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#ifndef ADTS_H__
#define ADTS_H__
#include "lib.h"
#include <cfloat>
#include <cassert>
#include <list>
#include <map>
template<typename Key, typename T> class DHT_Traits
static const size_t initial_entries = 16;
size_t hash(Key key) const;
bool equal(Key k1, Key k2) const;
Key get_key(T t) const;
template<> class DHT_Traits<const char*, const char*>
static const size_t initial_entries = 512;
size_t hash(const char* key) const
return (size_t)fnv_lc_hash(key);
bool equal(const char* k1, const char* k2) const
return !strcmp(k1, k2);
const char* get_key(const char* t) const
return t;
// intended for pointer types
template<typename Key, typename T, typename Traits=DHT_Traits<Key,T> > class DynHashTbl
T* tbl;
u16 num_entries;
u16 max_entries; // when initialized, = 2**n for faster modulo
Traits tr;
T& get_slot(Key key) const
size_t hash = tr.hash(key);
debug_assert(max_entries != 0); // otherwise, mask will be incorrect
const uint mask = max_entries-1;
T& t = tbl[hash & mask];
// empty slot encountered => not found
return t;
// keys are actually equal => found it
if(tr.equal(key, tr.get_key(t)))
return t;
// keep going (linear probing)
void expand_tbl()
// alloc a new table (but don't assign it to <tbl> unless successful)
T* old_tbl = tbl;
tbl = (T*)calloc(max_entries*2, sizeof(T));
tbl = old_tbl;
throw std::bad_alloc();
max_entries += max_entries;
// must be set before get_slot
// newly initialized, nothing to copy - done
// re-hash from old table into the new one
for(size_t i = 0; i < max_entries/2u; i++)
T t = old_tbl[i];
get_slot(tr.get_key(t)) = t;
tbl = 0;
num_entries = 0;
max_entries = tr.initial_entries/2; // will be doubled in expand_tbl
void clear()
tbl = 0;
num_entries = 0;
// rationale: must not set to 0 because expand_tbl only doubles the size.
// don't keep the previous size because it may have become huge and
// there is no provision for shrinking.
max_entries = tr.initial_entries/2; // will be doubled in expand_tbl
void insert(const Key key, const T t)
// more than 75% full - increase table size.
// do so before determining slot; this will invalidate previous pnodes.
if(num_entries*4 >= max_entries*3)
T& slot = get_slot(key);
debug_assert(slot == 0); // not already present
slot = t;
T find(Key key) const
return get_slot(key);
size_t size() const
return num_entries;
class iterator
typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
typedef T value_type;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
typedef const T* pointer;
typedef const T& reference;
iterator(T* pos_, T* end_) : pos(pos_), end(end_)
T& operator*() const
return *pos;
iterator& operator++() // pre
while(pos != end && *pos == 0);
return (*this);
bool operator==(const iterator& rhs) const
return pos == rhs.pos;
bool operator<(const iterator& rhs) const
return (pos < rhs.pos);
// derived
const T* operator->() const
return &**this;
bool operator!=(const iterator& rhs) const
return !(*this == rhs);
iterator operator++(int) // post
iterator tmp = *this; ++*this; return tmp;
T* pos;
T* end;
// only used when incrementing (avoid going beyond end of table)
iterator begin() const
T* pos = tbl;
while(pos != tbl+max_entries && *pos == 0)
return iterator(pos, tbl+max_entries);
iterator end() const
return iterator(tbl+max_entries, 0);
2006-02-19 22:06:22 +01:00
Cache for items of variable size and value/"cost".
underlying displacement algorithm is pluggable; default is "Landlord".
template reference:
Entry provides size, cost, credit and credit_density().
- made a template instead of exposing Cache::Entry because
that would drag a lot of stuff out of Cache.
- calculates its own density since that entails a Divider functor,
which requires storage inside Entry.
Entries is a collection with iterator and begin()/end() and
"static Entry& entry_from_it(iterator)".
- STL map has pair<key, item> as its value_type, so this
function would return it->second. however, we want to support
other container types (where we'd just return *it).
Manager is a template parameterized on typename Key and class Entry.
its interface is as follows:
// is the cache empty?
bool empty() const;
// add (key, entry) to cache.
void add(Key key, const Entry& entry);
// if the entry identified by <key> is not in cache, return false;
// otherwise return true and pass back a pointer to it.
bool find(Key key, const Entry** pentry) const;
// remove an entry from cache, which is assumed to exist!
// this makes sense because callers will typically first use find() to
// return info about the entry; this also checks if present.
void remove(Key key);
// mark <entry> as just accessed for purpose of cache management.
// it will tend to be kept in cache longer.
void on_access(Entry& entry);
// caller's intent is to remove the least valuable entry.
// in implementing this, you have the latitude to "shake loose"
// several entries (e.g. because their 'value' is equal).
// they must all be push_back-ed into the list; Cache will dole
// them out one at a time in FIFO order to callers.
// rationale:
// - it is necessary for callers to receive a copy of the
// Entry being evicted - e.g. file_cache owns its items and
// they must be passed back to allocator when evicted.
// - e.g. Landlord can potentially see several entries become
// evictable in one call to remove_least_valuable. there are
// several ways to deal with this:
// 1) generator interface: we return one of { empty, nevermind,
// removed, remove-and-call-again }. this greatly complicates
// the call site.
// 2) return immediately after finding an item to evict.
// this changes cache behavior - entries stored at the
// beginning would be charged more often (unfair).
// resuming charging at the next entry doesn't work - this
// would have to be flushed when adding, at which time there
// is no provision for returning any items that may be evicted.
// 3) return list of all entries "shaken loose". this incurs
// frequent mem allocs, which can be alleviated via suballocator.
// note: an intrusive linked-list doesn't make sense because
// entries to be returned need to be copied anyway (they are
// removed from the manager's storage).
void remove_least_valuable(std::list<Entry>& entry_list)
// functors to calculate minimum credit density (MCD)
// MCD is required for the Landlord algorithm's evict logic.
// [Young02] calls it '\delta'.
// scan over all entries and return MCD.
template<class Entries> float ll_calc_min_credit_density(const Entries& entries)
float min_credit_density = FLT_MAX;
for(typename Entries::const_iterator it = entries.begin(); it != entries.end(); ++it)
min_credit_density = fminf(min_credit_density, Entries::entry_from_it(it).credit_density());
return min_credit_density;
// note: no warning is given that the MCD entry is being removed!
// (reduces overhead in remove_least_valuable)
// these functors must account for that themselves (e.g. by resetting
// their state directly after returning MCD).
// determine MCD by scanning over all entries.
// tradeoff: O(N) time complexity, but all notify* calls are no-ops.
template<class Entry, class Entries>
class McdCalc_Naive
void notify_added(const Entry&) const {}
void notify_decreased(const Entry&) const {}
void notify_impending_increase_or_remove(const Entry&) const {}
void notify_increased_or_removed(const Entry&) const {}
float operator()(const Entries& entries) const
return ll_calc_min_credit_density(entries);
// cache previous MCD and update it incrementally (when possible).
// tradeoff: amortized O(1) time complexity, but notify* calls must
// perform work whenever something in the cache changes.
template<class Entry, class Entries>
class McdCalc_Cached
McdCalc_Cached() : min_credit_density(FLT_MAX), min_valid(false) {}
void notify_added(const Entry& entry)
// when adding a new item, the minimum credit density can only
// decrease or remain the same; acting as if entry's credit had
// been decreased covers both cases.
void notify_decreased(const Entry& entry)
min_credit_density = MIN(min_credit_density, entry.credit_density());
void notify_impending_increase_or_remove(const Entry& entry)
// remember if this entry had the smallest density
is_min_entry = feq(min_credit_density, entry.credit_density());
void notify_increased_or_removed(const Entry& UNUSED(entry))
// .. it did and was increased or removed. we must invalidate
// MCD and recalculate it next time.
min_valid = false;
min_credit_density = -1.0f;
float operator()(const Entries& entries)
// the entry that has MCD will be removed anyway by caller;
// we need to invalidate here because they don't call
// notify_increased_or_removed.
min_valid = false;
return min_credit_density;
// this is somewhat counterintuitive. since we're calculating
// MCD directly, why not mark our cached version of it valid
// afterwards? reason is that our caller will remove the entry with
// MCD, so it'll be invalidated anyway.
// instead, our intent is to calculate MCD for the *next time*.
const float ret = ll_calc_min_credit_density(entries);
min_valid = true;
min_credit_density = FLT_MAX;
return ret;
float min_credit_density;
bool min_valid;
// temporary flag set by notify_impending_increase_or_remove
bool is_min_entry;
2006-02-19 22:06:22 +01:00
// Landlord cache management policy: see [Young02].
2006-02-19 22:06:22 +01:00
// in short, each entry has credit initially set to cost. when wanting to
// remove an item, all are charged according to MCD and their size;
// entries are evicted if their credit is exhausted. accessing an entry
// restores "some" of its credit.
template<typename Key, class Entry, template<class Entry, class Entries> class McdCalc = McdCalc_Cached>
class Landlord
bool empty() const
return map.empty();
void add(Key key, const Entry& entry)
// adapter for add_ (which returns an iterator)
(void)add_(key, entry);
bool find(Key key, const Entry** pentry) const
MapCIt it = map.find(key);
if(it == map.end())
return false;
*pentry = &it->second;
return true;
void remove(Key key)
MapIt it = map.find(key);
debug_assert(it != map.end());
void on_access(Entry& entry)
// Landlord algorithm calls for credit to be reset to anything
// between its current value and the cost.
const float gain = 0.75f; // restore most credit
entry.credit = gain*entry.cost + (1.0f-gain)*entry.credit;
void remove_least_valuable(std::list<Entry>& entry_list)
// we are required to evict at least one entry. one iteration
// ought to suffice, due to definition of min_credit_density and
// tolerance; however, we provide for repeating if necessary.
// messing with this (e.g. raising if tiny) would result in
// different evictions than Landlord_Lazy, which is unacceptable.
// nor is doing so necessary: if mcd is tiny, so is credit.
const float min_credit_density = mcd_calc(map);
for(MapIt it = map.begin(); it != map.end();) // no ++it
Entry& entry = it->second;
entry.credit -= min_credit_density * entry.size;
// annoying: we have to increment <it> before erasing
MapIt it_to_remove = it++;
goto again;
// note: use hash_map instead of map for better locality
// (relevant when iterating over all items in remove_least_valuable)
class Map : public STL_HASH_MAP<Key, Entry>
static Entry& entry_from_it(iterator it) { return it->second; }
static const Entry& entry_from_it(const_iterator it) { return it->second; }
typedef typename Map::iterator MapIt;
typedef typename Map::const_iterator MapCIt;
Map map;
// add entry and return iterator pointing to it.
MapIt add_(Key key, const Entry& entry)
typedef std::pair<MapIt, bool> PairIB;
typename Map::value_type val = std::make_pair(key, entry);
PairIB ret = map.insert(val);
debug_assert(ret.second); // must not already be in map
return ret.first;
// remove entry (given by iterator) directly.
void remove_(MapIt it)
const Entry& entry = it->second;
// for each entry, 'charge' it (i.e. reduce credit by) delta * its size.
// delta is typically MCD (see above); however, several such updates
// may be lumped together to save time. Landlord_Lazy does this.
void charge_all(float delta)
for(MapIt it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); ++it)
Entry& entry = it->second;
entry.credit -= delta * entry.size;
// is entry's credit exhausted? if so, it should be evicted.
bool should_evict(const Entry& entry)
// we need a bit of leeway because density calculations may not
// be exact. choose value carefully: must not be high enough to
// trigger false positives.
return entry.credit < 0.0001f;
McdCalc<Entry, Map> mcd_calc;
// Cache manger policies. (these are partial specializations of Landlord,
// adapting it to the template params required by Cache)
template<class Key, class Entry> class Landlord_Naive : public Landlord<Key, Entry, McdCalc_Naive> {};
template<class Key, class Entry> class Landlord_Cached: public Landlord<Key, Entry, McdCalc_Cached> {};
// variant of Landlord that adds a priority queue to directly determine
// which entry to evict. this allows lumping several charge operations
// together and thus reduces iteration over all entries.
// tradeoff: O(logN) removal (instead of N), but additional O(N) storage.
template<typename Key, class Entry>
class Landlord_Lazy : public Landlord_Naive<Key, Entry>
Landlord_Lazy() { pending_delta = 0.0f; }
void add(Key key, const Entry& entry)
// we must apply pending_delta now - otherwise, the existing delta
// would later be applied to this newly added item (incorrect).
MapIt it = Parent::add_(key, entry);
void remove(Key key)
// reconstruct pri_q from current map. this is slow (N*logN) and
// could definitely be done better, but we don't bother since
// remove is a very rare operation (e.g. invalidating entries).
for(MapCIt it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); ++it)
void on_access(Entry& entry)
// entry's credit was changed. we now need to reshuffle the
// pri queue to reflect this.
void remove_least_valuable(std::list<Entry>& entry_list)
MapIt least_valuable_it = pri_q.top(); pri_q.pop();
Entry& entry = Map::entry_from_it(least_valuable_it);
// add to pending_delta the MCD that would have resulted
// if removing least_valuable_it normally.
// first, calculate actual credit (i.e. apply pending_delta to
// this entry); then add the resulting density to pending_delta.
entry.credit -= pending_delta*entry.size;
const float credit_density = entry.credit_density();
debug_assert(credit_density > 0.0f);
pending_delta += credit_density;
typedef Landlord_Naive<Key, Entry> Parent;
// sort iterators by credit_density of the Entry they reference.
struct CD_greater
bool operator()(MapIt it1, MapIt it2) const
return Map::entry_from_it(it1).credit_density() >
// wrapper on top of priority_queue that allows 'heap re-sift'
// (see on_access).
// note: greater comparator makes pri_q.top() the one with
// LEAST credit_density, which is what we want.
class PriQ: public std::priority_queue<MapIt, std::vector<MapIt>, CD_greater>
void ensure_heap_order()
std::make_heap(c.begin(), c.end(), comp);
PriQ pri_q;
// delta values that have accumulated over several
// remove_least_valuable() calls. applied during add().
float pending_delta;
void commit_pending_delta()
if(pending_delta > 0.0f)
pending_delta = 0.0f;
// we've changed entry credit, so the heap order *may* have been
// violated; reorder the pri queue. (I don't think so,
// due to definition of delta, but we'll play it safe)
// functor that implements division of first arg by second
// this is used to calculate credit_density(); performance matters
// because this is called for each entry during each remove operation.
// floating-point division (fairly slow)
class Divider_Naive
Divider_Naive() {} // needed for default CacheEntry ctor
Divider_Naive(float UNUSED(x)) {}
float operator()(float val, float divisor) const
return val / divisor;
// caches reciprocal of divisor and multiplies by that.
// tradeoff: only 4 clocks (instead of 20), but 4 bytes extra per entry.
class Divider_Recip
float recip;
Divider_Recip() {} // needed for default CacheEntry ctor
Divider_Recip(float x) { recip = 1.0f / x; }
float operator()(float val, float divisor) const
return val / divisor;
// TODO: use SSE/3DNow RCP instruction? not yet, because not all systems
// support it and overhead of detecting this support eats into any gains.
// Cache
typename Key, typename Item,
2006-02-19 22:06:22 +01:00
// see documentation above for Manager's interface.
template<typename Key, class Entry> class Manager = Landlord_Cached,
class Divider = Divider_Recip
class Cache
Cache() : mgr() {}
void add(Key key, Item item, size_t size, uint cost)
return mgr.add(key, Entry(item, size, cost));
// remove the entry identified by <key>. expected usage is to check
// if present and determine size via retrieve(), so no need for
// error checking.
// useful for invalidating single cache entries.
void remove(Key key)
// if there is no entry for <key> in the cache, return false.
2006-02-19 22:06:22 +01:00
// otherwise, return true and pass back item and (optionally) size.
// if refill_credit (default), the cache manager 'rewards' this entry,
// tending to keep it in cache longer. this parameter is not used in
// normal operation - it's only for special cases where we need to
// make an end run around the cache accounting (e.g. for cache simulator).
bool retrieve(Key key, Item& item, size_t* psize = 0, bool refill_credit = true)
const Entry* entry;
if(!mgr.find(key, &entry))
return false;
item = entry->item;
*psize = entry->size;
return true;
// toss out the least valuable entry. return false if cache is empty,
// otherwise true and (optionally) pass back its item and size.
bool remove_least_valuable(Item* pItem = 0, size_t* pSize = 0)
return false;
// as an artefact of the cache eviction policy, several entries
// may be "shaken loose" by one call to remove_least_valuable.
// we cache them in a list to disburden callers (they always get
// exactly one).
const Entry& entry = entries_awaiting_eviction.front();
*pItem = entry.item;
*pSize = entry.size;
return true;
bool empty() const
return mgr.empty();
// this is applicable to all cache management policies and stores all
// required information. a Divider functor is used to implement
// division for credit_density.
template<class Divider> struct CacheEntry
Item item;
size_t size;
uint cost;
float credit;
Divider divider;
// needed for mgr.remove_least_valuable's entry_copy
CacheEntry() {}
CacheEntry(Item item_, size_t size_, uint cost_)
: item(item_), divider((float)size_)
size = size_;
cost = cost_;
credit = cost;
float credit_density() const
return divider(credit, (float)size);
typedef CacheEntry<Divider> Entry;
// see note in remove_least_valuable().
std::list<Entry> entries_awaiting_eviction;
Manager<Key, Entry> mgr;
// FIFO bit queue
struct BitBuf
ulong buf;
ulong cur; // bit to be appended (toggled by add())
ulong len; // |buf| [bits]
void reset()
buf = 0;
cur = 0;
len = 0;
// toggle current bit if desired, and add to buffer (new bit is LSB)
void add(ulong toggle)
cur ^= toggle;
buf <<= 1;
buf |= cur;
// extract LS n bits
uint extract(ulong n)
ulong i = buf & ((1ul << n) - 1);
buf >>= n;
return i;
// ring buffer - static array, accessible modulo n
template<class T, size_t n> class RingBuf
size_t size_; // # of entries in buffer
size_t head; // index of oldest item
size_t tail; // index of newest item
T data[n];
RingBuf() : data() { clear(); }
void clear() { size_ = 0; head = 0; tail = n-1; }
size_t size() { return size_; }
bool empty() { return size_ == 0; }
const T& operator[](int ofs) const
size_t idx = (size_t)(head + ofs);
return data[idx % n];
T& operator[](int ofs)
size_t idx = (size_t)(head + ofs);
return data[idx % n];
T& front()
return data[head];
const T& front() const
return data[head];
T& back()
return data[tail];
const T& back() const
return data[tail];
void push_back(const T& item)
if(size_ < n)
// do not complain - overwriting old values is legit
// (e.g. sliding window).
head = (head + 1) % n;
tail = (tail + 1) % n;
data[tail] = item;
void pop_front()
if(size_ != 0)
head = (head + 1) % n;
class iterator
typedef std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
typedef T value_type;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
typedef T* pointer;
typedef T& reference;
iterator() : data(0), pos(0)
iterator(T* data_, size_t pos_) : data(data_), pos(pos_)
T& operator[](int idx) const
{ return data[(pos+idx) % n]; }
T& operator*() const
{ return data[pos % n]; }
T* operator->() const
{ return &**this; }
iterator& operator++() // pre
{ ++pos; return (*this); }
iterator operator++(int) // post
{ iterator tmp = *this; ++*this; return tmp; }
bool operator==(const iterator& rhs) const
{ return data == rhs.data && pos == rhs.pos; }
bool operator!=(const iterator& rhs) const
{ return !(*this == rhs); }
bool operator<(const iterator& rhs) const
{ return (pos < rhs.pos); }
iterator& operator+=(difference_type ofs)
{ pos += ofs; return *this; }
iterator& operator-=(difference_type ofs)
{ return (*this += -ofs); }
iterator operator+(difference_type ofs) const
{ iterator tmp = *this; return (tmp += ofs); }
iterator operator-(difference_type ofs) const
{ iterator tmp = *this; return (tmp -= ofs); }
difference_type operator-(const iterator right) const
{ return (difference_type)(pos - right.pos); }
T* data;
size_t pos;
// not mod-N so that begin != end when buffer is full.
class const_iterator
typedef std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
typedef T value_type;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
typedef const T* pointer;
typedef const T& reference;
const_iterator() : data(0), pos(0)
const_iterator(const T* data_, size_t pos_) : data(data_), pos(pos_)
const T& operator[](int idx) const
{ return data[(pos+idx) % n]; }
const T& operator*() const
{ return data[pos % n]; }
const T* operator->() const
{ return &**this; }
const_iterator& operator++() // pre
{ ++pos; return (*this); }
const_iterator operator++(int) // post
{ const_iterator tmp = *this; ++*this; return tmp; }
bool operator==(const const_iterator& rhs) const
{ return data == rhs.data && pos == rhs.pos; }
bool operator!=(const const_iterator& rhs) const
{ return !(*this == rhs); }
bool operator<(const const_iterator& rhs) const
{ return (pos < rhs.pos); }
iterator& operator+=(difference_type ofs)
{ pos += ofs; return *this; }
iterator& operator-=(difference_type ofs)
{ return (*this += -ofs); }
iterator operator+(difference_type ofs) const
{ iterator tmp = *this; return (tmp += ofs); }
iterator operator-(difference_type ofs) const
{ iterator tmp = *this; return (tmp -= ofs); }
difference_type operator-(const iterator right) const
{ return (difference_type)(pos - right.pos); }
const T* data;
size_t pos;
// not mod-N so that begin != end when buffer is full.
iterator begin()
return iterator(data, (size_ < n)? 0 : head);
const_iterator begin() const
return const_iterator(data, (size_ < n)? 0 : head);
iterator end()
return iterator(data, (size_ < n)? size_ : head+n);
const_iterator end() const
return const_iterator(data, (size_ < n)? size_ : head+n);
// cache
// owns a pool of resources (Entry-s), associated with a 64 bit id.
// typical use: add all available resources to the cache via grow();
// assign() ids to the resources, and update the resource data if necessary;
// retrieve() the resource, given id.
template<class Entry> class LRUCache
// 'give' Entry to the cache.
int grow(Entry& e)
// add to front of LRU list, but not index
// (since we don't have an id yet)
return 0;
// find the least-recently used line; associate id with it,
// and return its Entry. fails (returns 0) if id is already
// associated, or all lines are locked.
Entry* assign(u64 id)
debug_warn("assign: id already in cache!");
return 0;
// scan in least->most used order for first non-locked entry
List_iterator l = lru_list.end();
while(l != lru_list.begin())
if(l->refs == 0)
goto have_line;
// all are locked and cannot be displaced.
// caller should grow() enough lines so that this never happens.
debug_warn("assign: all lines locked - grow() more lines");
return 0;
// update mapping (index)
idx[id] = l;
l->id = id;
return &l->ent;
// find line identified by id; return its entry or 0 if not in cache.
Entry* retrieve(u64 id)
// invalid: id 0 denotes not-yet-associated lines
if(id == 0)
debug_warn("retrieve: id 0 not allowed");
return 0;
Line* l = find_line(id);
return l? &l->ent : 0;
// add/release a reference to a line, to protect it against
// displacement via associate(). we verify refs >= 0.
int lock(u64 id, bool locked)
Line* l = find_line(id);
return -1;
debug_assert(l->refs > 0);
return 0;
// implementation:
// cache lines are stored in a list, most recently used in front.
// a map finds the list entry containing a given id in log-time.
struct Line
u64 id;
Entry ent;
int refs; // protect from displacement if > 0
Line(Entry& _ent)
id = 0;
ent = _ent;
refs = 0;
typedef std::list<Line> List;
typedef typename List::iterator List_iterator;
List lru_list;
typedef std::map<u64, List_iterator> Map;
Map idx;
// return the line identified by id, or 0 if not in cache.
// mark it as the most recently used line.
Line* find_line(u64 id)
typename Map::const_iterator i = idx.find(id);
// not found
if(i == idx.end())
return 0;
// index points us to list entry
List_iterator l = i->second;
// mark l as the most recently used line.
lru_list.splice(lru_list.begin(), lru_list, l);
idx[l->id] = l;
return &*l;
// expansible hash table (linear probing)
// from VFS, not currently needed
#if 0
template<class T> class StringMap
T* add(const char* fn, T& t)
const FnHash fn_hash = fnv_hash(fn);
t.name = fn;
std::pair<FnHash, T> item = std::make_pair(fn_hash, t);
std::pair<MapIt, bool> res;
res = map.insert(item);
debug_warn("add: already in container");
return 0;
// return address of user data (T) inserted into container.
return &((res.first)->second);
T* find(const char* fn)
const FnHash fn_hash = fnv_hash(fn);
MapIt it = map.find(fn_hash);
// O(log(size))
if(it == map.end())
return 0;
return &it->second;
size_t size() const
return map.size();
void clear()
typedef std::map<FnHash, T> Map;
typedef typename Map::iterator MapIt;
Map map;
class iterator
iterator(typename StringMap<T>::MapIt _it)
{ it = _it; }
T& operator*() const
{ return it->second; }
T* operator->() const
{ return &**this; }
iterator& operator++() // pre
{ ++it; return (*this); }
bool operator==(const iterator& rhs) const
{ return it == rhs.it; }
bool operator!=(const iterator& rhs) const
{ return !(*this == rhs); }
typename StringMap<T>::MapIt it;
iterator begin()
{ return iterator(map.begin()); }
iterator end()
{ return iterator(map.end()); }
template<class Key, class Data> class PriMap
int add(Key key, uint pri, Data& data)
Item item = std::make_pair(pri, data);
MapEntry ent = std::make_pair(key, item);
std::pair<MapIt, bool> ret;
ret = map.insert(ent);
// already in map
MapIt it = ret.first;
Item item = it->second;
const uint old_pri = item.first;
Data& old_data = item.second;
// new data is of higher priority; replace older data
if(old_pri <= pri)
old_data = data;
return 0;
// new data is of lower priority; don't add
return 1;
return 0;
Data* find(Key key)
MapIt it = map.find(key);
if(it == map.end())
return 0;
return &it->second.second;
void clear()
typedef std::pair<uint, Data> Item;
typedef std::pair<Key, Item> MapEntry;
typedef std::map<Key, Item> Map;
typedef typename Map::iterator MapIt;
Map map;
#endif // #if 0
#endif // #ifndef ADTS_H__