
301 lines
9.0 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "precompiled.h"
#include "PSAConvert.h"
#include "CommonConvert.h"
#include "FCollada.h"
#include "FCDocument/FCDocument.h"
#include "FCDocument/FCDocumentTools.h"
#include "FCDocument/FCDAnimated.h"
#include "FCDocument/FCDAnimationCurve.h"
#include "FCDocument/FCDController.h"
#include "FCDocument/FCDControllerInstance.h"
#include "FCDocument/FCDExtra.h"
#include "FCDocument/FCDGeometry.h"
#include "FCDocument/FCDGeometryMesh.h"
#include "FCDocument/FCDGeometryPolygons.h"
#include "FCDocument/FCDGeometrySource.h"
#include "FCDocument/FCDSceneNode.h"
#include "StdSkeletons.h"
#include "Decompose.h"
#include "Maths.h"
#include "GeomReindex.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <vector>
#include <limits>
class PSAConvert
* Converts a COLLADA XML document into the PSA animation format.
* @param input XML document to parse
* @param output callback for writing the PSA data; called lots of times
* with small strings
* @param xmlErrors output - errors reported by the XML parser
* @throws ColladaException on failure
static void ColladaToPSA(const char* input, OutputCB& output, std::string& xmlErrors)
CommonConvert converter(input, xmlErrors);
if (converter.GetInstance().GetType() == FCDEntityInstance::CONTROLLER)
FCDControllerInstance& controllerInstance = static_cast<FCDControllerInstance&>(converter.GetInstance());
assert(converter.GetInstance().GetEntity()->GetType() == FCDEntity::CONTROLLER); // assume this is always true?
FCDController* controller = static_cast<FCDController*>(converter.GetInstance().GetEntity());
FCDSkinController* skin = controller->GetSkinController();
REQUIRE(skin != NULL, "is skin controller");
const Skeleton& skeleton = FindSkeleton(controllerInstance);
float frameLength = 1.f / 30.f; // currently we always want to create PMDs at fixed 30fps
// Find the extents of the animation:
float timeStart, timeEnd;
GetAnimationRange(converter.GetDocument(), skeleton, controllerInstance, timeStart, timeEnd);
// Count frames; don't include the last keyframe
size_t frameCount = (size_t)((timeEnd - timeStart) / frameLength - 0.5f);
// (TODO: sort out the timing/looping problems)
size_t boneCount = skeleton.GetBoneCount();
std::vector<BoneTransform> boneTransforms;
for (size_t frame = 0; frame < frameCount; ++frame)
float time = timeStart + frameLength * frame;
BoneTransform boneDefault = { { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 1 } };
std::vector<BoneTransform> frameBoneTransforms (boneCount, boneDefault);
// Move the model into the new animated pose
// (We can't tell exactly which nodes should be animated, so
// just update the entire world recursively)
EvaluateAnimations(converter.GetRoot(), time);
// Convert the pose into the form require by the game
for (size_t i = 0; i < controllerInstance.GetJointCount(); ++i)
FCDSceneNode* joint = controllerInstance.GetJoint(i);
int boneId = skeleton.GetRealBoneID(joint->GetName());
if (boneId < 0)
continue; // not a recognised bone - ignore it, same as before
FMMatrix44 worldTransform = joint->CalculateWorldTransform();
HMatrix matrix;
memcpy(matrix, worldTransform.Transposed().m, sizeof(matrix));
AffineParts parts;
decomp_affine(matrix, &parts);
BoneTransform b = {
{ parts.t.x, parts.t.y, parts.t.z },
{ parts.q.x, parts.q.y, parts.q.z, parts.q.w }
frameBoneTransforms[boneId] = b;
// Push frameBoneTransforms onto the back of boneTransforms
copy(frameBoneTransforms.begin(), frameBoneTransforms.end(),
inserter(boneTransforms, boneTransforms.end()));
// Convert into game's coordinate space
TransformVertices(boneTransforms, skin->GetBindShapeTransform(), converter.IsYUp(), converter.IsXSI());
// Write out the file
WritePSA(output, frameCount, boneCount, boneTransforms);
throw ColladaException("Unrecognised object type");
* Writes the animation data in the PSA format.
static void WritePSA(OutputCB& output, size_t frameCount, size_t boneCount, const std::vector<BoneTransform>& boneTransforms)
output("PSSA", 4); // magic number
write(output, (uint32)1); // version number
write(output, (uint32)(
4 + 0 + // name
4 + // frameLength
4 + 4 + // numBones, numFrames
7*4*boneCount*frameCount // boneStates
)); // data size
// Name
write(output, (uint32)0);
// Frame length
write(output, 1000.f/30.f);
write(output, (uint32)boneCount);
write(output, (uint32)frameCount);
for (size_t i = 0; i < boneCount*frameCount; ++i)
output((char*)&boneTransforms[i], 7*4);
static void TransformVertices(std::vector<BoneTransform>& bones,
const FMMatrix44& transform, bool yUp, bool isXSI)
// HACK: we want to handle scaling in XSI because that makes it easy
// for artists to adjust the models to the right size. But this way
// doesn't work in Max, and I can't see how to make it do so, so this
// is only applied to models from XSI.
if (isXSI)
TransformBones(bones, DecomposeToScaleMatrix(transform), yUp);
TransformBones(bones, FMMatrix44_Identity, yUp);
static void GetAnimationRange(const FColladaDocument& doc, const Skeleton& skeleton,
const FCDControllerInstance& controllerInstance,
float& timeStart, float& timeEnd)
// FCollada tools export <extra> info in the scene to specify the start
// and end times.
// If that isn't available, we have to search for the earliest and latest
// keyframes on any of the bones.
if (doc.GetDocument()->HasStartTime() && doc.GetDocument()->HasEndTime())
timeStart = doc.GetDocument()->GetStartTime();
timeEnd = doc.GetDocument()->GetEndTime();
// XSI exports relevant information in
// <extra><technique profile="XSI"><SI_Scene><xsi_param sid="start">
// (and 'end' and 'frameRate') so use those
if (GetAnimationRange_XSI(doc, timeStart, timeEnd))
timeStart = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
timeEnd = -std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
for (size_t i = 0; i < controllerInstance.GetJointCount(); ++i)
const FCDSceneNode* joint = controllerInstance.GetJoint(i);
REQUIRE(joint != NULL, "joint exists");
int boneId = skeleton.GetBoneID(joint->GetName());
if (boneId < 0)
// unrecognised joint - it's probably just a prop point
// or something, so ignore it
// Skip unanimated joints
if (joint->GetTransformCount() == 0)
for (size_t j = 0; j < joint->GetTransformCount(); ++j)
const FCDTransform* transform = joint->GetTransform(j);
if (! transform->IsAnimated())
// Iterate over all curves
const FCDAnimated* anim = transform->GetAnimated();
const FCDAnimationCurveListList& curvesList = anim->GetCurves();
for (size_t j = 0; j < curvesList.size(); ++j)
const FCDAnimationCurveList& curves = curvesList[j];
for (size_t k = 0; k < curves.size(); ++k)
const FCDAnimationCurve* curve = curves[k];
timeStart = std::min(timeStart, curve->GetKeys().front());
timeEnd = std::max(timeEnd, curve->GetKeys().back());
static bool GetAnimationRange_XSI(const FColladaDocument& doc, float& timeStart, float& timeEnd)
FCDExtra* extra = doc.GetExtra();
if (! extra) return false;
FCDEType* type = extra->GetDefaultType();
if (! type) return false;
FCDETechnique* technique = type->FindTechnique("XSI");
if (! technique) return false;
FCDENode* scene = technique->FindChildNode("SI_Scene");
if (! scene) return false;
float start = FLT_MAX, end = -FLT_MAX, framerate = 0.f;
FCDENodeList paramNodes;
scene->FindChildrenNodes("xsi_param", paramNodes);
for (FCDENodeList::iterator it = paramNodes.begin(); it != paramNodes.end(); ++it)
if ((*it)->ReadAttribute("sid") == "start")
start = FUStringConversion::ToFloat((*it)->GetContent());
else if ((*it)->ReadAttribute("sid") == "end")
end = FUStringConversion::ToFloat((*it)->GetContent());
else if ((*it)->ReadAttribute("sid") == "frameRate")
framerate = FUStringConversion::ToFloat((*it)->GetContent());
if (framerate != 0.f && start != FLT_MAX && end != -FLT_MAX)
timeStart = start / framerate;
timeEnd = end / framerate;
return true;
return false;
static void EvaluateAnimations(FCDSceneNode& node, float time)
for (size_t i = 0; i < node.GetTransformCount(); ++i)
FCDTransform* transform = node.GetTransform(i);
FCDAnimated* anim = transform->GetAnimated();
if (anim)
for (size_t i = 0; i < node.GetChildrenCount(); ++i)
EvaluateAnimations(*node.GetChild(i), time);
// The above stuff is just in a class since I don't like having to bother
// with forward declarations of functions - but provide the plain function
// interface here:
void ColladaToPSA(const char* input, OutputCB& output, std::string& xmlErrors)
PSAConvert::ColladaToPSA(input, output, xmlErrors);