pyrolink 2d8f45fd94 Added run order (if applicable, the unit will use the run animation and speed for movement, otherwise walk is used). If the unit's run speed is more than 0 and the target is within the run action's range, it will run instead of walk.
Notifications - called from javascript.  You request orders with a
target entity, order type, and whether the previous listeners you have
requested for this entity should be destroyed.  When the target entity
processes an order that was requested, that order is pushed onto the
queue of the requester.  This is useful for things such as follow that
require the actual order to perform the action.

This was SVN commit r3329.
2006-01-05 06:13:31 +00:00

318 lines
9.3 KiB
Executable File

// Entity.h
// Mark Thompson mot20@cam.ac.uk / mark@wildfiregames.com
// Entity class.
// Usage: Do not attempt to instantiate this class directly. (See EntityManager.h)
// Most of the members are trivially obvious; some highlights are:
// HEntity me: is a reference to this entity. See EntityHandles.h
// Destroying entities: An entity is destroyed when all references to it expire.
// It is somewhat unfunny if this happens while a method from this
// class is still executing. If you need to kill an entity,
// use CEntity::kill(). If kill() releases the final handle,
// the entity is placed in the reaper queue and is deleted immediately
// prior to its next update cycle.
// CUnit* m_actor: is the visible representation of this entity.
// snapToGround(): Called every frame, this will ensure the entity never takes flight.
// updateActorTransforms(): Must be called every time the position of this entity changes.
// Also remember to update the collision object if you alter the position directly.
#include <deque>
#include "scripting/ScriptableComplex.h"
#include "Player.h"
#include "Vector2D.h"
#include "Vector3D.h"
#include "UnitManager.h"
#include "EntityOrders.h"
#include "EntityHandles.h"
#include "EntityMessage.h"
#include "EventHandlers.h"
#include "ScriptObject.h"
#include "ObjectEntry.h"
#include "EntitySupport.h"
class CBaseEntity;
class CBoundingObject;
class CUnit;
class CAura;
// TODO MT: Put this is /some/ sort of order...
class CEntity : public CJSComplex<CEntity>, public IEventTarget
friend class CEntityManager;
typedef STL_HASH_MAP<CStrW, CAura*, CStrW_hash_compare> AuraTable;
typedef STL_HASH_MAP<int, SEntityAction> ActionTable;
typedef std::set<CAura*> AuraSet;
// The player that owns this entity
CPlayer* m_player;
// Intrinsic properties
CBaseEntity* m_base;
// The entity to switch to when this dies.
CStrW m_corpse;
// The class types this entity has
SClassSet m_classes;
float m_speed;
float m_turningRadius;
float m_trampleStart;
SEntityAction m_run;
SEntityAction m_melee;
SEntityAction m_gather;
SEntityAction m_heal;
ActionTable m_actions;
bool m_selected;
i32 m_grouped;
// If this unit has been removed from the gameworld but has still
// has references.
bool m_destroyed;
// If this unit is still active in the gameworld - i.e. not a corpse.
bool m_extant;
// HP properties
float m_healthCurr;
float m_healthMax;
float m_healthBarHeight;
// Minimap properties
CStrW m_minimapType;
int m_minimapR;
int m_minimapG;
int m_minimapB;
// Y anchor
CStrW m_anchorType;
// LOS
int m_los;
bool m_permanent;
// Auras
AuraTable m_auras;
AuraSet m_aurasInfluencingMe;
//-- Interpolated property
CVector3D m_position;
CVector3D m_position_previous;
CVector3D m_graphics_position;
CBoundingObject* m_bounds;
float m_targetorientation;
CVector2D m_ahead;
//-- Interpolated property
float m_orientation;
float m_orientation_previous;
float m_graphics_orientation;
// If the actor's current transform data is valid (i.e. the entity hasn't
// moved since it was last calculated, and the terrain hasn't been changed).
bool m_actor_transform_valid;
// Our current collision patch in CEntityManager
std::vector<CEntity*>* m_collisionPatch;
//-- Scripts
// Get script execution contexts - always run in the context of the entity that fired it.
JSObject* GetScriptExecContext( IEventTarget* target ) { return( ((CEntity*)target)->GetScript() ); }
CScriptObject m_EventHandlers[EVENT_LAST];
CUnit* m_actor;
// State transition in the FSM (animations should be reset)
bool m_transition;
int m_lastState;
// Position in the current state's cycle
static const size_t NOT_IN_CYCLE = (size_t)-1;
size_t m_fsm_cyclepos; // -cycle_length....cycle_length
CSkeletonAnim* m_fsm_animation; // the animation we're about to play this cycle,
size_t m_fsm_anipos; // the time at which we should start playing it.
size_t m_fsm_anipos2; // for when there are two animation-related events we need to take care of.
std::deque<CEntityOrder> m_orderQueue;
std::deque<CEntityListener> m_listeners;
CEntity( CBaseEntity* base, CVector3D position, float orientation );
uint processGotoHelper( CEntityOrder* current, size_t timestep_milli, HEntity& collide );
bool processContactAction( CEntityOrder* current, size_t timestep_millis, int transition, SEntityAction* action );
bool processContactActionNoPathing( CEntityOrder* current, size_t timestep_millis, const CStr& animation, CScriptEvent* contactEvent, SEntityAction* action );
bool processAttackMelee( CEntityOrder* current, size_t timestep_milli );
bool processAttackMeleeNoPathing( CEntityOrder* current, size_t timestep_milli );
bool processGather( CEntityOrder* current, size_t timestep_milli );
bool processGatherNoPathing( CEntityOrder* current, size_t timestep_milli );
bool processHeal( CEntityOrder* current, size_t timestep_milli );
bool processHealNoPathing( CEntityOrder* current, size_t timestep_milli );
bool processGeneric( CEntityOrder* current, size_t timestep_milli );
bool processGenericNoPathing( CEntityOrder* current, size_t timestep_milli );
bool processGotoNoPathing( CEntityOrder* current, size_t timestep_milli );
bool processGoto( CEntityOrder* current, size_t timestep_milli );
bool processPatrol( CEntityOrder* current, size_t timestep_milli );
// Handle-to-self.
HEntity me;
// Updates gameplay information for the specified timestep
void update( size_t timestep_millis );
// Updates graphical information for a point between the last and current simulation frame; 0 < relativeoffset < 1.
void interpolate( float relativeoffset );
// Forces update of actor information during next call to 'interpolate'.
// (Necessary when terrain might move underneath the actor.)
void invalidateActor();
// Updates auras
void UpdateAuras( size_t timestep_millis );
// Removes entity from the gameworld and deallocates it, but not necessarily immediately.
void kill();
// Process initialization
void Initialize();
// Process tick.
void Tick();
// Store the player associated with this entity
void SetPlayer(CPlayer *pPlayer);
// Retrieve the player associated with this entity
CPlayer* GetPlayer() { return m_player; }
// Process damage
//void Damage( CDamageType& damage, CEntity* inflictor = NULL );
// Update collision patch (move ourselves to a new one if necessary)
void updateCollisionPatch();
float getAnchorLevel( float x, float z );
void snapToGround();
void updateActorTransforms();
// Getter and setter for the class sets
jsval getClassSet();
void setClassSet( jsval value );
void rebuildClassSet();
// Things like selection circles and debug info - possibly move to gui if/when it becomes responsible for (and capable of) it.
void render();
void renderSelectionOutline( float alpha = 1.0f );
void renderHealthBar();
// After a collision, recalc the path to the next fixed waypoint.
void repath();
// Reset properties after the entity-template we use changes.
void loadBase();
void playerChanged(); // Fixes player colour if player is changed by script
void reorient(); // Orientation
void teleport(); // Fixes things if the position is changed by something externally.
void checkSelection(); // In case anyone tries to select/deselect this through JavaScript.
void checkGroup(); // Groups
void checkExtant(); // Existence
// Returns whether the entity is capable of performing the given orderType on the target.
bool acceptsOrder( int orderType, CEntity* orderTarget );
void clearOrders();
void pushOrder( CEntityOrder& order );
jsval RequestNotification( JSContext* cx, uintN argc, jsval* argv );
jsval CheckListeners( JSContext* cx, uintN argc, jsval* argv );
// Script constructor
static JSBool Construct( JSContext* cx, JSObject* obj, uint argc, jsval* argv, jsval* rval );
// Script-bound functions
jsval ToString( JSContext* cx, uintN argc, jsval* argv );
//bool Damage( JSContext* cx, uintN argc, jsval* argv );
bool Kill( JSContext* cx, uintN argc, jsval* argv );
jsval GetSpawnPoint( JSContext* cx, uintN argc, jsval* argv );
jsval AddAura( JSContext* cx, uintN argc, jsval* argv );
jsval RemoveAura( JSContext* cx, uintN argc, jsval* argv );
jsval SetActionParams( JSContext* cx, uintN argc, jsval* argv );
bool Order( JSContext* cx, uintN argc, jsval* argv, bool Queued );
inline bool OrderSingle( JSContext* cx, uintN argc, jsval* argv )
return( Order( cx, argc, argv, false ) );
inline bool OrderQueued( JSContext* cx, uintN argc, jsval* argv )
return( Order( cx, argc, argv, true ) );
bool IsIdle( JSContext* UNUSED(cx), uintN UNUSED(argc), jsval* UNUSED(argv) )
return( m_orderQueue.empty() );
bool HasClass( JSContext* cx, uintN argc, jsval* argv )
debug_assert( argc >= 1 );
return( m_classes.IsMember( ToPrimitive<CStrW>( cx, argv[0] ) ) );
static void ScriptingInit();
// squelch "unable to generate" warnings
CEntity(const CEntity& rhs);
const CEntity& operator=(const CEntity& rhs);
// General entity globals
// In its current incarnation, inefficient but pretty