
197 lines
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Raw Normal View History

by Gustav Larsson
This is the top class of the whole GUI, all objects
and settings are stored within this class.
--More info--
Check GUI.h
#ifndef CGUI_H
#define CGUI_H
// Includes / Compiler directives
#include "GUI.h"
#include <xercesc/dom/DOM.hpp>
#include <xercesc/util/XMLString.hpp>
#include <xercesc/util/PlatformUtils.hpp>
#include "input.h" // JW: grr, classes suck in this case :P
// Macros
// Types
// Error declarations
// Declarations
class CGUI
// Only CGUIObject's leaf functions uses CGUI
// freely.
friend class CGUIObject;
// Private typedefs
typedef CGUIObject *(*ConstructObjectFunction)();
// Initialize
void Initialize(/*/*nemInput *pInput*/);
// Process
void Process();
// Draw
void Draw();
// Shutdown
void Destroy();
// Load a GUI XML file
void LoadXMLFile(const CStr &Filename);
// Checks if object exists and return true or false accordingly
bool ObjectExists(const CStr &Name) const;
// Get pInput
/// CInput *GetInput() { return m_pInput; }
// to add a type:
// AddObjecType("button", &CButton::ConstructObject);
void AddObjectType(const CStr &str, ConstructObjectFunction pFunc) { m_ObjectTypes[str] = pFunc; }
void UpdateObjects();
// Adds an object to the GUI's object database
// Private, you can only add objects through XML files.
void AddObject(CGUIObject* pObject);
// Report a XML parsing error
void ReportParseError(const CStr &str, ...);
// Construct an object
CGUIObject *ConstructObject(const CStr &str);
// XML Reading Xerces C++ specific subroutines
Xerces_* functions tree
<objects> (ReadRootObjects)
+-<object> (ReadObject)
+-Optional Type Extensions (CGUIObject::ReadExtendedElement) TODO
+-�object� *recursive*
<styles> (ReadRootStyles)
+-<style> (ReadStyle)
<sprites> (ReadRootSprites)
+-<sprite> (ReadSprite)
+-<image> (ReadImage)
<setup> (ReadRootSetup)
+-<tooltip> (ReadToolTip)
+-<scrollbar> (ReadScrollBar)
+-<icon> (ReadIcon)
// These does not throw!
// Because when reading in XML files, it won't be fatal
// if an error occurs, perhaps one particular object
// fails, but it'll still continue reading in the next
// All Error are reported with ReportParseError
// Read roots
void Xerces_ReadRootObjects(XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE::DOMElement *pElement);
void Xerces_ReadRootSprites(XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE::DOMElement *pElement);
// Read subs
void Xerces_ReadObject(XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE::DOMElement *, CGUIObject *pParent);
void Xerces_ReadSprite(XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE::DOMElement *);
void Xerces_ReadImage(XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE::DOMElement *, CGUISprite &parent);
// Variables
// Pointer to input module
/// CInput *m_pInput;
// Objects
// Base Object, all its children are considered parentless
// because this is no real object per se.
CGUIObject* m_BaseObject;
// Just pointers for fast name access, each object
// is really constructed within its parent for easy
// recursive management.
// Notice m_BaseObject won't belong here since it's
// not considered a real object.
map_pObjects m_pAllObjects;
// Function pointers to functions that constructs
// CGUIObjects by name... For instance m_ObjectTypes["button"]
// is filled with a function that will "return new CButton();"
std::map<CStr, ConstructObjectFunction> m_ObjectTypes;
// Used when reading in XML files
int m_Errors;
// Sprites
std::map<CStr, CGUISprite> m_Sprites;