forked from 0ad/0ad
wraitii cdd75deafb XMB Improvements, parse JS into XMB, make strings more efficient.
XMB format is bumped to 4, invalidating all cached files. The
differences are:
 - element/attribute names are stored after the elements themselves, and
not before. This allows writing XMB data in one pass instead of two.
 - names themselves becomes offsets (instead of arbitrary integers),
making getting the string from the int name much more efficient.

XMBFile is renamed to XMBData to clarify that it does not, in fact,
refer to a file on disk.

XMBData::GetElementString is also changed to return a const char*, thus
not creating an std::string. A string_view version is added where

The XML->XMB and JS->XMB conversion functions and the corresponding
storage are moved to `ps/XMB`, since that format doesn't particularly
relate to XML. CXeromyces becomes lighter and more focused as a result.
The XML->XMB conversion also benefits from the above streamlining.

Note that in a few cases, string_view gets printed to CLogger via
data(), which is generally not legal, but we know that the strings are
null-terminated here. Our libfmt (version 4) doesn't support
string_view, that would be v5.

Differential Revision: https://code.wildfiregames.com/D3909
This was SVN commit r25375.
2021-05-04 13:02:34 +00:00

470 lines
14 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 2021 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "XMBStorage.h"
#include "lib/file/io/write_buffer.h"
#include "scriptinterface/ScriptExtraHeaders.h"
#include "scriptinterface/ScriptInterface.h"
#include <libxml/parser.h>
#include <unordered_map>
const char* XMBStorage::HeaderMagicStr = "XMB0";
const char* XMBStorage::UnfinishedHeaderMagicStr = "XMBu";
// Arbitrary version number - change this if we update the code and
// need to invalidate old users' caches
const u32 XMBStorage::XMBVersion = 4;
class XMBStorageWriter
template<typename ...Args>
bool Load(WriteBuffer& writeBuffer, Args&&... args);
int GetElementName(const std::string& name) { return GetName(m_ElementSize, m_ElementIDs, name); }
int GetAttributeName(const std::string& name) { return GetName(m_AttributeSize, m_AttributeIDs, name); }
int GetName(int& totalSize, std::unordered_map<std::string, int>& names, const std::string& name)
int nameIdx = totalSize;
auto [iterator, inserted] = names.try_emplace(name, nameIdx);
if (inserted)
totalSize += name.size() + 5; // Add 1 for the null terminator & 4 for the size int.
return iterator->second;
void OutputNames(WriteBuffer& writeBuffer, const std::unordered_map<std::string, int>& names) const;
template<typename ...Args>
bool OutputElements(WriteBuffer&, Args...)
static_assert(sizeof...(Args) != sizeof...(Args), "OutputElements must be specialized.");
int m_ElementSize = 0;
int m_AttributeSize = 0;
std::unordered_map<std::string, int> m_ElementIDs;
std::unordered_map<std::string, int> m_AttributeIDs;
// Output text, prefixed by length in bytes (including null-terminator)
void WriteStringAndLineNumber(WriteBuffer& writeBuffer, const std::string& text, int lineNumber)
if (text.empty())
// No text; don't write much
writeBuffer.Append("\0\0\0\0", 4);
// Write length and line number and null-terminated text
u32 nodeLen = u32(4 + text.length() + 1);
writeBuffer.Append(&nodeLen, 4);
writeBuffer.Append(&lineNumber, 4);
writeBuffer.Append((void*)text.c_str(), nodeLen-4);
template<typename ...Args>
bool XMBStorageWriter::Load(WriteBuffer& writeBuffer, Args&&... args)
// Header
writeBuffer.Append(XMBStorage::UnfinishedHeaderMagicStr, 4);
// Version
writeBuffer.Append(&XMBStorage::XMBVersion, 4);
// Filled in below.
size_t elementPtr = writeBuffer.Size();
writeBuffer.Append("????????", 8);
// Likewise with attributes.
size_t attributePtr = writeBuffer.Size();
writeBuffer.Append("????????", 8);
if (!OutputElements<Args&&...>(writeBuffer, std::forward<Args>(args)...))
return false;
u32 data = writeBuffer.Size();
writeBuffer.Overwrite(&data, 4, elementPtr);
data = m_ElementIDs.size();
writeBuffer.Overwrite(&data, 4, elementPtr + 4);
OutputNames(writeBuffer, m_ElementIDs);
data = writeBuffer.Size();
writeBuffer.Overwrite(&data, 4, attributePtr);
data = m_AttributeIDs.size();
writeBuffer.Overwrite(&data, 4, attributePtr + 4);
OutputNames(writeBuffer, m_AttributeIDs);
// File is now valid, so insert correct magic string.
writeBuffer.Overwrite(XMBStorage::HeaderMagicStr, 4, 0);
return true;
void XMBStorageWriter::OutputNames(WriteBuffer& writeBuffer, const std::unordered_map<std::string, int>& names) const
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, int>> orderedElements;
for (const std::pair<std::string, int>& n : names)
std::sort(orderedElements.begin(), orderedElements.end(), [](const auto& a, const auto&b) { return a.second < b.second; });
for (const std::pair<std::string, int>& n : orderedElements)
u32 textLen = (u32)n.first.length() + 1;
writeBuffer.Append(&textLen, 4);
writeBuffer.Append((void*)n.first.c_str(), textLen);
class JSNodeData
JSNodeData(const ScriptInterface& s) : scriptInterface(s), rq(s) {}
bool Setup(XMBStorageWriter& xmb, JS::HandleValue value);
bool Output(WriteBuffer& writeBuffer, JS::HandleValue value) const;
std::vector<std::pair<u32, std::string>> m_Attributes;
std::vector<std::pair<u32, JS::Heap<JS::Value>>> m_Children;
const ScriptInterface& scriptInterface;
const ScriptRequest rq;
bool XMBStorageWriter::OutputElements<JSNodeData&, const u32&, JS::HandleValue&&>(WriteBuffer& writeBuffer, JSNodeData& data, const u32& nodeName, JS::HandleValue&& value)
// Set up variables.
if (!data.Setup(*this, value))
return false;
size_t posLength = writeBuffer.Size();
// Filled in later with the length of the element
writeBuffer.Append("????", 4);
writeBuffer.Append(&nodeName, 4);
u32 attrCount = static_cast<u32>(data.m_Attributes.size());
writeBuffer.Append(&attrCount, 4);
u32 childCount = data.m_Children.size();
writeBuffer.Append(&childCount, 4);
// Filled in later with the offset to the list of child elements
size_t posChildrenOffset = writeBuffer.Size();
writeBuffer.Append("????", 4);
data.Output(writeBuffer, value);
// Output attributes
for (const std::pair<u32, std::string> attr : data.m_Attributes)
writeBuffer.Append(&attr.first, 4);
u32 attrLen = u32(attr.second.size())+1;
writeBuffer.Append(&attrLen, 4);
writeBuffer.Append((void*)attr.second.c_str(), attrLen);
// Go back and fill in the child-element offset
u32 childrenOffset = (u32)(writeBuffer.Size() - (posChildrenOffset+4));
writeBuffer.Overwrite(&childrenOffset, 4, posChildrenOffset);
// Output all child elements, making a copy since data will be overwritten.
std::vector<std::pair<u32, JS::Heap<JS::Value>>> children = data.m_Children;
for (const std::pair<u32, JS::Heap<JS::Value>>& child : children)
JS::RootedValue val(data.rq.cx, child.second);
if (!OutputElements<JSNodeData&, const u32&, JS::HandleValue&&>(writeBuffer, data, child.first, val))
return false;
// Go back and fill in the length
u32 length = (u32)(writeBuffer.Size() - posLength);
writeBuffer.Overwrite(&length, 4, posLength);
return true;
bool JSNodeData::Setup(XMBStorageWriter& xmb, JS::HandleValue value)
JSType valType = JS_TypeOfValue(rq.cx, value);
if (valType != JSTYPE_OBJECT)
return true;
std::vector<std::string> props;
if (!scriptInterface.EnumeratePropertyNames(value, true, props))
LOGERROR("Failed to enumerate component properties.");
return false;
for (const std::string& prop : props)
// Special 'value' key.
if (prop == "_string")
bool attrib = !prop.empty() && prop.front() == '@';
std::string_view name = prop;
if (!attrib && !prop.empty() && prop.back() == '@')
size_t idx = prop.substr(0, prop.size()-1).find_last_of('@');
if (idx == std::string::npos)
LOGERROR("Object key name cannot end with an '@' unless it is an index specifier.");
return false;
name = std::string_view(prop.c_str(), idx);
else if (attrib)
name = std::string_view(prop.c_str()+1, prop.length()-1);
JS::RootedValue child(rq.cx);
if (!scriptInterface.GetProperty(value, prop.c_str(), &child))
return false;
if (attrib)
std::string attrVal;
if (!ScriptInterface::FromJSVal(rq, child, attrVal))
LOGERROR("Attributes must be convertible to string");
return false;
m_Attributes.emplace_back(xmb.GetAttributeName(std::string(name)), attrVal);
bool isArray = false;
if (!JS::IsArrayObject(rq.cx, child, &isArray))
return false;
if (!isArray)
m_Children.emplace_back(xmb.GetElementName(std::string(name)), child);
// Parse each array object as a child.
JS::RootedObject obj(rq.cx);
JS_ValueToObject(rq.cx, child, &obj);
u32 length;
JS::GetArrayLength(rq.cx, obj, &length);
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i)
JS::RootedValue arrayChild(rq.cx);
scriptInterface.GetPropertyInt(child, i, &arrayChild);
m_Children.emplace_back(xmb.GetElementName(std::string(name)), arrayChild);
return true;
bool JSNodeData::Output(WriteBuffer& writeBuffer, JS::HandleValue value) const
switch (JS_TypeOfValue(rq.cx, value))
writeBuffer.Append("\0\0\0\0", 4);
if (!scriptInterface.HasProperty(value, "_string"))
writeBuffer.Append("\0\0\0\0", 4);
JS::RootedValue actualValue(rq.cx);
if (!scriptInterface.GetProperty(value, "_string", &actualValue))
return false;
std::string strVal;
if (!ScriptInterface::FromJSVal(rq, actualValue, strVal))
LOGERROR("'_string' value must be convertible to string");
return false;
WriteStringAndLineNumber(writeBuffer, strVal, 0);
std::string strVal;
if (!ScriptInterface::FromJSVal(rq, value, strVal))
return false;
WriteStringAndLineNumber(writeBuffer, strVal, 0);
LOGERROR("Unsupported JS construct when parsing ParamNode");
return false;
return true;
bool XMBStorageWriter::OutputElements<xmlNodePtr&&>(WriteBuffer& writeBuffer, xmlNodePtr&& node)
// Filled in later with the length of the element
size_t posLength = writeBuffer.Size();
writeBuffer.Append("????", 4);
u32 name = GetElementName((const char*)node->name);
writeBuffer.Append(&name, 4);
u32 attrCount = 0;
for (xmlAttrPtr attr = node->properties; attr; attr = attr->next)
writeBuffer.Append(&attrCount, 4);
u32 childCount = 0;
for (xmlNodePtr child = node->children; child; child = child->next)
if (child->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
writeBuffer.Append(&childCount, 4);
// Filled in later with the offset to the list of child elements
size_t posChildrenOffset = writeBuffer.Size();
writeBuffer.Append("????", 4);
// Trim excess whitespace in the entity's text, while counting
// the number of newlines trimmed (so that JS error reporting
// can give the correct line number within the script)
std::string whitespace = " \t\r\n";
std::string text;
for (xmlNodePtr child = node->children; child; child = child->next)
if (child->type == XML_TEXT_NODE)
xmlChar* content = xmlNodeGetContent(child);
text += std::string((const char*)content);
u32 linenum = xmlGetLineNo(node);
// Find the start of the non-whitespace section
size_t first = text.find_first_not_of(whitespace);
if (first == text.npos)
// Entirely whitespace - easy to handle
text = "";
// Count the number of \n being cut off,
// and add them to the line number
std::string trimmed (text.begin(), text.begin()+first);
linenum += std::count(trimmed.begin(), trimmed.end(), '\n');
// Find the end of the non-whitespace section,
// and trim off everything else
size_t last = text.find_last_not_of(whitespace);
text = text.substr(first, 1+last-first);
// Output text, prefixed by length in bytes
WriteStringAndLineNumber(writeBuffer, text, linenum);
// Output attributes
for (xmlAttrPtr attr = node->properties; attr; attr = attr->next)
u32 attrName = GetAttributeName((const char*)attr->name);
writeBuffer.Append(&attrName, 4);
xmlChar* value = xmlNodeGetContent(attr->children);
u32 attrLen = u32(xmlStrlen(value)+1);
writeBuffer.Append(&attrLen, 4);
writeBuffer.Append((void*)value, attrLen);
// Go back and fill in the child-element offset
u32 childrenOffset = (u32)(writeBuffer.Size() - (posChildrenOffset+4));
writeBuffer.Overwrite(&childrenOffset, 4, posChildrenOffset);
// Output all child elements
for (xmlNodePtr child = node->children; child; child = child->next)
if (child->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
OutputElements<xmlNodePtr&&>(writeBuffer, std::move(child));
// Go back and fill in the length
u32 length = (u32)(writeBuffer.Size() - posLength);
writeBuffer.Overwrite(&length, 4, posLength);
return true;
} // anonymous namespace
bool XMBStorage::ReadFromFile(const PIVFS& vfs, const VfsPath& filename)
if(vfs->LoadFile(filename, m_Buffer, m_Size) < 0)
return false;
// if the game crashes during loading, (e.g. due to driver bugs),
// it sometimes leaves empty XMB files in the cache.
// reporting failure will cause our caller to re-generate the XMB.
if (m_Size == 0)
return false;
ENSURE(m_Size >= 4); // make sure it's at least got the initial header
return true;
bool XMBStorage::LoadXMLDoc(const xmlDocPtr doc)
WriteBuffer writeBuffer;
XMBStorageWriter writer;
if (!writer.Load(writeBuffer, std::move(xmlDocGetRootElement(doc))))
return false;
m_Buffer = writeBuffer.Data(); // add a reference
m_Size = writeBuffer.Size();
return true;
bool XMBStorage::LoadJSValue(const ScriptInterface& scriptInterface, JS::HandleValue value, const std::string& rootName)
WriteBuffer writeBuffer;
XMBStorageWriter writer;
const u32 name = writer.GetElementName(rootName);
JSNodeData data(scriptInterface);
if (!writer.Load(writeBuffer, data, name, std::move(value)))
return false;
m_Buffer = writeBuffer.Data(); // add a reference
m_Size = writeBuffer.Size();
return true;