janwas 7a5655edde # major refactoring of system-dependent code (simplifies build system)
cpu.cpp: avoided the need for wrapper functions by calling the
OS-specific function directly (declared in central header, implemented
in the platform's cpp file)

avoid the need for init in cpu and ia32 via if(!init) Init() pattern.

optimized memcpy now requires SSE support

remove error-prone CAS macro; replace with cpu_CAS
config: no longer require inline asm for float->int conversions
lib_error: remove special-case in CHECK_ERR for windows (no longer

This was SVN commit r5365.
2007-09-23 15:36:29 +00:00

474 lines
12 KiB

* =========================================================================
* File : trace.cpp
* Project : 0 A.D.
* Description : allows recording and 'playing back' a sequence of
* : I/Os - useful for benchmarking and archive builder.
* =========================================================================
// license: GPL; see lib/license.txt
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "trace.h"
#include "lib/allocators.h"
#include "lib/timer.h"
#include "lib/sysdep/cpu.h"
#include "file_internal.h"
ERROR_ASSOCIATE(ERR::TRACE_EMPTY, "No valid entries in trace", -1);
static uintptr_t trace_initialized; // set via CAS
static Pool trace_pool;
// call at before using trace_pool. no-op if called more than once.
static inline void trace_init()
if(cpu_CAS(&trace_initialized, 0, 1))
(void)pool_create(&trace_pool, 4*MiB, sizeof(TraceEntry));
void trace_shutdown()
if(cpu_CAS(&trace_initialized, 1, 0))
// enabled by default. by the time we can decide whether a trace needs to
// be generated (see should_rebuild_main_archive), file accesses will
// already have occurred; hence default enabled and disable if not needed.
static bool trace_enabled = true;
static bool trace_force_enabled = false; // see below
// note: explicitly enabling trace means the user wants one to be
// generated even if an up-to-date version exists.
// (mechanism: ignore any attempts to disable)
void trace_enable(bool want_enabled)
trace_enabled = want_enabled;
trace_force_enabled = true;
trace_enabled = true;
static LibError trace_add(TraceOp op, const char* P_fn, size_t size,
uint flags = 0, double timestamp = 0.0)
return INFO::OK;
if(timestamp == 0.0)
timestamp = get_time();
TraceEntry* t = (TraceEntry*)pool_alloc(&trace_pool, 0);
return ERR::LIMIT; // NOWARN
t->timestamp = timestamp;
t->atom_fn = file_make_unique_fn_copy(P_fn);
t->size = size;
t->op = op;
t->flags = flags;
return INFO::OK;
static void trace_get_raw_ents(const TraceEntry*& ents, size_t& num_ents)
ents = (const TraceEntry*)trace_pool.da.base;
num_ents = (uint)(trace_pool.da.pos / sizeof(TraceEntry));
void trace_notify_io(const char* P_fn, size_t size, uint flags)
trace_add(TO_IO, P_fn, size, flags);
void trace_notify_free(const char* P_fn, size_t size)
trace_add(TO_FREE, P_fn, size);
// put all entries in one trace file: easier to handle; obviates FS enum code
// rationale: don't go through trace in order; instead, process most recent
// run first, to give more weight to it (TSP code should go with first entry
// when #occurrences are equal)
static const TraceEntry delimiter_entry =
0.0f, // timestamp
0, // size
TO_IO, // TraceOp (never seen by user; value doesn't matter)
0 // flags
// storage for Trace.runs.
static const uint MAX_RUNS = 100;
static TraceRun runs[MAX_RUNS];
// note: the last entry may be one past number of actual entries.
// WARNING: due to misfeature in DelimiterAdder, indices are added twice.
// this is fixed in trace_get; just don't rely on run_start_indices.size()!
static std::vector<size_t> run_start_indices;
class DelimiterAdder
enum Consequence
Consequence operator()(size_t i, double timestamp, const char* P_path)
// this entry is a delimiter
if(!strcmp(P_path, delimiter_entry.atom_fn))
run_start_indices.push_back(i+1); // skip this entry
// note: its timestamp is invalid, so don't set cur_timestamp!
return SKIP_ADD;
const double last_timestamp = cur_timestamp;
cur_timestamp = timestamp;
// first item is always start of a run
if((i == 0) ||
// timestamp started over from 0 (e.g. 29, 30, 1) -> start of new run.
(timestamp < last_timestamp))
return CONTINUE;
double cur_timestamp;
void trace_get(Trace* t)
const TraceEntry* ents; size_t num_ents;
trace_get_raw_ents(ents, num_ents);
// nobody had split ents up into runs; just create one big 'run'.
t->runs = runs;
t->num_runs = 0; // counted up
t->total_ents = num_ents;
size_t last_start_idx = num_ents;
std::vector<size_t>::reverse_iterator it;
for(it = run_start_indices.rbegin(); it != run_start_indices.rend(); ++it)
const size_t start_idx = *it;
// run_start_indices.back() may be = num_ents (could happen if
// a zero-length run gets written out); skip that to avoid
// zero-length run here.
// also fixes DelimiterAdder misbehavior of adding 2 indices per run.
if(last_start_idx == start_idx)
debug_assert(start_idx < t->total_ents);
TraceRun& run = runs[t->num_runs++];
run.num_ents = last_start_idx - start_idx;
run.ents = &ents[start_idx];
last_start_idx = start_idx;
if(t->num_runs == MAX_RUNS)
debug_assert(t->num_runs != 0);
void trace_clear()
memset(runs, 0, sizeof(runs)); // for safety
static void write_entry(FILE* f, const TraceEntry* ent)
char opcode = '?';
case TO_IO: opcode = 'L'; break;
case TO_FREE: opcode = 'F'; break;
default: debug_warn("invalid TraceOp");
debug_assert(ent->op == TO_IO || ent->op == TO_FREE);
fprintf(f, "%#010f: %c \"%s\" %d %04x\n", ent->timestamp, opcode,
ent->atom_fn, ent->size, ent->flags);
// *appends* entire current trace contents to file (with delimiter first)
LibError trace_write_to_file(const char* trace_filename)
char N_fn[PATH_MAX];
RETURN_ERR(file_make_full_native_path(trace_filename, N_fn));
// append at end of file, otherwise we'd only have the most
// recently stored trace. vfs_optimizer correctly deals with
// several trace runs per file.
FILE* f = fopen(N_fn, "at");
write_entry(f, &delimiter_entry);
// somewhat of a hack: write all entries in original order, not the
// reverse order returned by trace_get.
const TraceEntry* ent; size_t num_ents;
trace_get_raw_ents(ent, num_ents);
for(size_t i = 0; i < num_ents; i++, ent++)
write_entry(f, ent);
return INFO::OK;
LibError trace_read_from_file(const char* trace_filename, Trace* t)
char N_fn[PATH_MAX];
RETURN_ERR(file_make_full_native_path(trace_filename, N_fn));
FILE* f = fopen(N_fn, "rt");
// we use trace_add, which is the same mechanism called by trace_notify*;
// therefore, tracing needs to be enabled.
trace_enabled = true;
DelimiterAdder delim_adder;
// parse lines and stuff them in trace_pool
// (as if they had been trace_add-ed; replaces any existing data)
// .. bake PATH_MAX limit into string.
char fmt[30];
snprintf(fmt, ARRAY_SIZE(fmt), "%%lf: %%c \"%%%d[^\"]\" %%d %%04x\n", PATH_MAX);
for(size_t i = 0; ; i++)
double timestamp; char opcode; char P_path[PATH_MAX]; size_t size; uint flags;
int chars_read = fscanf(f, fmt, &timestamp, &opcode, P_path, &size, &flags);
if(chars_read == EOF)
debug_assert(chars_read == 5);
TraceOp op = TO_IO; // default in case file is garbled
case 'L': op = TO_IO; break;
case 'F': op = TO_FREE; break;
default: debug_warn("invalid TraceOp");
if(delim_adder(i, timestamp, P_path) != DelimiterAdder::SKIP_ADD)
LibError ret = trace_add(op, P_path, size, flags, timestamp);
// storage in trace pool exhausted. must abort to avoid later
// adding delimiters for items that weren't actually stored
// into the pool.
if(ret == ERR::LIMIT)
// all previous trace entries were hereby lost (overwritten),
// so there's no sense in continuing.
trace_enabled = false;
if(t->total_ents == 0)
return INFO::OK;
void trace_gen_random(size_t num_entries)
for(size_t i = 0; i < num_entries; i++)
// generate random names until we get a valid file;
// remember its name and size.
const char* atom_fn;
off_t size;
atom_fn = file_get_random_name();
// use instead of vfs_stat to avoid warnings, since some of
// atom_fn will actually be directory names.
struct stat s;
LibError ret = vfs_stat(atom_fn, &s);
// ought to apply due to vfs_exists above.
debug_assert(ret == INFO::OK && S_ISREG(s.st_mode));
size = s.st_size;
trace_add(TO_IO, atom_fn, size);
trace_add(TO_FREE, atom_fn, size);
// simulate carrying out the entry's TraceOp to determine
// whether this IO would be satisfied by the file_buf cache.
// note: TO_IO's handling of uncached buffers means the simulated and
// real cache contents will diverge if the real caller doesn't free their
// buffer immediately.
// this is a bit of a bother, but only slightly influences results
// because it works by affecting the cache allocator's eviction pattern.
// alternatives:
// - only allocate if file_cache_would_add. this would actually
// cause divergence whenever skipping any allocation, which is worse.
// - maintain a list of "buffers we allocated" and use that instead of
// file_cache_retrieve in TO_FREE. this would keep both caches in sync but
// add considerable complexity (function would no longer be "stateless").
bool trace_entry_causes_io(const TraceEntry* ent)
uint fb_flags = FB_NO_STATS;
if(ent->flags & FILE_LONG_LIVED)
fb_flags |= FB_LONG_LIVED;
FileIOBuf buf;
size_t size = ent->size;
const char* atom_fn = ent->atom_fn;
uint file_flags = ent->flags;
case TO_IO:
// we're not interested in writes
if(file_flags & FILE_WRITE)
return false;
buf = file_cache_retrieve(atom_fn, &size, fb_flags);
// would not be in cache
buf = file_buf_alloc(size, atom_fn, fb_flags);
LibError ret = file_cache_add(buf, size, atom_fn, file_flags);
// the cache decided not to add buf (see file_cache_would_add).
// since TO_FREE below uses the cache to find out which
// buffer was allocated for atom_fn, we have to free it manually.
// see note above.
if(ret == INFO::SKIPPED)
(void)file_buf_free(buf, fb_flags);
return true;
case TO_FREE:
buf = file_cache_retrieve(atom_fn, &size, fb_flags|FB_NO_ACCOUNTING);
// note: if buf == 0, file_buf_free is a no-op. this happens in the
// abovementioned cached-at-higher-level case.
(void)file_buf_free(buf, fb_flags);
debug_warn("unknown TraceOp");
return false;
// carry out all operations specified in the trace.
// if flags&TRF_SYNC_TO_TIMESTAMP, waits until timestamp for each event is
// reached; otherwise, they are run as fast as possible.
LibError trace_run(const char* trace_filename, uint flags)
Trace t;
RETURN_ERR(trace_read_from_file(trace_filename, &t));
// prevent the actions we carry out below from generating
// trace_add-s.
trace_enabled = false;
const double start_time = get_time();
const double first_timestamp = t.runs[t.num_runs-1].ents[0].timestamp;
for(uint r = 0; r < t.num_runs; r++)
const TraceRun& run = t.runs[r];
const TraceEntry* ent = run.ents;
for(uint i = 0; i < run.num_ents; i++, ent++)
// wait until time for next entry if caller requested this
while(get_time()-start_time < ent->timestamp-first_timestamp)
// busy-wait (don't sleep - can skew results)
// carry out this entry's operation
FileIOBuf buf; size_t size;
case TO_IO:
// do not 'run' writes - we'd destroy the existing data.
if(ent->flags & FILE_WRITE)
(void)vfs_load(ent->atom_fn, buf, size, ent->flags);
case TO_FREE:
buf = file_cache_retrieve(ent->atom_fn, &size, FB_NO_STATS|FB_NO_ACCOUNTING);
debug_warn("unknown TraceOp");
return INFO::OK;