forked from 0ad/0ad
olsner 7bcc12373b - Created JSMap
- Changed player colour JS interface: setColour(...) instead of a colour
- Introduced a network log and replaced most network LOG() calls with
- Moved to a slot-based system for Pre-Game and extended a lot of the JS
APIs to networking stuff
- A bit of cleanup in the low-level network code (Unix parts)
- Clients now keep track of all other connected clients on the server
(And exposes this info to JS)
- Split out GameAttributes to its own file
- Removed unused class AttributeMap
- Changed CJSObject to use T* pointers in JS_SetPrivate (needed to make
ToScript work with multiple inheritance)

This was SVN commit r1929.
2005-02-21 17:13:31 +00:00

774 lines
22 KiB
Executable File

// ScriptableObject.h
// A quick way to add (mostly) sensibly-behaving JavaScript interfaces to native classes.
// Mark Thompson (mark@wildfiregames.com / mot20@cam.ac.uk)
// General idea:
// IJSProperty is the interface representing a property of an object.
// Objects contain a mapping of names->IJSProperties
// Some IJSProperties wrap C++ variables that are declared by the engine
// Others wrap pairs of getter/setter functions
// Most, however, wrap a jsval and are defined by scripts and XML files.
// Objects may also have a parent object. If an attempt is made to
// access a property that doesn't exist in this object, the parent's object
// is checked, and so on.
// To allow this parent system to work for C++ properties, when a C++
// is set on an object, it's also set on any object that inherits it
// (Unless that object specifies its own value for that property, or
// the property is marked as being uninheritable)
// Objects and properties may be flagged read-only, causing all attempts to
// set values to become no-ops. If an object is read-only, all properties are
// - even ones that are flagged as writable.
// Usage: Create a class CSomething inheriting CJSObject<CSomething>
// In CSomething's constructor, add properties to the new object with
// AddProperty( name, pointer-to-C++-variable ).
// Also, ScriptingInit( "Some Name" ) must be called at initialization
// - put it in main. There's also AddMethod<ReturnType, NativeFunction>( Name,
// MinArgs ) - call that at initialization, too.
// If you include data members or functions that return types that JSConversions.h
// doesn't handle sensibly, you need to make it do so.
// If you're looking for examples, DOMEvent.h is the simplest user of this class
// CBaseEntity and CEntity do also (and use other stuff not mentioned above)
// but are more complex.
#include "scripting/ScriptingHost.h"
#include "JSConversions.h"
class IJSProperty
bool m_AllowsInheritance;
bool m_Inherited;
bool m_Intrinsic;
// This is to make sure that all the fields are initialized at construction
inline IJSProperty():
virtual jsval Get( JSContext* cx ) = 0;
virtual void Set( JSContext* cx, jsval Value ) = 0;
// Copies the data directly out of a parent property
// Warning: Don't use if you're not certain the properties are not of the same type.
virtual void ImmediateCopy( IJSProperty* Copy ) = 0;
jsval Get() { return( Get( g_ScriptingHost.GetContext() ) ); }
void Set( jsval Value ) { return( Set( g_ScriptingHost.GetContext(), Value ) ); }
virtual ~IJSProperty() {}
class IJSObject
// Make copy constructor and assignment operator private - since copying of
// these objects is unsafe unless done specially.
// These will never be implemented (they are, after all, here to *prevent*
// copying)
IJSObject(const IJSObject &other);
IJSObject& operator=(const IJSObject &other);
typedef STL_HASH_MAP<CStrW, IJSProperty*, CStrW_hash_compare> PropertyTable;
typedef std::vector<IJSObject*> InheritorsList;
// Used for freshen/update
typedef void (IJSObject::*NotifyFn)();
// Property getters and setters
typedef jsval (IJSObject::*GetFn)();
typedef void (IJSObject::*SetFn)( jsval );
// Properties of this object
PropertyTable m_Properties;
// Parent object
IJSObject* m_Parent;
// Objects that inherit from this
InheritorsList m_Inheritors;
// Set the base, and rebuild
void SetBase( IJSObject* m_Parent );
// Rebuild any intrinsic (mapped-to-C++-variable) properties
virtual void Rebuild() = 0;
// Check for a property
virtual IJSProperty* HasProperty( CStrW PropertyName ) = 0;
// Retrieve the value of a property
virtual void GetProperty( JSContext* cx, CStrW PropertyName, jsval* vp ) = 0;
// Add a property (with immediate value)
virtual void AddProperty( CStrW PropertyName, jsval Value ) = 0;
virtual void AddProperty( CStrW PropertyName, CStrW Value ) = 0;
inline IJSObject() {}
template<typename T, bool ReadOnly = false> class CJSObject;
template<typename T> class CJSPropertyAccessor
T* m_Owner;
CStrW m_PropertyRoot;
template<typename Q, bool ReadOnly> friend class CJSObject;
CJSPropertyAccessor( T* Owner, CStrW PropertyRoot )
m_Owner = Owner;
m_PropertyRoot = PropertyRoot;
static JSObject* CreateAccessor( JSContext* cx, T* Owner, CStrW PropertyRoot )
JSObject* Accessor = JS_NewObject( cx, &JSI_Class, NULL, NULL );
JS_SetPrivate( cx, Accessor, new CJSPropertyAccessor( Owner, PropertyRoot ) );
return( Accessor );
static JSBool JSGetProperty( JSContext* cx, JSObject* obj, jsval id, jsval* vp )
CJSPropertyAccessor* Instance = (CJSPropertyAccessor*)JS_GetPrivate( cx, obj );
if( !Instance ) return( JS_TRUE );
CStrW PropName = Instance->m_PropertyRoot + CStrW( L"." ) + g_ScriptingHost.ValueToUCString( id );
Instance->m_Owner->GetProperty( cx, PropName, vp );
return( JS_TRUE );
static JSBool JSSetProperty( JSContext* cx, JSObject* obj, jsval id, jsval* vp )
CJSPropertyAccessor* Instance = (CJSPropertyAccessor*)JS_GetPrivate( cx, obj );
if( !Instance ) return( JS_TRUE );
CStrW PropName = g_ScriptingHost.ValueToUCString( id );
Instance->m_Owner->SetProperty( cx, Instance->m_PropertyRoot + CStrW( L"." ) + PropName, vp );
return( JS_TRUE );
static JSBool JSPrimitive( JSContext* cx, JSObject* obj, uintN argc, jsval* argv, jsval* rval )
CJSPropertyAccessor* Instance = (CJSPropertyAccessor*)JS_GetPrivate( cx, obj );
if( !Instance ) return( JS_TRUE );
// Check all along the inheritance tree
// Possible optimization: Store the hashed value over the lookups
IJSObject* Target = Instance->m_Owner;
IJSProperty* Property;
while( Target )
Property = Target->HasProperty( Instance->m_PropertyRoot );
if( Property )
*rval = Property->Get( cx );
Target = Target->m_Parent;
return( JS_TRUE );
static JSBool JSToString( JSContext* cx, JSObject* obj, uintN argc, jsval* argv, jsval* rval )
CJSPropertyAccessor* Instance = (CJSPropertyAccessor*)JS_GetPrivate( cx, obj );
if( !Instance ) return( JS_TRUE );
// Check all along the inheritance tree
// TODO: Optimization: Store the hashed value over the lookups
IJSObject* Target = Instance->m_Owner;
IJSProperty* Property;
JSString* str;
while( Target )
Property = Target->HasProperty( Instance->m_PropertyRoot );
if( Property )
str = JS_ValueToString( cx, Property->Get( cx ) );
Target = Target->m_Parent;
*rval = STRING_TO_JSVAL( str );
return( JS_TRUE );
static JSClass JSI_Class;
static void ScriptingInit()
JSFunctionSpec JSI_methods[] = { { "valueOf", JSPrimitive, 0, 0, 0 }, { "toString", JSToString, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0 } };
JSPropertySpec JSI_props[] = { { 0 } };
g_ScriptingHost.DefineCustomObjectType( &JSI_Class, NULL, 0, JSI_props, JSI_methods, NULL, NULL );
template<typename T> JSClass CJSPropertyAccessor<T>::JSI_Class = {
JS_PropertyStub, JS_PropertyStub,
JSGetProperty, JSSetProperty,
JS_EnumerateStub, JS_ResolveStub,
JS_ConvertStub, JS_FinalizeStub,
template<typename T, bool ReadOnly> class CJSProperty : public IJSProperty
T* m_Data;
IJSObject* m_Owner;
// Function on Owner to call after value is changed
IJSObject::NotifyFn m_Update;
// Function on Owner to call before reading or writing the value
IJSObject::NotifyFn m_Freshen;
CJSProperty( T* Data, IJSObject* Owner = NULL, bool AllowsInheritance = false, IJSObject::NotifyFn Update = NULL, IJSObject::NotifyFn Freshen = NULL )
assert( !( !Owner && ( Freshen || Update ) ) ); // Bad programmer.
m_Data = Data;
m_Owner = Owner;
m_AllowsInheritance = AllowsInheritance;
m_Update = Update;
m_Freshen = Freshen;
m_Intrinsic = true;
jsval Get( JSContext* cx )
if( m_Freshen ) (m_Owner->*m_Freshen)();
return( ToJSVal( *m_Data ) );
void ImmediateCopy( IJSProperty* Copy )
*m_Data = *( ((CJSProperty<T, ReadOnly>*)Copy)->m_Data );
void Set( JSContext* cx, jsval Value )
if( !ReadOnly )
if( m_Freshen ) (m_Owner->*m_Freshen)();
if( ToPrimitive( cx, Value, *m_Data ) )
if( m_Update ) (m_Owner->*m_Update)();
class CJSReflector
template<typename Q, bool ReadOnly> friend class CJSObject;
JSObject* m_JSAccessor;
class CJSDynamicProperty : public IJSProperty
template<typename Q, bool ReadOnly> friend class CJSObject;
JSObject* m_JSAccessor;
m_JSAccessor = NULL;
m_Intrinsic = false;
class CJSValProperty : public CJSDynamicProperty
template<typename Q, bool ReadOnly> friend class CJSObject;
jsval m_Data;
CJSValProperty( jsval Data, bool Inherited )
m_Inherited = Inherited;
m_Data = Data;
void Root()
if( JSVAL_IS_GCTHING( m_Data ) )
#ifndef NDEBUG
JS_AddNamedRoot( g_ScriptingHost.GetContext(), (void*)&m_Data, "jsval property" );
JS_AddRoot( g_ScriptingHost.GetContext(), (void*)&m_Data );
void Uproot()
if( JSVAL_IS_GCTHING( m_Data ) )
JS_RemoveRoot( g_ScriptingHost.GetContext(), (void*)&m_Data );
jsval Get( JSContext* cx )
return( m_Data );
void Set( JSContext* cx, jsval Value )
m_Data = Value;
void ImmediateCopy( IJSProperty* Copy )
m_Data = ((CJSValProperty*)Copy)->m_Data;
class CJSFunctionProperty : public IJSProperty
IJSObject* m_Owner;
// Function on Owner to get the value
IJSObject::GetFn m_Getter;
// Function on Owner to set the value
IJSObject::SetFn m_Setter;
CJSFunctionProperty( IJSObject* Owner, IJSObject::GetFn Getter, IJSObject::SetFn Setter )
m_Inherited = false;
m_Intrinsic = true;
m_Owner = Owner;
m_Getter = Getter;
m_Setter = Setter;
// Must at least be able to read
assert( m_Owner && m_Getter );
jsval Get( JSContext* cx )
return( (m_Owner->*m_Getter)() );
void Set( JSContext* cx, jsval Value )
if( m_Setter )
(m_Owner->*m_Setter)( Value );
void ImmediateCopy( IJSProperty* Copy )
assert( 0 && "ImmediateCopy called on a property wrapping getter/setter functions" );
// Wrapper around native functions that are attached to CJSObjects
template<typename T, bool ReadOnly, typename RType, RType (T::*NativeFunction)( JSContext* cx, uintN argc, jsval* argv )> class CNativeFunction
static JSBool JSFunction( JSContext* cx, JSObject* obj, uintN argc, jsval* argv, jsval* rval )
T* Native = ToNative<T>( cx, obj );
if( !Native )
return( JS_TRUE );
*rval = ToJSVal<RType>( (Native->*NativeFunction)( cx, argc, argv ) );
return( JS_TRUE );
template<typename T, bool ReadOnly> class CJSObject : public IJSObject
typedef STL_HASH_MAP<CStrW, CJSReflector*, CStrW_hash_compare> ReflectorTable;
JSObject* m_JS;
ReflectorTable m_Reflectors;
// Whether native code is responsible for managing this object.
// Script constructors should clear this *BEFORE* creating a JS
// mirror (otherwise it'll be rooted).
bool m_EngineOwned;
// JS Property access
void GetProperty( JSContext* cx, CStrW PropertyName, jsval* vp );
void SetProperty( JSContext* cx, CStrW PropertyName, jsval* vp )
if( !ReadOnly )
IJSProperty* prop = HasProperty( PropertyName );
if( prop )
// Already exists
prop->Set( cx, *vp );
// If it's a C++ property, reflect this change in objects that inherit this.
if( prop->m_AllowsInheritance && prop->m_Intrinsic )
InheritorsList UpdateSet( m_Inheritors );
while( !UpdateSet.empty() )
IJSObject* UpdateObj = UpdateSet.back();
IJSProperty* UpdateProp = UpdateObj->m_Properties[PropertyName];
// Property must exist, also be a C++ property, and not have its value specified.
if( UpdateProp && UpdateProp->m_Intrinsic && UpdateProp->m_Inherited )
UpdateProp->Set( cx, *vp );
InheritorsList::iterator it2;
for( it2 = UpdateObj->m_Inheritors.begin(); it2 != UpdateObj->m_Inheritors.end(); it2++ )
UpdateSet.push_back( *it2 );
// Need to add it
AddProperty( PropertyName, *vp );
// Functions that must be provided to JavaScript
static JSBool JSGetProperty( JSContext* cx, JSObject* obj, jsval id, jsval* vp )
T* Instance = ToNative<T>( cx, obj );
if( !Instance )
return( JS_TRUE );
CStrW PropName = g_ScriptingHost.ValueToUCString( id );
Instance->GetProperty( cx, PropName, vp );
return( JS_TRUE );
static JSBool JSSetProperty( JSContext* cx, JSObject* obj, jsval id, jsval* vp )
T* Instance = ToNative<T>( cx, obj );
if( !Instance )
return( JS_TRUE );
CStrW PropName = g_ScriptingHost.ValueToUCString( id );
Instance->SetProperty( cx, PropName, vp );
return( JS_TRUE );
static void ScriptingInit( const char* ClassName, JSNative Constructor = NULL, uintN ConstructorMinArgs = 0 )
JSFunctionSpec* JSI_methods = new JSFunctionSpec[ m_Methods.size() + 1 ];
unsigned int MethodID;
for( MethodID = 0; MethodID < m_Methods.size(); MethodID++ )
JSI_methods[MethodID] = m_Methods[MethodID];
JSI_methods[MethodID].name = 0;
JSI_class.name = ClassName;
g_ScriptingHost.DefineCustomObjectType( &JSI_class, Constructor, ConstructorMinArgs, JSI_props, JSI_methods, NULL, NULL );
delete[]( JSI_methods );
static void DefaultFinalize( JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj )
T* Instance = ToNative<T>( cx, obj );
if( !Instance || Instance->m_EngineOwned )
delete( Instance );
JS_SetPrivate( cx, obj, NULL );
static JSClass JSI_class;
JSObject* GetScript()
if( !m_JS )
return( m_JS );
// Creating and releasing script objects is done automatically most of the time, but you
// can do it explicitly.
void CreateScriptObject()
if( !m_JS )
m_JS = JS_NewObject( g_ScriptingHost.GetContext(), &JSI_class, NULL, NULL );
if( m_EngineOwned )
#ifndef NDEBUG // Name the GC roots something more useful than 'ScriptableObject.h'
JS_AddNamedRoot( g_ScriptingHost.GetContext(), (void*)&m_JS, JSI_class.name );
JS_AddRoot( g_ScriptingHost.GetContext(), (void*)&m_JS );
JS_SetPrivate( g_ScriptingHost.GetContext(), m_JS, (T*)this );
void ReleaseScriptObject()
if( m_JS )
JS_SetPrivate( g_ScriptingHost.GetContext(), m_JS, NULL );
if( m_EngineOwned )
JS_RemoveRoot( g_ScriptingHost.GetContext(), &m_JS );
m_JS = NULL;
static JSPropertySpec JSI_props[];
static std::vector<JSFunctionSpec> m_Methods;
m_Parent = NULL;
m_JS = NULL;
m_EngineOwned = true;
virtual ~CJSObject()
void Shutdown()
PropertyTable::iterator it;
for( it = m_Properties.begin(); it != m_Properties.end(); it++ )
if( !it->second->m_Intrinsic )
CJSDynamicProperty* extProp = (CJSValProperty*)it->second;
if( extProp->m_JSAccessor )
CJSPropertyAccessor< CJSObject<T, ReadOnly> >* accessor = (CJSPropertyAccessor< CJSObject<T, ReadOnly> >*)JS_GetPrivate( g_ScriptingHost.GetContext(), extProp->m_JSAccessor );
assert( accessor );
delete( accessor );
JS_SetPrivate( g_ScriptingHost.GetContext(), extProp->m_JSAccessor, NULL );
JS_RemoveRoot( g_ScriptingHost.GetContext(), &( extProp->m_JSAccessor ) );
delete( it->second );
ReflectorTable::iterator it_a;
for( it_a = m_Reflectors.begin(); it_a != m_Reflectors.end(); it_a++ )
CJSPropertyAccessor< CJSObject<T, ReadOnly> >* accessor = (CJSPropertyAccessor< CJSObject<T, ReadOnly> >*)JS_GetPrivate( g_ScriptingHost.GetContext(), it_a->second->m_JSAccessor );
assert( accessor );
delete( accessor );
JS_SetPrivate( g_ScriptingHost.GetContext(), it_a->second->m_JSAccessor, NULL );
JS_RemoveRoot( g_ScriptingHost.GetContext(), &( it_a->second->m_JSAccessor ) );
delete( it_a->second );
void SetBase( IJSObject* Parent )
if( m_Parent )
// Remove this from the list of our parent's inheritors
InheritorsList::iterator it;
for( it = m_Parent->m_Inheritors.begin(); it != m_Parent->m_Inheritors.end(); it++ )
if( (*it) == this )
m_Parent->m_Inheritors.erase( it );
m_Parent = Parent;
if( m_Parent )
// Place this in the list of our parent's inheritors
m_Parent->m_Inheritors.push_back( this );
void Rebuild()
PropertyTable::iterator it;
// For each intrinsic property we have,
for( it = m_Properties.begin(); it != m_Properties.end(); it++ )
if( !it->second->m_Intrinsic || !it->second->m_Inherited )
// Attempt to locate it in the parent
IJSProperty* cp = m_Parent->HasProperty( it->first );
// If it doesn't have it, we've inherited from an object of a different type
// This isn't allowed at the moment; but I don't have an totally convincing
// reason for forbidding it entirely. Mind, I can't think of any use for it,
// either.
// If it can be inherited, inherit it.
if( cp && cp->m_AllowsInheritance )
assert( cp->m_Intrinsic );
it->second->ImmediateCopy( cp );
// Now recurse.
InheritorsList::iterator c;
for( c = m_Inheritors.begin(); c != m_Inheritors.end(); c++ )
IJSProperty* HasProperty( CStrW PropertyName )
PropertyTable::iterator it;
it = m_Properties.find( PropertyName );
if( it == m_Properties.end() )
return( NULL );
return( it->second );
void AddProperty( CStrW PropertyName, jsval Value )
assert( !HasProperty( PropertyName ) );
CJSDynamicProperty* newProp = new CJSValProperty( Value, false );
m_Properties[PropertyName] = newProp;
ReflectorTable::iterator it;
it = m_Reflectors.find( PropertyName );
if( it != m_Reflectors.end() )
// We had an accessor pointing to this property before it was defined.
newProp->m_JSAccessor = it->second->m_JSAccessor;
JS_RemoveRoot( g_ScriptingHost.GetContext(), &( it->second->m_JSAccessor ) );
JS_AddRoot( g_ScriptingHost.GetContext(), &( newProp->m_JSAccessor ) );
delete( it->second );
m_Reflectors.erase( it );
void AddProperty( CStrW PropertyName, CStrW Value )
AddProperty( PropertyName, JSParseString( Value ) );
void AddProperty( CStrW PropertyName, GetFn Getter, SetFn Setter = NULL )
m_Properties[PropertyName] = new CJSFunctionProperty( this, Getter, Setter );
template<typename ReturnType, ReturnType (T::*NativeFunction)( JSContext* cx, uintN argc, jsval* argv )>
static void AddMethod( const char* Name, uintN MinArgs )
JSFunctionSpec FnInfo = { Name, CNativeFunction<T, ReadOnly, ReturnType, NativeFunction>::JSFunction, MinArgs, 0, 0 };
T::m_Methods.push_back( FnInfo );
template<typename PropType> void AddProperty( CStrW PropertyName, PropType* Native, bool PropAllowInheritance = true, NotifyFn Update = NULL, NotifyFn Refresh = NULL )
m_Properties[PropertyName] = new CJSProperty<PropType, ReadOnly>( Native, this, PropAllowInheritance, Update, Refresh );
template<typename PropType> void AddReadOnlyProperty( CStrW PropertyName, PropType* Native, bool PropAllowInheritance = true, NotifyFn Update = NULL, NotifyFn Refresh = NULL )
m_Properties[PropertyName] = new CJSProperty<PropType, true>( Native, this, PropAllowInheritance, Update, Refresh );
template<typename T, bool ReadOnly> JSClass CJSObject<T, ReadOnly>::JSI_class = {
JS_PropertyStub, JS_PropertyStub,
JSGetProperty, JSSetProperty,
JS_EnumerateStub, JS_ResolveStub,
JS_ConvertStub, DefaultFinalize,
template<typename T, bool ReadOnly> JSPropertySpec CJSObject<T, ReadOnly>::JSI_props[] = {
{ 0 },
template<typename T, bool ReadOnly> std::vector<JSFunctionSpec> CJSObject<T, ReadOnly>::m_Methods;
template<typename T, bool ReadOnly> void CJSObject<T, ReadOnly>::GetProperty( JSContext* cx, CStrW PropertyName, jsval* vp )
IJSProperty* Property = HasProperty( PropertyName );
if( Property && Property->m_Intrinsic )
*vp = Property->Get( cx );
CJSDynamicProperty* extProp;
if( Property )
extProp = (CJSValProperty*)Property;
if( !extProp->m_JSAccessor )
extProp->m_JSAccessor = CJSPropertyAccessor< CJSObject<T, ReadOnly> >::CreateAccessor( cx, this, PropertyName );
JS_AddNamedRoot( cx, &extProp->m_JSAccessor, "property accessor" );
*vp = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL( extProp->m_JSAccessor );
// Check to see if it exists on a parent
IJSObject* check = m_Parent;
while( check )
if( check->HasProperty( PropertyName ) ) break;
check = check->m_Parent;
if( !check )
// FIXME: Fiddle a way so this /doesn't/ require multiple kilobytes
// of memory. Can't think of any better way to do it yet. Problem is
// that script may access a property that isn't defined locally, but
// is defined by an ancestor. We can't return an accessor to the
// ancestor's property, because then if it's altered it affects that
// object, not this. At the moment, creating a 'reflector' property
// accessor that references /this/ object to be returned to script.
// (N.B. Can't just put JSObjects* in the table -> table entries can
// move -> root no longer refers to the JSObject.)
ReflectorTable::iterator it;
it = m_Reflectors.find( PropertyName );
if( it == m_Reflectors.end() )
CJSReflector* reflector = new CJSReflector();
reflector->m_JSAccessor = CJSPropertyAccessor< CJSObject<T, ReadOnly> >::CreateAccessor( cx, this, PropertyName );
JS_AddRoot( cx, &reflector->m_JSAccessor );
m_Reflectors.insert( std::pair<CStrW, CJSReflector*>( PropertyName, reflector ) );
*vp = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL( reflector->m_JSAccessor );
*vp = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL( it->second->m_JSAccessor );