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// Public interface to almost all of AtlasObject.
// (See AtlasObjectText for the rest of it).
// Tries to include as few headers as possible, to minimise its impact
// on compile times.
#include <wchar.h> // for wchar_t
// Mostly-private bits:
// Simple reference-counted pointer. class T must contain a reference count,
// initialised to 0. An external implementation (in AtlasObjectImpl.cpp)
// provides the inc_ref and dec_ref methods, so that this header file doesn't
// need to know their implementations.
template<class T> class AtSmartPtr
// Constructors
AtSmartPtr() : ptr(NULL) {}
explicit AtSmartPtr(T* p) : ptr(p) { inc_ref(); }
// Copy constructor
AtSmartPtr(const AtSmartPtr<T>& r) : ptr(r.ptr) { inc_ref(); }
// Assignment operators
AtSmartPtr<T>& operator=(T* p) { dec_ref(); ptr = p; inc_ref(); return *this; }
AtSmartPtr<T>& operator=(const AtSmartPtr<T>& r) { if (&r != this) { dec_ref(); ptr = r.ptr; inc_ref(); } return *this; }
// Destructor
~AtSmartPtr() { dec_ref(); }
// Allow conversion from non-const T* to const T*
operator AtSmartPtr<const T> () { return AtSmartPtr<const T>(ptr); }
// Override ->
T* operator->() const { return ptr; }
// Test whether the pointer is pointing to anything
operator bool() const { return ptr!=NULL; }
bool operator!() const { return ptr==NULL; }
void inc_ref();
void dec_ref();
T* ptr;
// A few required declarations
class AtObj;
class AtNode;
class AtIterImpl;
// Public bits:
// AtIter is an iterator over AtObjs - use it like:
// for (AtIter thing = whatever["thing"]; thing.defined(); ++thing)
// DoStuff(thing);
// to handle XML data like:
// <whatever>
// <thing>Stuff 1</thing>
// <thing>Stuff 2</thing>
// </whatever>
class AtIter
// Increment the iterator; or make it undefined, if there weren't any
// AtObjs left to iterate over
AtIter& operator ++ ();
// Return whether this iterator has an AtObj to point to
bool defined() const;
// Return whether this iterator is pointing to a non-contentless AtObj
bool hasContent() const;
// Return an iterator to the children matching 'key'. (That is, children
// of the AtObj currently pointed to by this iterator)
const AtIter operator [] (const char* key) const;
// Return the AtObj currently pointed to by this iterator
operator const AtObj () const;
// Return the string value of the AtObj currently pointed to by this iterator
operator const wchar_t* () const;
#ifdef __WXWINDOWS__
// Wrapper function around 'operator wchar_t*', for convenience in wx programs
operator const wxString () const { return (const wchar_t*)*this; }
// Private implementation. (But not 'private:', because it's a waste of time
// adding loads of friend functions)
AtSmartPtr<AtIterImpl> p;
class AtObj
AtObj() {}
AtObj(const AtObj& r) : p(r.p) {}
// Return an iterator to the children matching 'key'
const AtIter operator [] (const char* key) const;
// Return the string value of this object
operator const wchar_t* () const;
// Check whether the object contains anything (even if those things are empty)
bool defined() const { return (bool)p; }
// Check recursively whether there's actually any non-empty data in the object
bool hasContent() const;
// Add or set a child. The wchar_t* versions create a new AtObj with
// the appropriate string value, then use that as the child.
// These alter the AtObj's internal pointer, and the pointed-to data is
// never actually altered. Copies of this AtObj (including copies stored
// inside other AtObjs) will not be affected.
void add(const char* key, const wchar_t* value);
void add(const char* key, AtObj& data);
void set(const char* key, const wchar_t* value);
void set(const char* key, AtObj& data);
void setString(const wchar_t* value);
AtSmartPtr<const AtNode> p;
// Miscellaneous utility functions:
namespace AtlasObject
// Returns AtObj() on failure - test with AtObj::defined()
AtObj LoadFromXML(const wchar_t* filename);
// Returns false on failure
bool SaveToXML(AtObj& obj, const wchar_t* filename);
AtObj TrimEmptyChildren(AtObj& obj);
#endif // ATLASOBJECT_H__