
607 lines
14 KiB

#include "precompiled.h"
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <string.h>
# include <ctype.h>
# include "sr_input.h"
# include "sr_string.h"
# include "sr_array.h"
//# define SR_USE_TRACE1 //Parser
//# define SR_USE_TRACE2 //Init
# include "sr_trace.h"
# define ISNULL _type==(srbyte)TypeNull
# define ISFILE _type==(srbyte)TypeFile
# define ISSTRING _type==(srbyte)TypeString
//=============================== SrInput =================================
struct SrInput::UngetData
{ struct Token { char* string; srbyte type; };
SrArray<int> character; // unget buffer for char reading
SrArray<Token> token; // unget buffer for token reading
void init ();
void SrInput::UngetData::init ()
while ( token.size() ) delete token.pop().string;
void SrInput::_init ( char c )
_size = 0;
_curline = 0;
_comment_style = c;
_type = (srbyte) TypeNull;
_last_error = (srbyte) NoError;
_last_token_type = 0;
_max_token_size = 256;
_lowercase_tokens = 1; // true
_skipped_spaces = 0;
_unget = new UngetData;
_filename = 0;
SrInput::SrInput ( char com )
SR_TRACE2 ("Default Constructor");
_init ( com );
SrInput::SrInput ( const char *buff, char com )
SR_TRACE2 ("String Constructor");
_init ( com );
if ( buff )
{ _cur.s = buff;
_ini.s = buff;
_size = strlen ( buff );
_curline = 1;
_type = (srbyte) TypeString;
// static utility function:
static void get_size ( FILE *fp, int &size, int &start )
start = (int)ftell(fp);
fseek ( fp, 0, SEEK_END );
size = (int)ftell(fp) - start;
fseek ( fp, start, SEEK_SET );
SrInput::SrInput ( FILE *file, char com )
SR_TRACE2 ("File Constructor");
_init ( com );
if ( file )
{ _cur.f = file;
_curline = 1;
_type = (srbyte) TypeFile;
get_size ( file, _size, _ini.f );
SrInput::SrInput ( const char* filename, const char* mode, char com )
SR_TRACE2 ("File2 Constructor");
_init ( com );
FILE* file = fopen ( filename, mode );
sr_string_set ( _filename, filename );
if ( file )
{ _cur.f = file;
_curline = 1;
_type = (srbyte) TypeFile;
get_size ( file, _size, _ini.f );
SrInput::~SrInput ()
close (); // close frees all data inside _unget, and frees _filename
delete _unget;
void SrInput::init ( const char *buff )
SR_TRACE2 ("Init with string");
close ();
if ( buff )
{ _cur.s = buff;
_ini.s = buff;
_size = strlen ( buff );
_curline = 1;
_type = (srbyte) TypeString;
void SrInput::init ( FILE *file )
SR_TRACE2 ("Init with file");
close ();
if ( file )
{ _cur.f = file;
_curline = 1;
_type = (srbyte) TypeFile;
get_size ( file, _size, _ini.f );
void SrInput::init ( const char* filename, const char* mode )
SR_TRACE2 ("Init with file2");
FILE* file = fopen ( filename, mode );
init ( file );
sr_string_set ( _filename, filename );
void SrInput::close ()
if ( ISFILE ) fclose ( _cur.f );
_size = 0;
_curline = 0;
_type = (srbyte) TypeNull;
_last_error = (srbyte) NoError;
_last_token = "";
_last_token_type = 0;
_unget->init ();
sr_string_set ( _filename, 0 );
void SrInput::leave_file ()
_type = (srbyte) TypeNull;
close ();
FILE* SrInput::filept ()
return _type==TypeFile? _cur.f:0;
bool SrInput::valid () const
return (ISNULL)? false : true;
bool SrInput::finished ()
if ( _unget->character.size()>0 || _unget->token.size()>0 ) return false;
else if ( ISFILE ) return pos()>=_size? true:false;
else if ( ISSTRING ) return *(_cur.s)? false:true;
else return true;
void SrInput::getall ( SrString& buf )
if ( ISFILE )
{ int s = size()-pos();
buf.capacity ( s+2 ); // need +2 to cope with pc text files
fread ( (void*)(const char*)buf, sizeof(char), (size_t)s, _cur.f );
buf [ s+1 ] = 0;
else if ( ISSTRING )
buf.set ( _cur.s );
_cur.s = _ini.s+_size;
int SrInput::getline ( SrString& buf )
int c;
do { c = get();
buf << (char)c;
} while ( c!='\n' && c!=EOF );
return c;
int SrInput::getchar ()
int c = EOF;
if ( _unget->character.size()>0 )
{ c = _unget->character.pop();
{ if ( ISFILE ) c=fgetc(_cur.f);
else if ( ISSTRING ) c = *_cur.s? *_cur.s++:EOF;
if ( c=='\n' ) _curline++;
return c;
static void skip_c_comment ( SrInput *p )
int c, d;
while ( true )
{ c = p->getchar();
if ( c=='/' ) // for nested comments
{ d = p->getchar();
if ( d=='*' ) skip_c_comment(p); else p->unget(d);
else if ( c=='*' )
{ d = p->getchar();
if ( d=='/' ) return; else p->unget(d);
else if ( c<0 ) return; // EOF found in the middle of a comment will not cause an error.
int SrInput::get ()
int c = getchar();
if ( _comment_style==0 )
{ return c;
else if ( _comment_style=='C' && c=='/' )
{ int d = getchar();
if ( d=='*' )
{ skip_c_comment(this);
return get();
else if ( d=='/' )
{ skip_line ();
return get();
else unget(d);
else if ( c==_comment_style )
{ skip_line ();
return get();
return c;
void SrInput::unget ( char c )
if ( c=='\n' && _curline>0 ) _curline--;
_unget->character.push() = c;
void SrInput::advance ( int n )
while ( n-->0 ) if ( getchar()<0 ) break;
void SrInput::rewind ()
if ( ISNULL ) return;
_curline = 1;
if ( ISSTRING ) _cur.s = _ini.s;
else fseek ( _cur.f, _ini.f, SEEK_SET );
int SrInput::pos ()
if ( ISFILE ) return ((int)ftell(_cur.f)) - _ini.f;
else if ( ISSTRING ) return ((sruint)_cur.s) - ((sruint)_ini.s);
else return 0;
void SrInput::pos ( int pos )
if ( ISFILE ) fseek ( _cur.f, pos+_ini.f, SEEK_SET );
else if ( ISSTRING ) _cur.s = _ini.s+pos;
void SrInput::set_pos_and_update_cur_line ( int pos )
rewind ();
advance ( pos );
void SrInput::skip_line ()
int c;
do { c = getchar();
} while ( c!=EOF && c!='\n' );
void SrInput::unget_token ( const char *token, SrInput::TokenType type )
UngetData::Token& t = _unget->token.push();
t.string = 0;
t.type = (srbyte) type;
sr_string_set ( t.string, token );
void SrInput::unget_token ()
if ( _last_token_type!=EndOfFile )
unget_token ( _last_token, (TokenType)_last_token_type );
bool SrInput::has_unget_data () const
return _unget->token.size()==0 && _unget->character.size()==0? false:true;
static char get_escape_char ( char c )
switch ( c )
{ case 'n' : return '\n';
case 't' : return '\t';
case '\n': return 0; // Just skip line
default : return c;
SrInput::TokenType SrInput::get_token ( SrString &buf )
# define UNGET(c) if(c>0)unget(c)
int i;
int c = ' ';
int size = _max_token_size;
TokenType ret;
_last_error = (srbyte) NoError;
if ( _unget->token.size()>0 )
{ UngetData::Token& t = _unget->token.pop();
buf.set ( t.string );
delete t.string;
return (TokenType) t.type;
buf[0] = buf[1] = 0;
_skipped_spaces = 0;
while ( c && isspace(c) ) // skip initial spaces;
{ c=get(); _skipped_spaces++; }
if ( c==EOF )
{ SR_TRACE1 ( "Got the End Of File!" );
ret = EndOfFile;
else if ( strchr(SR_INPUT_DELIMITERS,c) && c!='.' ) // '.' will be detected after checking a real
{ buf[0]=c; ret=Delimiter;
SR_TRACE1 ( "Got a Delimiter: "<<buf );
else if ( c=='"' )
{ SR_TRACE1 ( "Quote found..." );
i = 0;
while ( true )
{ c = getchar(); // Comments inside a string are not considered
if ( !c || c=='"' ) break;
if ( c=='\\' ) c = get_escape_char ( getchar() );
if ( c ) buf[i++]=c;
if ( i+1==size ) break;
if ( i+1==size ) { SR_TRACE1("Got an Error TooBig!"); ret=Error; _last_error=TooBig; }
else if ( c ) { SR_TRACE1("Got a String: ["<<buf<<"] size="<<strlen(buf)); ret=String; }
else { SR_TRACE1("Got an Error OpenString!"); ret=Error; _last_error=OpenString; }
else if ( c=='.' || isdigit(c) )
{ SR_TRACE1 ( "Digit found..." );
bool pnt=false, exp=false;
i = 0;
while ( true )
{ if ( c=='e' ) c='E';
if ( !pnt && c=='.' ) pnt=true;
else if ( pnt && c=='.' ) break;
else if ( !exp && c=='E' ) exp=pnt=true;
else if ( (c=='+'||c=='-') && buf[i-1]=='E' );
else if ( !isdigit(c) ) break;
if ( i+1==size ) break;
c = getchar();
if ( buf[0]=='.' && i==1 && strchr(SR_INPUT_DELIMITERS,'.') )
{ ret=Delimiter; UNGET(c); SR_TRACE1("Got a Delimiter: ["<<buf<<"]"); }
else if ( i+1==size ) { ret=Error; _last_error=TooBig; SR_TRACE1("Got an Error TooBig!"); }
else if ( pnt && c=='.' ) { ret=Error; _last_error=InvalidPoint; SR_TRACE1("Got an Error InvalidPoint!"); }
else if ( pnt || exp ) { ret=Real; UNGET(c); SR_TRACE1("Got a Real: ["<<buf<<"] => "<<atof(buf)); }
else { ret=Integer; UNGET(c); SR_TRACE1("Got an Integer: ["<<buf<<"] => "<<atoi(buf)); }
else if ( c=='_' || isalpha(c) )
{ SR_TRACE1 ( "Alpha found..." );
i = 0;
while ( true )
{ if ( !isalnum(c) && c!='_' ) break;
if ( i+1==size ) break;
c = getchar();
if ( i+1==size ) { SR_TRACE1("Got an Error TooBig!"); ret=Error; _last_error=TooBig; }
else { SR_TRACE1("Got a Name: ["<<buf<<']'); ret=Name; UNGET(c); }
if ( _lowercase_tokens ) buf.lower();
{ SR_TRACE1("Got an Error Undef, code: "<<(int)c<<" ["<<(char)c<<']');
ret = Error;
_last_error = UndefChar;
return ret;
# undef UNGET
SrInput::TokenType SrInput::get_token ()
_last_token_type = get_token ( _last_token );
return (TokenType)_last_token_type;
char* SrInput::error_desc ( SrInput::ErrorType t )
switch ( t )
{ case UndefChar : return "Undefined character found";
case UnexpectedToken: return "Parsed token is of an unexpected type";
case TooBig : return "Name too big";
case OpenString : return "EOF found before end of a string";
case InvalidPoint : return "Misplaced decimal point";
default : return 0;
SrString& SrInput::gets ()
if ( _last_token_type!=String && _last_token_type!=Name )
{ _last_error=UnexpectedToken; _last_token=""; }
return _last_token;
SrString& SrInput::gets ( SrString& buf )
TokenType t = get_token ( buf );
if ( t!=String && t!=Name ) _last_error=UnexpectedToken;
return buf;
SrString& SrInput::getn ()
int signal=1;
// accumulate +- delimiter if any:
while ( _last_token_type==Delimiter )
{ if ( _last_token[0]=='-' )
else if ( _last_token[1]!='+' )
break; // will then return ""
if ( _last_token_type!=Integer && _last_token_type!=Real )
{ _last_error=UnexpectedToken; _last_token=""; return _last_token; }
if ( signal==-1 ) _last_token.insert(0,"-");
return _last_token;
char SrInput::getd ()
if ( _last_token_type!=Delimiter )
{ _last_error = UnexpectedToken;
return 0;
return _last_token[0];
bool SrInput::skip ( int n )
while ( n-- )
{ get_token();
if ( _last_token_type==Error || _last_token_type==EndOfFile ) return false;
return true;
bool SrInput::skipto ( const char *name )
while ( true )
{ get_token();
if ( _last_token_type==Error || _last_token_type==EndOfFile ) return false;
if ( _last_token_type==Name )
{ if ( _last_token==name ) return true; }
bool SrInput::has_field ()
if ( getd()!='<' ) { unget_token(); return false; }
if ( gets()=="" ) { unget_token(); unget_token(); return false; }
char d = getd();
return d=='>'? true:false;
bool SrInput::read_field ( SrString& name )
name = "";
if ( getd()!='<' ) return false;
name = gets();
if ( name=="" ) return false;
if ( getd()!='>' ) return false;
return true;
bool SrInput::close_field ( const SrString& name )
if ( getd()!='<' ) return false;
if ( getd()!='/' ) return false;
if ( gets()!=name ) return false;
if ( getd()!='>' ) return false;
return true;
bool SrInput::skip_field ( const SrString& name )
while ( true )
{ if ( close_field(name) ) return true;
if ( _last_token_type==EndOfFile ) return false;
//================================= operators ==================================
SrInput& operator>> ( SrInput& in, int& i )
SrString& s = in.getn();
i = s.atoi();
return in;
SrInput& operator>> ( SrInput& in, sruint& i )
SrString& s = in.getn();
i = (sruint)s.atoi();
return in;
SrInput& operator>> ( SrInput& in, srbyte& c )
SrString& s = in.getn();
c = (srbyte)s.atoi();
return in;
SrInput& operator>> ( SrInput& in, float& f )
SrString& s = in.getn();
f = s.atof();
return in;
SrInput& operator>> ( SrInput& in, double& d )
SrString& s = in.getn();
d = s.atod();
return in;
SrInput& operator>> ( SrInput& in, char* st )
SrString& s = in.gets();
strcpy ( st, s );
return in;
//============================ End of File ==============================