pyrolink a4c0ea9d07 #Cinematic changes
-Eliminated tracks, rotation is per node

This was SVN commit r4929.
2007-02-27 02:14:18 +00:00

235 lines
6.4 KiB

#include "precompiled.h"
#include "NUSpline.h"
#include "Matrix3D.h"
//Note: column major order! Each set of 4 constitutes a column.
CMatrix3D HermiteSpline( 2.f, -3.f, 0.f, 1.f,
-2.f, 3.f, 0.f, 0.f,
1.f, -2.f, 1.f, 0.f,
1.f, -1.f, 0.f, 0.f ); // Matrix H in article
// cubic curve defined by 2 positions and 2 velocities
CVector3D GetPositionOnCubic(const CVector3D &startPos, const CVector3D &startVel, const CVector3D &endPos, const CVector3D &endVel, float time)
CMatrix3D m( startPos.X, endPos.X, startVel.X, endVel.X,
startPos.Y, endPos.Y, startVel.Y, endVel.Y,
startPos.Z, endPos.Z, startVel.Z, endVel.Z,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
m = m * HermiteSpline; // multiply by the mixer
CVector3D TimeVector(time*time*time, time*time, time);
CVector3D Result;
m.Transform(TimeVector, Result);
return Result;
/*********************************** R N S **************************************************/
// adds node and updates segment length
void RNSpline::AddNode(const CVector3D &pos)
if ( NodeCount >= MAX_SPLINE_NODES )
if (NodeCount == 0)
MaxDistance = 0.f;
Node[NodeCount-1].Distance = (Node[NodeCount-1].Position - pos).GetLength();
MaxDistance += Node[NodeCount-1].Distance;
SplineData temp;
temp.Position = pos;
// called after all nodes added. This function calculates the node velocities
void RNSpline::BuildSpline()
if ( NodeCount == 2 )
Node[0].Velocity = GetStartVelocity(0);
Node[NodeCount-1].Velocity = GetEndVelocity(NodeCount-1);
else if ( NodeCount < 2 )
for (int i = 1; i<NodeCount-1; i++)
CVector3D Next = Node[i+1].Position - Node[i].Position;
CVector3D Previous = Node[i-1].Position - Node[i].Position;
// split the angle (figure 4)
Node[i].Velocity = Next - Previous;
// calculate start and end velocities
Node[0].Velocity = GetStartVelocity(0);
Node[NodeCount-1].Velocity = GetEndVelocity(NodeCount-1);
// spline access function. time is 0 -> 1
CVector3D RNSpline::GetPosition(float time) const
if ( NodeCount < 2 )
return CVector3D(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
if ( time > 1.0f )
time = 1.0f;
float Distance = time * MaxDistance;
float CurrentDistance = 0.f;
int i = 0;
//Find which node we're on
while (CurrentDistance + Node[i].Distance < Distance
&& i < NodeCount - 2)
CurrentDistance += Node[i].Distance;
debug_assert( i < NodeCount - 1 );
float t = Distance - CurrentDistance;
t /= Node[i].Distance; // scale t in range 0 - 1
CVector3D startVel = Node[i].Velocity * Node[i].Distance;
CVector3D endVel = Node[i+1].Velocity * Node[i].Distance;
return GetPositionOnCubic(Node[i].Position, startVel,
Node[i+1].Position, endVel, t);
// internal. Based on Equation 14
CVector3D RNSpline::GetStartVelocity(int index)
if ( index >= NodeCount - 1 || index < 0)
return CVector3D(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
CVector3D temp = (Node[index+1].Position - Node[index].Position) * 3.0f * ( 1.0f / Node[index].Distance) ;
return (temp - Node[index+1].Velocity)*0.5f;
// internal. Based on Equation 15
CVector3D RNSpline::GetEndVelocity(int index)
if ( index >= NodeCount || index < 1)
return CVector3D(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
CVector3D temp = (Node[index].Position - Node[index-1].Position) * 3.0f * (1.0f / Node[index-1].Distance);
return (temp - Node[index-1].Velocity) * 0.5f;
/*********************************** S N S **************************************************/
// smoothing filter.
void SNSpline::Smooth()
if ( NodeCount < 3 )
CVector3D newVel;
CVector3D oldVel = GetStartVelocity(0);
for (int i = 1; i<NodeCount-1; i++)
// Equation 12
newVel = GetEndVelocity(i) * Node[i].Distance +
GetStartVelocity(i) * Node[i-1].Distance;
newVel = newVel * ( 1 / (Node[i-1].Distance + Node[i].Distance) );
Node[i-1].Velocity = oldVel;
oldVel = newVel;
Node[NodeCount-1].Velocity = GetEndVelocity(NodeCount-1);
Node[NodeCount-2].Velocity = oldVel;
/*********************************** T N S **************************************************/
// as with RNSpline but use timePeriod in place of actual node spacing
// ie time period is time from last node to this node
void TNSpline::AddNode(const CVector3D &pos, const CVector3D& rotation, float timePeriod)
if ( NodeCount >= MAX_SPLINE_NODES )
if (NodeCount == 0)
MaxDistance = 0.f;
Node[NodeCount-1].Distance = timePeriod;
MaxDistance += Node[NodeCount-1].Distance;
SplineData temp;
temp.Position = pos;
//make sure we don't end up using undefined numbers...
temp.Distance = 0.0f;
temp.Velocity = CVector3D( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
temp.Rotation = rotation;
//Inserts node before position
void TNSpline::InsertNode(const int index, const CVector3D &pos, const CVector3D& rotation, float timePeriod)
if ( NodeCount >= MAX_SPLINE_NODES || index < NodeCount - 1 )
if (NodeCount == 0)
MaxDistance = 0.f;
Node[NodeCount-1].Distance = timePeriod;
Node[NodeCount-1].Rotation = rotation;
MaxDistance += Node[NodeCount-1].Distance;
SplineData temp;
temp.Position = pos;
Node.insert(Node.begin() + index, temp);
//Removes node at index
void TNSpline::RemoveNode(const int index)
if (NodeCount == 0 || index > NodeCount - 1 )
MaxDistance -= Node[index].Distance;
MaxDistance -= Node[index-1].Distance;
Node[index-1].Distance = 0.0f;
Node.erase( Node.begin() + index, Node.begin() + index + 1 );
void TNSpline::UpdateNodeTime(const int index, float time)
if (NodeCount == 0 || index > NodeCount - 1 )
Node[index].Distance = time;
void TNSpline::UpdateNodePos(const int index, const CVector3D &pos)
if (NodeCount == 0 || index > NodeCount - 1 )
Node[index].Position = pos;
void TNSpline::Constrain()
if ( NodeCount < 3 )
for (int i = 1; i<NodeCount-1; i++)
// Equation 13
float r0 = (Node[i].Position-Node[i-1].Position).GetLength() / Node[i-1].Distance;
float r1 = (Node[i+1].Position - Node[i].Position).GetLength() / Node[i].Distance;
Node[i].Velocity *= 4.0f*r0*r1/((r0+r1)*(r0+r1));