forked from 0ad/0ad
Ykkrosh 0d172264f8 # Add -archivebuild mode to generate .zip files for releases, with automatic compression of textures.
Fix terrain manager to understand .cached.dds files.
Fix IArchiveWriter so you can pass it absolute paths of files to load,
and different relative paths for storing inside the archive.
Fix fs_util::ForEachFile when called on the VFS root.

This was SVN commit r8130.
2010-09-18 18:21:00 +00:00

216 lines
6.5 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 2010 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "precompiled.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include "TerrainTextureManager.h"
#include "TerrainTextureEntry.h"
#include "TerrainProperties.h"
#include "lib/res/graphics/ogl_tex.h"
#include "lib/ogl.h"
#include "lib/timer.h"
#include "ps/CLogger.h"
#include "ps/Filesystem.h"
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#define LOG_CATEGORY L"graphics"
void CTerrainTextureManager::UnloadTerrainTextures()
for (size_t i=0; i < m_TextureEntries.size(); i++)
delete m_TextureEntries[i];
TerrainGroupMap::iterator it = m_TerrainGroups.begin();
while (it != m_TerrainGroups.end())
delete it->second;
m_LastGroupIndex = 0;
CTerrainTextureEntry* CTerrainTextureManager::FindTexture(const CStr& tag_)
CStr tag(tag_);
// Strip extension off of tag
long pos=tag.ReverseFind(".");
if (pos != -1)
tag = tag.substr(0, pos);
for (size_t i=0;i<m_TextureEntries.size();i++)
if (m_TextureEntries[i]->GetTag() == tag)
return m_TextureEntries[i];
LOG(CLogger::Warning, LOG_CATEGORY, L"CTerrainTextureManager: Couldn't find terrain %hs", tag.c_str());
return 0;
CTerrainPropertiesPtr CTerrainTextureManager::GetPropertiesFromFile(const CTerrainPropertiesPtr& props, const VfsPath& pathname)
return CTerrainProperties::FromXML(props, pathname);
CTerrainTextureEntry *CTerrainTextureManager::AddTexture(const CTerrainPropertiesPtr& props, const VfsPath& path)
CTerrainTextureEntry *entry = new CTerrainTextureEntry(props, path);
return entry;
void CTerrainTextureManager::DeleteTexture(CTerrainTextureEntry* entry)
typedef std::vector<CTerrainTextureEntry*>::iterator Iter;
Iter i=std::find(m_TextureEntries.begin(),m_TextureEntries.end(),entry);
if (i!=m_TextureEntries.end()) {
delete entry;
// FIXME This could be effectivized by surveying the xml files in the directory
// instead of trial-and-error checking for existence of the xml file through
// the VFS.
// jw: indeed this is inefficient and RecurseDirectory should be implemented
// via VFSUtil::EnumFiles, but it works fine and "only" takes 25ms for
// typical maps. therefore, we'll leave it for now.
void CTerrainTextureManager::LoadTextures(const CTerrainPropertiesPtr& props, const VfsPath& path)
VfsPaths pathnames;
if(fs_util::GetPathnames(g_VFS, path, 0, pathnames) < 0)
// If we have any .cached.dds files then strip that extension to get the
// 'real' texture name
for(size_t i = 0; i < pathnames.size(); i++)
if(boost::algorithm::ends_with(pathnames[i].leaf(), L".cached.dds"))
pathnames[i] = pathnames[i].branch_path() / boost::algorithm::erase_last_copy(pathnames[i].leaf(), L".cached.dds");
// Remove any duplicates created by the stripping
std::sort(pathnames.begin(), pathnames.end());
pathnames.erase(std::unique(pathnames.begin(), pathnames.end()), pathnames.end());
for(size_t i = 0; i < pathnames.size(); i++)
// skip files that obviously aren't textures.
// note: this loop runs for each file in dir, even .xml;
// we should skip those to avoid spurious "texture load failed".
// we can't use FindFile's filter param because new texture formats
// may later be added and that interface doesn't support specifying
// multiple extensions.
VfsPath pathnameXML = fs::change_extension(pathnames[i], L".xml");
CTerrainPropertiesPtr myprops;
// Has XML file -> attempt to load properties
if (FileExists(pathnameXML))
myprops = GetPropertiesFromFile(props, pathnameXML);
if (myprops)
LOG(CLogger::Normal, LOG_CATEGORY, L"CTerrainTextureManager: Successfully loaded override xml %ls for texture %ls", pathnameXML.string().c_str(), pathnames[i].string().c_str());
// Error or non-existant xml file -> use parent props
if (!myprops)
myprops = props;
AddTexture(myprops, pathnames[i]);
void CTerrainTextureManager::RecurseDirectory(const CTerrainPropertiesPtr& parentProps, const VfsPath& path)
//LOG(CLogger::Normal, LOG_CATEGORY, L"CTextureManager::RecurseDirectory(%ls)", path.string().c_str());
CTerrainPropertiesPtr props;
// Load terrains.xml first, if it exists
VfsPath pathname = path/L"terrains.xml";
if (FileExists(pathname))
props = GetPropertiesFromFile(parentProps, pathname);
// No terrains.xml, or read failures -> use parent props (i.e.
if (!props)
LOG(CLogger::Normal, LOG_CATEGORY, L"CTerrainTextureManager::RecurseDirectory(%ls): no terrains.xml (or errors while loading) - using parent properties", path.string().c_str());
props = parentProps;
// Recurse once for each subdirectory
DirectoryNames subdirectoryNames;
(void)g_VFS->GetDirectoryEntries(path, 0, &subdirectoryNames);
for (size_t i=0;i<subdirectoryNames.size();i++)
VfsPath subdirectoryPath = AddSlash(path/subdirectoryNames[i]);
RecurseDirectory(props, subdirectoryPath);
LoadTextures(props, path);
int CTerrainTextureManager::LoadTerrainTextures()
RecurseDirectory(CTerrainPropertiesPtr(), L"art/textures/terrain/types/");
return 0;
CTerrainGroup* CTerrainTextureManager::FindGroup(const CStr& name)
TerrainGroupMap::const_iterator it=m_TerrainGroups.find(name);
if (it != m_TerrainGroups.end())
return it->second;
return m_TerrainGroups[name] = new CTerrainGroup(name, ++m_LastGroupIndex);
void CTerrainGroup::AddTerrain(CTerrainTextureEntry *pTerrain)
void CTerrainGroup::RemoveTerrain(CTerrainTextureEntry *pTerrain)
std::vector<CTerrainTextureEntry *>::iterator it;
it=find(m_Terrains.begin(), m_Terrains.end(), pTerrain);
if (it != m_Terrains.end())