janwas e332d876f8 stomped various lint warnings:
- /* */ -> //
- clarified expressions
- add casts
- func() -> func(void)
- signed/unsigned

This was SVN commit r1773.
2005-01-23 17:48:32 +00:00

438 lines
12 KiB
Executable File

// Windows-specific system detect
// Copyright (c) 2004 Jan Wassenberg
// This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// Contact info:
// Jan.Wassenberg@stud.uni-karlsruhe.de
// http://www.stud.uni-karlsruhe.de/~urkt/
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "detect.h"
#include "lib.h"
#include "lib/res/file.h" // file_enum
#include "win_internal.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <set>
#include <string>
// DirectSound header
// HACK: workaround for "subwtype.h not found" errors on VC6/7 hybrid.
// (subwtype.h <- d3dtypes.h <- dsound.h)
// since we're only using one DS function (DirectSoundEnumerate),
// we forward-declare it rather than fix/mess with the system headers.
#if 0
// mmsystem.h is necessary for dsound.h; we cut out unnecessary junk
# define MMNODRV // Installable driver support
# define MMNOSOUND // Sound support
//# define MMNOWAVE // Waveform support
# define MMNOMIDI // MIDI support
# define MMNOAUX // Auxiliary audio support
# define MMNOMIXER // Mixer support
# define MMNOTIMER // Timer support
# define MMNOJOY // Joystick support
# define MMNOMCI // MCI support
# define MMNOMMIO // Multimedia file I/O support
# define MMNOMMSYSTEM // General MMSYSTEM functions
# include <MMSystem.h>
# include <dsound.h>
# define DS_OK 0
typedef BOOL (CALLBACK* LPDSENUMCALLBACKA)(void*, const char*, const char*, void*);
extern "C" __declspec(dllimport) HRESULT WINAPI DirectSoundEnumerateA(LPDSENUMCALLBACKA, void*);
// these are all delay-loaded - they're not needed if
// system information is never queried.
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma comment(lib, "version.lib") // DLL version
#pragma comment(lib, "advapi32.lib") // registry
#pragma comment(lib, "dsound.lib") // sound card name
static int get_ver(const char* module, char* out_ver, size_t out_ver_len)
WIN_SAVE_LAST_ERROR; // GetFileVersion*, Ver*
// allocate as much mem as required
DWORD unused;
const DWORD ver_size = GetFileVersionInfoSize(module, &unused);
return -1;
void* buf = malloc(ver_size);
return ERR_NO_MEM;
// from here on, we set and later return this variable -
// can't return directly, since we've allocated memory.
int ret = -1;
if(GetFileVersionInfo(module, 0, ver_size, buf))
u16* lang; // -> 16 bit language ID, 16 bit codepage
uint lang_len;
const BOOL ok = VerQueryValue(buf, "\\VarFileInfo\\Translation", (void**)&lang, &lang_len);
if(ok && lang && lang_len == 4)
char subblock[64];
sprintf(subblock, "\\StringFileInfo\\%04X%04X\\FileVersion", lang[0], lang[1]);
const char* in_ver;
uint in_ver_len;
if(VerQueryValue(buf, subblock, (void**)&in_ver, &in_ver_len))
strncpy(out_ver, in_ver, out_ver_len);
ret = 0; // success
return ret;
// EnumDisplayDevices is not available on Win95 or NT.
// try to import it manually here; return -1 if not available.
static BOOL (WINAPI *pEnumDisplayDevicesA)(void*, DWORD, void*, DWORD);
static int import_EnumDisplayDevices()
static HMODULE hUser32Dll = LoadLibrary("user32.dll");
*(void**)&pEnumDisplayDevicesA = GetProcAddress(hUser32Dll, "EnumDisplayDevicesA");
// FreeLibrary(hUser32Dll);
// make sure the reference is released so BoundsChecker
// doesn't complain. it won't actually be unloaded anyway -
// there is at least one other reference.
return pEnumDisplayDevicesA? 0 : -1;
// useful for choosing a video mode.
// if we fail, outputs are unchanged (assumed initialized to defaults)
int get_cur_vmode(int* xres, int* yres, int* bpp, int* freq)
// don't use EnumDisplaySettingsW - BoundsChecker reports it causes
// a memory overrun (even if called as the very first thing, before
// static CRT initialization).
memset(&dm, 0, sizeof(dm));
dm.dmSize = sizeof(dm);
// dm.dmDriverExtra already set to 0 by memset
if(!EnumDisplaySettingsA(0, ENUM_CURRENT_SETTINGS, &dm))
return -1;
if(dm.dmFields & (DWORD)DM_PELSWIDTH && xres)
*xres = (int)dm.dmPelsWidth;
if(dm.dmFields & (DWORD)DM_PELSHEIGHT && yres)
*yres = (int)dm.dmPelsHeight;
if(dm.dmFields & (DWORD)DM_BITSPERPEL && bpp)
*bpp = (int)dm.dmBitsPerPel;
if(dm.dmFields & (DWORD)DM_DISPLAYFREQUENCY && freq)
*freq = (int)dm.dmDisplayFrequency;
return 0;
// useful for determining aspect ratio.
// if we fail, outputs are unchanged (assumed initialized to defaults)
int get_monitor_size(int& width_mm, int& height_mm)
HDC dc = GetDC(0); // dc for entire screen
width_mm = GetDeviceCaps(dc, HORZSIZE);
height_mm = GetDeviceCaps(dc, VERTSIZE);
ReleaseDC(0, dc);
return 0;
// graphics card / driver version
// get the name of the OpenGL driver DLL (used to determine driver version).
// see: http://www.opengl.org/discussion_boards/ubb/Forum3/HTML/009679.html
// implementation doesn't currently require OpenGL to be ready for use.
// an alternative would be to enumerate all DLLs loaded into the process,
// and check for a glBegin export. this requires OpenGL to be initialized,
// though - the DLLs aren't loaded at startup. it'd also be a bit of work
// to sort out MCD, ICD, and opengl32.dll.
static int get_ogl_drv_name(char* ogl_drv_name, const size_t max_name_len)
// need single point of exit so that we can close all keys; return this.
int ret = -1;
HKEY hkOglDrivers;
const char* key = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\OpenGLDrivers";
if(RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, key, 0, KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS, &hkOglDrivers) != 0)
return -1;
// we just use the first entry. it might be wrong on dual-graphics card
// systems, but I don't see a better way to do it. there's no other
// occurence of the OpenGL driver name in the registry on my system.
char key_name[32];
DWORD key_name_len = sizeof(key_name);
if(RegEnumKeyEx(hkOglDrivers, 0, key_name, &key_name_len, 0, 0, 0, 0) == 0)
HKEY hkClass;
if(RegOpenKeyEx(hkOglDrivers, key_name, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkClass) == 0)
DWORD size = (DWORD)max_name_len-5; // -5 for ".dll"
if(RegQueryValueEx(hkClass, "Dll", 0, 0, (LPBYTE)ogl_drv_name, &size) == 0)
// add .dll to filename, if not already there
char* ext = strrchr(ogl_drv_name, '.');
if(!ext || stricmp(ext, ".dll") != 0)
strcat(ogl_drv_name, ".dll");
ret = 0; // success
return ret;
static int win_get_gfx_card()
if(gfx_card[0] != '\0')
return -1;
// make sure EnumDisplayDevices is available (as pEnumDisplayDevicesA)
if(import_EnumDisplayDevices() >= 0)
DISPLAY_DEVICEA dev = { sizeof(dev) };
if(pEnumDisplayDevicesA(0, 0, &dev, 0))
strncpy(gfx_card, (const char*)dev.DeviceString, GFX_CARD_LEN-1);
return 0;
return -1;
static int win_get_gfx_drv_ver()
if(gfx_drv_ver[0] != '\0')
return -1;
// note: getting the 2d driver name can be done with EnumDisplaySettings,
// but we want the actual OpenGL driver. see discussion linked above;
// the summary is, 2d driver version may differ from the OpenGL driver.
char ogl_drv_name[MAX_PATH];
CHECK_ERR(get_ogl_drv_name(ogl_drv_name, sizeof(ogl_drv_name)));
CHECK_ERR(get_ver(ogl_drv_name, gfx_drv_ver, GFX_DRV_VER_LEN));
return 0;
int win_get_gfx_info()
return 0;
// sound card / driver version
// note: OpenAL alGetString is worthless: it only returns OpenAL API version
// and renderer (e.g. "Software").
// write list of sound driver DLLs and their versions into snd_drv_ver.
// be careful to respect library search order: DLLs in the executable's
// starting directory hide those of the same name in the system directory.
static std::set<std::string> dlls_already_added;
static char* snd_drv_ver_pos = snd_drv_ver;
// driver strings will be appended here.
// if we haven't seen this DLL yet, read its file version and
// append that and its name to the list.
// dll_path: complete path to DLL (ensures we don't inadvertently
// load another one that's on the library search path). no trailing '\\'.
static void list_add_dll(const char* dll_path)
// read file version.
char dll_ver[32];
if(get_ver(dll_path, dll_ver, sizeof(dll_ver)) < 0)
strcpy(dll_ver, "unknown version");
// extract filename component for "already added" check.
const char* slash = strrchr(dll_path, '\\');
if(!slash) // dll_path was a filename
debug_warn("list_add_dll: full path not given");
const char* dll_fn = slash+1;
// make sure it hasn't been added yet.
if(dlls_already_added.find(dll_fn) != dlls_already_added.end())
// not first time: prepend comma to string.
if(snd_drv_ver_pos != snd_drv_ver)
snd_drv_ver_pos += sprintf(snd_drv_ver_pos, ", ");
snd_drv_ver_pos += sprintf(snd_drv_ver_pos, "%s (%s)", dll_fn, dll_ver);
// check_if_oal_dll needs to prepend directory to the filename it gets
// (for list_add_dll). it appends filename to directory in a buffer allocated
// list_check_dir (more efficient, less memory use than copying).
struct PathInfo
const char* path;
char* end;
size_t remaining;
// if this file is an OpenAL DLL, add it to our list.
// (match "*oal.dll" and "*OpenAL*", as with OpenAL router's search).
static int check_if_oal_dll(const char* fn, const struct stat* s, const uintptr_t user)
PathInfo* pi = (PathInfo*)user;
strncpy(pi->end, fn, pi->remaining);
const size_t len = strlen(fn);
const bool oal = len >= 7 && !stricmp(fn+len-7, "oal.dll");
const bool openal = strstr(fn, "OpenAL") != 0;
if(oal || openal)
return 0; // continue calling
// find all OpenAL DLLs in a dir (via file_enum and check_if_oal_dll).
// call in library search order (exe dir, then win sys dir).
// dir: no trailing '\\'.
static void list_check_dir(const char* dir)
char path[MAX_PATH+1]; path[MAX_PATH] = '\0';
const int len = snprintf(path, MAX_PATH, "%s\\", dir);
if(len < 0)
const PathInfo pi = { path, path+len, MAX_PATH-len };
file_enum(path, check_if_oal_dll, (uintptr_t)&pi);
// free memory used while building the list;
// required before again building a new list.
static void list_free_mem()
snd_drv_ver_pos = snd_drv_ver;
// path to DS3D driver; filled by callback, used when checking version.
static char ds_drv_name[MAX_PATH+1];
// store sound card name and path to DirectSound driver.
// called for each DirectSound driver, but aborts after first valid driver.
static BOOL CALLBACK ds_enum(void* guid, const char* description, const char* module, void* ctx)
// skip first (dummy) entry, where description == "Primary Sound Driver".
if(module[0] == '\0')
return TRUE; // continue calling
// stick with the first "driver name" (sound card) we get;
// in case there are several, we assume this is the one we want.
strncpy(snd_card, description, SND_CARD_LEN-1);
// store DirectSound driver name for version check later
// (it's in "win_sys_dir\drivers\").
snprintf(ds_drv_name, MAX_PATH, "%s\\drivers\\%s", win_sys_dir, module);
return FALSE; // stop calling
int win_get_snd_info()
// make sure this is set to something sensible when
// DSEnumerate doesn't find anything
ds_drv_name[0] = '\0';
// get sound card name
if(DirectSoundEnumerateA((LPDSENUMCALLBACKA)ds_enum, (void*)0) != DS_OK)
debug_warn("DirectSoundEnumerate failed");
// check for the case where there's no sound card
if (strlen(ds_drv_name) == 0)
return 0;
// find all DLLs related to OpenAL, retrieve their versions,
// and store in snd_drv_ver string.
return 0;