2014-01-05 10:26:27 +00:00

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/* Copyright (C) 2013 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// JS debugger temporarily disabled during the SpiderMonkey upgrade (check trac ticket #2348 for details)
//#include "DebuggingServer.h"
//#include "ScriptInterface.h"
//#include "scriptinterface/ScriptExtraHeaders.h"
//// These Breakpoint classes are not implemented threadsafe. The class using the Breakpoints is responsible to make sure that
//// only one thread accesses the Breakpoint at a time
//class CBreakPoint
// CBreakPoint() : m_UserLine(0) { }
// uint m_UserLine;
// std::string m_Filename;
//// Only use this with one ScriptInterface/CThreadDebugger!
//class CActiveBreakPoint : public CBreakPoint
// CActiveBreakPoint()
// : m_ActualLine(m_UserLine)
// , m_Script(NULL)
// , m_Pc(NULL)
// , m_ToRemove(false)
// { }
// CActiveBreakPoint(CBreakPoint breakPoint)
// : CBreakPoint(breakPoint) // using default copy constructor
// , m_ActualLine(m_UserLine)
// , m_Script(NULL)
// , m_Pc(NULL)
// , m_ToRemove(false)
// { }
// uint m_ActualLine;
// JSScript* m_Script;
// jsbytecode* m_Pc;
// bool m_ToRemove;
//struct ThreadDebugger_impl;
//class CThreadDebugger
// CThreadDebugger();
// ~CThreadDebugger();
// /** @brief Initialize the object (required before using the object!).
// *
// * @param id A unique identifier greater than 0 for the object inside its CDebuggingServer object.
// * @param name A name that will be can be displayed by the UI to identify the thread.
// * @param pScriptInterface Pointer to a scriptinterface. All Hooks, breakpoint traps etc. will be registered in this
// * scriptinterface and will be called by the thread this scriptinterface is running in.
// * @param pDebuggingServer Pointer to the DebuggingServer object this Object should belong to.
// *
// * @return Return value.
// */
// void Initialize(uint id, std::string name, ScriptInterface* pScriptInterface, CDebuggingServer* pDebuggingServer);
// // A bunch of hooks used to get information from spidermonkey.
// // These hooks are used internally only but have to be public because they need to be accessible from the global hook functions.
// // Spidermonkey requires function pointers as hooks, which only works if the functions are global or static (not part of an object).
// // These global functions in ThreadDebugger.cpp are just wrappers for the following member functions.
// /** Simply calls BreakHandler with BREAK_SRC_TRAP */
// JSTrapStatus TrapHandler(JSContext *cx, JSScript *script, jsbytecode *pc, jsval *rval, jsval closure);
// /** Hook to capture exceptions and breakpoints in code (throw "Breakpoint";) */
// JSTrapStatus ThrowHandler(JSContext *cx, JSScript *script, jsbytecode *pc, jsval *rval);
// /** All other hooks call this one if the execution should be paused. It puts the program in a wait-loop and
// * waits for weak-up events (continue, step etc.). */
// JSTrapStatus BreakHandler(JSContext *cx, JSScript *script, jsbytecode *pc, jsval *rval, jsval closure, BREAK_SRC breakSrc);
// JSTrapStatus StepHandler(JSContext *cx, JSScript *script, jsbytecode *pc, jsval *rval, void *closure);
// JSTrapStatus StepIntoHandler(JSContext *cx, JSScript *script, jsbytecode *pc, jsval *rval, void *closure);
// JSTrapStatus StepOutHandler(JSContext *cx, JSScript *script, jsbytecode *pc, jsval *rval, void *closure);
// /** This is an interrup-hook that can be called multiple times per line of code and is used to break into the execution
// * without previously setting a breakpoint and to break other threads when one thread triggers a breakpoint */
// JSTrapStatus CheckForBreakRequestHandler(JSContext *cx, JSScript *script, jsbytecode *pc, jsval *rval, void *closure);
// /** The callback function which gets executed for each new script that gets loaded and each function inside a script.
// * We use it for "Execute-Hooks" and "Call-Hooks" in terms of Spidermonkey.
// * This hook actually sets the traps (Breakpoints) "on the fly" that have been defined by the user previously.
// */
// void ExecuteHook(JSContext *cx, const char *filename, unsigned lineno, JSScript *script, JSFunction *fun, void *callerdata);
// /** This hook is used to update the mapping between filename plus line-numbers and jsbytecode pointers */
// void NewScriptHook(JSContext *cx, const char *filename, unsigned lineno, JSScript *script, JSFunction *fun, void *callerdata);
// /** This hook makes sure that invalid mappings between filename plus line-number and jsbytecode points get deleted */
// void DestroyScriptHook(JSContext *cx, JSScript *script);
// void ClearTrap(CActiveBreakPoint* activeBreakPoint);
// /** @brief Checks if a mapping for the specified filename and line number exists in this CThreadDebugger's context
// */
// bool CheckIfMappingPresent(std::string filename, uint line);
// /** @brief Checks if a mapping exists for each breakpoint in the list of breakpoints that aren't set yet.
// * If there is a mapping, it removes the breakpoint from the list of unset breakpoints (from CDebuggingServer),
// * adds it to the list of active breakpoints (CThreadDebugger) and sets a trap.
// * Threading: m_Mutex is locked in this call
// */
// void SetAllNewTraps();
// /** @brief Sets a new trap and stores the information in the CActiveBreakPoint pointer
// * Make sure that a mapping exists before calling this function
// * Threading: Locking m_Mutex is required by the callee
// */
// void SetNewTrap(CActiveBreakPoint* activeBreakPoint, std::string filename, uint line);
// /** @brief Toggle a breakpoint if it's active in this threadDebugger object.
// * Threading: Locking m_Mutex is required by the callee
// *
// * @param filename full vfs path to the script filename
// * @param userLine linenumber where the USER set the breakpoint (UserLine)
// *
// * @return true if the breakpoint's state was changed
// */
// bool ToggleBreakPoint(std::string filename, uint userLine);
// void GetCallstack(std::stringstream& response);
// void GetStackFrameData(std::stringstream& response, uint nestingLevel, STACK_INFO stackInfoKind);
// /** @brief Compares the object's associated scriptinterface with the pointer passed as parameter.
// * @return true if equal
// */
// bool CompareScriptInterfacePtr(ScriptInterface* pScriptInterface) const;
// // Getter/Setters for members that need to be threadsafe
// std::string GetBreakFileName();
// bool GetIsInBreak();
// uint GetLastBreakLine();
// std::string GetName();
// uint GetID();
// void ContinueExecution();
// void SetNextDbgCmd(DBGCMD dbgCmd);
// DBGCMD GetNextDbgCmd();
// // The callee is responsible for locking m_Mutex
// void AddStackInfoRequest(STACK_INFO requestType, uint nestingLevel, SDL_sem* semaphore);
// // Getters/Setters for members that need to be threadsafe
// void SetBreakFileName(std::string breakFileName);
// void SetLastBreakLine(uint breakLine);
// void SetIsInBreak(bool isInBreak);
// // Other threadsafe functions
// void SaveCallstack();
// /// Used only in the scriptinterface's thread.
// void ClearTrapsToRemove();
// bool CurrentFrameIsChildOf(JSStackFrame* pParentFrame);
// void ReturnActiveBreakPoints(jsbytecode* pBytecode);
// void SaveStackFrameData(STACK_INFO stackInfo, uint nestingLevel);
// std::string StringifyCyclicJSON(jsval obj, bool indent);
// std::auto_ptr<ThreadDebugger_impl> m;