2016-01-13 00:42:55 +00:00

557 lines
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/* Copyright (C) 2015 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "GUI.h"
#include "gui/scripting/JSInterface_GUITypes.h"
#include "gui/scripting/JSInterface_IGUIObject.h"
#include "ps/CLogger.h"
#include "scriptinterface/ScriptInterface.h"
: m_pGUI(NULL), m_pParent(NULL), m_MouseHovering(false), m_LastClickTime()
AddSetting(GUIST_bool, "enabled");
AddSetting(GUIST_bool, "hidden");
AddSetting(GUIST_CClientArea, "size");
AddSetting(GUIST_CStr, "style");
AddSetting(GUIST_CStr, "hotkey");
AddSetting(GUIST_float, "z");
AddSetting(GUIST_bool, "absolute");
AddSetting(GUIST_bool, "ghost");
AddSetting(GUIST_float, "aspectratio");
AddSetting(GUIST_CStrW, "tooltip");
AddSetting(GUIST_CStr, "tooltip_style");
// Setup important defaults
GUI<bool>::SetSetting(this, "hidden", false);
GUI<bool>::SetSetting(this, "ghost", false);
GUI<bool>::SetSetting(this, "enabled", true);
GUI<bool>::SetSetting(this, "absolute", true);
for (const std::pair<CStr, SGUISetting>& p : m_Settings)
switch (p.second.m_Type)
// delete() needs to know the type of the variable - never delete a void*
#define TYPE(t) case GUIST_##t: delete (t*)p.second.m_pSetting; break;
#include "GUItypes.h"
#undef TYPE
debug_warn(L"Invalid setting type");
if (m_pGUI)
JS_RemoveExtraGCRootsTracer(m_pGUI->GetScriptInterface()->GetJSRuntime(), Trace, this);
// Functions
void IGUIObject::SetGUI(CGUI* const& pGUI)
if (!m_pGUI)
JS_AddExtraGCRootsTracer(pGUI->GetScriptInterface()->GetJSRuntime(), Trace, this);
m_pGUI = pGUI;
void IGUIObject::AddChild(IGUIObject* pChild)
// ENSURE(pChild);
// If this (not the child) object is already attached
// to a CGUI, it pGUI pointer will be non-null.
// This will mean we'll have to check if we're using
// names already used.
if (pChild->GetGUI())
// Atomic function, if it fails it won't
// have changed anything
catch (PSERROR_GUI&)
// If anything went wrong, reverse what we did and throw
// an exception telling it never added a child
// else do nothing
void IGUIObject::AddToPointersMap(map_pObjects& ObjectMap)
// Just don't do anything about the top node
if (m_pParent == NULL)
// Now actually add this one
// notice we won't add it if it's doesn't have any parent
// (i.e. being the base object)
if (m_Name.empty())
throw PSERROR_GUI_ObjectNeedsName();
if (ObjectMap.count(m_Name) > 0)
throw PSERROR_GUI_NameAmbiguity(m_Name.c_str());
ObjectMap[m_Name] = this;
void IGUIObject::Destroy()
// Is there anything besides the children to destroy?
void IGUIObject::AddSetting(const EGUISettingType& Type, const CStr& Name)
// Is name already taken?
if (m_Settings.count(Name) >= 1)
// Construct, and set type
m_Settings[Name].m_Type = Type;
switch (Type)
#define TYPE(type) \
case GUIST_##type: \
m_Settings[Name].m_pSetting = new type(); \
// Construct the setting.
#include "GUItypes.h"
#undef TYPE
debug_warn(L"IGUIObject::AddSetting failed, type not recognized!");
bool IGUIObject::MouseOver()
if (!GetGUI())
throw PSERROR_GUI_OperationNeedsGUIObject();
return m_CachedActualSize.PointInside(GetMousePos());
bool IGUIObject::MouseOverIcon()
return false;
CPos IGUIObject::GetMousePos() const
if (GetGUI())
return GetGUI()->m_MousePos;
return CPos();
void IGUIObject::UpdateMouseOver(IGUIObject* const& pMouseOver)
// Check if this is the object being hovered.
if (pMouseOver == this)
if (!m_MouseHovering)
// It wasn't hovering, so that must mean it just entered
SendEvent(GUIM_MOUSE_ENTER, "mouseenter");
// Either way, set to true
m_MouseHovering = true;
// call mouse over
SendEvent(GUIM_MOUSE_OVER, "mousemove");
else // Some other object (or none) is hovered
if (m_MouseHovering)
m_MouseHovering = false;
SendEvent(GUIM_MOUSE_LEAVE, "mouseleave");
bool IGUIObject::SettingExists(const CStr& Setting) const
// Because GetOffsets will direct dynamically defined
// classes with polymorphism to respective ms_SettingsInfo
// we need to make no further updates on this function
// in derived classes.
//return (GetSettingsInfo().count(Setting) >= 1);
return (m_Settings.count(Setting) >= 1);
PSRETURN IGUIObject::SetSetting(const CStr& Setting, const CStrW& Value, const bool& SkipMessage)
if (!SettingExists(Setting))
return PSRETURN_GUI_InvalidSetting;
// Get setting
SGUISetting set = m_Settings[Setting];
#define TYPE(type) \
else if (set.m_Type == GUIST_##type) \
{ \
type _Value; \
if (!GUI<type>::ParseString(Value, _Value)) \
return PSRETURN_GUI_UnableToParse; \
GUI<type>::SetSetting(this, Setting, _Value, SkipMessage); \
if (0)
// else...
#include "GUItypes.h"
#undef TYPE
// Why does it always fail?
//return PS_FAIL;
return LogInvalidSettings(Setting);
PSRETURN IGUIObject::GetSettingType(const CStr& Setting, EGUISettingType& Type) const
if (!SettingExists(Setting))
return LogInvalidSettings(Setting);
if (m_Settings.find(Setting) == m_Settings.end())
return LogInvalidSettings(Setting);
Type = m_Settings.find(Setting)->second.m_Type;
void IGUIObject::ChooseMouseOverAndClosest(IGUIObject*& pObject)
if (!MouseOver())
// Check if we've got competition at all
if (pObject == NULL)
pObject = this;
// Or if it's closer
if (GetBufferedZ() >= pObject->GetBufferedZ())
pObject = this;
IGUIObject* IGUIObject::GetParent() const
// Important, we're not using GetParent() for these
// checks, that could screw it up
if (m_pParent)
if (m_pParent->m_pParent == NULL)
return NULL;
return m_pParent;
void IGUIObject::UpdateCachedSize()
bool absolute;
GUI<bool>::GetSetting(this, "absolute", absolute);
float aspectratio = 0.f;
GUI<float>::GetSetting(this, "aspectratio", aspectratio);
CClientArea ca;
GUI<CClientArea>::GetSetting(this, "size", ca);
// If absolute="false" and the object has got a parent,
// use its cached size instead of the screen. Notice
// it must have just been cached for it to work.
if (absolute == false && m_pParent && !IsRootObject())
m_CachedActualSize = ca.GetClientArea(m_pParent->m_CachedActualSize);
m_CachedActualSize = ca.GetClientArea(CRect(0.f, 0.f, g_xres * g_GuiScale, g_yres * g_GuiScale));
// In a few cases, GUI objects have to resize to fill the screen
// but maintain a constant aspect ratio.
// Adjust the size to be the max possible, centered in the original size:
if (aspectratio)
if (m_CachedActualSize.GetWidth() > m_CachedActualSize.GetHeight()*aspectratio)
float delta = m_CachedActualSize.GetWidth() - m_CachedActualSize.GetHeight()*aspectratio;
m_CachedActualSize.left += delta/2.f;
m_CachedActualSize.right -= delta/2.f;
float delta = m_CachedActualSize.GetHeight() - m_CachedActualSize.GetWidth()/aspectratio;
m_CachedActualSize.bottom -= delta/2.f;
m_CachedActualSize.top += delta/2.f;
void IGUIObject::LoadStyle(CGUI& GUIinstance, const CStr& StyleName)
// Fetch style
if (GUIinstance.m_Styles.count(StyleName) == 1)
debug_warn(L"IGUIObject::LoadStyle failed");
void IGUIObject::LoadStyle(const SGUIStyle& Style)
// Iterate settings, it won't be able to set them all probably, but that doesn't matter
for (const std::pair<CStr, CStrW>& p : Style.m_SettingsDefaults)
// Try set setting in object
SetSetting(p.first, p.second);
// It doesn't matter if it fail, it's not suppose to be able to set every setting.
// since it's generic.
// The beauty with styles is that it can contain more settings
// than exists for the objects using it. So if the SetSetting
// fails, don't care.
float IGUIObject::GetBufferedZ() const
bool absolute;
GUI<bool>::GetSetting(this, "absolute", absolute);
float Z;
GUI<float>::GetSetting(this, "z", Z);
if (absolute)
return Z;
if (GetParent())
return GetParent()->GetBufferedZ() + Z;
// In philosophy, a parentless object shouldn't be able to have a relative sizing,
// but we'll accept it so that absolute can be used as default without a complaint.
// Also, you could consider those objects children to the screen resolution.
return Z;
void IGUIObject::RegisterScriptHandler(const CStr& Action, const CStr& Code, CGUI* pGUI)
throw PSERROR_GUI_OperationNeedsGUIObject();
JSContext* cx = pGUI->GetScriptInterface()->GetContext();
JSAutoRequest rq(cx);
JS::RootedValue globalVal(cx, pGUI->GetGlobalObject());
JS::RootedObject globalObj(cx, &globalVal.toObject());
const int paramCount = 1;
const char* paramNames[paramCount] = { "mouse" };
// Location to report errors from
CStr CodeName = GetName()+" "+Action;
// Generate a unique name
static int x = 0;
char buf[64];
sprintf_s(buf, ARRAY_SIZE(buf), "__eventhandler%d (%s)", x++, Action.c_str());
JS::CompileOptions options(cx);
options.setFileAndLine(CodeName.c_str(), 0);
JS::RootedFunction func(cx, JS_CompileFunction(cx, globalObj,
buf, paramCount, paramNames, Code.c_str(), Code.length(), options));
if (!func)
return; // JS will report an error message
JS::RootedObject funcObj(cx, JS_GetFunctionObject(func));
SetScriptHandler(Action, funcObj);
void IGUIObject::SetScriptHandler(const CStr& Action, JS::HandleObject Function)
// m_ScriptHandlers is only rooted after SetGUI() has been called (which sets up the GC trace callbacks),
// so we can't safely store objects in it if the GUI hasn't been set yet.
ENSURE(m_pGUI && "A GUI must be associated with the GUIObject before adding ScriptHandlers!");
m_ScriptHandlers[Action] = JS::Heap<JSObject*>(Function);
InReaction IGUIObject::SendEvent(EGUIMessageType type, const CStr& EventName)
PROFILE2_EVENT("gui event");
PROFILE2_ATTR("type: %s", EventName.c_str());
PROFILE2_ATTR("object: %s", m_Name.c_str());
SGUIMessage msg(type);
return (msg.skipped ? IN_PASS : IN_HANDLED);
void IGUIObject::ScriptEvent(const CStr& Action)
std::map<CStr, JS::Heap<JSObject*>>::iterator it = m_ScriptHandlers.find(Action);
if (it == m_ScriptHandlers.end())
JSContext* cx = m_pGUI->GetScriptInterface()->GetContext();
JSAutoRequest rq(cx);
// Set up the 'mouse' parameter
JS::RootedValue mouse(cx);
m_pGUI->GetScriptInterface()->Eval("({})", &mouse);
m_pGUI->GetScriptInterface()->SetProperty(mouse, "x", m_pGUI->m_MousePos.x, false);
m_pGUI->GetScriptInterface()->SetProperty(mouse, "y", m_pGUI->m_MousePos.y, false);
m_pGUI->GetScriptInterface()->SetProperty(mouse, "buttons", m_pGUI->m_MouseButtons, false);
JS::AutoValueVector paramData(cx);
JS::RootedObject obj(cx, GetJSObject());
JS::RootedValue handlerVal(cx, JS::ObjectValue(*it->second));
JS::RootedValue result(cx);
bool ok = JS_CallFunctionValue(cx, obj, handlerVal, paramData, &result);
if (!ok)
// We have no way to propagate the script exception, so just ignore it
// and hope the caller checks JS_IsExceptionPending
void IGUIObject::ScriptEvent(const CStr& Action, JS::HandleValue Argument)
std::map<CStr, JS::Heap<JSObject*>>::iterator it = m_ScriptHandlers.find(Action);
if (it == m_ScriptHandlers.end())
JSContext* cx = m_pGUI->GetScriptInterface()->GetContext();
JSAutoRequest rq(cx);
JS::AutoValueVector paramData(cx);
JS::RootedObject obj(cx, GetJSObject());
JS::RootedValue handlerVal(cx, JS::ObjectValue(*it->second));
JS::RootedValue result(cx);
bool ok = JS_CallFunctionValue(cx, obj, handlerVal, paramData, &result);
if (!ok)
JS_ReportError(cx, "Errors executing script action \"%s\"", Action.c_str());
JSObject* IGUIObject::GetJSObject()
JSContext* cx = m_pGUI->GetScriptInterface()->GetContext();
JSAutoRequest rq(cx);
// Cache the object when somebody first asks for it, because otherwise
// we end up doing far too much object allocation. TODO: Would be nice to
// not have these objects hang around forever using up memory, though.
if (m_JSObject.uninitialized())
m_JSObject.set(cx, m_pGUI->GetScriptInterface()->CreateCustomObject("GUIObject"));
JS_SetPrivate(m_JSObject.get(), this);
return m_JSObject.get();
CStr IGUIObject::GetPresentableName() const
// __internal(), must be at least 13 letters to be able to be
// an internal name
if (m_Name.length() <= 12)
return m_Name;
if (m_Name.substr(0, 10) == "__internal")
return CStr("[unnamed object]");
return m_Name;
void IGUIObject::SetFocus()
GetGUI()->m_FocusedObject = this;
bool IGUIObject::IsFocused() const
return GetGUI()->m_FocusedObject == this;
bool IGUIObject::IsRootObject() const
return GetGUI() != 0 && m_pParent == GetGUI()->m_BaseObject;
void IGUIObject::TraceMember(JSTracer* trc)
for (std::pair<const CStr, JS::Heap<JSObject*>>& handler : m_ScriptHandlers)
JS_CallHeapObjectTracer(trc, &handler.second, "IGUIObject::m_ScriptHandlers");
PSRETURN IGUIObject::LogInvalidSettings(const CStr8& Setting) const
LOGWARNING("IGUIObject: setting %s was not found on an object", Setting.c_str());
return PSRETURN_GUI_InvalidSetting;