forked from 0ad/0ad

176 lines
4.3 KiB

DESCRIPTION : Generic utility functions.
// ====================================================================
function getRandom(randomMin, randomMax)
// Returns a random whole number in a min..max range.
// NOTE: There should probably be an engine function for this,
// since we'd need to keep track of random seeds for replays.
var randomNum = randomMin + (randomMax-randomMin)*Math.random(); // num is random, from A to B
return Math.round(randomNum);
// ====================================================================
// Get list of XML files in pathname with recursion, excepting those starting with _
function getXMLFileList(pathname)
var files = buildDirEntList(pathname, "*.xml", true);
var result = [];
// Get only subpath from filename and discard extension
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; ++i)
var file = files[i];
file = file.substring(pathname.length, file.length-4);
// Split path into directories so we can check for beginning _ character
var tokens = file.split("/");
if (tokens[tokens.length-1][0] != "_")
return result;
// ====================================================================
// Get list of JSON files in pathname
function getJSONFileList(pathname)
var files = buildDirEntList(pathname, "*.json", false);
// Remove the path and extension from each name, since we just want the filename
files = [ n.substring(pathname.length, n.length-5) for each (n in files) ];
return files;
// ====================================================================
// Parse JSON data
function parseJSONData(pathname)
var data = {};
var rawData = readFile(pathname);
if (!rawData)
error("Failed to read file: "+pathname);
{ // Catch nasty errors from JSON parsing
// TODO: Need more info from the parser on why it failed: line number, position, etc!
data = JSON.parse(rawData);
if (!data)
error("Failed to parse JSON data in: "+pathname+" (check for valid JSON data)");
error(err.toString()+": parsing JSON data in "+pathname);
return data;
// ====================================================================
// A sorting function for arrays of objects with 'name' properties, ignoring case
function sortNameIgnoreCase(x, y)
var lowerX = x.name.toLowerCase();
var lowerY = y.name.toLowerCase();
if (lowerX < lowerY)
return -1;
else if (lowerX > lowerY)
return 1;
return 0;
// ====================================================================
// Escape text tags and whitespace, so users can't use special formatting in their chats
// Limit string length to 256 characters
function escapeText(text)
if (!text)
return text;
var out = text.replace(/[\[\]]+/g,"");
out = out.replace(/\s+/g, " ");
return out.substr(0, 255);
// ====================================================================
function toTitleCase (string)
if (!string)
return string;
// Returns the title-case version of a given string.
string = string.toString();
string = string[0].toUpperCase() + string.substring(1).toLowerCase();
return string;
// ====================================================================
// Load default player data, for when it's not otherwise specified
function initPlayerDefaults()
var filename = "simulation/data/player_defaults.json";
var defaults = [];
var rawData = readFile(filename);
if (!rawData)
error("Failed to read player defaults file: "+filename);
{ // Catch nasty errors from JSON parsing
// TODO: Need more info from the parser on why it failed: line number, position, etc!
var data = JSON.parse(rawData);
if (!data || !data.PlayerData)
error("Failed to parse player defaults in: "+filename+" (check for valid JSON data)");
defaults = data.PlayerData;
error(err.toString()+": parsing player defaults in "+filename);
return defaults;
// ====================================================================
// Convert integer color values to string (for use in GUI objects)
function iColorToString(color)
var string = "0 0 0";
if (color && color.r && color.g && color.b)
string = color.r + " " + color.g + " " + color.b;
return string;
// ====================================================================