2003-11-25 02:19:00 +00:00

394 lines
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Executable File

The base class of an object
by Gustav Larsson
All objects are derived from this class, it's an ADT
so it can't be used per se
Also contains a Dummy object which is used for
completely blank objects.
Write about how to use it here
Provide examples of how to use this code, if necessary
--More info--
Check GUI.h
#ifndef IGUIObject_H
#define IGUIObject_H
// Includes / Compiler directives
#include "GUI.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
struct SGUISetting;
class CGUI;
// Macros
// Types
// Map with pointers
typedef std::map<CStr, SGUISetting> map_Settings;
// Error declarations
// Declarations
// Text alignments
enum EAlign { EAlign_Left, EAlign_Right, EAlign_Center };
enum EValign { EValign_Top, EValign_Bottom, EValign_Center };
* @author Gustav Larsson
* Stores the information where to find a variable
* in a GUI-Object object, also what type it is.
struct SGUISetting
size_t m_Offset; // The offset from IGUIObject to the variable (not from SGUIBaseSettings or similar)
CStr m_Type; // "string" or maybe "int"
* @author Gustav Larsson
* Base settings, all objects possess these settings
* in their m_BaseSettings
* Instructions can be found in the documentations.
struct SGUIBaseSettings
bool m_Hidden;
bool m_Enabled;
bool m_Absolute;
// CRect m_Size2;
CClientArea m_Size;
CStr m_Style;
float m_Z;
CStr m_Caption; // Is usually set within an XML element and not in the attributes
* @author Gustav Larsson
* GUI object such as a button or an input-box.
* Abstract data type !
class IGUIObject
friend class CGUI;
#ifndef _MSC_VER
template <class T>
friend class GUI;
virtual ~IGUIObject();
* Get offsets
* @return Retrieves settings info
virtual map_Settings GetSettingsInfo() const { return m_SettingsInfo; }
* Checks if mouse is hovering this object.
* The mouse position is cached in CGUI.
* This function checks if the mouse is hovering the
* rectangle that the base setting "size" makes.
* Although it is virtual, so one could derive
* an object from CButton, which changes only this
* to checking the circle that "size" makes.
* @return true if mouse is hovering
virtual bool MouseOver();
/** @name Leaf Functions */
/// Get object name, name is unique
CStr GetName() const { return m_Name; }
/// Get object name
void SetName(const CStr &Name) { m_Name = Name; }
* Adds object and its children to the map, it's name being the
* first part, and the second being itself.
* @param ObjectMap Adds this to the map_pObjects.
* @throws PS_NEEDS_NAME Name is missing
* @throws PS_NAME_AMBIGUITY Name is already taken
void AddToPointersMap(map_pObjects &ObjectMap);
* Notice nothing will be returned or thrown if the child hasn't
* been inputted into the GUI yet. This is because that's were
* all is checked. Now we're just linking two objects, but
* it's when we're inputting them into the GUI we'll check
* validity! Notice also when adding it to the GUI this function
* will inevitably have been called by CGUI::AddObject which
* will catch the throw and return the error code.
* i.e. The user will never put in the situation wherein a throw
* must be caught, the GUI's internal error handling will be
* completely transparent to the interfacially sequential model.
* @param pChild Child to add
* @throws PS_RESULT from CGUI::UpdateObjects().
void AddChild(IGUIObject *pChild);
/** @name Iterate */
vector_pObjects::iterator ChildrenItBegin() { return m_Children.begin(); }
vector_pObjects::iterator ChildrenItEnd() { return m_Children.end(); }
/** @name Settings Management */
SGUIBaseSettings GetBaseSettings() const { return m_BaseSettings; }
void SetBaseSettings(const SGUIBaseSettings &Set);
* Checks if settings exists, only available for derived
* classes that has this set up, that's why the base
* class just returns false
* @param Setting setting name
* @return True if settings exist.
bool SettingExists(const CStr &Setting) const;
* All sizes are relative to resolution, and the calculation
* is not wanted in real time, therefore it is cached, update
* the cached size with this function.
void UpdateCachedSize();
* Should be called every time the settings has been updated
* will also send a message GUIM_SETTINGS_UPDATED, so that
* if a derived object wants to add things to be updated,
* they add it in that message part, this is a better solution
* than making this virtual, since the updates that the base
* class does, are the most essential.
* This is not private since there should be no harm in
* checking validity.
* @throws GeeTODO not quite settled yet.
void CheckSettingsValidity();
* Sets up a map_size_t to include the variables in m_BaseSettings
* @param SettingsInfo Pointers that should be filled with base variables
void SetupBaseSettingsInfo(map_Settings &SettingsInfo);
* Set a setting by string, regardless of what type it is.
* example a CRect(10,10,20,20) would be "10 10 20 20"
* @param Setting Setting by name
* @param Value Value to set to
void SetSetting(const CStr &Setting, const CStr &Value);
/** @name Called by CGUI and friends
* Methods that the CGUI will call using
* its friendship, these should not
* be called by user.
* These functions' security are a lot
* what constitutes the GUI's
* Calls Destroy on all children, and deallocates all memory.
* BIG TODO Should it destroy it's children?
virtual void Destroy();
* This function is called with different messages
* for instance when the mouse enters the object.
* @param Message EGUIMessage
virtual void HandleMessage(const EGUIMessage &Message)=0;
* Draws the object.
* @throws PS_RESULT if any. But this will mostlikely be
* very rare since if an object is drawn unsuccessfully
* it'll probably only output in the Error log, and not
* disrupt the whole GUI drawing.
virtual void Draw()=0;
// This is done internally
CGUI *GetGUI() { return m_pGUI; }
const CGUI *GetGUI() const { return m_pGUI; }
void SetGUI(CGUI * const &pGUI) { m_pGUI = pGUI; }
// Set parent
void SetParent(IGUIObject *pParent) { m_pParent = pParent; }
* <b>NOTE!</b> This will not just return m_pParent, when that is
* need use it! There is one exception to it, when the parent is
* the top-node (the object that isn't a real object), this
* will return NULL, so that the top-node's children are
* seemingly parentless.
* @return Pointer to parent
IGUIObject *GetParent();
// Get cached mouse x/y from CGUI
u16 GetMouseX() const;
u16 GetMouseY() const;
* Cached size, real size m_Size is actually dependent on resolution
* and can have different *real* outcomes, this is the real outcome
* cached to avoid slow calculations in real time.
CRect m_CachedActualSize;
/** @name Internal functions */
* Inputs a reference pointer, checks if the new inputted object
* if hovered, if so, then check if this's Z value is greater
* than the inputted object... If so then the object is closer
* and we'll replace the pointer with this.
* Also Notice input can be NULL, which means the Z value demand
* is out. NOTICE you can't input NULL as const so you'll have
* to set an object to NULL.
* @param pObject Object pointer, can be either the old one, or
* the new one.
void ChooseMouseOverAndClosest(IGUIObject* &pObject);
* Inputes the object that is currently hovered, this function
* updates this object accordingly (i.e. if it's the object
* being inputted one thing happens, and not, another).
* @param pMouseOver Object that is currently hovered,
* can OF COURSE be NULL too!
void UpdateMouseOver(IGUIObject * const &pMouseOver);
// Variables
/// Name of object
CStr m_Name;
/// Constructed on the heap, will be destroyed along with the the object TODO Really?
vector_pObjects m_Children;
/// Pointer to parent
IGUIObject *m_pParent;
/// Base settings
SGUIBaseSettings m_BaseSettings;
// More variables
/// Is mouse hovering the object? used with the function MouseOver()
bool m_MouseHovering;
* Tells us where a variable by a string name is
* located hardcoded, in order to acquire a pointer
* for that variable... Say "frozen" gives
* the offset from IGUIObject to m_Frozen.
* <b>note!</b> @uNOT from SGUIBaseSettings to
* m_Frozen!
static map_Settings m_SettingsInfo;
/// An object can't function stand alone
* @author Gustav Larsson
* Dummy object used primarily for the root object
* which isn't a *real* object in the GUI.
class CGUIDummyObject : public IGUIObject
virtual void HandleMessage(const EGUIMessage &Message) {}
virtual void Draw() {}