
162 lines
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Raw Normal View History

#include "BoundingObjects.h"
bool CBoundingObject::intersects( CBoundingObject* obj )
CVector2D delta = pos - obj->pos;
if( !delta.within( trivialRejectionRadius + obj->trivialRejectionRadius ) )
return( false );
if( obj->type > type )
return( obj->_intersects( this, &delta ) );
return( _intersects( obj, &delta ) );
void CBoundingCircle::setPosition( float _x, float _y )
pos.x = _x; pos.y = _y;
void CBoundingCircle::setRadius( float _radius )
r = _radius;
trivialRejectionRadius = _radius * _radius;
bool CBoundingCircle::_intersects( CBoundingObject* obj, CVector2D* delta )
// Easy enough. Trivial rejection is sufficient.
return( true );
CBoundingBox::CBoundingBox( float _x, float _y, float _orientation, float _width, float _height )
setPosition( _x, _y );
setDimensions( _width, _height );
setOrientation( _orientation );
void CBoundingBox::setPosition( float _x, float _y )
pos.x = _x; pos.y = _y;
void CBoundingBox::setDimensions( float _width, float _height )
w = _width / 2.0f;
h = _height / 2.0f;
trivialRejectionRadius = ( w * w ) + ( h * h );
void CBoundingBox::setOrientation( float _orientation )
u.x = sin( _orientation );
u.y = cos( _orientation );
v.x = u.y;
v.y = -u.x;
bool CBoundingBox::_intersects( CBoundingObject* obj, CVector2D* delta )
if( obj->type == BOUND_CIRCLE )
// Imperfect but quick...
CBoundingCircle* c = (CBoundingCircle*)obj;
float deltah = fabs( delta->dot( u ) );
if( deltah > ( h + c->r ) ) return( false );
float deltaw = fabs( delta->dot( v ) );
if( deltaw > ( w + c->r ) ) return( false );
return( true );
// Another OABB:
// Seperable axis theorem. (Optimizations: Algorithmic done, really low-level stuff not.)
// Debugging this can often be quite entertaining.
CBoundingBox* b = (CBoundingBox*)obj;
// SAT in a nutshell: If two boxes are disjoint, there's an axis where their projections don't overlap
// That axis (in 2D) will run parallel to a side of one of the boxes
// This code computes projections of boxes onto each axis in turn - hopefully quickly
// then does simple max/min checks to determine overlap
// uv, vu, uu, vv are dot-products of our u- and v- axes of each box.
// prj1, prj2 are two coordinates locating the projections of two corners of a box onto an axis.
// dm is the distance between the boxes, projected onto the axis.
// Lots of nice symmetries used to help speed things up
// Note that a trivial-rejection test has already taken place by this point.
float uv, vu, uu, vv, prj1, prj2, dm;
uv = u.dot( b->v );
vu = v.dot( b->u );
uu = u.dot( b->u );
vv = v.dot( b->v );
// Project box 2 onto v-axis of box 1
prj1 = fabs( vu * b->h + vv * b->w );
prj2 = fabs( vu * b->h - vv * b->h );
dm = delta->dot( v );
if( prj1 > prj2 )
if( ( dm - prj1 ) > w ) return( false );
if( ( dm - prj2 ) > w ) return( false );
// Project box 2 onto u-axis of box 1
prj1 = fabs( uu * b->h + uv * b->w );
prj2 = fabs( uu * b->h - uv * b->w );
dm = delta->dot( u );
if( prj1 > prj2 )
if( ( dm - prj1 ) > h ) return( false );
if( ( dm - prj2 ) > h ) return( false );
// Project box 1 onto v-axis of box 2
prj1 = fabs( uv * h + vv * w );
prj2 = fabs( uv * h - vv * w );
if( prj1 > prj2 )
if( ( dm - prj1 ) > b->w ) return( false );
if( ( dm - prj2 ) > b->w ) return( false );
// Project box 1 onto u-axis of box 2
prj1 = fabs( uu * h + vu * w );
prj2 = fabs( uu * h - vu * w );
if( prj1 > prj2 )
if( ( dm - prj1 ) > b->h ) return( false );
if( ( dm - prj2 ) > b->h ) return( false );
// And a partridge in a pear tree...
return( true );