remainderDistance = distance - (numFitUnmodified * (dashSize + clearSize));
// Now we want to make remainderDistance equal exactly one dash size (i.e. maxDashSize) by scaling dashSize and clearSize slightly.
// We have (remainderDistance - maxDashSize) of space to distribute over numFitUnmodified instances of (dashSize + clearSize) to make
// it fit, so each (dashSize + clearSize) pair needs to adjust its length by (remainderDistance - maxDashSize)/numFitUnmodified
// (which will be positive or negative accordingly). This number can then be distributed further proportionally among the dash's
// length and the clear's length.
// we always want to have at least one dash/clear pair (i.e., "|===| |===|"); also, we need to avoid division by zero below.
numFitUnmodified = std::max(1, numFitUnmodified);
float pairwiseLengthDifference = (remainderDistance - maxDashSize)/numFitUnmodified; // can be either positive or negative
dashSize += pairDashRatio * pairwiseLengthDifference;
clearSize += (1 - pairDashRatio) * pairwiseLengthDifference;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SDashedLine dashedLine;
SimRender::ConstructDashedLine(straightLine, dashedLine, dashSize, clearSize);
// build overlay lines for dashes
size_t numDashes = dashedLine.m_StartIndices.size();
for (size_t i=0; i < numDashes; i++)
SOverlayTexturedLine dashOverlay;
dashOverlay.m_Thickness = m_LineThickness;
dashOverlay.m_Terrain = cmpTerrain->GetCTerrain();
dashOverlay.m_TextureBase = m_Texture;
dashOverlay.m_TextureMask = m_TextureMask;
dashOverlay.m_Color = m_LineDashColor;
dashOverlay.m_Closed = false;
dashOverlay.m_StartCapType = dashesLineCapType;
dashOverlay.m_EndCapType = dashesLineCapType;
dashOverlay.m_AlwaysVisible = true;
// TODO: maybe adjust the elevation of the dashes to be a little lower, so that it slides underneath the actual path
size_t dashStartIndex = dashedLine.m_StartIndices[i];
size_t dashEndIndex = dashedLine.GetEndIndex(i);
ENSURE(dashEndIndex > dashStartIndex);
for (size_t n = dashStartIndex; n < dashEndIndex; n++)
//// <DEBUG> //////////////////////////////////////////////
if (m_EnableDebugNodeOverlay)
for (size_t j = 0; j < m_Path.size(); ++j)
SOverlayLine overlayLine;
overlayLine.m_Color = CColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
overlayLine.m_Thickness = 1;
SimRender::ConstructCircleOnGround(GetSimContext(), m_Path[j].X, m_Path[j].Y, 0.075f, overlayLine, true);
//// </DEBUG> //////////////////////////////////////////////
void CCmpRallyPointRenderer::UpdateOverlayLines()
// We should only do this if the rally point is currently being displayed and set inside the world, otherwise it's a massive
// waste of time to calculate all this stuff (this method is called every turn)
if (!m_Displayed || !IsSet())
// see if there have been any changes to the SoD by grabbing the visibility edge points and comparing them to the previous ones
std::deque<SVisibilitySegment> newVisibilitySegments;
// compare the two indices vectors; as soon as an element is different (and provided the full path hasn't changed), then the SoD
// has changed and we should recreate the overlay lines
if (m_VisibilitySegments != newVisibilitySegments)
// the visibility segments have changed, so we want to reconstruct the overlay lines to match. Note that the path itself doesn't
// change, only the overlay lines we construct from them.
m_VisibilitySegments = newVisibilitySegments; // save the new visibility segments to compare against next time
void CCmpRallyPointRenderer::FixFootprintWaypoints(std::vector<CVector2D>& coords, CmpPtr<ICmpPosition> cmpPosition, CmpPtr<ICmpFootprint> cmpFootprint)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TODO: nasty fixed/float conversions everywhere
// grab the shape and dimensions of the footprint
entity_pos_t footprintSize0, footprintSize1, footprintHeight;
ICmpFootprint::EShape footprintShape;
cmpFootprint->GetShape(footprintShape, footprintSize0, footprintSize1, footprintHeight);
// grab the center of the footprint
CFixedVector2D center = cmpPosition->GetPosition2D();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
switch (footprintShape)
case ICmpFootprint::SQUARE:
// in this case, footprintSize0 and 1 respectively indicate the (unrotated) size along the X and Z axes
// the building's footprint could be rotated any which way, so let's get the rotation around the Y axis
// and the rotated unit vectors in the X/Z plane of the shape's footprint
// (the Footprint itself holds only the outline, the Position holds the orientation)
fixed s, c; // sine and cosine of the Y axis rotation angle (aka the yaw)
fixed a = cmpPosition->GetRotation().Y;
sincos_approx(a, s, c);
CFixedVector2D u(c, -s); // unit vector along the rotated X axis
CFixedVector2D v(s, c); // unit vector along the rotated Z axis
CFixedVector2D halfSize(footprintSize0/2, footprintSize1/2);
// starting from the start position, check if any points are within the footprint of the building
// (this is possible if the pathfinder was started from a point located within the footprint)
for(int i = (int)(coords.size() - 1); i >= 0; i--)
const CVector2D& wp = coords[i];
if (Geometry::PointIsInSquare(CFixedVector2D(fixed::FromFloat(wp.X), fixed::FromFloat(wp.Y)) - center, u, v, halfSize))
coords.erase(coords.begin() + i);
break; // point no longer inside footprint, from this point on neither will any of the following be
// add a point right on the edge of the footprint (nearest to the last waypoint) so that it links up nicely with the rest of the path
CFixedVector2D lastWaypoint(fixed::FromFloat(coords.back().X), fixed::FromFloat(coords.back().Y));
CFixedVector2D footprintEdgePoint = Geometry::NearestPointOnSquare(lastWaypoint - center, u, v, halfSize); // relative to the shape origin (center)
CVector2D footprintEdge((center.X + footprintEdgePoint.X).ToFloat(), (center.Y + footprintEdgePoint.Y).ToFloat());
case ICmpFootprint::CIRCLE:
// in this case, both footprintSize0 and 1 indicate the circle's radius
for(int i = (int)(coords.size() - 1); i >= 0; i--)
const CVector2D& wp = coords[i];
fixed pointDistance = (CFixedVector2D(fixed::FromFloat(wp.X), fixed::FromFloat(wp.Y)) - center).Length();
if (pointDistance <= footprintSize0)
coords.erase(coords.begin() + i);
break; // point no longer inside footprint, from this point on neither will any of the following be
// add a point right on the edge of the footprint so that it links up nicely with the rest of the path
CVector2D centerVec2D(center.X.ToFloat(), center.Y.ToFloat());
CVector2D centerToLast(coords.back() - centerVec2D);
coords.push_back(centerVec2D + (centerToLast.Normalized() * footprintSize0.ToFloat()));
void CCmpRallyPointRenderer::FixInvisibleWaypoints(std::vector<CVector2D>& coords)
CmpPtr<ICmpRangeManager> cmpRangeMgr(GetSimContext(), SYSTEM_ENTITY);
player_id_t currentPlayer = GetSimContext().GetCurrentDisplayedPlayer();
CLosQuerier losQuerier(cmpRangeMgr->GetLosQuerier(currentPlayer));
//for (std::vector<Waypoint>::iterator it = waypoints.begin(); it != waypoints.end();)
for(std::vector<CVector2D>::iterator it = coords.begin(); it != coords.end();)
int i = (fixed::FromFloat(it->X) / (int)TERRAIN_TILE_SIZE).ToInt_RoundToNearest();
int j = (fixed::FromFloat(it->Y) / (int)TERRAIN_TILE_SIZE).ToInt_RoundToNearest();
bool explored = losQuerier.IsExplored(i, j);
if (!explored)
it = coords.erase(it);
void CCmpRallyPointRenderer::ReduceSegmentsByVisibility(std::vector<CVector2D>& coords, unsigned maxSegmentLinks, bool floating)
CmpPtr<ICmpPathfinder> cmpPathFinder(GetSimContext(), SYSTEM_ENTITY);
CmpPtr<ICmpTerrain> cmpTerrain(GetSimContext(), SYSTEM_ENTITY);
CmpPtr<ICmpWaterManager> cmpWaterManager(GetSimContext(), SYSTEM_ENTITY);
ENSURE(cmpPathFinder && cmpTerrain && cmpWaterManager);
if (coords.size() < 3)
// The basic idea is this: starting from a base node, keep checking each individual point along the path to see if there's a visible
// line between it and the base point. If so, keep going, otherwise, make the last visible point the new base node and start the same
// process from there on until the entire line is checked. The output is the array of base nodes.
std::vector<CVector2D> newCoords;
StationaryObstructionFilter obstructionFilter;
entity_pos_t lineRadius = fixed::FromFloat(m_LineThickness);
ICmpPathfinder::pass_class_t passabilityClass = cmpPathFinder->GetPassabilityClass(m_LinePassabilityClass);
newCoords.push_back(coords[0]); // save the first base node
size_t baseNodeIdx = 0;
size_t curNodeIdx = 1;
float baseNodeY;
entity_pos_t baseNodeX;
entity_pos_t baseNodeZ;
// set initial base node coords
baseNodeX = fixed::FromFloat(coords[baseNodeIdx].X);
baseNodeZ = fixed::FromFloat(coords[baseNodeIdx].Y);
baseNodeY = cmpTerrain->GetExactGroundLevel(coords[baseNodeIdx].X, coords[baseNodeIdx].Y);
if (floating)
baseNodeY = std::max(baseNodeY, cmpWaterManager->GetExactWaterLevel(coords[baseNodeIdx].X, coords[baseNodeIdx].Y));
while (curNodeIdx < coords.size())
ENSURE(curNodeIdx > baseNodeIdx); // this needs to be true at all times, otherwise we're checking visibility between a point and itself
entity_pos_t curNodeX = fixed::FromFloat(coords[curNodeIdx].X);
entity_pos_t curNodeZ = fixed::FromFloat(coords[curNodeIdx].Y);
float curNodeY = cmpTerrain->GetExactGroundLevel(coords[curNodeIdx].X, coords[curNodeIdx].Y);
if (floating)
curNodeY = std::max(curNodeY, cmpWaterManager->GetExactWaterLevel(coords[curNodeIdx].X, coords[curNodeIdx].Y));
// find out whether curNode is visible from baseNode (careful; this is in 2D only; terrain height differences are ignored!)
bool curNodeVisible = cmpPathFinder->CheckMovement(obstructionFilter, baseNodeX, baseNodeZ, curNodeX, curNodeZ, lineRadius, passabilityClass);
// since height differences are ignored by CheckMovement, let's call two points visible from one another only if they're at
// roughly the same terrain elevation
curNodeVisible = curNodeVisible && (fabsf(curNodeY - baseNodeY) < 3.f); // TODO: this could probably use some tuning
if (maxSegmentLinks > 0)
// max. amount of node-to-node links to be eliminated (unsigned subtraction is valid because curNodeIdx is always > baseNodeIdx)
curNodeVisible = curNodeVisible && ((curNodeIdx - baseNodeIdx) <= maxSegmentLinks);
if (!curNodeVisible)
// current node is not visible from the base node, so the previous one was the last visible point from baseNode and should
// hence become the new base node for further iterations.
// if curNodeIdx is adjacent to the current baseNode (which is possible due to steep height differences, e.g. hills), then
// we should take care not to stay stuck at the current base node
if (curNodeIdx > baseNodeIdx + 1)
baseNodeIdx = curNodeIdx - 1;
// curNodeIdx == baseNodeIdx + 1
baseNodeIdx = curNodeIdx;
curNodeIdx++; // move the next candidate node one forward so that we don't test a point against itself in the next iteration
newCoords.push_back(coords[baseNodeIdx]); // add new base node to output list
// update base node coordinates
baseNodeX = fixed::FromFloat(coords[baseNodeIdx].X);
baseNodeZ = fixed::FromFloat(coords[baseNodeIdx].Y);
baseNodeY = cmpTerrain->GetExactGroundLevel(coords[baseNodeIdx].X, coords[baseNodeIdx].Y);
if (floating)
baseNodeY = std::max(baseNodeY, cmpWaterManager->GetExactWaterLevel(coords[baseNodeIdx].X, coords[baseNodeIdx].Y));
// we always need to add the last point back to the array; if e.g. all the points up to the last one are all visible from the current
// base node, then the loop above just ends and no endpoint is ever added to the list.
ENSURE(curNodeIdx == coords.size());
newCoords.push_back(coords[coords.size() - 1]);
void CCmpRallyPointRenderer::GetVisibilitySegments(std::deque<SVisibilitySegment>& out)
if (m_Path.size() < 2)
CmpPtr<ICmpRangeManager> cmpRangeMgr(GetSimContext(), SYSTEM_ENTITY);
player_id_t currentPlayer = GetSimContext().GetCurrentDisplayedPlayer();
CLosQuerier losQuerier(cmpRangeMgr->GetLosQuerier(currentPlayer));
// go through the path node list, comparing each node's visibility with the previous one. If it changes, end the current segment and start
// a new one at the next point.
bool lastVisible = losQuerier.IsExplored(
(fixed::FromFloat(m_Path[0].X) / (int) TERRAIN_TILE_SIZE).ToInt_RoundToNearest(),
(fixed::FromFloat(m_Path[0].Y) / (int) TERRAIN_TILE_SIZE).ToInt_RoundToNearest()
size_t curSegmentStartIndex = 0; // starting node index of the current segment
for (size_t k = 1; k < m_Path.size(); ++k)
// grab tile indices for this coord
int i = (fixed::FromFloat(m_Path[k].X) / (int)TERRAIN_TILE_SIZE).ToInt_RoundToNearest();
int j = (fixed::FromFloat(m_Path[k].Y) / (int)TERRAIN_TILE_SIZE).ToInt_RoundToNearest();
bool nodeVisible = losQuerier.IsExplored(i, j);
if (nodeVisible != lastVisible)
// visibility changed; write out the segment that was just completed and get ready for the new one
out.push_back(SVisibilitySegment(lastVisible, curSegmentStartIndex, k - 1));
//curSegmentStartIndex = k; // new segment starts here
curSegmentStartIndex = k - 1;
lastVisible = nodeVisible;
// terminate the last segment
out.push_back(SVisibilitySegment(lastVisible, curSegmentStartIndex, m_Path.size() - 1));
void CCmpRallyPointRenderer::MergeVisibilitySegments(std::deque<SVisibilitySegment>& segments)
// Scan for single-point segments; if they are inbetween two other segments, delete them and merge the surrounding segments.
// If they're at either end of the path, include them in their bordering segment (but only if those bordering segments aren't
// themselves single-point segments, because then we would want those to get absorbed by its surrounding ones first).
// first scan for absorptions of single-point surrounded segments (i.e. excluding edge segments)
size_t numSegments = segments.size();
for (size_t i = 1; i < numSegments - 1;)
SVisibilitySegment& segment = segments[i];
if (segment.IsSinglePoint())
// since the segments' visibility alternates, the surrounding ones should have the same visibility
ENSURE(segments[i-1].m_Visible == segments[i+1].m_Visible);
segments[i-1].m_EndIndex = segments[i+1].m_EndIndex; // make previous segment span all the way across to the next
segments.erase(segments.begin() + i); // erase this segment ...
segments.erase(segments.begin() + i); // and the next (we removed [i], so [i+1] is now at position [i])
numSegments -= 2; // we removed 2 segments, so update the loop condition
// in the next iteration, i should still point to the segment right after the one that got expanded, which is now
// at position i; so don't increment i here
ENSURE(numSegments == segments.size());
// check to see if the first segment needs to be merged with its neighbour
if (segments.size() >= 2 && segments[0].IsSinglePoint())
int firstSegmentStartIndex = segments.front().m_StartIndex;
ENSURE(firstSegmentStartIndex == 0);
ENSURE(!segments[1].IsSinglePoint()); // at this point, the second segment should never be a single-point segment
segments.front().m_StartIndex = firstSegmentStartIndex;
// check to see if the last segment needs to be merged with its neighbour
if (segments.size() >= 2 && segments[segments.size()-1].IsSinglePoint())
int lastSegmentEndIndex = segments.back().m_EndIndex;
ENSURE(!segments[segments.size()-2].IsSinglePoint()); // at this point, the second-to-last segment should never be a single-point segment
segments.back().m_EndIndex = lastSegmentEndIndex;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// at this point, every segment should have at least 2 points
for (size_t i = 0; i < segments.size(); ++i)
ENSURE(segments[i].m_EndIndex > segments[i].m_StartIndex);
void CCmpRallyPointRenderer::RenderSubmit(SceneCollector& collector)
// we only get here if the rally point is set and should be displayed
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_TexturedOverlayLines.size(); ++i)
if (!m_TexturedOverlayLines[i].m_Coords.empty())
if (m_EnableDebugNodeOverlay && !m_DebugNodeOverlays.empty())
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_DebugNodeOverlays.size(); i++)