forked from 0ad/0ad
Matei 0ed2815c8b Added initial version of LOS, and updated minimap to show both LOS and water.
LOS issues still outstanding:
- LOS looks ugly because of quad tesselation into 2 triangles
- Quad tesselation is unspecified by OpenGL (in fact using GL_QUADS on
LOS quads seemed to give different tesselations than it did for the
underlying terrain quads, but terrain rendering also used GL_QUADS).
This should be fixed once we decide on the quad tesselation issue.
- Units with traits.vision.permanent set are visible through FOW even if
you havent seen them before; this should only be true when you have seen
them before. But it gets even more complicated - if a permanent unit
seen through FOW dies or gets upgraded or something, perhaps you should
remember the old version. I'm not completely sure how to do this
(probably involves cloning its actor somehow).

This was SVN commit r2876.
2005-10-09 03:43:03 +00:00

366 lines
10 KiB
Executable File

#include "precompiled.h"
#include "BaseEntity.h"
#include "ObjectManager.h"
#include "CStr.h"
#include "ps/XML/Xeromyces.h"
#include "CLogger.h"
#define LOG_CATEGORY "entity"
m_base = NULL;
AddProperty( L"tag", &m_Tag, false );
AddProperty( L"parent", &m_base, false );
AddProperty( L"actions.move.speed", &m_speed );
AddProperty( L"actions.move.turningradius", &m_turningRadius );
AddProperty( L"actions.attack.range", &( m_melee.m_MaxRange ) );
AddProperty( L"actions.attack.rangemin", &( m_melee.m_MinRange ) );
AddProperty( L"actions.attack.speed", &( m_melee.m_Speed ) );
AddProperty( L"actions.gather.range", &( m_gather.m_MaxRange ) );
AddProperty( L"actions.gather.rangemin", &( m_gather.m_MinRange ) );
AddProperty( L"actions.gather.speed", &( m_gather.m_Speed ) );
AddProperty( L"actor", &m_actorName );
AddProperty( L"traits.extant", &m_extant );
AddProperty( L"traits.corpse", &m_corpse );
AddProperty( L"traits.health.curr", &m_healthCurr );
AddProperty( L"traits.health.max", &m_healthMax );
AddProperty( L"traits.health.bar_height", &m_healthBarHeight );
AddProperty( L"traits.minimap.type", &m_minimapType );
AddProperty( L"traits.minimap.red", &m_minimapR );
AddProperty( L"traits.minimap.green", &m_minimapG );
AddProperty( L"traits.minimap.blue", &m_minimapB );
AddProperty( L"traits.anchor.type", &m_anchorType );
AddProperty( L"traits.vision.los", &m_los );
AddProperty( L"traits.vision.permanent", &m_permanent );
for( int t = 0; t < EVENT_LAST; t++ )
AddProperty( EventNames[t], &m_EventHandlers[t], false );
AddHandler( t, &m_EventHandlers[t] );
// Initialize, make life a little easier on the scriptors
m_speed = m_turningRadius = 0.0f;
m_extant = true; m_corpse = CStrW();
m_bound_type = CBoundingObject::BOUND_NONE;
m_bound_circle = NULL;
m_bound_box = NULL;
if( m_bound_box )
delete( m_bound_box );
if( m_bound_circle )
delete( m_bound_circle );
void CBaseEntity::loadBase()
// Don't bother if we're providing a replacement.
if( m_bound_type == CBoundingObject::BOUND_NONE )
if( m_base->m_bound_type == CBoundingObject::BOUND_CIRCLE )
m_bound_circle = new CBoundingCircle();
m_bound_circle->setRadius( m_base->m_bound_circle->m_radius );
m_bound_circle->setHeight( m_base->m_bound_circle->m_height );
else if( m_base->m_bound_type == CBoundingObject::BOUND_OABB )
m_bound_box = new CBoundingBox();
m_bound_box->setDimensions( m_base->m_bound_box->getWidth(), m_base->m_bound_box->getDepth() );
m_bound_box->setHeight( m_base->m_bound_box->m_height );
m_bound_type = m_base->m_bound_type;
SetBase( m_base );
m_classes.SetParent( &( m_base->m_classes ) );
SetNextObject( m_base );
jsval CBaseEntity::getClassSet()
STL_HASH_SET<CStrW, CStrW_hash_compare>::iterator it;
it = m_classes.m_Set.begin();
CStrW result = *( it++ );
for( ; it != m_classes.m_Set.end(); it++ )
result += L" " + *it;
return( ToJSVal( result ) );
void CBaseEntity::setClassSet( jsval value )
// Get the set that was passed in.
CStr temp = ToPrimitive<CStrW>( value );
CStr entry;
while( true )
long brk_sp = temp.Find( ' ' );
long brk_cm = temp.Find( ',' );
long brk = ( brk_sp == -1 ) ? brk_cm : ( brk_cm == -1 ) ? brk_sp : ( brk_sp < brk_cm ) ? brk_sp : brk_cm;
if( brk == -1 )
entry = temp;
entry = temp.GetSubstring( 0, brk );
temp = temp.GetSubstring( brk + 1, temp.Length() );
if( brk != 0 )
if( entry[0] == '-' )
entry = entry.GetSubstring( 1, entry.Length() );
if( entry.Length() )
m_classes.m_Removed.push_back( entry );
if( entry[0] == '+' )
entry = entry.GetSubstring( 1, entry.Length() );
if( entry.Length() )
m_classes.m_Added.push_back( entry );
if( brk == -1 ) break;
void CBaseEntity::rebuildClassSet()
InheritorsList::iterator it;
for( it = m_Inheritors.begin(); it != m_Inheritors.end(); it++ )
bool CBaseEntity::loadXML( CStr filename )
CXeromyces XeroFile;
if (XeroFile.Load(filename) != PSRETURN_OK)
// Fail
return false;
// Define all the elements and attributes used in the XML file
#define EL(x) int el_##x = XeroFile.getElementID(#x)
#define AT(x) int at_##x = XeroFile.getAttributeID(#x)
// Only the ones we can't load using normal methods.
#undef AT
#undef EL
XMBElement Root = XeroFile.getRoot();
if( Root.getNodeName() != el_entity )
LOG( ERROR, LOG_CATEGORY, "CBaseEntity::LoadXML: XML root was not \"Entity\" in file %s. Load failed.", filename.c_str() );
return( false );
XMBElementList RootChildren = Root.getChildNodes();
m_Tag = CStr(filename).AfterLast("/").BeforeLast(".xml");
m_Base_Name = Root.getAttributes().getNamedItem( at_parent );
for (int i = 0; i < RootChildren.Count; ++i)
XMBElement Child = RootChildren.item(i);
int ChildName = Child.getNodeName();
if( ChildName == el_script )
CStr Include = Child.getAttributes().getNamedItem( at_file );
// TODO: Probably try and determine if this file has already been loaded, and skip it.
if( Include.Length() )
CStr Inline = Child.getText();
if( Inline.Length() )
g_ScriptingHost.RunMemScript(Inline.c_str(), Inline.Length(), filename.c_str(), Child.getLineNumber());
else if (ChildName == el_footprint)
if( Child.getAttributes().getNamedItem( at_radius ).length() )
// Specifying a circular footprint
if( !m_bound_circle )
m_bound_circle = new CBoundingCircle();
CStrW radius (Child.getAttributes().getNamedItem(at_radius));
CStrW height (Child.getAttributes().getNamedItem(at_height));
m_bound_circle->setRadius( radius.ToFloat() );
m_bound_circle->setHeight( height.ToFloat() );
m_bound_type = CBoundingObject::BOUND_CIRCLE;
if( !m_bound_box )
m_bound_box = new CBoundingBox();
CStrW width (Child.getAttributes().getNamedItem(at_width));
CStrW depth (Child.getAttributes().getNamedItem(at_depth));
CStrW height (Child.getAttributes().getNamedItem(at_height));
m_bound_box->setDimensions( width.ToFloat(), depth.ToFloat() );
m_bound_box->setHeight( height.ToFloat() );
m_bound_type = CBoundingObject::BOUND_OABB;
else if( ChildName == el_event )
// Action...On for consistency with the GUI.
CStrW EventName = L"on" + (CStrW)Child.getAttributes().getNamedItem( at_on );
CStrW Code (Child.getText());
utf16string ExternalFunction = Child.getAttributes().getNamedItem( at_function );
// Does a property with this name already exist?
for( uint eventID = 0; eventID < EVENT_LAST; eventID++ )
if( CStrW( EventNames[eventID] ) == EventName )
if( ExternalFunction != utf16string() )
jsval fnval;
JSBool ret = JS_GetUCProperty( g_ScriptingHost.GetContext(), g_ScriptingHost.GetGlobalObject(), ExternalFunction.c_str(), ExternalFunction.size(), &fnval );
debug_assert( ret );
JSFunction* fn = JS_ValueToFunction( g_ScriptingHost.GetContext(), fnval );
if( !fn )
LOG( ERROR, LOG_CATEGORY, "CBaseEntity::LoadXML: Function does not exist for event %hs in file %s. Load failed.", EventName.c_str(), filename.c_str() );
m_EventHandlers[eventID].SetFunction( fn );
m_EventHandlers[eventID].Compile( CStrW( filename ) + L"::" + EventName + L" (" + CStrW( Child.getLineNumber() ) + L")", Code );
HasProperty( EventName )->m_Inherited = false;
XMLLoadProperty( XeroFile, Child, CStrW() );
return true;
void CBaseEntity::XMLLoadProperty( const CXeromyces& XeroFile, const XMBElement& Source, CStrW BasePropertyName )
// Add a property, put the node text into it.
CStrW PropertyName = BasePropertyName + CStr8( XeroFile.getElementString( Source.getNodeName() ) );
IJSComplexProperty* Existing = HasProperty( PropertyName );
if( Existing )
if( !Existing->m_Intrinsic )
LOG( WARNING, LOG_CATEGORY, "CBaseEntity::XMLAddProperty: %s already defined for %s. Property trees will be merged.", PropertyName.c_str(), m_Tag.c_str() );
Existing->Set( this, JSParseString( Source.getText() ) );
Existing->m_Inherited = false;
if( !Source.getText().length() )
// Arbitrarily say that if a node has no other value, define it to be 'true'.
// Appears to be the most convenient thing to do in most circumstances.
AddProperty( PropertyName, JSVAL_TRUE );
AddProperty( PropertyName, Source.getText() );
PropertyName += CStrW( L"." );
// Retrieve any attributes it has and add them as subproperties.
XMBAttributeList AttributeSet = Source.getAttributes();
for( unsigned int AttributeID = 0; AttributeID < (unsigned int)AttributeSet.Count; AttributeID++ )
XMBAttribute Attribute = AttributeSet.item( AttributeID );
CStrW AttributeName = PropertyName + CStr8( XeroFile.getAttributeString( Attribute.Name ) );
Existing = HasProperty( AttributeName );
if( Existing )
Existing->Set( this, JSParseString( Attribute.Value ) );
Existing->m_Inherited = false;
AddProperty( AttributeName, Attribute.Value );
// Retrieve any child nodes the property has and, similarly, add them as subproperties.
XMBElementList NodeSet = Source.getChildNodes();
for( unsigned int NodeID = 0; NodeID < (unsigned int)NodeSet.Count; NodeID++ )
XMBElement Node = NodeSet.item( NodeID );
XMLLoadProperty( XeroFile, Node, PropertyName );
Scripting Interface
// Scripting initialization
void CBaseEntity::ScriptingInit()
AddMethod<jsval, &CBaseEntity::ToString>( "toString", 0 );
AddClassProperty( L"traits.id.classes", (GetFn)&CBaseEntity::getClassSet, (SetFn)&CBaseEntity::setClassSet );
CJSComplex<CBaseEntity>::ScriptingInit( "EntityTemplate" );
// Script-bound functions
JSObject* CBaseEntity::GetScriptExecContext( IEventTarget* target )
return( target->GetScriptExecContext( target ) );
jsval CBaseEntity::ToString( JSContext* cx, uintN UNUSED(argc), jsval* UNUSED(argv) )
wchar_t buffer[256];
swprintf( buffer, 256, L"[object EntityTemplate: %ls]", m_Tag.c_str() );
buffer[255] = 0;
utf16string str16(buffer, buffer+wcslen(buffer));
return( STRING_TO_JSVAL( JS_NewUCStringCopyZ( cx, str16.c_str() ) ) );