
242 lines
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Raw Normal View History

// Last modified: May 15 2004, Mark Thompson (mark@wildfiregames.com)
#include "Entity.h"
#include "Model.h"
#include "Terrain.h"
#include "EntityManager.h"
#include "BaseEntityCollection.h"
CEntity::CEntity( CBaseEntity* base, CVector3D position, float orientation )
// Set our parent unit and build us an actor.
m_base = base;
m_actor = new CUnit;
m_actor->m_Object = m_base->m_actorObject;
m_actor->m_Model = ( m_actor->m_Object->m_Model ) ? m_actor->m_Object->m_Model->Clone() : NULL;
// Register the actor with the renderer.
g_UnitMan.AddUnit( m_actor );
// Set up our instance data
m_speed = m_base->m_speed;
m_position = position;
m_orientation = orientation;
// Register the addresses of our native properties with the properties table
m_properties["speed"] = &m_speed;
m_properties["orientation"] = &m_orientation;
m_properties["position"] = &m_position;
bool isWaypoint( CEntity* e )
return( e->m_base->m_name == CStr( "Waypoint" ) );
void CEntity::updateActorTransforms()
CMatrix3D m;
m.SetYRotation( m_orientation );
m.Translate( m_position );
m_actor->m_Model->SetTransform( m );
float CEntity::getExactGroundLevel( float x, float y )
// TODO MT: If OK with Rich, move to terrain core. Once this works, that is.
x /= 4.0f;
y /= 4.0f;
int xi = floor( x );
int yi = floor( y );
float xf = x - (float)xi;
float yf = y - (float)yi;
u16* heightmap = g_Terrain.GetHeightMap();
u16 mapsize = g_Terrain.GetVerticesPerSide();
float h00 = heightmap[yi*mapsize + xi];
float h01 = heightmap[yi*mapsize + xi + mapsize];
float h10 = heightmap[yi*mapsize + xi + 1];
float h11 = heightmap[yi*mapsize + xi + mapsize + 1];
if( xf < ( 1.0f - yf ) )
return( HEIGHT_SCALE * ( ( 1 - xf - yf ) * h00 + xf * h10 + yf * h01 ) );
return( HEIGHT_SCALE * ( ( xf + yf - 1 ) * h11 + ( 1 - xf ) * h01 + ( 1 - yf ) * h10 ) );
if( xf > yf )
return( HEIGHT_SCALE * ( ( 1 - xf ) * h00 + ( xf - yf ) * h10 + yf * h11 ) );
return( HEIGHT_SCALE * ( ( 1 - yf ) * h00 + ( yf - xf ) * h01 + xf * h11 ) );
return( HEIGHT_SCALE * ( ( 1 - yf ) * ( ( 1 - xf ) * h00 + xf * h10 ) + yf * ( ( 1 - xf ) * h01 + xf * h11 ) ) );
void CEntity::snapToGround()
m_position.Y = getExactGroundLevel( m_position.X, m_position.Z );
void CEntity::update( float timestep )
while( !m_orderQueue.empty() )
CEntityOrder* current = &m_orderQueue.front();
switch( current->m_type )
float deltax = (float)current->m_data[0].location.x - m_position.X;
float deltay = (float)current->m_data[0].location.y - m_position.Z;
m_targetorientation = atan2( -deltax, -deltay );
float deltatheta = m_targetorientation - m_orientation;
if( deltatheta > PI )
deltatheta -= 2 * PI;
if( deltatheta < -PI )
deltatheta += 2 * PI;
if( deltatheta > 1.0f * timestep )
deltatheta = 1.0f * timestep;
if( deltatheta < -1.0f * timestep )
deltatheta = -1.0f * timestep;
m_orientation += deltatheta;
float len = sqrt( deltax * deltax + deltay * deltay );
float scale = timestep * m_speed;
if( scale > len )
scale = len;
deltax = -sinf( m_orientation ) * scale; deltay = -cosf( m_orientation ) * scale;
m_position.X += deltax;
m_position.Z += deltay;
if( len < 0.1f )
case CEntityOrder::ORDER_GOTO:
CEntityOrder pathfind_solution;
pathfind_solution.m_type = CEntityOrder::ORDER_GOTO_NOPATHING;
pathfind_solution.m_data[0] = current->m_data[0];
m_orderQueue.push_front( pathfind_solution );
if( m_actor->m_Model->GetAnimation() != m_actor->m_Object->m_WalkAnim )
m_actor->m_Model->SetAnimation( m_actor->m_Object->m_WalkAnim );
case CEntityOrder::ORDER_PATROL:
CEntityOrder this_segment;
CEntityOrder repeat_patrol;
this_segment.m_type = CEntityOrder::ORDER_GOTO;
this_segment.m_data[0] = current->m_data[0];
repeat_patrol.m_type = CEntityOrder::ORDER_PATROL;
repeat_patrol.m_data[0] = current->m_data[0];
m_orderQueue.push_front( this_segment );
m_orderQueue.push_back( repeat_patrol );
assert( 0 && "Invalid entity order" );
if( m_actor->m_Model->GetAnimation() != m_actor->m_Object->m_IdleAnim )
m_actor->m_Model->SetAnimation( m_actor->m_Object->m_IdleAnim );
void CEntity::dispatch( CMessage* msg )
switch( msg->type )
case CMessage::EMSG_TICK:
case CMessage::EMSG_INIT:
if( m_base->m_name == CStr( "Prometheus Dude" ) )
std::vector<HEntity>* waypoints = g_EntityManager.matches( isWaypoint );
while( !waypoints->empty() )
CEntityOrder patrol;
int id = rand() % waypoints->size();
std::vector<HEntity>::iterator it = waypoints->begin();
it += id;
HEntity waypoint = *it;
patrol.m_type = CEntityOrder::ORDER_PATROL;
patrol.m_data[0].location.x = waypoint->m_position.X;
patrol.m_data[0].location.y = waypoint->m_position.Z;
pushOrder( patrol );
waypoints->erase( it );
void CEntity::pushOrder( CEntityOrder& order )
m_orderQueue.push_back( order );
void PASAPScenario()
// Entity demo. I don't know where this information is going to come from for pre-PASAP.
// So, it's hardcoded here. *shrug*
float waypoints[4][2] = { { 12.0f, 64.0f },
{ 28.0f, 64.0f },
{ 56.0f, 52.0f },
{ 24.0f, 28.0f } };
for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
HEntity bob = g_EntityManager.create( "Prometheus Dude", CVector3D( waypoints[i][0], 0.0f, waypoints[i][1] ), 0.0f );
for( int t = 0; t < 4; t++ )
CEntityOrder march_of_bob;
march_of_bob.m_type = CEntityOrder::ORDER_PATROL ;
march_of_bob.m_data[0].location.x = waypoints[(i+t+1)%4][0];
march_of_bob.m_data[0].location.y = waypoints[(i+t+1)%4][1];
bob->pushOrder( march_of_bob );