Ykkrosh 4fed9b8242 # Added initial support for players and population counters in new simulation system, plus various infrastructure improvements.
Merge from 22b478ffed8d.
Pure scripted interface definitions.
Entity creation from scripts.
Improved messaging system.
Messages on entity deletion.
Basic player entities.
Player ownership.
Bug fixes.

This was SVN commit r7281.
2010-01-22 20:03:14 +00:00

238 lines
8.7 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 2010 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "Entity.h"
#include "Components.h"
#include "scriptinterface/ScriptInterface.h"
#include <map>
class IComponent;
class CParamNode;
class CMessage;
class CSimContext;
class CComponentManager
// We can't use EInterfaceId/etc directly, since scripts dynamically generate new IDs
// and casting arbitrary ints to enums is undefined behaviour, so use 'int' typedefs
typedef int InterfaceId;
typedef int ComponentTypeId;
typedef int MessageTypeId;
// Component allocation types
typedef IComponent* (*AllocFunc)(ScriptInterface& scriptInterface, jsval ctor);
typedef void (*DeallocFunc)(IComponent*);
// ComponentTypes come in three types:
// Native: normal C++ component
// ScriptWrapper: C++ component that wraps a JS component implementation
// Script: a ScriptWrapper linked to a specific JS component implementation
enum EComponentTypeType
// Representation of a component type, to be used when instantiating components
struct ComponentType
EComponentTypeType type;
InterfaceId iid;
AllocFunc alloc;
DeallocFunc dealloc;
std::string name;
jsval ctor; // only valid if type == CT_Script
CComponentManager(const CSimContext&, bool skipScriptFunctions = false);
void LoadComponentTypes();
* Load a script and execute it in a new function scope.
* @param filename VFS path to load
* @param hotload set to true if this script has been loaded before, and redefinitions of
* existing components should not be considered errors
bool LoadScript(const std::wstring& filename, bool hotload = false);
void RegisterMessageType(MessageTypeId mtid, const char* name);
void RegisterComponentType(InterfaceId, ComponentTypeId, AllocFunc, DeallocFunc, const char*);
void RegisterComponentTypeScriptWrapper(InterfaceId, ComponentTypeId, AllocFunc, DeallocFunc, const char*);
void SubscribeToMessageType(MessageTypeId);
void SubscribeGloballyToMessageType(MessageTypeId);
* @param cname Requested component type name (not including any "CID" or "CCmp" prefix)
* @return The component type id, or CID__Invalid if not found
ComponentTypeId LookupCID(const std::string& cname) const;
* @return The name of the given component type, or "" if not found
std::string LookupComponentTypeName(ComponentTypeId cid) const;
* Returns a new entity ID that has never been used before.
* This affects the simulation state so it must only be called in network-synchronised ways.
entity_id_t AllocateNewEntity();
* Returns a new local entity ID that has never been used before.
* This entity will not be synchronised over the network, stored in saved games, etc.
entity_id_t AllocateNewLocalEntity();
* Returns a new entity ID that has never been used before.
* If possible, returns preferredId, and ensures this ID won't be allocated again.
* This affects the simulation state so it must only be called in network-synchronised ways.
entity_id_t AllocateNewEntity(entity_id_t preferredId);
* Constructs a component of type 'cid', initialised with data 'paramNode',
* and attaches it to entity 'ent'.
* @return true on success; false on failure, and logs an error message
bool AddComponent(entity_id_t ent, ComponentTypeId cid, const CParamNode& paramNode);
* Adds an externally-created component, so that it is returned by QueryInterface
* but does not get destroyed and does not receive messages from the component manager.
* (This is intended for unit tests that need to add mock objects the tested components
* expect to exist.)
void AddMockComponent(entity_id_t ent, InterfaceId iid, IComponent& component);
* Allocates a component object of type 'cid', and attaches it to entity 'ent'.
* (The component's Init is not called here - either Init or Deserialize must be called
* before using the returned object.)
IComponent* ConstructComponent(entity_id_t ent, ComponentTypeId cid);
* Constructs an entity based on the given template, and adds it the world with
* entity ID @p ent. There should not be any existing components with that entity ID.
* @return ent, or INVALID_ENTITY on error
entity_id_t AddEntity(const std::wstring& templateName, entity_id_t ent);
* Destroys all the components belonging to the specified entity when FlushDestroyedComponents is called.
* Has no effect if the entity does not exist, or has already been added to the destruction queue.
void DestroyComponentsSoon(entity_id_t ent);
* Does the actual destruction of components from DestroyComponentsSoon.
* This must not be called if the component manager is on the call stack (since it
* will break internal iterators).
void FlushDestroyedComponents();
IComponent* QueryInterface(entity_id_t ent, InterfaceId iid) const;
const std::map<entity_id_t, IComponent*>& GetEntitiesWithInterface(InterfaceId iid) const;
* Send a message, targeted at a particular entity. The message will be received by any
* components of that entity which subscribed to the message type, and by any other components
* that subscribed globally to the message type.
void PostMessage(entity_id_t ent, const CMessage& msg) const;
* Send a message, not targeted at any particular entity. The message will be received by any
* components that subscribed (either globally or not) to the message type.
void BroadcastMessage(const CMessage& msg) const;
* Resets the dynamic simulation state (deletes all entities, resets entity ID counters;
* doesn't unload/reload component scripts).
void ResetState();
// Various state serialization functions:
bool ComputeStateHash(std::string& outHash);
bool DumpDebugState(std::ostream& stream);
// FlushDestroyedComponents must be called before SerializeState (since the destruction queue
// won't get serialized)
bool SerializeState(std::ostream& stream);
bool DeserializeState(std::istream& stream);
ScriptInterface& GetScriptInterface() { return m_ScriptInterface; }
// Implementations of functions exposed to scripts
static void Script_RegisterComponentType(void* cbdata, int iid, std::string cname, CScriptVal ctor);
static void Script_RegisterInterface(void* cbdata, std::string name);
static void Script_RegisterGlobal(void* cbdata, std::string name, CScriptVal value);
static IComponent* Script_QueryInterface(void* cbdata, int ent, int iid);
static void Script_PostMessage(void* cbdata, int ent, int mtid, CScriptVal data);
static void Script_BroadcastMessage(void* cbdata, int mtid, CScriptVal data);
static int Script_AddEntity(void* cbdata, std::string templateName);
void SendGlobalMessage(const CMessage& msg) const;
ComponentTypeId GetScriptWrapper(InterfaceId iid);
ScriptInterface m_ScriptInterface;
const CSimContext& m_SimContext;
ComponentTypeId m_CurrentComponent; // used when loading component types
bool m_CurrentlyHotloading;
// TODO: some of these should be vectors
std::map<ComponentTypeId, ComponentType> m_ComponentTypesById;
std::map<InterfaceId, std::map<entity_id_t, IComponent*> > m_ComponentsByInterface;
std::map<ComponentTypeId, std::map<entity_id_t, IComponent*> > m_ComponentsByTypeId;
std::map<MessageTypeId, std::vector<ComponentTypeId> > m_LocalMessageSubscriptions;
std::map<MessageTypeId, std::vector<ComponentTypeId> > m_GlobalMessageSubscriptions;
std::map<std::string, ComponentTypeId> m_ComponentTypeIdsByName;
std::map<std::string, MessageTypeId> m_MessageTypeIdsByName;
std::map<std::string, InterfaceId> m_InterfaceIdsByName;
// TODO: maintaining both ComponentsBy* is nasty; can we get rid of one,
// while keeping QueryInterface and PostMessage sufficiently efficient?
std::vector<entity_id_t> m_DestructionQueue;
ComponentTypeId m_NextScriptComponentTypeId;
entity_id_t m_NextEntityId;
entity_id_t m_NextLocalEntityId;
friend class TestComponentManager;