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GUI util
by Gustav Larsson
Contains help class GUI<>, which gives us templated
parameter to all functions within GUI.
--More info--
#ifndef GUIutil_H
#define GUIutil_H
// Includes / Compiler directives
#include "GUI.h"
// Forward declarations
class CGUI;
class CGUIObject;
* Base class to only the class GUI. This superclass is
* kind of a templateless extention of the class GUI.
* Used for other functions to friend with, because it
* it can't friend with GUI since it's templated.
class CInternalCGUIAccessorBase
/// Get object pointer
static CGUIObject * GetObjectPointer(CGUI &GUIinstance, const CStr &Object);
/// const version
static const CGUIObject * GetObjectPointer(const CGUI &GUIinstance, const CStr &Object);
* Includes static functions that needs one template
* argument.
* int is only to please functions that doesn't even use T
* and are only within this class because it's convenient
template <typename T=int>
class GUI : public CInternalCGUIAccessorBase
// Private functions further ahead
friend class CGUI;
friend class CGUIObject;
* Retrieves a setting by name from object pointer
* @param pObject Object pointer
* @param Setting Setting by name
* @param Value Stores value here, note type T!
static PS_RESULT GetSetting(const CGUIObject *pObject, const CStr &Setting, T &Value)
if (pObject == NULL)
if (!pObject->SettingExists(Setting))
// Set value
Value = *(T*)((size_t)pObject+pObject->GetSettingsInfo()[Setting].m_Offset);
return PS_OK;
* Sets a value by name using a real datatype as input
* @param pObject Object pointer
* @param Setting Setting by name
* @param Value Sets value to this, note type T!
static PS_RESULT SetSetting(CGUIObject *pObject, const CStr &Setting, const T &Value)
if (pObject == NULL)
if (!pObject->SettingExists(Setting))
// Set value
// This better be the correct adress
*(T*)((size_t)pObject+pObject->GetSettingsInfo()[Setting].m_Offset) = Value;
return PS_OK;
* Retrieves a setting by settings name and object name
* @param GUI GUI Object const ref
* @param Object Object name
* @param Setting Setting by name
* @param Value Stores value here, note type T!
static PS_RESULT GetSetting(
const CGUI &GUIinstance, const CStr &Object,
const CStr &Setting, T &Value)
if (!GUIinstance.ObjectExists(Object))
// Retrieve pointer and call sibling function
const CGUIObject *pObject = GetObjectPointer(GUIinstance, Object);
return GetSetting(pObject, Setting, Value);
* Sets a value by setting and object name using a real
* datatype as input
* @param GUI GUI Object, reference since we'll be changing values
* @param Object Object name
* @param Setting Setting by name
* @param Value Sets value to this, note type T!
static PS_RESULT SetSetting(
CGUI &GUIinstance, const CStr &Object,
const CStr &Setting, const T &Value)
if (!GUIinstance.ObjectExists(Object))
// Retrieve pointer and call sibling function
// Important, we don't want to use this T, we want
// to use the standard T, since that will be the
// one with the friend relationship
CGUIObject *pObject = GetObjectPointer(GUIinstance, Object);
return SetSetting(pObject, Setting, Value);
// This function returns the C++ structure of the
// inputted string. For instance if you input
// "0 0 10 10" and request a CRect, it will give you
// a CRect(0,0,10,10).
// This function is widely used within the GUI.
// Input:
// String The Value in string format
// Return:
// Returns the value in the structure T.
/* static T GetStringValue(const CStr &String)
if (typeid(T) == typeid(int))
return atoi(String.c_str());
if (typeid(T) == typeid(float) ||
typeid(T) == typeid(double))
return atof(String.c_str());
if (typeid(T) == typeid(CRect))
(CRect)return CRect();
if (typeid(T) == typeid(CColor))
return CColor();
case typeid(int):
return atoi(String);
case typeid(float):
case typeid(double):
return atof(String);
case typeid(CRect):
return CRect(0,0,0,0);
case typeid(CColor):
return CColor(0,0,0,0);
// Repport error unrecognized
return T();
// If this function is called T is unrecognized
// TODO repport error
return T();
static T<int> GetStringValue(const CStr &String)
return atoi(String.c_str());
// int
/* static int GetStringValue(const CStr &String)
// If this function is called T is unrecognized
// TODO repport error
return 10;
// templated typedef of function pointer
typedef void (CGUIObject::*void_Object_pFunction_argT)(const T &arg);
typedef void (CGUIObject::*void_Object_pFunction_argRefT)(T &arg);
typedef void (CGUIObject::*void_Object_pFunction)();
* If you want to call a <code>CGUIObject</code>-function
* on not just an object, but also on ALL of their children
* you want to use this recursion system.
* It recurses an object calling a function on itself
* and all children (and so forth).
* <b>Restrictions:</b><br>
* You can also set restrictions, so that if the recursion
* reaches an objects with certain setup, it just doesn't
* call the function on the object, nor it's children for
* that matter. i.e. it cuts that object off from the
* recursion tree. What setups that can cause restrictions
* are hardcoded and specific. Check out the defines
* <code>GUIRR_*</code> for all different setups.
* @param RR Recurse Restrictions
* @param pObject Object to iterate
* @param pFunc Function to recurse
* @param Argument Argument of type T
static void RecurseObject(const int &RR, CGUIObject *pObject, void_Object_pFunction_argT pFunc, const T &Argument)
if (CheckIfRestricted(RR, pObject))
// Iterate children
vector_pObjects::iterator it;
for (it = pObject->ChildrenItBegin(); it != pObject->ChildrenItEnd(); ++it)
RecurseObject(RR, *it, pFunc, Argument);
* Argument is reference.
* @see RecurseObject()
static void RecurseObject(const int &RR, CGUIObject *pObject, void_Object_pFunction_argRefT pFunc, T &Argument)
if (CheckIfRestricted(RR, pObject))
// Iterate children
vector_pObjects::iterator it;
for (it = pObject->ChildrenItBegin(); it != pObject->ChildrenItEnd(); ++it)
RecurseObject(RR, *it, pFunc, Argument);
* With no argument.
* @see RecurseObject()
static void RecurseObject(const int &RR, CGUIObject *pObject, void_Object_pFunction pFunc)
if (CheckIfRestricted(RR, pObject))
// Iterate children
vector_pObjects::iterator it;
for (it = pObject->ChildrenItBegin(); it != pObject->ChildrenItEnd(); ++it)
RecurseObject(RR, *it, pFunc);
* Checks restrictions for the iteration, for instance if
* you tell the recursor to avoid all hidden objects, it
* will, and this function checks a certain object's
* restriction values.
* @param RR What kind of restriction, for instance hidden or disabled
* @param pObject Object
* @return true if restricted
static bool CheckIfRestricted(const int &RR, CGUIObject *pObject)
if (pObject->GetBaseSettings().m_Hidden)
return true;
if (pObject->GetBaseSettings().m_Enabled)
return true;
// false means not restricted
return false;