
225 lines
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#include "precompiled.h"
# include <math.h>
# include "sr.h"
# include "sr_alg.h"
/* Functions to solve polynomials of 2nd, 3rt and 4th degree. */
/* Source: graphics gems */
//change kai:
//# define aMAXFLOAT 3.40282347E+38F
# define aMAXFLOAT 3.40282347E+28F
# define aEPSILON 1e-9
# define aEPSILON2 0.00001
# define aISZERO(x) ((x) > -aEPSILON && (x) < aEPSILON)
# define aCBRT(x) ((x) > 0.0 ? pow((double)(x), 1.0/3.0) : \
((x) < 0.0 ? -pow((double)-(x), 1.0/3.0) : 0.0))
int sr_solve_quadric_polynomial ( double c[3], double s[2] )
double p, q, D;
// normal form: x^2 + px + q = 0
p = c[1] / (2*c[2]);
q = c[0] / c[2];
D = p*p - q;
if ( aISZERO(D) )
{ s[0] = -p;
return 1;
else if ( D<0 )
{ return 0;
else // if (D > 0)
{ double sqrt_D = sqrt(D);
s[0] = sqrt_D - p;
s[1] = - sqrt_D - p;
return 2;
int sr_solve_cubic_polynomial ( double c[4], double s[3] )
int i, num;
double sub;
double A, B, C;
double sq_A, p, q;
double cb_p, D;
// normal form: x^3 + Ax^2 + Bx + C = 0
A = c[2] / c[3];
B = c[1] / c[3];
C = c[0] / c[3];
// substitute x = y - A/3 to eliminate quadric term:
// x^3 +px + q = 0
sq_A = A * A;
p = 1.0/3 * (- 1.0/3 * sq_A + B);
q = 1.0/2 * (A * (2.0/27 * sq_A - 1.0/3 * B) + C);
// use Cardano's formula
cb_p = p * p * p;
D = q * q + cb_p;
if ( aISZERO(D) )
{ if ( aISZERO(q) ) // one triple solution
{ s[0] = 0;
num = 1;
else // one single and one double solution
{ double u = aCBRT(-q);
s[0] = 2 * u;
s[1] = - u;
num = 2;
else if ( D<0 ) // Casus irreducibilis: three real solutions
{ double phi = 1.0/3 * acos ( -q/sqrt(-cb_p) );
double t = 2 * sqrt(-p);
s[0] = t * cos(phi);
s[1] = - t * cos(phi + SR_PI / 3);
s[2] = - t * cos(phi - SR_PI / 3);
num = 3;
else /* one real solution */
{ double sqrt_D = sqrt(D);
double u = aCBRT(sqrt_D - q);
double v = - aCBRT(sqrt_D + q);
s[0] = u + v;
num = 1;
// resubstitute
sub = 1.0/3 * A;
for ( i=0; i<num; ++i ) s[i] -= sub;
return num;
int sr_solve_quartic_polynomial ( double c[5], double s[4] )
double coeffs[4];
double z, u, v, sub;
double A, B, C, D;
double sq_A, p, q, r;
int i, num;
// normal form: x^4 + Ax^3 + Bx^2 + Cx + D = 0
A = c[3] / c[4];
B = c[2] / c[4];
C = c[1] / c[4];
D = c[0] / c[4];
// substitute x = y - A/4 to eliminate cubic term:
// x^4 + px^2 + qx + r = 0
sq_A = A * A;
p = - 3.0/8 * sq_A + B;
q = A * (1.0/8 * sq_A - 1.0/2 * B) + C;
r = sq_A * (- 3.0/256*sq_A + 1.0/16*B) - 1.0/4*A*C + D;
if ( aISZERO(r) ) // no absolute term: y(y^3 + py + q) = 0
{ coeffs[0] = q;
coeffs[1] = p;
coeffs[2] = 0;
coeffs[3] = 1;
num = sr_solve_cubic_polynomial ( coeffs, s );
s[num++] = 0;
else // solve the resolvent cubic ...
{ coeffs[0] = 1.0/2 * r * p - 1.0/8 * q * q;
coeffs[1] = - r;
coeffs[2] = - 1.0/2 * p;
coeffs[3] = 1;
sr_solve_cubic_polynomial ( coeffs, s );
// ... and take the one real solution ...
z = s[ 0 ];
// ... to build two quadric equations
u = z * z - r;
v = 2 * z - p;
if (aISZERO(u)) u = 0;
else if (u > 0) u = sqrt(u);
else return 0;
if (aISZERO(v)) v = 0;
else if (v > 0) v = sqrt(v);
else return 0;
coeffs[0] = z - u;
coeffs[1] = q < 0 ? -v : v;
coeffs[2] = 1;
num = sr_solve_quadric_polynomial ( coeffs, s );
coeffs[0]= z + u;
coeffs[1] = q < 0 ? v : -v;
coeffs[2] = 1;
num += sr_solve_quadric_polynomial ( coeffs, s+num );
// resubstitute
sub = 1.0/4 * A;
for ( i=0; i<num; ++i ) s[i] -= sub;
return num;
float sr_in_ellipse ( float x, float y, float a, float b )
float cx = x/a;
float cy = y/b;
return cx*cx + cy*cy - 1;
// replaces (x,y) by its closest point on the ellipse (a,b)
void sr_get_closest_on_ellipse ( float a, float b, float& x, float& y )
double c[5], s[4];
double r = a / b,
e = 2. * (b - a*r),
f = 2. * (x * r);
if ( fabs(y)<aEPSILON2 )
{ x = x>0 ? a : -a;
y = 0;
c [4] = y;
c [3] = f - e;
c [2] = 0;
c [1] = f + e;
c [0] = -y;
int nb = sr_solve_quartic_polynomial ( c, s );
double denom, s_theta, c_theta, dist;
double test_x [4], test_y [4];
double min_dist = aMAXFLOAT;
int i, winner=0;
// Find the closest point
for ( i=0; i<nb; i++ )
{ denom = 1. + s [i] * s [i];
s_theta = 2. * s [i] / denom;
c_theta = (1. - s [i] * s [i]) / denom;
test_x[i] = a * c_theta;
test_y[i] = b * s_theta;
dist = (test_x[i]-x) * (test_x[i]-x) + (test_y[i]-y) * (test_y[i]-y);
if ( dist<min_dist )
{ min_dist = dist;
winner = i;
x = (float)test_x[winner];
y = (float)test_y[winner];
//============================== end of file ===============================