Matei 845b606763 # Updates to the tech system, and bug fixes.
Techs: Made a separate list of technologies for every player, rather
than array fields in CTechnology. This also involved changing the
tech-related JS functions.

- PS_MAX_PLAYERS should be 8 (the way it's used for array sizes, etc
indicates that it's the maximum possible number of players ever, but it
used to be 6 while the game had 8 players).
- When you changed a CJSSharedProperty that was inherited, m_Inherited
was set to false, so it was no longer inherited by subsequent entities
you created. They got initialized to garbage values as a result.

This was SVN commit r4138.
2006-07-18 04:17:46 +00:00

57 lines
1.9 KiB

// EntityTemplateCollection.h
// Mark Thompson mot20@cam.ac.uk / mark@wildfiregames.com
// Keeps tabs on the various types of entity that roam the world.
// General note: Template, Base Entity, and Entity Class are used more-or-less interchangably.
// Usage: g_EntityTemplateCollection.loadTemplates(): loads all templates
// g_EntityTemplateCollection.getTemplate(name): get a template by name
// EntityTemplateCollection will look at all subdirectiroes of entities/, but each template's
// name will only be its filename; thus, no two templates should have the same filename,
// but subdirectories can be created in entities/ to organize the files nicely.
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include "ps/CStr.h"
#include "ps/Singleton.h"
#include "graphics/ObjectEntry.h"
#include "EntityTemplate.h"
#include "ps/Game.h"
#define g_EntityTemplateCollection CEntityTemplateCollection::GetSingleton()
class CPlayer;
class CEntityTemplateCollection : public Singleton<CEntityTemplateCollection>
static const uint NULL_PLAYER = (PS_MAX_PLAYERS+1);
typedef STL_HASH_MAP<CStrW, CEntityTemplate*, CStrW_hash_compare> TemplateMap;
typedef STL_HASH_MAP<CStrW, CStr, CStrW_hash_compare> TemplateFilenameMap;
TemplateMap m_templates[PS_MAX_PLAYERS + 2];
TemplateFilenameMap m_templateFilenames;
CEntityTemplate* getTemplate( CStrW entityType, CPlayer* player = 0 );
// Load list of template filenames
int loadTemplates();
void LoadFile( const char* path );
// Create a list of the names of all base entities, excluding template_*,
// for display in ScEd's entity-selection box.
void getEntityTemplateNames( std::vector<CStrW>& names );
// Get all the templates owned by a specific player, which is useful for techs
void getPlayerTemplates( CPlayer* player, std::vector<CEntityTemplate*>& dest );