Ykkrosh a9feadc3ea # Improved COLLADA skeletal animation support.
Moved skeleton definitions into XML format, to support multiple
different structures. (Not quite finished yet.)
Added support for rescaled models in XSI.
Minor refactoring.

This was SVN commit r4959.
2007-03-16 18:00:58 +00:00

159 lines
4.6 KiB

#include <exception>
#include <string>
class FCDEntityInstance;
class FCDSceneNode;
class FCDSkinController;
class FMMatrix44;
class FUStatus;
class Skeleton;
class ColladaException : public std::exception
ColladaException(const std::string& msg) : msg(msg) { }
~ColladaException() throw() { }
virtual const char* what() const throw() { return msg.c_str(); }
std::string msg;
struct OutputCB
virtual void operator() (const char* data, unsigned int length)=0;
* Standard error handler - logs FCollada messages using Log(), and also
* maintains a list of XML parser errors.
class FColladaErrorHandler
FColladaErrorHandler(std::string& xmlErrors);
void OnError(FUError::Level errorLevel, uint32 errorCode, uint32 lineNumber);
std::string& xmlErrors;
void operator=(FColladaErrorHandler);
* Standard document loader. Based on FCDocument::LoadFromText, but allows
* access to <extra> nodes at the document level (i.e. directly in <COLLADA>).
class FColladaDocument
* Loads the document from the given XML string. Should be the first function
* called on this object, and should only be called once.
* @throws ColladaException if unable to load.
void LoadFromText(const char* text);
/** Returns the FCDocument that was loaded. */
FCDocument* GetDocument() const { return document.get(); }
/** Returns the <extra> data from the <COLLADA> element. */
FCDExtra* GetExtra() const { return extra.get(); }
void ReadExtras(xmlNode* colladaNode);
std::auto_ptr<FCDocument> document;
std::auto_ptr<FCDExtra> extra;
* Wrapper for code shared between the PMD and PSA converters. Loads the document
* and provides access to the relevant objects and values.
class CommonConvert
CommonConvert(const char* text, std::string& xmlErrors);
const FColladaDocument& GetDocument() const { return m_Doc; }
FCDSceneNode& GetRoot() { return *m_Doc.GetDocument()->GetVisualSceneRoot(); }
FCDEntityInstance& GetInstance() { return *m_Instance; }
const FMMatrix44& GetEntityTransform() const { return m_EntityTransform; }
bool IsYUp() const { return m_YUp; }
bool IsXSI() const { return m_IsXSI; }
FColladaErrorHandler m_Err;
FColladaDocument m_Doc;
FCDEntityInstance* m_Instance;
FMMatrix44 m_EntityTransform;
bool m_YUp;
bool m_IsXSI;
/** Throws a ColladaException unless the value is true. */
#define REQUIRE(value, message) require_(__LINE__, value, "Assertion not satisfied", "failed requirement \"" message "\"")
/** Throws a ColladaException unless the status is successful. */
#define REQUIRE_SUCCESS(status) require_(__LINE__, status, "FCollada error", "Line " STRINGIFY(__LINE__))
#define STRINGIFY(x) #x
void require_(int line, bool value, const char* type, const char* message);
/** Outputs a structure, using sizeof to get the size. */
template<typename T> void write(OutputCB& output, const T& data)
output((char*)&data, sizeof(T));
* Tries to find a single suitable entity instance in the scene. Fails if there
* are none, or if there are too many and it's not clear which one should
* be converted.
* @param node root scene node to search under
* @param instance output - the found entity instance (if any)
* @param transform - the world-space transform of the found entity
* @return true if one was found
bool FindSingleInstance(FCDSceneNode* node, FCDEntityInstance*& instance, FMMatrix44& transform);
* Like FCDSkinController::ReduceInfluences but works correctly.
* Additionally, multiple influences for the same joint-vertex pair are
* collapsed into a single influence.
void SkinReduceInfluences(FCDSkinController* skin, size_t maxInfluenceCount, float minimumWeight);
* Fixes some occasional problems with the skeleton root definitions in a
* controller. (In particular, it's needed for models exported from XSI.)
* Should be called before extracting any joint information from the controller.
void FixSkeletonRoots(FCDControllerInstance& controllerInstance);
* Finds the skeleton definition which best matches the given controller.
* @throws ColladaException if none is found.
const Skeleton& FindSkeleton(const FCDControllerInstance& controllerInstance);
/** Bone pose data */
struct BoneTransform
float translation[3];
float orientation[4];
* Performs the standard transformations on bones, applying a scale matrix and
* moving them into the game's coordinate space.
void TransformBones(std::vector<BoneTransform>& bones, const FMMatrix44& scaleTransform, bool yUp);