Ykkrosh 35e91718c5 # Added tool for viewing models and animations outside the game.
Atlas: Added ActorViewer. Moved GL canvas into separate class for shared
use. Disabled message-handling callback while blocked on the game, and
stopped creating dialog boxes inside the game thread in order to avoid
deadlocks (hopefully). Support multiple Views (for independent sets of
camera/update/render code). Recalculate territory boundaries when
necessary. Changed default list of animations to match those currently
used by actors.
# Tidied up more code.
Moved some more #includes out of .h files, to minimise unnecessary
MathUtil: Deleted unused/unuseful macros (M_PI (use PI instead), M_PI_2
(use PI/2), MAX3, ABS (use abs)).
ObjectManager: Removed some ScEd-specific things.
Unit: Moved creation out of UnitManager, so units can be created without
adding to the manager. Changed CStr8 to the more conventional CStr.
app_hooks: Removed warning for setting multiple times.
win: Restored SEH catcher.
GameSetup, GameView: Removed RenderNoCull, because it doesn't seem to do
what it says it does ("force renderer to load everything") since we're
loading-on-demand most stuff and it doesn't seem especially useful since
we'd prefer to minimise loading times (but feel free to correct me if
I'm wrong). (And because it crashes when things need to be initialised
in a different order, so it's easier to remove than to understand and
fix it.)
PatchRData, Renderer: Work sensibly when there's no game (hence no LOS
manager, water, etc).
LOSManager: Use entity position instead of actor position when possible.
TerritoryManager: Allow delayed recalculations (so Atlas can issue lots
of move+recalculate commands per frame).
Cinematic: Non-pointer wxTimer, so it doesn't leak and doesn't have to
be deleted manually.

This was SVN commit r4261.
2006-08-28 17:36:42 +00:00

250 lines
6.5 KiB

#include "precompiled.h"
#include "GameLoop.h"
#include "MessagePasserImpl.h"
#include "Messages.h"
#include "SharedMemory.h"
#include "Handlers/MessageHandler.h"
#include "ActorViewer.h"
#include "View.h"
#include "InputProcessor.h"
#include "lib/app_hooks.h"
#include "lib/sdl.h"
#include "lib/timer.h"
#include "lib/res/file/vfs.h"
#include "ps/CLogger.h"
using namespace AtlasMessage;
namespace AtlasMessage
extern void RegisterHandlers();
// Loaded from DLL:
void (*Atlas_StartWindow)(const wchar_t* type);
void (*Atlas_SetMessagePasser)(MessagePasser*);
void (*Atlas_GLSetCurrent)(void* context);
void (*Atlas_GLSwapBuffers)(void* context);
void (*Atlas_NotifyEndOfFrame)();
void (*Atlas_DisplayError)(const wchar_t* text, unsigned int flags);
namespace AtlasMessage
void* (*ShareableMallocFptr)(size_t);
void (*ShareableFreeFptr)(void*);
static MessagePasserImpl msgPasser;
MessagePasser* AtlasMessage::g_MessagePasser = &msgPasser;
static InputProcessor g_Input;
static GameLoopState state;
GameLoopState* g_GameLoop = &state;
static void* LaunchWindow(void* data)
const wchar_t* windowName = reinterpret_cast<const wchar_t*>(data);
return NULL;
// Work out which Atlas window to launch, given the command-line arguments
static const wchar_t* FindWindowName(int argc, char* argv[])
for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
if (strcmp(argv[i], "-actorviewer") == 0)
return L"ActorViewer";
return L"ScenarioEditor";
static ErrorReaction AtlasDisplayError(const wchar_t* text, uint flags)
// TODO: after Atlas has been unloaded, don't do this
Atlas_DisplayError(text, flags);
bool BeginAtlas(int argc, char* argv[], void* dll)
// Load required symbols from the DLL
#define GET(x) *(void**)&x = dlsym(dll, #x); debug_assert(x); if (! x) return false;
#undef GET
#define GET(x) *(void**)&x##Fptr = dlsym(dll, #x); debug_assert(x##Fptr); if (! x##Fptr) return false;
#undef GET
// Pass our message handler to Atlas
// Register all the handlers for message which might be passed back
// Create a new thread, and launch the Atlas window inside that thread
const wchar_t* windowName = FindWindowName(argc, argv);
pthread_t uiThread;
pthread_create(&uiThread, NULL, LaunchWindow, reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<wchar_t*>(windowName)));
// Override ah_display_error to pass all errors to the Atlas UI
AppHooks hooks = {0};
hooks.display_error = AtlasDisplayError;
state.argc = argc;
state.argv = argv;
state.running = true;
state.view = View::GetView_None();
state.glContext = NULL;
double last_activity = get_time();
while (state.running)
bool recent_activity = false;
// (TODO: Work out why these things have to be in this order (to avoid
// jumps when starting to move, etc))
// Calculate frame length
double time = get_time();
static double last_time = time;
float length = (float)(time-last_time);
last_time = time;
debug_assert(length >= 0.0f);
// TODO: filter out big jumps, e.g. when having done a lot of slow
// processing in the last frame
state.frameLength = length;
// Process the input that was received in the past
if (g_Input.ProcessInput(&state))
recent_activity = true;
IMessage* msg;
while ((msg = msgPasser.Retrieve()) != NULL)
recent_activity = true;
std::string name (msg->GetName());
msgHandlers::const_iterator it = GetMsgHandlers().find(name);
if (it != GetMsgHandlers().end())
debug_warn("Unrecognised message");
// TODO: CLogger might not be initialised
LOG(ERROR, "atlas", "Unrecognised message (%s)", name.c_str());
if (msg->GetType() == IMessage::Query)
// For queries, we need to notify MessagePasserImpl::Query
// that the query has now been processed.
sem_post((sem_t*) static_cast<QueryMessage*>(msg)->m_Semaphore);
// (msg may have been destructed at this point, so don't use it again)
// It's quite possible that the querier is going to do a tiny
// bit of processing on the query results and then issue another
// query, and repeat lots of times in a loop. To avoid slowing
// that down by rendering between every query, make this
// thread yield now.
// For non-queries, we need to delete the object, since we
// took ownership of it.
// Exit, if desired
if (! state.running)
// Do per-frame processing:
double time = get_time();
if (recent_activity)
last_activity = time;
// Be nice to the processor (by sleeping lots) if we're not doing anything
// useful, and nice to the user (by just yielding to other threads) if we are
bool yield = (time - last_activity > 0.5);
// But make sure we aren't doing anything interesting right now, where
// the user wants to see the screen updating even though they're not
// interacting with it
if (state.view->WantsHighFramerate())
yield = false;
if (yield) // if there was no recent activity...
double sleepUntil = time + 0.5; // only redraw at 2fps
while (time < sleepUntil)
// To minimise latency when the user starts doing stuff, only
// sleep for a short while, then check if anything's happened,
// then go back to sleep
// (TODO: This should probably be done with something like semaphores)
Atlas_NotifyEndOfFrame(); // (TODO: rename to NotifyEndOfQuiteShortProcessingPeriodSoPleaseSendMeNewMessages or something)
if (!msgPasser.IsEmpty())
time = get_time();
// TODO: delete all remaining messages, to avoid memory leak warnings
// Wait for the UI to exit
pthread_join(uiThread, NULL);
// Clean up