Matei 7926b3d93c # Some groundwork for territories.
Entities with traits.is_territory_centre == true will act as territory
centres, and territory areas are calculated and displayed on the
minimap. It remains to display these areas in the game view and to make
Civ Centres "socketable" so you can build them on Settlements to claim

This was SVN commit r4070.
2006-07-08 22:40:01 +00:00

207 lines
5.9 KiB

#include "precompiled.h"
#include "TerritoryManager.h"
#include "ps/Game.h"
#include "ps/Player.h"
#include "graphics/Terrain.h"
#include "Entity.h"
#include "EntityManager.h"
#include "graphics/Unit.h"
#include "maths/Bound.h"
#include "graphics/Model.h"
#include "lib/allocators.h"
#include "lib/timer.h"
#include "EntityManager.h"
using namespace std;
m_TerritoryMatrix = 0;
matrix_free( (void**) m_TerritoryMatrix );
m_TerritoryMatrix = 0;
void CTerritoryManager::Initialize()
CTerrain* terrain = g_Game->GetWorld()->GetTerrain();
m_TilesPerSide = terrain->GetVerticesPerSide() - 1;
m_TerritoryMatrix = (CTerritory***) matrix_alloc( m_TilesPerSide, m_TilesPerSide, sizeof(CTerritory*) );
void CTerritoryManager::Recalculate()
// Delete any territories created last time we called Recalculate()
for( size_t i=0; i<m_Territories.size(); i++)
if( m_Territories[i]->centre )
m_Territories[i]->centre->m_associatedTerritory = 0;
delete m_Territories[i];
// First, find all the units that are territory centres
std::vector<CEntity*> centres;
std::vector<CEntity*> entities;
for( size_t i=0; i<entities.size(); i++ )
if( entities[i]->m_isTerritoryCentre )
int mapSize = m_TilesPerSide * CELL_SIZE;
// If there aren't any centre objects, create one big Gaia territory which spans the whole map
if( centres.size() == 0 )
std::vector<CVector2D> boundary;
boundary.push_back( CVector2D(0, 0) );
boundary.push_back( CVector2D(0, mapSize) );
boundary.push_back( CVector2D(mapSize, mapSize) );
boundary.push_back( CVector2D(mapSize, 0) );
CTerritory* ter = new CTerritory( g_Game->GetPlayer(0), 0, boundary );
for( uint x=0; x<m_TilesPerSide; x++ )
for( uint z=0; z<m_TilesPerSide; z++ )
m_TerritoryMatrix[x][z] = ter;
// For each centre object, create a territory
for( size_t i=0; i<centres.size(); i++ )
std::vector<CVector2D> boundary;
CalculateBoundary( centres, i, boundary );
CTerritory* ter = new CTerritory( centres[i]->GetPlayer(), centres[i], boundary );
centres[i]->m_associatedTerritory = ter;
// For each tile, match it to the closest centre object to it.
// TODO: Optimize this, for example by intersecting scanlines with the Voronoi polygons.
for( uint x=0; x<m_TilesPerSide; x++ )
for( uint z=0; z<m_TilesPerSide; z++ )
CVector2D tileLoc( (x+0.5f) * CELL_SIZE, (z+0.5f) * CELL_SIZE );
float bestSquareDist = 1e20f;
for( size_t i=0; i<centres.size(); i++ )
CVector2D centreLoc( centres[i]->m_position.X, centres[i]->m_position.Z );
float squareDist = (centreLoc - tileLoc).length2();
if( squareDist < bestSquareDist )
bestSquareDist = squareDist;
m_TerritoryMatrix[x][z] = m_Territories[i];
CTerritory* CTerritoryManager::GetTerritory(int x, int z)
debug_assert( (uint) x < m_TilesPerSide && (uint) z < m_TilesPerSide );
return m_TerritoryMatrix[x][z];
CTerritory* CTerritoryManager::GetTerritory(float x, float z)
int ix, iz;
CTerrain::CalcFromPosition(x, z, ix, iz);
return GetTerritory(ix, iz);
// Calculate the boundary points of a given territory into the given vector
void CTerritoryManager::CalculateBoundary( std::vector<CEntity*>& centres, size_t myIndex, std::vector<CVector2D>& boundary )
// Start with a boundary equal to the whole map
int mapSize = m_TilesPerSide * CELL_SIZE;
boundary.push_back( CVector2D(0, 0) );
boundary.push_back( CVector2D(0, mapSize) );
boundary.push_back( CVector2D(mapSize, mapSize) );
boundary.push_back( CVector2D(mapSize, 0) );
// Clip this polygon against the perpendicular bisector between this centre and each other territory centre
CVector2D myPos( centres[myIndex]->m_position.X, centres[myIndex]->m_position.Z );
for( size_t i=0; i<centres.size(); i++ )
if( i != myIndex )
CVector2D itsPos( centres[i]->m_position.X, centres[i]->m_position.Z );
CVector2D midpoint = (myPos + itsPos) / 2.0f;
CVector2D normal = itsPos - myPos;
// Clip our polygon to the negative side of the half-space with normal "normal"
// containing point "midpoint", i.e. the side of the perpendicular bisector
// between myPos and itsPos that contains myPos. We do this by tracing around
// the polygon looking at each vertex to decide which ones to add as follows:
// - If a vertex is inside the half-space, take it.
// - If a vertex is inside but the next one is outside, also take the
// intersection of that edge with the perpendicular bisector.
// - If a vertex is outside but the next one is inside, take the
// intersection of that edge with the perpendicular bisector.
std::vector<CVector2D> newBoundary;
for( size_t j=0; j<boundary.size(); j++ )
CVector2D& pos = boundary[j];
float dot = (pos - midpoint).dot(normal);
bool inside = dot < 0.0f;
size_t nextJ = (j+1) % boundary.size(); // index of next point
CVector2D& nextPos = boundary[nextJ];
float nextDot = (nextPos - midpoint).dot(normal);
bool nextInside = nextDot < 0.0f;
if( inside )
newBoundary.push_back( pos );
if( !nextInside )
// Also add intersection of this line segment and the bisector
float t = nextDot / (-dot + nextDot);
newBoundary.push_back( pos * t + nextPos * (1.0f - t) );
else if( nextInside )
// Add intersection of this line segment and the bisector
float t = nextDot / (-dot + nextDot);
newBoundary.push_back( pos * t + nextPos * (1.0f - t) );
boundary = newBoundary;
debug_printf("Created a boundary polygon with %d edges around index %d\n", boundary.size(), myIndex);