forked from 0ad/0ad

#Implementing stats for Greek units and heroes.

This was SVN commit r6524.
This commit is contained in:
Michael D. Hafer 2008-11-25 08:29:38 +00:00
parent ed3b0760ac
commit ccfb5249e2
33 changed files with 214 additions and 373 deletions

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
<variant frequency="100" name="Base">
<animation file="biped/inf_sword_ready_e.dae" name="Idle" speed="100"/>
<animation file="biped/inf_sword_ready_e.dae" name="Idle" speed="85"/>
<animation file="biped/dudewalk_swordshield.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
<animation file="infantry/sword/move/run/isw_s_off_01.psa" name="Run" speed="6"/>
<animation file="infantry/sword/move/run/isw_s_def_em_off.dae" name="Run" speed="6"/>

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@ -6,9 +6,11 @@
<variant frequency="100" name="Base">
<animation file="infantry/sword/idle/isw_idle_b_01.dae" name="Idle" speed="100"/>
<animation file="infantry/sword/idle/isw_idle_b_01.dae" name="Idle" speed="90"/>
<animation file="infantry/sword/idle/isw_idle_b_01.dae" name="Idle" speed="80"/>
<animation file="biped/inf_sword_ready_a.dae" name="Idle" speed="100"/>
<animation file="biped/inf_sword_ready_a.dae" name="Idle" speed="90"/>
<animation file="biped/inf_sword_ready_a.dae" name="Idle" speed="85"/>
<animation file="biped/inf_sword_ready_a.dae" name="Idle" speed="50"/>
<animation file="biped/inf_sword_ready_b.dae" name="Idle" speed="110"/>
<animation file="biped/dudewalk_swordshield.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
<animation file="infantry/sword/move/run/isw_s_off_01.psa" name="Run" speed="8"/>
<animation event="0.5" file="infantry/sword/attack/isw_s_em_04.psa" name="Attack" speed="120"/>

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@ -2,36 +2,12 @@
<Entity Parent="template_structure_military_fortress">
<History>The Akropolis was usually a fortified citadel in the upper part of the city. The Athenian Akropolis was renowned for its marvellous temples, among which was the Parthenon, while the Acro-Corinthus was highly prized by the Macedonians for its strategic location and good defences.</History>
<Tooltip>Trains Heroes and builds Siege Engines.</Tooltip>
<Tooltip>Builds Siege Engines. Can garrison many soldiers inside for defense.</Tooltip>

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@ -2,16 +2,11 @@
<Entity Parent="template_structure_special">
<History>The gymnasion was a vital place in Hellenistic polises, where physical exercises were performed and social contacts established.</History>
<Tooltip>Train Super Units and researches Osthimos technology.</Tooltip>

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@ -3,23 +3,34 @@
<Entity Parent="template_structure_special">
<History>The Tholos was the meeting house of the city fathers and official dining hall of the state. Most Greeks cities had a Tholos somewhere within their walls.</History>
<Tooltip>Special Building. Trains Heroes and Researches Special Technologies.</Tooltip>

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@ -2,43 +2,22 @@
<Entity Parent="template_unit_super_cavalry">
<Classes>Hero, Military, Organic</Classes>
@ -51,7 +30,6 @@
@ -59,13 +37,10 @@
@ -73,22 +48,14 @@

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@ -2,14 +2,10 @@
<Entity Parent="template_unit_super_infantry">
<Classes>Hero, Military, Organic</Classes>
@ -17,26 +13,15 @@
@ -44,13 +29,10 @@
@ -65,13 +47,14 @@

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@ -15,15 +15,6 @@
@ -48,7 +39,6 @@
@ -61,13 +51,9 @@

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@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
@ -57,14 +57,19 @@

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@ -44,14 +44,19 @@

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@ -41,6 +41,7 @@

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@ -36,8 +36,16 @@

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@ -8,9 +8,6 @@
<History>Brennus is the name which the Roman historians give to the famous leader of the Gauls who took Rome in the time of Camillus. According to Geoffrey, the brothers invaded Gaul and sacked Rome in 390 B.C., "proving" that Britons had conquered Rome, the greatest civilization in the world, long before Rome conquered the Britons. We know from many ancient sources which predate Geoffrey that Rome was indeed sacked in 390 B.C., and that the raid was led by a man named Brennus, but he and his invading horde were Gallic, not British. In this episode several features of Geoffrey's editing method can be seen: he modified the historical Brennus, created the brother Belinus, borrowed the Gallic invasion, but omitted the parts where the Gauls seemed weak or foolish. His technique is both additive and subtractive. Like the tale of Trojan origin, the story of the sack of Rome is not pure fabrication; it is a creative rearrangement of the available facts, with details added as necessary. By virtue of their historical association, Beli and Bran are often muddled with the earlier brothers Belinus and Brennus (the sons of Porrex) who contended for power in northern Britain in around 390 BC, and were regarded as gods in old Celtic tradition.</History>
<Tooltip>Hero Aura: +5 Metal loot for every enemey unit killed.</Tooltip>
@ -28,7 +25,17 @@

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@ -32,7 +32,17 @@

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@ -1,22 +1,13 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_hero">
<History>Caratacos's name is better known in its Romanized form, Caratacus. Under this name he is remembered as a fierce defender of Britain against the Romans after their invasion in 43 AD. Son of King Cynvelin of the Catuvellauni tribe, Caratacos fought for nine years against the Romans with little success, eventually fleeing to the tribes in Wales, where he was defeated decisively. Finally he entered Northern Britain, where was handed over to the Romans. Taken to Rome, Caratacos was allowed to live by the Emperor Claudius and died in Italy.</History>
<Tooltip>Hero Aura: Increased Speed for all units during his lifetime.</Tooltip>
@ -33,7 +24,17 @@

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@ -45,7 +45,7 @@

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@ -1,26 +1,13 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_hero_cavalry">
<History>The most famous of all Celts, Vercingetorix lead the rebelling Gallic tribes against the might of Rome and Julius Caesar’s veteran army in 54 BC. Although successful in defeating several Roman forces, Vercingetorix was unable to defeat Caesar, who eventually surrounded the Celtic leaders in the town of Alesia along with 100,000 men. When a relief army arrived to lift the epic siege, the Romans were out numbered 7 to 1 but still defeated the Celts. Vercingetorix surrendered and was executed.</History>
<Tooltip>Hero Aura: Increased attack for all units within his aura.</Tooltip>
@ -39,35 +26,23 @@

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@ -1,19 +1,13 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_hero">
<Entity Parent="template_unit_hero_cavalry">
<History>The most powerful hero of them all - son of Philip II, king of Macedonia (336 BC - 323 BC). After conquering the rest of the Thracians and quelling the unrest of the Greeks, Alexander embarked on a world-conquest march. Defeating the Persian forces at Granicus (334 BC), Issus (333 BC) and Gaugamela (331 BC), he became master of the Persian Empire. Entering India, he defeated king Porus at Hydaspes (326 BC), but his weary troops made him halt. Died in Babylon at the age of 33 while planning a campaign against Arabia.</History>
<Tooltip>Hero Aura: Increased Cavalry and Super Cavalry Attack</Tooltip>
<Tooltip>Hero Aura: Increased Cavalry and Super Cavalry Attack and Speed. "Herocide" attack bonus vs. enemy Heroes.</Tooltip>
@ -21,33 +15,23 @@
@ -59,15 +43,15 @@

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@ -2,33 +2,37 @@
<Entity Parent="template_unit_hero">
<History>One of the Diadochi, king of Macedonia (294 BC - 288 BC), Demetrius was renowned as one of the bravest and most able successors of Alexander. As the son of Antigonus I Monophtalmus, he fought and won many important battles early on and was proclaimed king, along with his father, in 306 BC. Losing his Asian possessions after the battle of Ipsus, he later won the Macedonian throne. Fearing lest they should be overpowered by Demetrius, the other Diadochi united against him and defeated him.</History>
<Tooltip>Hero Aura: Increased Range and Attack for Siege Engines.</Tooltip>
@ -38,17 +42,16 @@

View File

@ -1,16 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_hero">
<Entity Parent="template_unit_hero_infantry">
<History>The king of Sparta, whom fought and died at the battle of Thermopylae in 480 BC. He successfully blocked the way of the huge Persian army through the narrow passage with his 7000 men, until Xerxes was made aware of a secret unobstructed path. Finding the enemy at his rear, Leonidas sent home most of his troops, choosing to stay behind with 300 hand-picked hoplites and win time for the others to withdraw.</History>
<Tooltip>Hero Aura: Increased Spartiate and Hoplite Attack.</Tooltip>
@ -27,12 +22,12 @@
@ -44,22 +39,19 @@

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@ -1,16 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_hero">
<Entity Parent="template_unit_hero_cavalry">
<Specific>Philip II</Specific>
<History>The king of Macedonia (359 BC - 336 BC), he carried out vast monetary and military reforms in order to make his kingdom the most powerful force in the Greek world. Greatly enlarged the size of Macedonia by conquering much of Thrace and subduing the Greeks. Murdered in Aegae while planning a campaign against Persia.</History>
<Tooltip>Hero Aura: Increased Attack for Super Units.</Tooltip>
@ -20,12 +15,6 @@
@ -35,31 +24,30 @@

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@ -1,16 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_hero">
<Entity Parent="template_unit_hero_infantry">
<History>The general whom persuaded the Athenians to invest their income from silver mines in a war navy of 200 Triremes. A key figure during the Persian Wars, he commanded the victorious Athenian navy at the decisive battle of Salamis in 479 BC. Later, he pursued an active policy against the Persians in the Aegean, thereby laying the foundations of future Athenian power. Ostracised by the Athenians, he was forced to flee to the protection of the Persians.</History>
<Tooltip>Hero Aura: Increased Move Speed and decreased Build Time for Warships.</Tooltip>
@ -21,14 +16,14 @@
@ -43,17 +38,12 @@

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@ -14,15 +14,30 @@
<History>Xenophon (c. 430 B. C. to c. 355 B. C.) was a Greek soldier and (later) historian who was born in Athens of an oligarch family and was a student of Socrates during his youth. He was elected one of the new Greek leaders chosen to lead the army in its retreat out of Persia. Xenophon went on to fight and lead troops in numerous battles then later write numerous books on military tactics, organization and command throughout the remainder of his lifetime.</History>
<Tooltip>Hero Aura: Increased Armour and Speed to units within his Formation. Increased Speed to Thracian Peltasts during his lifetime.</Tooltip>

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@ -3,29 +3,14 @@
<Entity Parent="template_unit_infantry_ranged_archer">
<History>Archers were used in Hellenistic armies to support the phalanx by splitting up enemy formations. The best Greek archers were from Crete, but mercenaries from Scythia and Asia Minor were sometimes employed. Hellenistic archers wore their quivers on their backs and the more successful ones were able to procure armor.</History>
@ -35,17 +20,10 @@
<Gymnasion />
<Tholos />

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@ -2,15 +2,10 @@
<Entity Parent="template_unit_infantry_ranged_javelinist">
<Specific>Thracian Peltast</Specific>
<History>Peltasts were javelinists originating in Thrace but their form of combat was widely copied by the Greeks, Macedonians, and Persians. Equipped with a small oval or crescent shield, a peltast would charge at enemy formations whilst hurling his javelins then fall back to avoid close combat. They wore no armor and were at a significant disadvantage against heavy infantry and cavalry, relying on their speed for survival.</History>
@ -18,18 +13,14 @@
@ -39,19 +30,12 @@
<Gymnasion />
<Tholos />

View File

@ -2,15 +2,10 @@
<Entity Parent="template_unit_infantry_melee_spearman">
<History>Hoplites were the very symbol of Hellenistic prestige and citizenship, armed with a spear and a large round, bronze-coated shield known as a hoplon. Armor was heavy, with bronze helmets and a cuirass of either bronze or linen, in addition to greaves. Hoplites fought in a tight formation called a phalanx, guarding each other with their shields while they attacked the enemy with their spear or a short iron sword.</History>
@ -18,20 +13,13 @@
@ -40,6 +28,7 @@
<Gymnasion />
<Tholos />
@ -55,9 +44,9 @@

View File

@ -2,21 +2,16 @@
<Entity Parent="template_unit_super_cavalry">
<History>Macedonian noblemen made up this elite cavalry unit, which was key to victory for Macedonian kings starting with Philip II, who increased their number from 600 to several thousand. The Companion Cavalry was also a preferred general stand.</History>
<Tooltip>Bonused vs. Cavalry and Archers. Weak vs. Super Units.</Tooltip>
@ -26,26 +21,32 @@

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@ -2,23 +2,18 @@
<Entity Parent="template_unit_super_infantry">
<History>'Foot Companions', these were the elite troops from the Macedonian phalanx, whom carried their Sarissas with both hands, the white shields being attached to their armour. The Sarissa and the new tactics they used were developed by Philip II under Theban influence. If properly protected by cavalry on both sides, the Pezhetairoi were virtually invincible to any kind of enemy unit. They were always deployed in deep formations of 16+.</History>
<Tooltip>Bonused vs. Cavalry and Infantry. Weak vs. Ranged Units. Uses the Syntagma Formation.</Tooltip>
@ -27,7 +22,7 @@

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@ -2,29 +2,25 @@
<Entity Parent="template_unit_super_infantry">
<History>The Spartans had a very peculiar form of government which enabled them to be professional soldiers. It not only enabled them, but actually forced them to be superior soldiers as a small group of Spartans had to dominate an enormous number of subjects and unwilling allies. The Spartan army was superior in Hellas, and in the rest of the known world. No other army was so well trained, and had such excellent equipment. They believed that traditional training was the key to success, and for centuries they were correct, as they never lost a battle in spite of their small numbers. Ironically enough, this concept ended the Spartan supremacy, as the Spartan phalanx could not resist the new sloped Theban phalanx and the invading integrated Macedonian forces. The end of the Spartan power marked the end of the domination of the phalanx.</History>
<Tooltip>Bonused vs. Melee Cavalry and Infantry. Weak vs. Ranged Infantry and Ranged Cavalry. Long Train Time. Small bonus vs. All Persian Units.</Tooltip>
<Tooltip>Bonused vs. Melee Cavalry and Infantry. Weak vs. Ranged Infantry and Ranged Cavalry. Long Train Time. Small bonus vs. All Persian Units.</Tooltip>
@ -38,11 +34,9 @@

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@ -2,15 +2,10 @@
<Entity Parent="template_unit_super_ranged">
<History>Ekdromos (literally: out runner) was a development of the hoplite. Development of the hoplite took many twists and turns based on the changing dynamics on the field of battle. Once armies began using Peltasts imported from Thrace something had to be done to counter this barrage of javelins thrown into the midst of a phalanx. The Thebans began to increase the armor of their hoplites, but the Athenians took a completely different approach and lightened the load for their infantry. The Ekdromoi would dash out from the phalanx, close with the enemy ranged units at speed, and cut them down at will. This approach also worked to harass more heavily armed troops as well, the enemy carrying too much weight to catch the vexatious Ekdromoi.</History>
<Tooltip>Bonused vs. Support Units and Ranged Units. Weak vs. Melee Units. Fast Move Speed.</Tooltip>
@ -26,7 +21,7 @@
@ -39,7 +34,7 @@