2004-09-19 11:40:42 +00:00

27 lines
861 B
Executable File

#ifndef OGL_TEX_H__
#define OGL_TEX_H__
#include "lib/res/h_mgr.h"
// load and return a handle to the texture given in <fn>.
// supports RAW, BMP, JP2, PNG, TGA, DDS
extern Handle tex_load(const char* const fn, int scope = 0);
extern int tex_bind(Handle ht);
extern int tex_id(Handle ht);
extern int tex_info(Handle ht, int* w, int* h, int *fmt, int *bpp, void** p);
extern int tex_filter; // GL values; default: GL_LINEAR
extern unsigned int tex_bpp; // 16 or 32; default: 32
// upload the specified texture to OpenGL. Texture filter and internal format
// may be specified to override the global defaults.
// side effect: binds the texture to the currently active unit.
extern int tex_upload(Handle ht, int filter_override = 0, int internal_fmt_override = 0, int format_override = 0);
extern int tex_free(Handle& ht);
#endif // #ifndef OGL_TEX_H__